Visitor Guide
Ok so your joining R.O.S.E!
I'm going to assume you have downloaded the game and installed without a hitch!
So lets get you creating your adventure in rose!
You need to start off by creating your character, you can choose from different hairstyles, faces and choose your gender.
Once you have choose you also need to pick a name for yourself! So make sure its something that you like because otherwise you will be paying for a name change later
Your Visitor will enter the new world.
You will start of in adventure plains and once in there you will get help from the pop ups that provide information on how to use certain aspects of the game play.
If your like me and just skip most of them here is a list of the important ones you will need to use:
Starter Info
Rose Keyboard functions
Basic Ones you will need to know:
Alt + A - Stat Screen will Appear
Alt + S - Skill Tree will Appear
Alt + Q - Quest Box will Appear
Alt + N - Clan Box will Appear
Alt + I - Inventory will Appear
Alt + O - Options will Appear
Alt + X - Gives Option to Log out or End Game
Starting Place:
You will start of in Adventure Plains, If you talk to aruaâ??s fairy she will tell you everything you need to know about stat points, battling, leveling, vending and more. She will also give you a few little starter quests to get you started.
To Shout all you need to do is put an exclamation mark at the beginning of the thing you want to shout, for example: !Buying Limpid Skin 1k Each Whisper me
To whisper someone simply put â?? then there name and type what you want to say so for example:
â??stealthlybis im so great hehe
Clan Chat:
Once invited into a clan you can talk to clan mates by putting a @ first then typing what you want to say so for example:
@Hey guys
Alliance Chat:
At the moment alliance chat is disabled but what this chat does is allows you to speak to members of your faction in Union Wars without the enemy seeing what your saying. Simply just put ~ then type what you want to say so for example:
~Guys there heading east!
You can invite people to join into a party. You can find the partying skill in your common skills.
The benefits of partying are that you can kill monsters faster and you also get more EXP for been in a party. The longer you and your team mates kill in a party the bigger your party level grows(max50). The higher you Party level the more EXP you and your party will gain.
Requirements must be that everyone in your party must be with 10 levels of each other so for example if you are level 45 you can only party people level 35-55 to still gain EXP. However if someone in you party is level 35 and someone is level 55 then they wonâ??t gain EXP from each others kills because they are out of the level range.
After your long days of farming you need to get rid of your junk somehow In your common skills you have a skill called vending, this opens up a shop which you can place 30 items into sell. You also have a buy tab if you want to add things in there. If you already have the item you want to buy you can simply just drag it in there. If you donâ??t but you see it in someoneâ??s shop you can still put it into your buy list by pressing ctrl + left click.
Another skill you have in your common skills is a trading skill, if you are wanting to trade someone because you are buying something or they are simply giving you something then click the character and use the trade skill. Drag the items you want to trade or wait for the other people to do so if they are giving you something, press OK and then Confirm.
Skill Bars:
On your screens you will see 2 bars most likely at the bottom of your screen. You can turn these, move them around to where you want. One is used for f1-f8 and the other is used for either ctrl or alt + f1-f8.
You can put your skills onto the bars, HP/MP food and even equips if you want to.
From time to time you will notice that your hp and mp may become low, instead of sitting and waiting for them to heal you can use food to heal it faster. You can buy HP/MP food from certain NPC at a cost, or there maybe vends around selling discounted food.
Sitting is another skill you have in your common skills which helps restore mp and hp faster while sat down.
Thatâ??s all the basics!
Now go out there and kick some jelly bean butt!
Handy Tips
*Remember to get as many quests as you can, its really a good idea to do these quests and you will need the Zulies and the EXP when starting out.
*Make sure you pick up all the drops! You will find the looking in vends at the buy tab very useful for making money! With the price of chemicals and catalysts you will be rich in no time!
*You will start out as a visitor, you need to be level 10 to change into a new job
*You will gain stat points every level, if you need help on what each stat does just read the list below:
*At level 5 don't forget to get your identification papers from one of the NPC in Adventure plains(forgot what he is called ). You will need these to change your job!
Str: Increases Attack power with melee weapons, also increase HP and Defense
Int: Increases Attack power of Magic weapons, also increase MP and Magic Defense
Con: Increases Attack power of Gun/ Launchers, also increases Accuracy and Crafting Success
Dex: Increases Attack power on Hawker weapons, slightly increase on Guns, also increases Dodge rate
Sen: Slightly increases attack power on some weapons and increases your chance to crit
Cha: Increases your chance with obtaining items for quests faster (Don't raise)
Just work your self from adventure plains - valley of luxeum tower - Zant. Once you reach Zant you should be level 10 and that's where you need to get your first job change.
*Remember there are 4 classes:
If you want to learn further on this classes look at the website or class guides on the forums.
Enjoy playing R.O.S.E!
Forum User's input!
Here are some things that also could help you that i missed out!
Awesome guide!
Other useful shortcuts:
Ctrl - shows the name of drops
ctrl + alt = drop item names are locked on
i wish there was a shortcut to highlight monster names. did there used to be one back in beta days? i remember something like it, but its been so long, i prolly made it up.
Few things worth mentioning...
TAB - Toggle Run/Walk
F9 - F12 (Hot Key Sets)
1-4 (Same Hot Key Sets)
F1 to F8 (Skill Commands)
NPC @ Adventure Plains for Identification Papers is Miriard, he is located on the dock with the boat on the center of the circle dock.
Partying is a 19 level difference...
Where as a lvl 30 can party with a lvl 49 and still even share experience... You mentioned that slightly, but not in the same manner.
ALT + M = Map
ALT + L = Enlarge / Shrink Map
ALT + C = Friends / Community
ALT + V = Secondary Method to Open Inventory
Also, note: Under Options, If you are using "Enter Mode" for chat, this allows you to not type letters when chat is not active, thus alt keys are not necessary to open menus, only when you are in "Chat Mode" the cursor is "Active" do you need the alt keys...
You can drag the map when you are stopped with the left mouse button to scroll around it...
You CAN be overweight... After certain %'s you can walk and cast skills / attack, after 90% you cannot do anything but walk slowly...
Sorry, just thought it was a useful guide, wanted it to be as in depth as could be lol
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NPC Text Fix!
Edited by Lybis, 05 August 2010 - 07:04 AM.