We finally have something to talk about to bring a little life to this dead sub-forum.
A few of us have seen the live stream with Njoror showcasing the Master forms for the various classes. If you used pause or had fast eyes you could easily take note of which skills will benefit from the Max level Monk
I'm not sure about you guys but I had a mixed reaction when I saw this, mainly because only Guillotine Fist has good level scaling. Let's go over these one by one.
Level 10 Raging Blow
This is good since we don't have many offensive skills and this one is our bread and butter. A shame that Heavy tackle will not get any increase in power. Before we got 2% bonus damage per level starting at 17%. If scaling remains the same we get 35% over 25%. Not much at all IMO. If the base is increased (let's go with double for simplicity sake) then we get 44% (17%*2 + 10%) which is pretty good. Either way we have to wait and see.
Level 10 Crushing Blow
Not to happy about this. We only use this skill to generate 2 spheres and the base damage and scaling are terrible. only 21% at rank 5? 8 second cooldown? They really need to rework this skill to make it worth maxing.
Level 10 Throw Spirit Sphere
This one is kinda iffy. It only scales with damage per level and does not increase the bonus damage monks give per level so it's a one point wonder. The scaling on this is the same as every other damage skill barring GF 2% per level. It has the highest base though so it will end up doing more damage than all other skills aside from Lightning Crush. A rework would make this attractive but excess points might make their way to this skill for me.
Level 10 Guillotine Fist
What needs to be said about this? I hope to god the master scaling just doubles the total damage making it 240% of our 30% boosted ATK.
Level 6 Lightning Crush
I scoffed when seeing this since Monks have poor add control. In terms of damage this best skill to max after Raging Blow and Guillotine, especially since it applies to 3 targets. Still it takes away from overall dps since it does not generate spirit. It would be useful in colo though for killing low hp fleeing targets.
All in all 2 skills to get hype over and a pretty cool looking form, but the fact that as a tank class none of our tank skills got buffed and we have crappy scaling on gear. I am quite dissapointed by the poor choice of skills to improve. GIving us the ability to make Fury 10/10 would skyrocket our DPS more than anything but I suppose it's too much to expect really good buffs for Monks.