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#76 Clogon


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Posted 07 May 2011 - 01:42 AM

Welcome to the thread of the 2nd most unpopular class in this sub forum. I wonder why those pretty Wanderers are less popular than us. ='( Reading the following topic will help you greatly.

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#77 Lucentos


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Posted 07 May 2011 - 01:07 PM

IMHO ABolt should have at least +50% more damage vs targets and ensure OHKO vs low to medium maxHP classes when they`re immobilised by Snares or WBite. Fear Breeze should provide small fixed ASPD boost(+1 ASPD at Lvls 3 and 4 and +2 ASPD at Lvl 5). Magic element changing traps should work on Players as well to allow Ranger to be at least partially supportive to parties.
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#78 wotmint


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Posted 07 May 2011 - 03:19 PM

Fear breeze should proc more, 20% @ lvl 5
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#79 Ouzo


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Posted 23 May 2011 - 08:22 AM

Biggest help to rangers at this point, will be the patch that recently came to kRO. The one containing elven arrows as well as the skill balance + armor sets. But I think There should be some added bonus to having a ranger in your party. In PvP our traps do damage to our teammates, which should not happen, not ONE class has friendly fire but for some reason ours does. Windwalker only gives 5 flee, make it something more worth while, we still have nothing to offer a party, and adding something to that skill, maybe some AGI or something to make it some what worth while.
Anyway, the worst part really is our traps hitting our teammates. In WoE we can't even AoE on top of the melee because we will hit OUR melee. Bows are useless at this point, especially in PvP so we do rely on the traps to do damage and hopefully survive with.
Also the fact that traps can be shield reflected, is beyond me. The logical thinking that you can reflect something blowing up under your feet is crazy in itself, but every high level monster that shield reflects can destroy us, it is really something that should be changed. Not to mention ghosts are immune to FIRE TRAP, says fire in the title, but ghosts don't care because of the physical and fire component? Cmon now, we have one skill type used for damage but are limited because things are ghosts, shield reflect, and because we blow our team up in PvP. Change SOMETHING in this aspect, not all classes should be able to do all things, but all classes are pretty close to it except rangers. Consider some sort of changes here, especially since bows are obsolete at this point.
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#80 Mefistofeles


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Posted 27 June 2011 - 05:17 PM

Biggest help to rangers at this point, will be the patch that recently came to kRO. The one containing elven arrows as well as the skill balance + armor sets. But I think There should be some added bonus to having a ranger in your party. In PvP our traps do damage to our teammates, which should not happen, not ONE class has friendly fire but for some reason ours does. Windwalker only gives 5 flee, make it something more worth while, we still have nothing to offer a party, and adding something to that skill, maybe some AGI or something to make it some what worth while.
Anyway, the worst part really is our traps hitting our teammates. In WoE we can't even AoE on top of the melee because we will hit OUR melee. Bows are useless at this point, especially in PvP so we do rely on the traps to do damage and hopefully survive with.
Also the fact that traps can be shield reflected, is beyond me. The logical thinking that you can reflect something blowing up under your feet is crazy in itself, but every high level monster that shield reflects can destroy us, it is really something that should be changed. Not to mention ghosts are immune to FIRE TRAP, says fire in the title, but ghosts don't care because of the physical and fire component? Cmon now, we have one skill type used for damage but are limited because things are ghosts, shield reflect, and because we blow our team up in PvP. Change SOMETHING in this aspect, not all classes should be able to do all things, but all classes are pretty close to it except rangers. Consider some sort of changes here, especially since bows are obsolete at this point.

traps shouldn be put under enemies feet(already fixed in KRO)(also its stupid put a trap from long range.....) fire and freeze trap have their own properties-fire and water- damages from warg with new proper gears and adjustments are like 500% more damage, enabling the ranger a new build THE WARG OF LUCK, based on critical atacks like the falcon, and reflect.......... whats the point of trans and get thirdclass? if every 1 wana nerf a skill that needs to take several damage and be REALLY NEAR, with warg bite reflect shouldnt be a problem, LAND MINE ITS EARTH and hits hard on ghosts
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#81 LordVader


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Posted 29 June 2011 - 12:09 AM

traps shouldn be put under enemies feet(already fixed in KRO)(also its stupid put a trap from long range.....) fire and freeze trap have their own properties-fire and water- damages from warg with new proper gears and adjustments are like 500% more damage, enabling the ranger a new build THE WARG OF LUCK, based on critical atacks like the falcon, and reflect.......... whats the point of trans and get thirdclass? if every 1 wana nerf a skill that needs to take several damage and be REALLY NEAR, with warg bite reflect shouldnt be a problem, LAND MINE ITS EARTH and hits hard on ghosts

Sooo many things wrong with this post I hardly know where to start.

1. Traps under feet- Fire and Ice Trap are the only traps that can be placed directly under monsters/chars. However, only ONE of these traps can be active at a time. This tremendously limits the usage of the trap. If not able to be placed directly under someone they would have to remove the 1 trap at a time limitation. Otherwise noone would ever walk onto the trap. Put down 1 trap and watch everyone walk around it and laugh. The DPS of placing a trap next to someone then having to detonate it then place again and repeat would be a joke. The damage would be so poor that anyone could pot it with red pots.

2. Fire and Ice trap element- I assume you mean Ice trap when you say freeze trap (but freeze trap is actually a different trap). Currently, neither of these traps have an element other than neutral. They are both fixed neutral damage. Maybe that get's changed in the future but for now, it is always neutral.

3. Random jibberish about ranger build- /swt None of that really made sense to me. If you are referring to new ranger gears that will be super rare and expensive, that is a poor solution to a build being useless.

4. Reflecting trap damage- There are TWO reflect skills for RG. Reflect Damage and Shield Reflect. Reflect Damage is not the issue b/c it is easy to stand outside of the range of it. Shield Reflect ignores range and returns damage to the damage dealer. Shield Reflect is the skill people are complaining about. NOT REFLECT DAMAGE. Reflect damage is the RG 3rd class skill.

5. Land mine to kill ghost monsters- Landmine can be used to kill ghost monsters. However, the aoe of landmine is very small 3x3. You cannot place a trap and detonate it on the monster you are tanking with landmine. The monster would have to be lead over the trap in order to get it to activate. Also landmine is a single target trap, making is borderline useless in a mob focused renewal. Claymore trap would be the better option, but consumes 2 traps instead of 1. Blastmine would work aswell.

Now onto things I have learned and noticed playing ranger full time.

1. Experience loss using fire trap. Fire trap has a high chance (90%) to inflict the burning status. Burning status causes set damage based on HP of target. This is good and bad. Good b/c it does decent damage for a status effect. Bad b/c it can kill monsters and prevent the ranger from getting kills towards quest goals. Also the HP damage done from burning status reduces the total xp gained from the monster killed. Ice trap would be a great alternative to avoid this obvious xp loss and kill robbing but the delay placed on ice trap makes it severely less spammable as fire trap. Either find a way to fix the burning status issues to a) not diminish xp value awarded to player and :dunno: rob kill counts or simply remove the delay on ice trap. Seems removing the delay on Ice Trap would be the better option and also allowing diversity int he class and synergy to work well with other classes (warlocks).

2. Usage of skills while riding the warg. While this is somewhat justified, the limitations are too severe. I can understand the blocking of attack skills while on a warg but blocking of self buff skills is overkill. Falcon Eyes, Improved Concentration, and Wind Walker are valuable self buffs that rangers use daily. The warg restriction just makes for an unnecessary hassle that interrupts the playstyle of rangers. Also, marriage skills should not be blocked while on a warg.

3. Trap damage in woe. It goes without saying that Ranger Traps are a tremendous hassle in woe on both sides of the fence, but not in a good way. Initially, hunter traps worked friendly with guild mates and allies being able to traverse them w/o harm but some arse decided the game was too balanced that way and broke them to attack friendlies. Well that wasn't so big of a problem considering bows were the mainstay for the class. Now with 3rd classes, bow is nonexistent. Traps are everything. Also, WOE 2.0 never existed when the trap modification were made. There were no traps that could be placed under other objects like barricades and stones. Rangers are totally helpless when someone is attacking their stones/barricades due to the fact that they will destroy their own stones/cades before having a shot at killing the target. If this was a game of tag then the stones and cades would be the safe base when dealing with a ranger. Rangers are forced into trapping but then stripped of being able to trap at the same time so outside of warg bit, keen nose, and few ankle snares here and there not much they can do to assist. Remove friendly fire from traps and put rangers back into the woe environment.
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#82 Mefistofeles


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Posted 29 June 2011 - 05:17 PM

yes i said that in the next updates, fire trap gona get fire element and ice trap gona get water element... as far as i know, i just look at dodler traslations etc... also the traps under feets its in the updates, in personal opinion i think that traps used in long range its stupid... they should be 1 or 2 cells fron the foe
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#83 LordVader


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Posted 30 June 2011 - 10:17 AM

yes i said that in the next updates, fire trap gona get fire element and ice trap gona get water element... as far as i know, i just look at dodler traslations etc... also the traps under feets its in the updates, in personal opinion i think that traps used in long range its stupid... they should be 1 or 2 cells fron the foe

Hunter/sniper/ranger class is SUPPOSED to be a ranged killer. They should honestly be able to kill you from a full screen length away. But since the class that was supposed to be built on ranged DPS has the WORST ranged DPS, all they have are traps. Almost every class with an attack skill has longer range than rangers traps, how much sense does that make? Genetics, suras, RG, Sorcs, warlocks, mechanics, RK, wanderer, maestro, GX, SC can all dps at a range better than Ranger. Turning rangers into close combat class is stupid.
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#84 Mefistofeles


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Posted 30 June 2011 - 11:37 AM

Hunter/sniper/ranger class is SUPPOSED to be a ranged killer. They should honestly be able to kill you from a full screen length away. But since the class that was supposed to be built on ranged DPS has the WORST ranged DPS, all they have are traps. Almost every class with an attack skill has longer range than rangers traps, how much sense does that make? Genetics, suras, RG, Sorcs, warlocks, mechanics, RK, wanderer, maestro, GX, SC can all dps at a range better than Ranger. Turning rangers into close combat class is stupid.

i was talking about logic... you cant compare a genetic with any other class, snipers where bad in pre-renewal, just working as trapers where good, now a ranger can deal MUCH MORE DAMAGE THAN A SORC... well any class except mechanic can deal more damage than a sorc.
Again in MY PERSONAL COMMON PHYSICH OPINION-PERSONAL- i think that long ranged traps its stupid... they should be granades XD, like a molotov bomb or idk
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#85 rainbowichi


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Posted 29 September 2011 - 11:04 AM

hi! I'm a ranger gearing for a falconer/trapper build. YES falconer.... Not much liking wargs. Yes i've seen them do wonderful damage, but they can't snipe.

Things I didn't like as ranger:

-having a falcon at level 100 job 1 and my falcon doing NO damage at all at auto-blitz. Seems like the Falconry system was doomed soon as I changed jobs because it thinks I'm job 1 when it comes to falcons. For crying out loud, I worked hard with my falcon till job 70 as sniper, could i at least keep its damage capabilities? I'm job 33 now and all my falcon does is level 3 auto blitz beat =_= its soo frustrating.

- can't the falcon look any cooler? or can I at least keep the Sniper falcon sprite instead?? but yeah, i kinda see the point of it contraticting if the 3rd class came from hunter to ranger instead of sniper to ranger....

-can't deal as much damage with arrows then with traps. Yes, I know I have fire trap now, finally. Things are way easier now, but I can't really spam Fire trap now, in fear of damaging friendlies during WoE. I can't even KO anyone or at least deal 50% damage with anything my bow skills could afford (Double Strafe, Arrow Shower, that Eye skill that give +5 to all stat temp, Arrow Storm, Fear Breeze) before being 1-shotted. I feel so....weak and useless :|

Edited by rainbowichi, 29 September 2011 - 11:04 AM.

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#86 Mefistofeles


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Posted 29 September 2011 - 11:20 AM

hi! I'm a ranger gearing for a falconer/trapper build. YES falconer.... Not much liking wargs. Yes i've seen them do wonderful damage, but they can't snipe.

Things I didn't like as ranger:

-having a falcon at level 100 job 1 and my falcon doing NO damage at all at auto-blitz. Seems like the Falconry system was doomed soon as I changed jobs because it thinks I'm job 1 when it comes to falcons. For crying out loud, I worked hard with my falcon till job 70 as sniper, could i at least keep its damage capabilities? I'm job 33 now and all my falcon does is level 3 auto blitz beat =_= its soo frustrating.

- can't the falcon look any cooler? or can I at least keep the Sniper falcon sprite instead?? but yeah, i kinda see the point of it contraticting if the 3rd class came from hunter to ranger instead of sniper to ranger....

-can't deal as much damage with arrows then with traps. Yes, I know I have fire trap now, finally. Things are way easier now, but I can't really spam Fire trap now, in fear of damaging friendlies during WoE. I can't even KO anyone or at least deal 50% damage with anything my bow skills could afford (Double Strafe, Arrow Shower, that Eye skill that give +5 to all stat temp, Arrow Storm, Fear Breeze) before being 1-shotted. I feel so....weak and useless :|

KRO HQ "the developers" dont care about this, they are just making more Kawaii things for their beloved elite classes, dont believe me? check the HOMUNCULUS S UPDATE >_______>
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#87 geniewinie


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Posted 30 September 2011 - 03:55 AM

hi! I'm a ranger gearing for a falconer/trapper build. YES falconer.... Not much liking wargs. Yes i've seen them do wonderful damage, but they can't snipe.

Things I didn't like as ranger:

-having a falcon at level 100 job 1 and my falcon doing NO damage at all at auto-blitz. Seems like the Falconry system was doomed soon as I changed jobs because it thinks I'm job 1 when it comes to falcons. For crying out loud, I worked hard with my falcon till job 70 as sniper, could i at least keep its damage capabilities? I'm job 33 now and all my falcon does is level 3 auto blitz beat =_= its soo frustrating.

- can't the falcon look any cooler? or can I at least keep the Sniper falcon sprite instead?? but yeah, i kinda see the point of it contraticting if the 3rd class came from hunter to ranger instead of sniper to ranger....

-can't deal as much damage with arrows then with traps. Yes, I know I have fire trap now, finally. Things are way easier now, but I can't really spam Fire trap now, in fear of damaging friendlies during WoE. I can't even KO anyone or at least deal 50% damage with anything my bow skills could afford (Double Strafe, Arrow Shower, that Eye skill that give +5 to all stat temp, Arrow Storm, Fear Breeze) before being 1-shotted. I feel so....weak and useless :|

ranger's are nerfed currently. 3rd class bow skills only deals 1/4 of intended damage and don't stick to the DS and AS bcoz they will never get anymore buffs due to their skill class which is intended for hunters not for rangers. a 150 ranger w/ proper gear in woe doesn't get 1-shotted most of the time only gfist kills us OHKO. how do i kno? im a ranger my self.
also another thing ->> don't rely on your falcon, ur facon's damage are far weaker than ur warg & will never get any falcon buff due to its skill class, which is intended for hunters and snipers. warg have 10x better damage & auto-wargstrike a lot more than falcon. believe me, you can kill some1 w/ just ur dog. right now, just relax and wait for buffs and balance patches.
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#88 Pres


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Posted 30 September 2011 - 11:44 PM

Rangers are forgotten, ignored, and remains one of the weakest classes in the game. Why? We have ranged reduction (which nullifies a large part of our damage) and forced neutral via warg. 193 ASPD is hard to reach, and for those like me that reached it, we have to sacrifice defense in order to maximize AGI and ASPD. As a result, we're extremely squishy and often get one-shotted by even clashing spiral. Even with my damage maximized, some people can easily outpot my damage.

Why is there ranged reduction that penalizes against Rangers?
Why aren't there more items geared towards Rangers to help us get ASPD more easily?
Why has it been geared more towards Suras and other classes while Rangers are largely ignored?
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#89 Mefistofeles


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Posted 01 October 2011 - 09:15 AM

Rangers are forgotten, ignored, and remains one of the weakest classes in the game. Why? We have ranged reduction (which nullifies a large part of our damage) and forced neutral via warg. 193 ASPD is hard to reach, and for those like me that reached it, we have to sacrifice defense in order to maximize AGI and ASPD. As a result, we're extremely squishy and often get one-shotted by even clashing spiral. Even with my damage maximized, some people can easily outpot my damage.

Why is there ranged reduction that penalizes against Rangers?
Why aren't there more items geared towards Rangers to help us get ASPD more easily?
Why has it been geared more towards Suras and other classes while Rangers are largely ignored?

my same answer:
"KRO HQ "the developers" dont care about this, they are just making more Kawaii things for their beloved elite classes, dont believe me? check the HOMUNCULUS S UPDATE >_______>"
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#90 geniewinie


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 01:05 PM

they should at least give our auto-warg strike the "ignore def & mdef" thing since it requires no obstacles like falcon.
also, make aimbolt does multiple atk WITHOUT the requirement of immobilized target. Posted Image
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#91 Mefistofeles


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 06:43 PM

warg bite, vacum extreme, anckle snare, and those things that disables enemie movement, should DISABLE the use of Snap, Back slide, flyng kick etc.... or at least DISABLE FROM WOE THOSE SKILLS
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#92 Pres


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 10:17 PM

warg bite, vacum extreme, anckle snare, and those things that disables enemie movement, should DISABLE the use of Snap, Back slide, flyng kick etc.... or at least DISABLE FROM WOE THOSE SKILLS

I would copy-and-paste your "answer" in response to this, but too lazy at the moment.
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#93 slwl1


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Posted 21 November 2011 - 02:13 AM

Yea I suggest buffi warg bite in order for them to be usefull in woeee pls like once they are bitten they cannot use snap or backslideee DMV buff is not what I m after I dun mind doing -_-ty dmg to them but locking them down make us look useful in woe. If we want to kill we would instead play sura GFISTTttt
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