The definition of Galajuan is a formation of two or more entities to form something new.
As the name suggests, Galajuan is a guild that is built on the basis of the bonds among its members.
This complements our belief that no success is a single man effort, but the culmination of efforts by many.
If you are Filipino though, you would know the secret behind our Guild Name. Just say it 3 times and you'll definitely know.
The guild seeks to forge an environment where players look forward to come together,
bonding with one another to embark on new adventures, enjoying the game
and most importantly, achieve much more than anyone can ever do alone
Be among the best in Odin.
To harness the power of team-play and achieve greater heights in the game, be it for the guild or its members.
To excel, be it individually or as a team
To be a guild where everyone can have fun without losing sight of the guild's goal.
What we have to offer?
Strength - We are strong, oh yes. (what a troll)
Attending WoE is a must in our guild.
Assistance - We will render the necessary assistance to aid your growth, after all your growth is the growth of the guild.
Engaging Fun - PVP, Raids, Skype/RaidCall chats and VERY ANNOYING yet AMUSING guildies
Rewarding Endeavours - No effort shall be taken for granted. (and vice-versa)
Capable of playing during WoE Times (Monday 2AM Philippines time/Friday 8 AM Philippines Time)
Plays on Odin Server
Master Level 20 (or getting there quickly)
Understand the concept of Guild above Self
Must be a team player
Commits at least 25 hours of playtime per week
You must consider yourself to be one of the BEST players on the server, even if its lying to yourself. We want to see the CONFIDENCE.
How to apply?
Current Level:
Why do you want to be part of us?
You may message in game
SarahAlex / AngeloMark / Jhunex / Cheezeburjer / Mishan / Recycle
for invitations to the guild.
Note that we take every applicant seriously, so only apply if you really think
that this is the guild for you.
Lastly, we hope to welcome you into our family soon!
Edited by xAngeloKram, 05 December 2015 - 10:48 PM.