Can i join? Haha! miss this game and this guild, whats up Clinkz?

Posted 15 April 2014 - 03:50 PM
Cit : Dekko
Now that the Extension has all the GuildSkills max, is it time to lvl the guild.
so if u wanna help lvl the extension to lvl 23 or even higher and wanna have a nice reward for it!! that its now the time to join this event!!!
1st Price: 1.500 KP
2nd Price: 1.000 KP
3rd Price: 500 KP
4th or lower: Easter Bunny Box (if u have 1 mil exp donated)
*If the guild hits lvl 30 i will double the rewards
Get 20.000.000 EXP donated and get the LCM title for free!!.
for ppl who already have the LCM title wil get á Premium Mount Box
Event will start this friday 18 april 2014 and will end on monday 28 april 2014.
17 april around 09:00 server time i will set up the event in the guild.
when u get the guild title: ExpMadness u can start grinding for EXP
Don't forget to put a number at the EXP Donation.
How to enter:
Whisper Dekko or iDekko or me Clinkz in game, Than i will set u in the list.
p.s.: if u have some friends that also wanna join, there free to join!
Hope to see u all joining this little event!
Edited by saoLian, 15 April 2014 - 03:51 PM.
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