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Wizard Feedback: Balance

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#1 Njoror


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Posted 07 March 2014 - 10:11 AM



This topic will be used to collect Wizard Balance issues.


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#2 WyuRi


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 01:47 AM

Character Name: Wyu

Balance Type: Stats

Skill (If Applicable): Not skill related

Balance Description: Wizards have terrible hitrate.

Compared to the other caster class the sorcerer, at least sorcs can heal themselves even if they cannot kill.

Wizards cannot heal properly even with water emblem seal explosion, the only way to win in PVP is to try and land hits and kill the opponent as quickly as possible.

I'm not asking for imbalanced near perfect hit like that of a ranger, but a full agi (hitrate) wiz should at least hit 7/10 times is all I'm asking for.

The video below hows hit is 4/10 times whereas in actual combat it is even worse.


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Video link below


Edited by 8440130506044419863, 12 March 2014 - 01:48 AM.

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#3 AyaneYuuko


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 10:12 AM

This also leads to another issue we have to build into agi just to get the hit our gear doesnt give us which then results in us losing points we could put into int thus making us slightly weaker in that regard. Sorcs are the same way they just have the ability to heal and survive. With honing be in we can hone in some hit rate but I feel that there is other stats we should put in however we cant.

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#4 WyuRi


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 04:42 AM



Yea... wiz are more challenging to use.

But are actually quite capable of winning other classes still... makes the win more awesome.


Btw, Natia and myself would like to put in a report for this week(homework T_T) for wizzies, if anyone has any feedback, please post here or send a PM. Whichever prefered k?


Reports will be sent on weekly basis, so dun need to wreck your brains to come up with everything at the start~

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#5 VoxStellarum


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 04:28 AM

Character Name: VoxStellarum

Balance Type: Skills

Skill (If Applicable): Flame explosion

Balance Description: needs improvement

This could be wizard's ultimate skill yet most wizard's leave them to level 1 due to certain reasons. 1.) Pyromaniac points requirement. Assuming an average of 10 pyro points per fireball/bolt hits, it requires 10 hits to fill the gauge. Considering the current hit rate, it has almost become impossible to complete specially in colo. 2.) It is pretty much useless without fire emblem+blast combo, which has a 120 second base cooldown period. Without fire emblem+blast, at level 10 it is only a bit better than 2 fireballs. 3.) Stun still doesnt seem to work (need to test this yet again). It works now

Edited by 9220131202022301403, 12 April 2014 - 11:22 PM.

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#6 479130513005951337


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:50 AM

Hello, please tell me what the stats are now swing?

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#7 WyuRi


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 06:40 AM

Character Name: Wyu

Balance Type: Skill Activation

Skill (If Applicable): Flame Explosion

Balance Description: Flame Explosion is too difficult to charge, this issue is more prominent when used against other players.


In the video below, It took me 25 shots to charge up for Flame Explosion.

Even if just considering the shots that hit, it takes 11 hits (probably not worse case yet) to fill the bar.

The small chance of instant cast combined with the slow charge time just makes it more and more impractical for PVP.


When fully charged, there is a half second cast time for the skill unlike before when it was instant.

In consideration to casting, the former flame explosion's instant cast with longer cast animation has no risk of the cast being cancelled.


This is the only skill that wizards have that stands out in terms of damage.

It needs to be practical for PVP as well as PVE.


Flame Explosion needs reconsideration.


Video/Image Link (If applicable):

Video link below




Edited by 8440130506044419863, 06 April 2014 - 06:41 AM.

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#8 AyaneYuuko


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 05:39 PM

Pyromanic stacks are between 5-15 at random numbers of course so the worst case is itll take 20 hits to charge it and against most classes in this game especially the ones that can catch us and hit us thats about 40-50 hits but again this is worst cast scenario best case is getting 15's which is about 7 hits  or roughly 10-15 cast. Id rather them fix hit and dodge first cause once thats done stacking this wont be hard with all the free procs we get from fireball mastery and fire seal. As far as skills go Id rather they change the haste/cast speed on Pyromanic cause we currently get so much free cast speed through gear plus a lot of instant casting anyways. Most people dont even put points into Pyromanic cause the max isnt really worth it cause at full stacks its 20% off fo the amount of cast speed you have. Id say change it to Magic Damage stacks of course the number has to be pretty low cause giving it to much would make it broken, but at least this way it makes it a worthwhile skill to spec into and gives us some uniqueness from sorcs.\


P.S: Sorry for wall of text wasnt planning on saying much but meh.

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#9 479130513005951337


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 11:19 PM

Hello, please tell me what the stats are now swing? max int?

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#10 lokasenna


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 12:22 AM

Nah I like my crits so I go full AGI, but I might respec once hit/dodge is fixed.

Regarding pyromaniac, I'm waffling between sticking points into it or not, but I really want to make my Fireball cast time go down. How many times does it proc in a normal duel? Is it worth asking these questions now or should I wait til hit/dodge is fixed?
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#11 AyaneYuuko


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 09:41 AM

As far as duels go youll almost never get a full pyromaniac as the damage dealt will most likely kill them before you get a full stack or youll lose the duel either way but in an average duel I get about 4-5 hits in before it ends.

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#12 WyuRi


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Posted 12 April 2014 - 09:18 AM

An idea is to make the wizard's Flame Explosion proc in a way similar to the Monk's Asura Strike and Ranger's True sight


A brief overview the Monk's Asura Strike:

Asura Strike cannot be casted until Fury Explosion state is invoked which itself require a 3 slot bar to be filled.

This is the kind of limiter a Monk has to prevent them from spamming Asura Strikes.... yet not overly painful to the extent that it will rarely activate (Like for Flame Explosion).

The Fury Explosion state will take a minute to cooldown which prevents the monk from spamming more than 2 Asura Strikes (After summon spirit sphere to reset the CD) at a time.


Perhaps for a wizard, this approach can be adopted(instead of 3 slots to fill maybe 5 slots).

Flame Explosion's effectiveness is already limited by Seal Explosion's Cooldown, so it is not already not spammable, the second restriction just makes it overly difficult to activate.


A brief overview the Ranger's True Sight:

Like the Monk's Gather Spirit Sphere and the Ranger's True sight, CD for skills can be resetted and instantly activated.

As such Monks cast their biggest attack right at the start of combat and potentially end it straight away.

Likewise Rangers can Wind Walk which is their most OP boost straight away.


Perhaps for wizards, a combination of Fire Emblem and Seal Explosion can fully charge a Flame Explosion.

And in return fire emblem will be deactivated and no seals can be reactivated for 5s as penalty (if we really have to).




Not  sure if this will help wizes.

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#13 PoisonNova15


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Posted 12 April 2014 - 10:27 PM

Character Name: ArrowNova (Previously PoisonNova)

Balance Type: Skills

Skill (If Applicable): Flame Explosion.

Balance Description: Well, Pyromaniac is really hard to build up. Since it randomly gives 5-15 pyromaniac points for every fire skill used, plus the fact that misses are everywhere. For me if that's the case why not be like warriors, they can use their rage strike at any point that they have gained their stuffs. But gives a certain damage. For example get 50 pyromaniac points you would get this sort of damage. And the highest would be at 100 pyromaniac points. So it would be fair enough for wizards to use their ultimate skill. 


Another thing, its really unfair too that the casting time is 2-3 seconds. Should be lesser than before. Some people usually run from that skill, so the caster has to get near him/her too. But risky if the cast was cancelled. Also the animation is really uncool if I would say it, back then wizards can fly *insert I believe I can fly song*. Plus another thing, wizards can't build up too much Pyro since they die often on Colo, so ya.


This is all I have for now I guess so, for Flame Explosion that is, I wouldn't be on my wizard that much cause I'm waiting for them to get fixed. Anyways thanks. :D

:p_laugh:  :p_love:  :p_omg:  :p_sad:


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#14 PoisonNova15


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Posted 12 April 2014 - 10:41 PM

Character Name: ArrowNova (Previously PoisonNova)

Balance Type: Skills

Skill (If Applicable): Fire Starter

Balance Description: Back in the days, Fire starter was one of the most things that wizards were proud of. Not only because of the damage, but also of the time it stays there. So the last time I saw it, it was at 17% damage of your Magic Attack. But the thing is, a wizard I know with 29,000 magic attack power only damages 310 on me. Which is really bullsh*t. I guess its reasonable that you pumped Fire Ball with a hell lot of damage on time, though really. I might have certain reasons why I disapprove with the pump up of Fire ball.


1.) Fire Ball takes 2 seconds to cast, without the instant cast. So its really like damn annoying.

2.) Fire Ball when missed is really annoying. And it also has a cool down so you can't spam it if you wanted to unlike Fire Starter.


I guess that might be reasonable, and I just hope that it would be fixed. Since this is one skill that I'm waiting for to be fixed up. :D I would have more to post but my hands are damn tired of typing this. -_- Anyways thanks if you guys read this and maybe heard my prayer. ._. Hahaha, really thanks. :D


:p_swt:  :p_swt:  :pif:

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#15 8ReN8


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 02:50 PM

Character Name: 8ren8

Balance Type: Skills

Skill (If Applicable): firestarter, pyromaniac,flame explosion,seal explosion




let start with pyro include somthin like

heal/crit/dmg reduc/dmg inc in % so we have a chance to live in certain situations..


cuz in pvp wise wiz suck and its pointless to play a wiz when r main dps skillz r in magician tree where sorcs can full skill in it, and heal. its pointless to play wizard atm.

every class ive played with so far, wiz is amongst the hardest if not the hardest to play.



fix fireflower, revamp the dmg and allow it to be contagous so if the fireflower player walks thru another player it dots them as well and so on, but then inferno goes out the door =/.



wiz have no viable heal since our heal is only 1 min form seal explo which only heals very slow, only heal we have is thru pots. so lower the cd of this to 30s or even 20s or somthin.


as said before, r aoe is small compared to ranger multi shot, and the cast time for it is longer than any other aoe. for over all aoe, ours just down right sucks.


flame explosion, just takes to long to stack to use it, hard to build up, and pointless compared to other class end skillz since i could do 2-3 of theres by the time wiz does 1. -.-




and the balance in gear as they said... we may gain 300 MATK, but sorcs r almost 1/4th r speed. so in other words after every 4 hits, we do 3.6k more dmg than a sorc, but that xtra speed they hit avg 7-10k, so we lose in dps as well. great balance...


so tell me, in the end who and why would anyone play a wizard anymore.. is out of there mind.


so in the end.. im 1 of the longest wiz ingame... but,

if wizard dont get a huge revamp in skillz this coming patch, im done with this class..


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#16 Suweeka


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 04:22 PM

I wouldn't say Wizards suck at pvp, I personally have little problems beating my warrior/knight friends with rather dirty moves [teleport behind a warrior and immediately nova, making them unable to turn and attack you, while you have 6 seconds to fireball/blitz em to death]. Against Priests/Sorcs/Soulmakers, it really depends on who lands the first fatal move, but a timed ice wall can solve that problem.


But in all honesty, apart from being able to teleport and ice wall I feel like a weaker sorcerer who doesn't have varetyr spear/jupitel thunder. SO I guess being a wizard means trading firepower for utility skills that can help extend survivability and/or escape otherwise lethal situations.


I can't help but agree that wizards do take a bit of learning and tactics to use correctly; once you know it you can be pretty good at pvp. But in most cases we don't really have much of a chance against other opponents on equal grounds, and we don't pose anything that other players don't already have. Our firepower isn't that powerful, our DoTs aren't that powerful. Well hey, there's that 'weaker sorcerer' trait.


In terms of WoEing, wizards' utility skills help a lot in getting out of stinky situations, but most of the time you're stunned and/or getting 1shotted anyway. Hooray broken mechanics!


It's fun to be that ^_^ who just teleports everywhere and spam fireball though



Some tweaking with the wizard skills would be really nice though. Most of my core offensive skills are on the magician tree, all the wizard tree gives me are utility skills.



So unless you're a masochist, wiz is not for you! And even then, you'd probably pick a tanky class to better suit your masochism needs xP

Edited by Suweeka, 11 May 2014 - 11:03 PM.

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#17 lokasenna


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 08:52 PM

it's come to the point where I advise people not to roll wiz. like yeah in pve (lul) I got good dps but a dragonology'd sorc will do more dps, lov does more damage than ms (and ms takes forever to cast), and in pvp flame explosion/fireflower is friggin useless. you kill people with magician skills, something that a sorc has plus heal, as the others said.

good thing we have tele+levitation and frost nova, which is really hilarious when fighting melee. if we could just get something other than increased cast speed for pyromaniac, or make flame explosion castable with lower pyro stacks (damage scales of course), or lower cds for seal explosion, or something that can set us apart.

tl;dr: word.
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#18 Greven79


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 08:04 AM

I wouldn't say Wizards suck at pvp, I personally have little problems beating my warrior/knight friends with rather dirty moves [teleport behind a warrior and immediately nova, making them unable to turn and attack you, while you have 6 seconds to fireball/blitz em to death]. Against Priests/Sorcs/Soulmakers, it really depends on who lands the first fatal move, but a timed ice wall can solve that problem.


Against warriors and knights, you don't have to teleport behind them... you only have to make sure that it's a 'fair' fight, which means that you start at least 25-30m away from each other. That assures that the Warrior has to move before he can aim his Battle Leap, etc. Against Priests, make sure that he didn't have 3 Holy Waters ready to use before the fight. Soulmakers have their "Lazr", an ultimate skill that doesn't need any pyro stacks in advance, butin the end, ALL the typical duels are decided with the first stun, knockdown or freeze.


A wizard can be quite deadly on the WoE map, especially if his Fireballs deals critical damage. Then, even a tank class needs to hit the damage reduction skill fast enough and pot as hell to survive.

Some tweaking with the wizard skills would be really nice though. Most of my core offensive skills are on the magician tree, all the wizard tree gives me are utility skills.
This sounds like it would be enough to switch the tree positions of Fireball+Mastery with Firestarter+Inferno :P


But in all honesty, apart from being able to teleport and ice wall I feel like a weaker sorcerer who doesn't have varetyr spear/jupitel thunder. SO I guess being a wizard means trading firepower for utility skills that can help extend survivability and/or escape otherwise lethal situations.


I can't help but agree that wizards do take a bit of learning and tactics to use correctly; once you know it you can be pretty good at pvp. But in most cases we don't really have much of a chance against other opponents on equal grounds, and we don't pose anything that other players don't already have. Our firepower isn't that powerful, our DoTs aren't that powerful. Well hey, there's that 'weaker sorcerer' trait.


Most classes get more 'utility spells' after they've reached level 25. Whereas the Wizard gets Seal Explosion, Ice Wall, Ice Nova and Teleport, the Sorcerer gets healing & protective skills. But other classes are no exception either. A Warrior get's most of the defensive skils AFTER he reached level 25, as well as all the stun abilities, gap-closer or healing skills.


Speaking of the healing capabilities: The wizard healing isn't that bad at all. The Water Emblem f.e. heals 1% of your total HP per second. That means 120% over 120sec. A Tension Relax of a Warrior f.e. can only heal 90% over 120sec... and the Wizard can still add an additional 50% due to a Seal Explosion. So the only thing he lacks is some sort of instantaneous heal, similar to the Warrior's 30% starting heal. But then the question would be why a ranged class should get this benefit at all. Shouldn't they try to avoid taking damage at all? In a typical PvE scenario f.e. only those with a threat would be dealt regular damage.... and I guess the same would be true in any 'balanced' PvP scenario.


The often mentioned Jupitel Thunder and Varetyr Spear aren't really an issue either. The Jupitel Thunder for instance is more or less a lame copy of a fireball, replacing the DoT damage for a damage benefit vs. frozen targets. To get the frozen state however, the Sorcerer has to forgo some DPS, negating most parts of the damage benefits. The Varetyr Spear itself isn't such a game-breaking skill either. The plain damage multiplier is one of the lowest of all 'ultimate' skills... even lower than the Jupitel Thunder I've mentioned already. So, compared to a Soulmaker Sacrifice, the Varetyr Spear has a rather underwhelming statistics.


Flame Explosion is problematic because unlike most other classes with power-up stacks similar to pyromaniac, the Wizard is unable to cast the basic spell every second (see Bash of Double Attack or Raging Blow), has no skill for double points / AoE point generation and requires more stacks in total. But that might not be an issue either, if the damage is fixed instead. But what the Wizard is really lacking is imo a real concept.


I already stated that I would make the Wizard more a DPS class that can excel on all the three elements, dealing a constant high amount of damage. But I would strip Teleport, Seal Explosion and healing capabilities away. On contrast, the Sorcerer would be more a utility class that could outclass the wizard by flexibility and with bursts of damage. For me, that's the only way I could think of to get rid of the "weaker sorcerer" trait, yet keeping both classes quite unique. Improving the healing capabilities or fasten the Flame Explosion might 'balance' these two classes, but at the cost of variety. Because for me, a class isn't unique, just because it uses a different weapon or just because the skills have a different animation.

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#19 Suweeka


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 08:59 AM

Against warriors and knights, you don't have to teleport behind them... you only have to make sure that it's a 'fair' fight, which means that you start at least 25-30m away from each other. That assures that the Warrior has to move before he can aim his Battle Leap, etc. Against Priests, make sure that he didn't have 3 Holy Waters ready to use before the fight. Soulmakers have their "Lazr", an ultimate skill that doesn't need any pyro stacks in advance, butin the end, ALL the typical duels are decided with the first stun, knockdown or freeze.
A wizard can be quite deadly on the WoE map, especially if his Fireballs deals critical damage. Then, even a tank class needs to hit the damage reduction skill fast enough and pot as hell to survive.

 I've been to WoE many times and I do agree we can be quite powerful. With DoTs that can bypass defense, hard hitting firebolts/fireballs, and kiting skills that double in damage if they're frozen. I could kill a p2w knight rather fast with the DoT if they don't decide to chug some pots...
...if I crit >_<;

This sounds like it would be enough to switch the tree positions of Fireball+Mastery with Firestarter+Inferno :P

 Or maybe dragonology. Honestly I'm pretty tired of being the only one who can give everyone the int buff :U

Most classes get more 'utility spells' after they've reached level 25. Whereas the Wizard gets Seal Explosion, Ice Wall, Ice Nova and Teleport, the Sorcerer gets healing & protective skills. But other classes are no exception either. A Warrior get's most of the defensive skils AFTER he reached level 25, as well as all the stun abilities, gap-closer or healing skills.
Speaking of the healing capabilities: The wizard healing isn't that bad at all. The Water Emblem f.e. heals 1% of your total HP per second. That means 120% over 120sec. A Tension Relax of a Warrior f.e. can only heal 90% over 120sec... and the Wizard can still add an additional 50% due to a Seal Explosion. So the only thing he lacks is some sort of instantaneous heal, similar to the Warrior's 30% starting heal. But then the question would be why a ranged class should get this benefit at all. Shouldn't they try to avoid taking damage at all? In a typical PvE scenario f.e. only those with a threat would be dealt regular damage.... and I guess the same would be true in any 'balanced' PvP scenario.
The often mentioned Jupitel Thunder and Varetyr Spear aren't really an issue either. The Jupitel Thunder for instance is more or less a lame copy of a fireball, replacing the DoT damage for a damage benefit vs. frozen targets. To get the frozen state however, the Sorcerer has to forgo some DPS, negating most parts of the damage benefits. The Varetyr Spear itself isn't such a game-breaking skill either. The plain damage multiplier is one of the lowest of all 'ultimate' skills... even lower than the Jupitel Thunder I've mentioned already. So, compared to a Soulmaker Sacrifice, the Varetyr Spear has a rather underwhelming statistics.
Flame Explosion is problematic because unlike most other classes with power-up stacks similar to pyromaniac, the Wizard is unable to cast the basic spell every second (see Bash of Double Attack or Raging Blow), has no skill for double points / AoE point generation and requires more stacks in total. But that might not be an issue either, if the damage is fixed instead. But what the Wizard is really lacking is imo a real concept.
I already stated that I would make the Wizard more a DPS class that can excel on all the three elements, dealing a constant high amount of damage. But I would strip Teleport, Seal Explosion and healing capabilities away. On contrast, the Sorcerer would be more a utility class that could outclass the wizard by flexibility and with bursts of damage. For me, that's the only way I could think of to get rid of the "weaker sorcerer" trait, yet keeping both classes quite unique. Improving the healing capabilities or fasten the Flame Explosion might 'balance' these two classes, but at the cost of variety. Because for me, a class isn't unique, just because it uses a different weapon or just because the skills have a different animation.

Frankly, we only really get utility spells speaking of pvp. Firestarter, inferno, meteor storm, and flame explosion aren't things that really help. Everyone else get skills that they can actively use to kick butt as well as utility skills. Now if I can insta-cast flame explosion, and firestarter's damage is a tad stronger, then I might take it back.


I agree on the healing for Wizards, but as great as it is on PVE where 120 seconds can actually be reached, in PVP, fights don't last that long, considering everything is now some crappy 1-shot wonder. Bleh. I can't wait for this skill rebalancing patch that supposedly fixes stuff, and they better =n=


I don't really use water emblem explosion much in pvp [I only use em if I somehow survive a supposed 1-shot, and that doesn't always happen], and I actually do my best in avoiding as much damage as possible; and that means not using firebolt and using my kiting capabilities to avoid damage while doing my best to deal as much damage as I could. Against those with ranged insta-kill skills [e.g. sacrifice, varetyr, jupitel on memorize/proc, another fireball, etc.], my only defense against em is icewall, which I have to time precisely or I'm toast.


Anyway, if I recall correctly, the actual concept of the wizard is some sort of an AoE/DPS class. Their DPS is pretty decent, but as far as I can tell, their AoE isn't even that strong [and that is why I decided to hop on to blitz tree and use nova/embus + thunderstorm as an AoE alternative, because it also benefits my buddy sorcs to steamroll Osi in 4 minutes.] Perhaps they should either work on improving the AoE concept of the wizard as well. Right now, Meteor storm is just a longer [and I'm guessing slightly weaker] Arrow Shower.


In the end, currently my only choice is to go p2w. I've met a +20 everything sorc who dueled me once. My fireball dealt 8k crit on em for some reason. Sure, the DoT would probably kill him, if he hadn't 1shotted me with a fireball T_T

Man, if his +20 everything was the reason why my crit did crap damage, I'd like some +20 to my everything too.


That, or my gear was broken. Haha.

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#20 AyaneYuuko


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 10:23 AM

As someone who has played this class since the release to the NA servers I am about done with it. Honestly if they dont fix this class at all they should just move Dragonology to Sorcs and delete wizards entirely. Our main form of damage comes from the magician tree, yet most classes actually get useful skills from their primary tree all wizards get is short ranged aoes and a bunch of utility that doesnt provide them with much to begin with. If I can go into a raid and spam one button and have zero form of spell rotation there is a serious problem. Dont get me wrong wiz is great for PvE, but as far as PvP goes we are less effective and most of our utility is pointless there Frost Nova is an AoE around you only real useful if someone jumps you but if that happens you are gonna get chain stunned and die anyways. Teleport doesn't mean much if its on a longer cd then the gap closer every other class has and Icewall is a joke for 10 seconds you become a target for cc to land when you are done one ranger trap and you regret even specing here.


If you really want to make wiz a class people want to play take fireball from the magician tree and make it a wiz only spell after that revamp pyromaniac and flame explosion. The wizard ulti is an absolute joke sure if you max it does significant damage but the issue is getting the full stacks for it. Most of the time in any pvp situation you almost never get the full stacks anyways. If things dont change for wizards ill be changing to my rogue. 

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#21 Greven79


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 07:26 AM

As a Warrior, you would go into a dungeon and spam a single button as well: Brandish Storm.


The main problem is, that the 'DPS' role puts classes into a highly competitive zone.


F.e. let's assume the following:

  • Flame Explosion would require 50 pyro stacks is an instant cast with a fast animation
  • Fireball generates 10~30 pyro points (twice the amount)
  • Inferno 5 pyro stacks per target hit
  • Pyromancy improves Vigor as well
  • Levitation also decreases the cooldown of Teleport by up to 5sec
  • Meteor Swarm deals even more damage
  • Seal Explosion benefit would be increased by about 50%:
    - Explode Water => an additional 25% of total HP is healed instantaneously. [5% per lvl]
    - Explode Fire => MATK bonus is increased to 20% [+4% per level] and also raises the pyro stack generation by 100% [20% per level]
    - Explode Wind => Targets under the 'slow' effect of Ice Bolt do receive +40% more damage from Lightning skills.

Would that solve the problem and end the discussions? I doubt so.


Although all the Wizard skills could be improved to make them more relavant compared to the magician skills, the Wizard concept wouldn't have changed at all.

Given a balanced DPS output compared to a ranger or sorcerer, the Wizards might still feel like a Sorcerer without heal and would still envy the Ranger.

Edited by Greven79, 25 May 2014 - 12:00 PM.

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#22 8ReN8


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Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:03 PM

well atm i am +20 all.. and doesnt matter if the sorc/ranger/sin/war/knight/monks/priest/sm/cres,, hell y not just add em all.  u duel. if they r geared ur dead within 5-10secs. while u can hit them maybe once.. this class is broken..


water seal, and seal explo heals around 2.8k per tick, yet u get hit for 4-8k hit.. you cant heal the dmg... like that helps LOL


and yea wiz is just like sorc.. only thing is sorcs have jt and heals..


wiz has a broke dot, and a skill that takes to long to stack.

every class pretty much has a cc ability where wiz only cc is flame explo which avg is around 40s to get, or in other words your dead 4x over.


and for woe...

its more pve that pvp for this class.. yea its good for pvp IF YOUR NOT focused on.. but odds r... u r your the weakest class in the game.. lol


best bet to help wiz.. is to make them immune to cc, but then every class that counts on the cc would whine







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#23 Contact Support 001

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Posted 22 May 2014 - 05:16 AM

hi everyone this is my 1st post haha.,.


Skill balance wizard vs sorc efficiency in 1vs1 PVP


wizard = no choice but to use the fireball, firebolt with normal cast speed(1.5-2 sec). and maybe have a time to cast frost diver(1.5sec cast speed) to enemy if not stunned or still alive.


10% Int buff from wizard vs 20% defense earth shield from sorc don't really matter this time since 15k-20k mttk of a sorc is enough to kill a tank or other class by using instant cast of frost diver, varetyr spear and spam it with Firebolt /fire ball then frost diver again XD.  


sorc= can use also fire tree and max it, using fire emblem= +10%MTTK and 30% chance 5sec instant cast. while have access also to memorize(instant frost diver and firebolt) and varetyr spear w/ 2x damage and 3 sec stun.


stun from others class can be avoided using wizards icewall but considering its long cooldown, its not efficient in constant pvp, thought memorize has a long calldown also, don't forget sorc can heal as well while stunned. it wont need more than a sec to change seal from earth to fire emblem after stunned  


so my suggestion is. PLEASE REMOVE THE FIRE TREE TO THE SORC CLASS its is the main DPS and Ulti of a wizard.



Thats all 



Edited by WetPuzzy, 22 May 2014 - 05:19 AM.

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#24 AyaneYuuko


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 04:53 PM

The only problem with removing the Fire Tree is some sorcs now actually use taht as their skill rotation and don't want it to go. Trust me I wouldnt mind it but if you remove it this makes them mad and it also gives them a lot of extra points the can put else so its got pros and cons.

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#25 4613130516161739457


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:17 PM

well if one of the top/most p2w wiz in the game is complaining about wiz,,

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