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Wizard Feedback: Balance

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#26 Greven79


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Posted 25 May 2014 - 12:08 PM

The only problem with removing the Fire Tree is some sorcs now actually use taht as their skill rotation and don't want it to go. Trust me I wouldnt mind it but if you remove it this makes them mad and it also gives them a lot of extra points the can put else so its got pros and cons.


Who cares that Sorcerer tend to use this in their rotation? The decreased Vigor rate for monks f.e. did also ruined the pre-existing skill rotation.


I wouldn't like to remove the Fire tree though, because it's still a game where you could start as a level 1 character. When you level your magician, you can 'test' the different skills and then decide whether you choose to become a Wizard or a Sorcerer. So you should have all three elements as a magician.


The 'AoV-devs' in their Colo-adictiveness however did something really -stup... I mean unwise: They increased the maximum level of Firebolt, Fireball and Lightning Bolt. That alone ruined the balance between the three elements and made the higher fire skills viable for Sorcerers as well.

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#27 AyaneYuuko


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Posted 25 May 2014 - 03:33 PM

The main concern for myself as a wizard is the fireball dot. Its stupidly overpowered just like priest dot. They need to fix it so that the dot doesnt ignore defense cause on any class regardless of the damage i do the dot will do 10-11k damage with a crit a good example is i hit someone for 10k crit and the dot did 11k damage. Fix the dot damage itll be better cause as of right now they only thing that reduces it is armor runes and anything that can ignore %of damage like the monk skill. This may nerf the damage our dot does but it may also have sorcs not specing it. Either way if they dont fix wiz Im gonna be playing a new class cause this is stupid.

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#28 Contact Support 001

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Posted 27 May 2014 - 03:25 AM

what if, if he choose to be a sorc then remove the fire tree, and if he choose to be a wizard remove the lightning tree.

in this sense we have equal points.


I got this concept like priest and monk, crescentia and soulmaker, beast master and ranger. 


If they go mad why the fire tree will be remove then, go for wizard class instead of sorc.


for now, the wizard skill tree is very useless, its all about how to run away against the opponent with fireflower 300/2sec? and a useless fire explosion, if pvp is concerned. Though this skill is useful in pve. 


About the fire explosion, what if change the requirement into long cooldown with low insanity required like other class only need 3 or 5. 

I've been doing pvp with a priest, my gears and runes are better than his but i can only win against him if his judax miss.

So my winning against him is almost 0, since the hit rate now are very high to miss. 

about the dot of fire ball, i cant see any problem of it. imagine doing pvp against tank they can stun for 6 -3 sec and 1 hit you with their ulti skill, some they can cast it 2x in a row coz of low requirements or have a special skill to reset all cooldown.


well almost class can 1 hit you with their ulti skill though. while you wait to drain their HP from dot. 

that 11k dot is a crit hit. if your going to compare it to other class, casting their ulti skill at you and do a crit hit, then there is one deference. they kill you in a sec while you kill them in 3 or 5 sec

about ranger, since they are same as wizard, there ulti skill has a high requirement as well but, they can hid so they have the opportunity to plan how to lay there traps and falcon and hit 1st to there opponent.   


Edited by WetPuzzy, 27 May 2014 - 03:56 AM.

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#29 AyaneYuuko


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Posted 01 June 2014 - 06:14 PM

The thing about the fireball dot is while its a 11k crit per tick for 5 ticks or every 2sec for 10sec its a 11k dot regardless of defense as it is the only thing that reduces that dot damage is armor runes and buffs that reduce %damage taken any %defense doesnt matter for the dot I can hit someone for 10k fireball crit and dot for 11k. The description is 30% of damage over 10secs last time i check 11k of 10k is not 30%. I heard its suppose to be 60% but the thing still stands its broken for defense and its not only fireball dot its amongst all classes. If priest, cres, and fireball dot got migatated by defense like it should be it would be a lot better. Althought that still doesn't fix the problem with the game the fact is everyone does to much damage across all classes even at defense cap for tanks people can still one shot them. Damage needs to be reduced or defense needs to significantly buffed to make pvp actual pvp cause right now if you are not ml20 with +20 gear your chances of surviving in pvp is zero, but at the same time people who are +20 still get screwed over ive seen people with +20 still get one shot. So fixing pvp in all aspects is fix the damage/defense ratio. After that wizards will more likely be useful cause most sorcs only spec into fireball for that 11k crit dot if you reduce it accordingly it wont be nearly as promising. While the wiz wont crit for 11k but they get the benefits of fireball + fire seal passives that allow free procs. Now ofc that will have to change as well cause Wizard will be able out damage anyone that jumps them cause you can get 5 to 6 spells in that amount of time. Anyways fireball needs to be fixed to where when lvling its viable but when you choose wiz/sorc its really makes you think about what you want to pick cause as it stands sorc is far superior to wizards.


TL;DR: Fix fireball to not ignore defense + make it a choice skill.


Edited by AyaneYuuko, 01 June 2014 - 06:14 PM.

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#30 Contact Support 001

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 12:44 AM

never mind, i've already shift to other class. Thanks to the jump event, I have my new ML20 monk can one shot a OP priest. :p_love: 

wizard suks in 1vs1 pvp and always get bullied. Though, i'll play my wizard in pve only.


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#31 AhinaReyoh


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Posted 10 June 2014 - 08:25 PM

This has probably been mentioned before, but it seems to me part of the problem with the Wiz/Sorc balance is that the bulk of a Wizard's damage comes from their Mage skills; most of the Wizard skills are situational utility types. Any Sorcerer can take those Mage skills and emulate a Wizard, but with more solid support abilities instead. They should rethink what the Wizard skills do. (Pyromaniac in particular needs to be looked at.)


The least they could do is decrease Fireball's DoT and dramatically boost Fireflower's damage to compensate. Fireflower used to matter pre-AoV and could net you a lot of kills in Colosseum, but now it's just another useless pre-req skill that tickles.


And Wizard is waaay too slow for 1v1, mmyep. AoV's huge damage boost made burst damage too important, while Wizard is more about constant damage output.

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#32 4500130504211126383


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Posted 08 October 2014 - 10:07 PM

Class is literally worse in most ways than any other class and cant hold up in pvp at all while it is a good class in pve its not all wizards would like. A wizard was always one of the funnest class but this class needs a major overhaul in skills and just what it should do. Defense, Aoe, mobility. They need to find what works or get rid of this class because right now no one is gonna make this class over anything else.

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#33 mscocca


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Posted 08 February 2016 - 03:22 PM

As a Wizard I would probably prefer to have my Matk nerfed but be able to move while casting skills and have faster casting time, Fire Ball is way too slow!! In Pve and Pvp wizard is unplayable, even with +20 refinement the overall defense and vitality are way too low to compete with any other class.

Please do something about casting time, skills can't take so long to be cast! 

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#34 KuroiKoneko


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Posted 08 February 2016 - 04:18 PM

ikr mate, would be nice if they add cast speed honing polish or at least fix greenseed accel rune (raw cast speed % pls)
or let haste add cast speed as well

FB is op indeed, but without this wizards will be totally useless (well, just to buff other broken classes)
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#35 Sowlemia


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Posted 08 May 2016 - 07:41 AM

At this moment Wizard's are useless for Sorcerer's can use FB with approximately the same benefits. I agree i was wrong, Wizard's are useful for they have the most interesting thing you can find in the game "DRAGONOLOGY" but aside from that, they're just walking punching bags. 


In order to make Wizard class useful again i reckon that a massive work has to be provided.

Edited by Sowlemia, 08 May 2016 - 07:49 AM.

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#36 VanS3n


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Posted 16 May 2016 - 03:06 PM

I prefer my wiz in PVE coz yeah we do tend to be punching bags in PVP .. >.<

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#37 Sowlemia


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Posted 16 May 2016 - 03:11 PM

Even in PVE sorc's have same skills as a wizard (Dot's) AND they do have mega skills like jupiter thunder or spear, furthermore they are able to heal while....we are able to use teleport to.....die 5 seconds later ? Oh yeah we do have ice wall..it's like a shadow armor without fun, not being able to attack as well as not being able to move.


PS: the first time i've used Ice wall i was 12 years old, but due to the CD, the second time i've used it had happened when i was 90 years old.

Edited by Sowlemia, 16 May 2016 - 03:21 PM.

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#38 Greven79


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Posted 17 May 2016 - 10:40 AM

In order to make Wizard class useful again i reckon that a massive work has to be provided.


Even in PVE sorc's have same skills as a wizard (Dot's) AND they do have mega skills like jupiter thunder or spear, furthermore they are able to heal while....we are able to use teleport to.....die 5 seconds later ? Oh yeah we do have ice wall..it's like a shadow armor without fun, not being able to attack as well as not being able to move.


+1 for both.

IMO, there's no single, simple fix that would balance this class. Sure, you can look at a specific problem and then apply the most direct fix (fire skills too slow => reducing the casting time). But these ideas might cause new problems as well. That's why the suggestions I made more than 2 years ago were more a redesign concept for both the wizard and sorcerer class than actual skill fixes.

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#39 VanS3n


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Posted 18 May 2016 - 05:05 PM

no love for wizards but Dragonologgy .. TT_TT

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