Hayroh's LK~Rune Knight [ft. Dragon Breath] Builds/Guide - iRO (jRO New Sprites) *Updated 08/15/2017 - Swordsman Class - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Hayroh's LK~Rune Knight [ft. Dragon Breath] Builds/Guide - iRO (jRO New Sprites) *Updated 08/15/2017

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#1 HayrohsLegacy


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Posted 23 June 2014 - 11:44 PM

Priority Posts (Edit/Updates)/FAQs: Last: Aug. 15, 2017 (always check the last pages for the latest posts/updates)

Future Update/New Rune Knight Sprites from jRO -not yet in iRO- (Credits: Link):


*New jRO Gears (King of Spirit RingSyringe & Nectar Suit [1], also the Mask of Hero for DB/tank builds, Imuke Shield [1] for PVP/WOE):

Solo PVM Build w/Malicious gears:

Source: http://www.playragna...ail.aspx?id=411


*New Instance:
DB Rune Knight "Team Dango" Nightmare Toy Factory [iRO Chaos]:

*New Weapons:
Thanatos & Crimson Gears (High ATK Swords & Spears):

*New Shield:
Mad Bunny Special [1]

(PVM/MVP enabled only)

*New Accessories:
Sarah's Earrings (for DB, AGI-Crit & Spear builds):


*New Shadow Gears (for melee builds, Hunter Fly card proc absorb effect):
Malicious Set: Armor/Shield/Shoes

*New Cards:

Menblatt CardBungisngis Card, Gold Scaraba Card

*New Lower Headgears (for DB):
Octopus Balloon and Jinn Marin Balloon

*New Armors:
Evil Dragon Armor [1] Hero Plate [1] and Anti Magic Suit [1]

*New Darklord Essences (for melee builds):

Slaughter/Destruction (KVM Effects) changes 2012:


Featured Build/Videos:

DB Rune Knight "Load Your Cheats" WOE Tribute 2013~2016 [iRO Chaos] <original/old version>

"175/60 & Water Dragon Breath Update" Rune Knight WOEs 2015 [iRO Chaos] <nerfed version>


*New Instances/PVM/MVPing:
Rune Knight in Temple of Demon God [iRO Chaos]

Solo Rune Knight in Morse's Cave (vs MVP Morroc Necromancer) [iRO Chaos]

Solo Rune Knight in Isle of Bios (vs MVP Yankou) [iRO Chaos]

Solo Rune Knight feat. Loki vs Evil Believer in Devil's Tower [iRO Chaos]

Solo Rune Knight in Geffen Magic Tournament (wDB x Spear Dynamo Version) [iRO Chaos] 

Solo Rune Knight in Faceworm Nest [iRO Chaos] *No-Spellbreaker Challenge

Rune Knight in Endless Tower "Animosity" Speed-Run [iRO Chaos] 

CB/BB Lord Knight "Animosity" WOE TE 03/08/2015 [iRO Chaos] 
The Art of Bowling Bash [w/RCX or SimpleROHook] RE: Gutterlines

193 Max ASPD Agi-Crit Rune Knight "Biolab 4 Solo" [iRO Chaos]


Lord Knight (TE):

SVD (STR-VIT-DEX) rest AGI for Bowling Bash

Other skills: Spear Dynamo/Aura Blade/Peco+Cavalier/Spear Mastery+Boomerang+2-Hand Quicken (1-H too do wonders with Soul Link) are the sets of skills you need to maximize your melee dmg. For WOE TE; BB or Status Magnum Break (if on gutterlines) w/alot of Racial and Neutral reductions since you will be mostly running inside your enemy's stacks to deal dmg or as a distraction, in range fights; use Spear Boom/Provoke (fails vs ED users)/Spell Break accessory until you can start melee-ing.

Equipment (Stack racial+neutral reductions):
Weapons: CK/4 slotted weapons w/status cards/Red Twin Edge [3] w/Hydra/Skel Worker cards
CEB [1]/Mids [1]/Masquerade/Hanky in Mouth w/Stamina/Gemini SS/Nightmare cards
Unfro/ED/Tao/GR/Elemental armors/Bone Plate [1] (Bleeding status)
Immune Cranial Shield
+9 Superior Enhances Variants
RWC Rings for dmg and Black Rosary w/KBC or Alligator cards for reductions/Silversmiths Bracelet (enables use of Spell Break)
Raydric/Noxious/DR carded Giant Face Worm garments [1] w/ STR or VIT chants or +10 Valkyrie Manteau (Reflect)


Rune Knight:

Water Dragon Breath:

Starter Build: "New to Rune Knight? Need cheap but efficient/viable WOE gears?"
Status/Hitlock Water Dragon Breath (Because of the Freeze/Slow status), chaining w/other RKs on Bragi [Magic Strings] will be your best tactic = Recommended for new RK players/starters and WOE, no God/MVP items like Tao Gunka, no KVMs, cheap~average tier equipments.
Low DPS but High Def+Water Resist-based (Since most RK's default water DB and WL Jack Frost spams). Your role is to spam status ailments, break player gears and perma-hitlock enemies.
High Def+Water Resist-based (Since most RK's default water DB and WL Jack Frost spams)
+9 WOE Plate/Suit [1] = Peco/Angeling
Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [Proxy]/Giant Faceworm [1] = Marse/Noxious/Raydric
DEX Temporal Boots [1] = Green Ferus/Verit/Firelock Soldier (for +9)
Abysmal Knight Helm [1]/Turkey Hat [1]/Cat Ear Beret [1] = Leaf Cat/Incubus/Bungisngis/Carat (for +9 above)
Masquerade/3D Glasses/Mids [1] = Leaf Cat/Incubus
Hanky in Mouth
Mailbreaker [3] = Status Cards: Requiem/Plankton/Magnolia etc.
Valkyrjar's Shield [1]/Immune Shield [1] = Thara
Waterdrop Brooch [1]/Ur's Seals w/SP Chants = Alligator/Smokie
Skill Build (Extra Points are purely optional and is up to you):
Stat Build:
STR 60~80 Weight for Masquerade debuff resist
AGI 60~80 Skill animation delay and also part of Masquerade debuff resist
INT 80~100
VIT 100~120
DEX 120 to get faster cast bonus from DEX Temporal

Optimal DB PVM/MVP Build (No Gods/MVPs)

+9~12 Vanaguard Helm [1] w/Bungisngis Card
BFG [1] w/Incubus Card
Jin Marin Balloon
Glorius Suit
+9 Tae Goo Lyeon [2] w/Archer Skeleton Card (2-H Quicken + Parry-step w/Spear Dynamo + DB to avoid damage since no shield equipped)
+9 FAW [1] w/EA chants & Menblatt Card
+9 DEX Temporal Boots [1] w/Firelock Card
250 SP Ur's Seals w/Kafra Blossom Card
*Search/check equipment/item prices via:

Lux Anima - The 10th Rune (share RK buffs 7x7, no cast time/cooldown):

Hagalas > Status immunity, Nosiege status self-cure has cooldown, can't be spammed.
Verkana (Millenium Shield) > cooldown still applies, can't be spammed.
Turistus > STR
Isia > + healing recov % from pots


New Fix/Nerf Dragon Breath (Fire/Water) Formula & Level Cap 175/60:
From iRO Wiki:
Damage = [(CurrHP ÷ 50) + (MaxSP ÷ 4)] × (SkillLv × BaseLv ÷ 150) × (95 + DragonTraining_Lv × 5)% × (100 + Ranged Damage Modifers)% x (Elemental Modifiers)% x (100 + Racial Modifiers)%

Official Server Test:
kRO Dragon Breath Water 175/60 Update New Formula Test Damage vs Demi Reductions [iRO Chaos]

*Expert Archer chants/Range % greatly boosts new DB dmg units, range %>SP>HP in equal or small units damage-wise.

GM Campitor regarding DB changes:
"Dragon Breath gained a fixed after cast delay (cannot be reduced) of 0.2 seconds. This is to prevent the abuse of no delay until the development team provides a solution. Other skills will gain similar delay if they are abused in the same manner."

New Enchantable Costumes w/Stones:

Added Shadow Gears "Special Equipments" info:

Giant Faceworm Garment
Added New Community Headgear info:
Source: http://forums.warppo...ide-updated-74/

Before reading anything in this thread, please be informed that all these are base from playing my RK experiences in iRO (Official International Ragnarok Online) which is currently on our Post-Balance skills update patch just for the sake of other ppl who may mislead this guide for whatever server/version they are playing RO. Skill infos and updates may change depending on your server. /thx

Continuing more FAQs:
Q1: Leveling as Swordsman>Knight>Rebirth>Lord Knight>Rune Knight
A1: 1-Hand Swords [w/Soul Linker's Link for 1-Hand Quicken Skill and can equip a shield], Bash, AOE/Bowling Bash is the best way to level this class, but to be effective, you need to learn how gutterlines affect BBing [These are the red/blue lines mostly seeable only with RCX enabled -a 3rd party program but I won't add more infos about it here, search google for more info], for non RCX users, in the field you will feel that you're stepping on a gutterline when the damage isnt hitting at max/AOE, the best tip is try Endure/Spear Dynamo move diagonally 4~6 cells, hit w/BB and see how your damage varies until it hits everything at correct range, and the old art of "Bowling Bash Dance" when you can pull more BBs at a time when you move your char to random 1~2 cells hit BB again, move to next cells hit and repeat. Leveling from early Swordsman to 70s isnt that really hard then you will start joining TIs [Eden Turn-Ins] or can easily solo them til you hit max levels. Also Elemental endows/converters affects most of Knight's attack skill. For leveling as Rune Knight, DB vs non-fire elemental monsters, Ignition Break+Bowling Bash are the most viable skills on your way to 150.

Q2: PVP Rune Knight?
A2: I am no longer a fan of Player vs Player since I'm more of a WOE-based Knight, but the most skills/builds for abusing PVP-ing Physics [no reductions unlike in GVG rooms/WOE maps] would be Hundred Spears w/Gloomy Shyness or using Crushing Strike [Rune Item Skill - Rhydo]1-shotting ppl w/over-upgraded KVM Spear, Masteries, Peco/Dragon Skills, Weapon buffs [Spear Dynamo+Aura Blade+Enchant Blade] Rune Item buffs []http://irowiki.org/wiki/Rune_Mastery], other class buffs, etc. but not as spammable because of long-sec cooldowns.

*But because of the +9 kRO WOE set reduction gears, RK's most physical skills damage are also greatly reduced.

ASPD 2-Hand Quicken: Using Bellum Katzbalger, requires shield/gears switching for defensive mode.

Q3: Dragon Breath? Still playing even it got nerfed? I have no Tao, can I still be decent DBer?
A3: Yea, I still play and mostly on my RK because aside from WoE, DB is maybe the highest DPS now for PvM, and as for siege; Frost Mist status spam and ppl who arent properly wearing reductions can still be killed w/DB, you cant just basically solo wipe a stack or guild unlike pre-DB patch. As for non-Tao users, getting 100k max HP on 175/60 RK is possible, +9 Ares WOE Plate + proper HP + EA gears, it will still deal good/average DB dmg.

Q4: I am so confuse, RK has alot of good skills, which build should I go?
A4: Yes, because there's a ton of possible RK builds you can try, I can only advise that it all depends on your play style; For example; if you are more of PVM/MVP type player, you would probably Ignition Break/Bowling Bash/Hundred Spears/ASPD 2-Hand Quicken+Auto-Cast RKs, for WOE theres your Dragon Breath and try combining the best skills you can and proper gear setups and thats why I will have some of these covered below in this guide.

Q5: Why Rune Knight?
-Variety of equipments/weapons available
-Mobility with Peco/Dragon Riding skills
-Can go tanky or speedy [ASPD] builds
-Versatility from melee to range types, flexible char both PVM/PVP
-Defensive/Counter skills
-Stasis cant stop your Dragon Breath spamming (WOE)

-Rule of thumb; Never mess with Shadow Chasers and their Masquerade debuffs, every class 1v1 SC is a No-no. Unless you can 1-shot them fast/prevent them using Status Ailments before they get into you.
-High-tier gears are expensive
-Rune Items requires patience for farming materials [Elder Branches, Light Granules, etc.]

Q6: I'm a new player, any tips on starting as a Swordsman? How will I gear myself?
A6: No gears, no problem! Eden [quests, etc.] gives you free equipments and still good until you get yourself some good mid-tier gears, socialize with ppl, finding a good guild, engaging yourself to instances, loot-farming parties, and theres alot more. I know alot of ppl who just started playing this class and seen their gear developments over time isnt that bad, its just you need to invest patience and time, you will pretty much gear yourself sooner or later.

Q7: What is your RK's build?
A7: I retired my DB RK for WOE since the nerf (even with Tao armor) ppl these days have their WOE sets/full resistance equipments and DB as DPS isn't effective in the recent meta, but I still use it for most of my PVM runs because DB dmg is still in top DPS skills.

Things you should know as Rune Knight/Basic Infos:

Rune Mastery and Items: http://irowiki.org/wiki/Rune_Mastery

The newest Rune Stone from 175/60 update:

A 10th rune has been added that can be crafted if you know level 10 rune mastery.
"Lux Anima Rune" Stone - Materials: Gold x 3, Light Granule x 3
Lux Anima Runestone effects:
Bestows current active rune buffs to all party members within 7x7 area.
Buff duration: 60 seconds
Eligible Rune buffs: Millennium Shield, Refresh, Giant Cross, Stone Skin, Vitality Activation, Abundance.

Rune Knight Irowiki Version: http://irowiki.org/wiki/Rune_Knight

Post-Balance Rune Knight All Skills Info: https://docs.google....x6nQJuT3ESHuTMo

PVM/High after-cast delay reduction Dragon Breath Build (PS: High-tier gears):
2x Kiel Cards [Top+Mid Headgears] eg: Vanguard Helm [1], Rideword Hat [1], Heart Ribbon Hairband [1] & Midslot gears [1]
+9 Tae Goo Lyeon [2] w/2x Archer Skeleton Cards
Brynhild/Tao Gunka Carded Armor [1]
EA 4 chanted DEX Temporal Boots
Raydric/Noxious Carded EA 10 Fallen Angel Wings [1]
250 SP chanted Ur's Seals [1]

Demo video (not mine, but credits still goes to original uploader/source):


[Hundred Spears+Clashing Spiral/Ignition Break+Bowling Bash]

Hundred Spear
Variable Cast Time: (1.1 - 0.1 * Skill Level) seconds
Fixed Cast Time: None
Skill re-use Delay: 3 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 0.5 second
Spear Boomerang Activation Chance: (10 + 3 * Skill Level) %
Damage = ATK [{(600 + (Skill Level x 80) + (1000 - Weight of the Spear)} x (1 + [(Caster’s Base Level - 100) / 200])] %
*** If the spear’s weight is over 1,000, it will be set to 1,000 in the calculation.
Bonus damage: (Clashing Spiral skill level x ATK 50%).

Ignition Break
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Skill re-use Delay: 2 seconds
If Caster’s weapon is endowed with Fire, Ignition Break will deal additional (Skill Level x 100)% damage.
3x3 cell Damage
= ATK [{(Skill Level x 300) x (1 + [(Caster’s Base Level - 100) / 100])}] %
7x7 cell Damage
= ATK [{(Skill Level x 250) x (1 + [(Caster’s Base Level - 100) / 100])}] %
11x11 cell Damage
= ATK [{(Skill Level x 200) x (1 + [(Caster’s Base Level - 100) / 100])}] %
*(Skill damage remains neutral)

Bowling Bash
Clashing Spiral

^ This skill is also greatly increase by Maestro's Gloomy Shyness:
Suggested Stats:
STR 80~90 or more
AGI 50+ for animation delays/ASPD
VIT 80+
DEX 80+
LUK and INT are your least priorities but LUK boost some ATK [3 LUK = 1 ATK]

WOE Builds: Main Skills 2-H Quicken + Parry [HP Drain/ASPD 2-H Build]

Bellum Katzbalger user:

Basic Rune Item:
Aesir [ASPD]


Balance Stat Growth:

Stats of most RKs can also vary like:
STR – 7x~9x > Your physical damage dealing skills and weight.
AGI – 5x~9x > ASPD/Animation Delay and some Masquerade resistance.
VIT – 95~1xx > total 100 VIT for Stun resistance. I prefer just getting 95+5 from job 50 bonus so I could distribute more points for other stats. A fair decent amount of HP too for DB dmg.
INT – 60x~1xx > SP pool/DB dmg & Storm Blast dmg modifiers.
DEX – 9x~1xx > Variable casting time/Hit Rate/affects your average dmg.
LUK – 3x~6x > Some additional ATK boost and semi-resistance vs Mandragora Howling.

Notes/Rune Item buffs advise:
-”Freeze Immunity” with my ”100 HARD MDEF” from Hagalas Rune and gear setup. If you are mindlessly Tao DB-ing and gets frozen in WOE (because Tao Gunka card reduces your hard MDEF -50), like I’ve seen that alot of Tao-ed DB RKs getting frozen and ppl who don’t even use Refresh Rune vs status ailments. /e5
-I don’t wear any skill delay gears and purely depends on Magic Strings and Sacrament effects. Will try a Kiel Card-ed mid later when I get one.
-Survives 1/3~1/5 chances of getting Masquerade debuff w/my 40% weight+AGI build and 1/3 chances vs Mandragora Howling.
-Archbishops Sacrament and Maestro's Magic Strings help DB casting/spamming for DPS.
-Sura's Gentle Touch Convert and Revitalize are both good addional buffs for RKs [Gentle Touch skills dont stack w/each other].
-Runes you should brew and always bring for WOE [Check the Rune Mastery Skill descriptions for complete info]:
1. Hagalas
2. Aesir
3. Verkana
4. Turistus
5. Pertz
6. Isia
7. Nosiege
Being effective as DB spammer (WOE Tactics):
-What if I don’t have Tao? You can still alter a + 9 WoE Plate/Suit w/Ares, Ghostring, Angeling.
-Having a Battle Chant or slave, for double HP/SP buff greatly boosts your DB.
-Standing on Volcanos/Deluge [Sorcerer Skill] boosts DB.
-Mastering DB spamming running/stealing Magic Strings effect.
-Its not all just about HP stacking, you need at least 3.5k or more SP & range % for decent DB dmg. (Wanderer's boost this by their Gypsy's Kiss -maxSP-)
-Item buffs for ASPD/HP/SP and always potting your -maxHP- full at all times affect also DB.
-Countering other Pure DBers in WOE > Demi/range/elemental reduction gears.
-Try your best not get focused/avoid Shadow Chasers, even with stat resistance vs the success of getting Masquerade debuffs, getting spammed by the skill/standing long in a spot increases your weakness vs SCs. Using also Monster-Turning scrolls, helps you hide your class sprite. Always watch your buff timers and avoid overweight as possible as you can.
-Sura's Curse Circle counter combo>cast Millenium Shield for blocking pre-emptive G.Fist/GoH/Tiger Cannon, then spam Storm Blast as possible as you can.
Other skills (mentioning the skills that I use in PVP and WOE):
-Enchant Blade/Crushing Strike/Storm Blast [Pertz Rune] w/+9 over KVM Glorious Spear. Yes, Storm Blast had a terrible dmg nerf but as long as its spammable specially on Magic Strings they are still deadly sub-DPS, plus this is the main skill I use when I get Curse Circle-d.
-Using Nosiege Rune [Refresh Skill] to self-recover vs Status ailments and Howls.
-Get least Lv 5 Death Bound > it helps alot in countering situations. Like a GX's spamming Rolling Cutter beside you.
-Sub-weapon off-Dragon on Bellum Katzbalger.
Death Bound
Damage Amplification: (500 + 100 * Skill Level) %
Skill re-use Delay: 3 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 2 seconds
Deflects 70% of the damage taken  back at the attacker, Caster takes 30% of the amplified damage.

Suggested Gears/optimal choices:

For Hundred Spears (This is the opposite of RG's Exceed Break, lighter weapon; the better)
+9 KVM 1-H Glorious Spear/+9 Bellum Spears/Gungnirs are best: 
Spears Weapon list:
1-Handed Spears:
2-Handed Spears list:

Best choices, spears carded w/Archer Skeleton Card and Malangdo Enchants:

1-Handed Swords list:

2-Handed Swords list:

Best choices: PVP/WOE>Bellum Katzbalger, For PVM/Ignition Break+Bowling Bash: Red Twin Edge [3] (Non-chantable), Excalibur (1-Hand), Veteran Sword [1], Violet Fear [2] (2-Hand) w/Sword Guardian/vs Monster %/+ATK Cards/Malangdo Enchants: http://irowiki.org/w...langdo_Enchants
and remember to maximize your physical damage, RKs can use rune item skills and their self-buffs skills for more weapon damage/ASPD:

For Dragon Breath:
Erde [2], Main Gauce [4], Combat Knife, Mailbreaker [3] w/Hunterfly, status cards, SP/EA chants.

Rune Mastery:
Success Chance: (a) + ( B) + © + (d)
where, (a) = (51 + 2 * Skill Level) %
( B) = (Dex / 30 + LUK / 10 + Caster’s Job Level/10) %
© =
Normal rough runestone: Success rate + 2%
Quality rough runestone: Success rate + 5%
Rare rough runestone: Success rate + 8%
Ancient rough runestone: Success rate +11%
Mystic rough runestone: Success rate +14%
(d) =
S rank runestone: -20%
A rank runestone: -15%
B rank runestone: -10%
C rank runestone: -5%

Enchant Blade:
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
[(Skill Level x 20 + 100) x (Caster’s Base Level / 150)] + Caster’s INT
Can only be cast on self

Essential Lord Knight Skills:

Shield Cards list:
Best choices: Hodremlin/Alice Cards
Valkyrjar's Shield [1]/Immune Shield [1]/Tournament Shield [1]>Set bonus:
Abyssmal Knight Helm [1]/+9 over Vanarguard Helm [1]/Ride Word Hat [1] (procs HP/SP recovery)/Turkey Hat [1]/Evil Marching Hat [1]/Cat Ear Beret[1] and even Red Pom Hat [1] works (for reductions and that mdef+5 is pretty universal), and Costume: [Cake Hat for more SP] Cards: Carat/Kathryn Keyron/Maya Purple
Mid: Black Devil Mask/Slotted Mids w/Dark Pinguicula/Seyren Windsor/Incubus/Nightmare Cards
Lower: Hanky in Mouth/Gangster's Scarf/Pirate Dagger/Umbala's Spirit/Love Balloons 99
Garments: Valkyrie Manteau [1] (For Auto-Cast builds)/Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]/Heroic Back Pack [1] w/Raydric/Noxious/Giant Whisper/Aliot/Devil Ring Card/Asprika
New!!! +9~12 Fallen Angel Wings w/chants: See irowiki for more info:
Armors: Valkyrian Armor [1]/Diabolous Armor [1]/Bone Plate [1]/Meteo Armor [1] w/Peco-peco/Porcellio/Ghost Ring/Orc Lord Card/KVM Glorious Suit/Brynhild/Tao Gunka
Footgear: Variant Shoes or the Enhanced [1] version/Diabolous Boots w/Firelock Soldier/Amon Ra Card/Sleipnir
Glast Heim Temporal Boots:

For DB RKs:

Vitality or Dexterous Boots of Time > Recommended [+9 over Superior carded or EA 4 chanted]

For AGI-Crit/Melee RKs:
Strength or Luk Boots of Time

Accessories: Ifrit Set Rings (For ASPD+Auto-Cast builds)/Vesper Core 02/Glorious Ring/Medal of Honor/Bradium Earrings/Rings/Expert Rings [1] w/Smokie, Alligator, Kafra Blossom Card/Bakonawa ASPD Tattoos/Megingjard/RWC 2012 Ring Accessory (slot+enchantable)

Set Equipments:
Peuz's Set:


Best for Hundred Spears:
Ur's Set:
-Ur's Seal w/SP 250 chants are also very nice for more DB dmg.
*Stuffs I might be putting in someday; Wind Cutter and update the AGI-Physical builds.

*Please feel free to post your comments/suggestions/corrections. /thx

Edited by HayrohsLegacy, 15 August 2017 - 05:23 AM.
(trying to) fix formatting

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#2 AlmrOfAtlas


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Posted 24 June 2014 - 01:10 AM

Very nice and comprehensive. I love guides with explanations as to whatever build choices were made.


You may want to add (if you like) that Fire Ele armour makes pure DB RKs much less of a threat, and is what their opponents will default to.


And aside from the relatively weak effect of Enchant Blade, every single damage dealing method that a Rune Knight has available is Physical, including runes.


This means that an RK, when not using Enchant Blade and ctrl clicking, has no need to worry about proccing additional ele resist from KBC users and reducing your DB damage further.


Furthermore, you stated that having a fire ele weapon increases IB's damage. You could also mention that, despite the weapon's element and this bonus, IB's damage remains neutral. You can therefore use this skill on fire element mobs (and fire armour players) without fear of your damage being reduced.


And using Death Bound when fighting an enemy (non-support) Sura will likely get you both killed xD


Also, you reference the "Pertz Set", but it's "Peuz" in-game. Considering it autocasts Pertz, it should probably be Pertz, but newer players reading your guide may get confused.


... is your RK's name a Monhan reference? =3

Edited by AlmrOfAtlas, 24 June 2014 - 01:30 AM.

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#3 HayrohsLegacy


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Posted 24 June 2014 - 02:55 AM

Very nice and comprehensive. I love guides with explanations as to whatever build choices were made.


You may want to add (if you like) that Fire Ele armour makes pure DB RKs much less of a threat, and is what their opponents will default to.


And aside from the relatively weak effect of Enchant Blade, every single damage dealing method that a Rune Knight has available is Physical, including runes.


This means that an RK, when not using Enchant Blade and ctrl clicking, has no need to worry about proccing additional ele resist from KBC users and reducing your DB damage further.


Furthermore, you stated that having a fire ele weapon increases IB's damage. You could also mention that, despite the weapon's element and this bonus, IB's damage remains neutral. You can therefore use this skill on fire element mobs (and fire armour players) without fear of your damage being reduced.


And using Death Bound when fighting an enemy (non-support) Sura will likely get you both killed xD


Also, you reference the "Pertz Set", but it's "Peuz" in-game. Considering it autocasts Pertz, it should probably be Pertz, but newer players reading your guide may get confused.


... is your RK's name a Monhan reference? =3

Ah sry, was copy-pasting some of this from the other old thread I originally had some years back, I missed two lines regarding the Fire Elem Armor and countering vs DB >_< and thanks for the correction.

About IB's additional dmg from fire weapon>I've only copy-pasted it again from the official iRO post-balance google doc, I should add the -remains neutral- too at that section.

Fixing also the Peuz spelling from rms.

About my RK's name Fatalis - Yea, you are right, first person to noticed I got it from Monster Hunter [Was playing PSP ver. 2] back when I was thinking of a name and since RK rides Dragons > I named it after the Dragon > Fatalis :3

Thanks again for all the addional corrections. Domo~

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#4 Siliency


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Posted 19 July 2014 - 11:25 AM

Haryohs, I wanna create a PvM/MvP that can farm in a good amount of places (from Raydrics to high level monsters, for example), would you say that RK is a good class for this?

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#5 RaveMaster


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Posted 21 July 2014 - 12:43 PM

Basic equipment agi type RK leveling

do 38~45k with sonic wave/ignition break with fire/holy converter and buffed on dracos/loli ruri ^^


PD: 38k+ with Sonic wave lvl 3 not even using EA enchants and AS cards on weapon! :P


why 189 aspd? i dont have rune mastery maxed yet >_>



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#6 idreami


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Posted 16 August 2014 - 09:23 PM

nice guide  :rice:

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#7 vandoom


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Posted 22 August 2014 - 11:31 AM

a question. The char just need Rune Mastery lvl 1 to use/consume the rune? if i create another RK in the same acount, i can use him just for rune craft, since they can be storage, and use the extra skill points from the Skill rune mastery on another skills! like Death Bound lvl 10

Edited by vandoom, 22 August 2014 - 11:33 AM.

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#8 5936130809090831630


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Posted 22 August 2014 - 03:14 PM

you don't need Rune Mastery at all to use a Rune. just Rune has Activation Success Rate, which is increased by Rune Mastery.

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#9 RaveMaster


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Posted 22 August 2014 - 03:47 PM

a question. The char just need Rune Mastery lvl 1 to use/consume the rune? if i create another RK in the same acount, i can use him just for rune craft, since they can be storage, and use the extra skill points from the Skill rune mastery on another skills! like Death Bound lvl 10


Sometimes the rune fail if you dont have the necesary level. example: you have runemastery lvl 1, you can use all the runes, right.. but sometimes fail like crushing strike verkana and others, when you use Asir runestone gives you the effect of atk depending of how many members in your party but doesnt give you the aspd.

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#10 vandoom


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Posted 22 August 2014 - 03:59 PM

hum i see. thanks mate =3

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#11 HayrohsLegacy


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Posted 23 August 2014 - 06:14 AM

Dragon Breath nerf/debate for fix skill delay (on-going): http://forums.warppo...renewal-server/

Edited by HayrohsLegacy, 23 August 2014 - 06:25 AM.

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#12 RaveMaster


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Posted 26 September 2014 - 08:03 AM

Dragon breath cast delay fixed to 0.2 secs http://forums.warppo...ay-maintenance/

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#13 Mathspy


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Posted 08 November 2014 - 10:36 AM

Hello! I am kind of new around here (Actually quite old but returned a while ago)


I am making a Rune Knight at the moment and have been wondering very much around what build should I go with. So I wanted to ask you a few questions about the build you use.


How come you have three points in Parrying and ten in Hundred Spear while both use two totally different weapons?

Do you have a weapon for specific occasions and another one for other occasions?

What is the use of having a skill like Bowling Bash while having a much more powerful AoE like Ignition Break/Dragon Breath?

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#14 HayrohsLegacy


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Posted 08 November 2014 - 08:38 PM

Hello! I am kind of new around here (Actually quite old but returned a while ago)


I am making a Rune Knight at the moment and have been wondering very much around what build should I go with. So I wanted to ask you a few questions about the build you use.


How come you have three points in Parrying and ten in Hundred Spear while both use two totally different weapons?

Do you have a weapon for specific occasions and another one for other occasions?

What is the use of having a skill like Bowling Bash while having a much more powerful AoE like Ignition Break/Dragon Breath?

Ignition Break/Hunting Spear = PVM/MVP/PVP (2-Hands like Violet Fear chanted w/FS and Sword Guardian cards or 1-Hand weapon if Soul Linked) (Chanted Spears or Bellum for Hundred Spear). Only put the rest of leftover points for Parry, as from experience, you should be able to kill fast enough and can be not dependent on this block skill. (unless you are using this for WOE w/Bellum 2-H, then theres your reason to max it).

Having Bowling Bash is basic and can be combo-ed w/Ignition Break (during its delay) and since BB-dancing lets you spam it better (not strings reliant) unlike DB that needs Magic Strings to be able to spam efficiently.

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#15 Mathspy


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Posted 08 November 2014 - 11:48 PM

Ignition Break/Hunting Spear = PVM/MVP/PVP (2-Hands like Violet Fear chanted w/FS and Sword Guardian cards or 1-Hand weapon if Soul Linked) (Chanted Spears or Bellum for Hundred Spear). Only put the rest of leftover points for Parry, as from experience, you should be able to kill fast enough and can be not dependent on this block skill. (unless you are using this for WOE w/Bellum 2-H, then theres your reason to max it).

Having Bowling Bash is basic and can be combo-ed w/Ignition Break (during its delay) and since BB-dancing lets you spam it better (not strings reliant) unlike DB that needs Magic Strings to be able to spam efficiently.



Oh I see! That's a really cool and powerful combo... So Bowling Bash in mandatory


Well, I want to go PvM/MvP but not so much as to go for the biggest MvPs

I am playing with a friend who is going to become an AB when I hit RK (We always play together)


We want to go exploring everywhere in the world and killing different monsters and collecting different items... (I know it sounds kind of silly XD) So the nearest to that is "PvM/MvP"


Here is my build


I am not into dragons and I think you will recommend taking two points from Death Bound and putting them in Storm Wave, right? Please tell me any flaw you find in this build, I won't mind


Also what stats should I go with and what items do you recommend?

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#16 RaveMaster


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Posted 09 November 2014 - 06:48 AM

If you're going to PVM/MVP the build recommended is Agi build (IB/BB/DB). if you're low level get Ignition Break first (the strongest AOE before lvl125 and have DB).


The guide of my sempai explains what gears you need depending of what build you are.

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#17 Mathspy


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Posted 09 November 2014 - 11:44 AM

If you're going to PVM/MVP the build recommended is Agi build (IB/BB/DB). if you're low level get Ignition Break first (the strongest AOE before lvl125 and have DB).


The guide of my sempai explains what gears you need depending of what build you are.

I see ^^ Thank you!

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#18 rafh26


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 08:23 PM

what map is best for leveling Agi type Rune Knight at level 116?

i prepared ctrl+click instead of using skills that burn a lots of zenny.

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#19 kasshin


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 09:01 AM

You don't PVM with an "AGI build". Killing monsters one at a time isn't an option anymore especially after level ~90. Just join a gramps turn in party, tank for friends who CAN kill with an AOE, or start getting the right gears or build for proper AOE solo leveling.
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#20 RaveMaster


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 04:42 PM

#Animationdelay my friend

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#21 kasshin


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 10:54 PM

Animation delay isn't a (big) factor until endgame (level 140+).


I've leveled knights / rune knights with cav mastery 1 (before there was a free skill reset) and dragon training 0 several times. It's actually really interesting to watch a character with huge ASPD penalties (resulting in something like 50 ASPD or 70 ASPD). I can activate a skill but it will only hit the monsters half a second later because of the ASPD penalty. It almost feels like lag even though it's just game physics.


Regardless, it won't affect your leveling capabilities because each AOE skill has a long global cooldown and/or reuse delay already anyway.


Long story short, most players should aim for AGI last out of all of their stats.


Some players who might be opting for over 100 of certain stats might reach ~100 of each of those stats early on however. The benefits of stats over 100 may not matter too much until endgame. For example, a build with ~100 VIT, ~50 INT, ~60 DEX (STR depending on whether they are doing full DB and whether going for IB or not). Players may then choose to start putting points into AGI for another purpose, bleed resistance / immunity. Being able to help regen SP without worrying about bleed can help a lot. But even with this situation, you only start investing in AGI when you are around level 120 or higher, not at the beginning.


Players who have less funds and want / need to play a ctrl-click build to solo to level 80-90 or so should consider only going ~60 AGI at most if they really have to. Otherwise their LK / RK build will be seriously gimped early on.

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#22 rafh26


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Posted 22 November 2014 - 02:37 AM

what weapon is best for Ignition Break?

I saw 30K damage of Ignition Break in MID TI.


im level 120

my current weapon is +7 Twin Edge RED.


my max damage is 12k  :sob:  :sob:  :sob:

Edited by rafh26, 22 November 2014 - 02:38 AM.

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#23 RaveMaster


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Posted 22 November 2014 - 03:01 AM

Violet Fear enchanted with FS and refined, buffed and +9 Black Ribbon. i can do more than 35k with my kvm on aunoes/vankber cz they're demihuman :v

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#24 rafh26


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Posted 22 November 2014 - 09:27 PM

Violet Fear enchanted with FS and refined, buffed and +9 Black Ribbon. i can do more than 35k with my kvm on aunoes/vankber cz they're demihuman :v


How much +9 Black Ribbon?

and where can I buy KVM?

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#25 RaveMaster


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Posted 24 November 2014 - 07:22 AM

+9 Black Ribbon costs 120-150m. For obtain KVM you need 2000 KVM badges, 2000 OPB (if you're rich and wut) or 400 Eden merit badges, KVM is for destroy demihuman monsters and Players, you deal the best damage you need refine it +9 as min or +12 - +14.

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