Hayroh's LK~Rune Knight [ft. Dragon Breath] Builds/Guide - iRO (jRO New Sprites) *Updated 08/15/2017 - Page 7 - Swordsman Class - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Hayroh's LK~Rune Knight [ft. Dragon Breath] Builds/Guide - iRO (jRO New Sprites) *Updated 08/15/2017

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#151 YongkySH


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Posted 04 November 2017 - 02:37 AM

Unless I derped with the numbers somewhere, assuming 100+ base Dex:


EA1EA2EA4 FAW + 2x Fairy:

2% + 4% + 8% = 14% range dmg from FAW enchants

2 * (2% + 5%) = 14% range dmg from 2x Fairy

5% + 5% = 10% range dmg from EA 1 and EA2 combos

5% + 5% = 10% reduced cast delay from 2x Fairy

5% + 5% = 10% reduced cast delay from EA1 and EA2 combos

2 * 2 Dex from 2 Fairy



14% + 14% + 10% = 38% range damage,

10% + 10% = 20% reduced cast delay and

4 Dex



EA3EA3EA4 FAW + 1 Fairy + 1 Sarah EA1EA2:

6% + 6% + 8% = 20% range dmg from FAW enchants

2% + 4% = 6% range dmg from EA1EA2 Sarah

2% + 5% = 7% range damage from Fairy

5% + 5% = 10% range damage from EA1 and EA2 combos

5% reduced cast delay from 1 Fairy

5% + 5% = 10% reduced cast delay from EA and EA2 combos

2 Dex from 1 Fairy

Heal lvl 1 or Teleport lvl 1 from Sarah (depends on whether you choose left or right)



20% + 6% + 7% + 10% = 43% range damage,

5% + 10% = 15% reduced cast delay,

2 Dex,

either Teleport or Heal lvl 1 and

no need to reenchant your perfect EA FAW



When you have strings you'll obviously want to pick the higher % range damage, because cast delay is a non issue.

Same if you have 2x Kiels, cause both setups can get you to 100% cast delay in that case.

If you solo pick whichever you perfer. :v

I'm rolling with the Sarah setup on my DB RK because I honestly don't feel the 5% difference between 62% and 67% cast delay reduction (using +12 HWHB clean, New Wave Sunglasses and +9 TGL).

Maybe I would if I had a single Kiel, as that would mean 92% vs 97%, but eh. I don't have a Kiel.

I also didn't want to ruin my EA10 FAW or get a new FAW.


If I look at this page http://irowiki.org/w...arring_Enchants


It's better to enchant Left Earring since it have bigger chance of EA 1/2 right?

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#152 kubikyuu


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Posted 04 November 2017 - 04:12 AM

That wiki page doesn't even look remotely finished to me.

I took the one that gives Teleport, since Heal lvl1 is totally useless.

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#153 YongkySH


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Posted 04 November 2017 - 06:17 AM

That wiki page doesn't even look remotely finished to me.

I took the one that gives Teleport, since Heal lvl1 is totally useless.


Ah yeah, I agree with you about that, Teleport is more useful than Heal


Will someone update the wiki please? :kis:

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#154 kubikyuu


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Posted 04 November 2017 - 06:45 AM

Give me a full list of enchants + rates and I can do it. :u

Not going to waste my time doing thousands of test enchants.

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#155 Hirumminho


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Posted 06 November 2017 - 05:43 PM


Same if you have 2x Kiels, cause both setups can get you to 100% cast delay in that case.


Maybe I would if I had a single Kiel, as that would mean 92% vs 97%, but eh. I don't have a Kiel.



92% and 97% delay reduction is the same for DB since 0.2s cooldown, also it doesn't worth to stack up to 100% delay reduction for DB, you will only notice the difference up to 90% reduction.

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#156 kubikyuu


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Posted 06 November 2017 - 11:29 PM

92% and 97% delay reduction is the same for DB since 0.2s cooldown, also it doesn't worth to stack up to 100% delay reduction for DB, you will only notice the difference up to 90% reduction.


Oh right, totally forgot about that.

Thanks for the reminder!

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#157 fuyukikun


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 12:26 AM

If I look at this page http://irowiki.org/w...arring_Enchants


It's better to enchant Left Earring since it have bigger chance of EA 1/2 right?

you read the table wrong.

It is not right or left sarah earring. both has same enchant and same rates.


the left and right slot is the enchant position. 

every item has 4 slots 

1st slot

2nd slot

3rd slot

4th slot


cards fill the 1st slot. the card slot can also be replaced by enchant slot (see RWC accessory). the 2nd to 4th slots are usually used for enchant. If you see temproal boots, the 4th slot is for ea, aspd, spell, etc. the 3rd slot is for lucky day, bear power, etc.


The one referred in sarah enchant is the 3rd slot (referred as left slot) and 4th slot (referred as right slot).

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#158 YongkySH


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 04:02 PM

you read the table wrong.
It is not right or left sarah earring. both has same enchant and same rates.

the left and right slot is the enchant position.
every item has 4 slots
1st slot
2nd slot
3rd slot
4th slot

cards fill the 1st slot. the card slot can also be replaced by enchant slot (see RWC accessory). the 2nd to 4th slots are usually used for enchant. If you see temproal boots, the 4th slot is for ea, aspd, spell, etc. the 3rd slot is for lucky day, bear power, etc.

The one referred in sarah enchant is the 3rd slot (referred as left slot) and 4th slot (referred as right slot).

Ah, so I was mistaken this whole time :heh:

Thanks for clearing that up fuyu
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#159 kyoosuke


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Posted 10 July 2024 - 06:44 AM

hi guys, is there an more recent suggestion for LK? I'm 99/50 knight right now, gonna do the rebirth thingy, but I have no idea how to do LK.



Str 1 + 9

Agi 99 + 11

Vit 21 + 13

Int 1 + 1

Dex 1 + 7

Luk 96 + 8


Atk 71 + 155

Def 88 + 119

Hit 336

Flee 341 + 11

Critical 75

Aspd 184


this is my current stats with a muramasa and 2h quicken, but since i'm going to do the rebirth, probably don't matter. i have been playing solo, no party, no friend, just grind and grind, saved some money and got a muramasa for 500k, the rest is all eden eq, it's probably unusual to do ALV, but, i thought i'd try it out for fun, and it is fun, with berserk potion at 188 aspd, it's not 190, but it's still really fun. when i get mobbed, i just use bowling bash. but some monsters tend to hide in the gutter line cells, that's kind of pain in the arse.


please advise on LK for someone who has no friend and no party to join, pretty much just solo for fun.



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#160 EdwardEG


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Posted 10 July 2024 - 11:29 PM

meh.. first of all, we need to unpin this guide as it's totally outdated.


secondly, all things have changed. For example: Bowling bash no longer has gutter lines that you no longer need to worry about mobbing.. When you mob at least 4 monsters, it deals maximum damage.


Muramasa? Dump it to NPC lol.. i mean seriously. Auto atk crit is absolutely 2004 version.. we are now living in year 2024. The build that you mentioned is only relevant in pre-renewal server.


Now with the 3rd job and 4th job, the build is totally different. You may visit the Rune Knight section from iRO wiki. It tells you the most updated information than this thread. Well, unless you are building LK 99/70 for WoE TE than you should look another guide somehere else.

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#161 kyoosuke


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Posted 11 July 2024 - 03:53 AM

meh.. first of all, we need to unpin this guide as it's totally outdated.


secondly, all things have changed. For example: Bowling bash no longer has gutter lines that you no longer need to worry about mobbing.. When you mob at least 4 monsters, it deals maximum damage.


Muramasa? Dump it to NPC lol.. i mean seriously. Auto atk crit is absolutely 2004 version.. we are now living in year 2024. The build that you mentioned is only relevant in pre-renewal server.


Now with the 3rd job and 4th job, the build is totally different. You may visit the Rune Knight section from iRO wiki. It tells you the most updated information than this thread. Well, unless you are building LK 99/70 for WoE TE than you should look another guide somehere else.

hahahaha, thanks for the reply. really, i started out playing this game back in 2004, but then on and off for a long time. last time i logged in to play was 2010, so i understand i'm totally out of touch.


my account is still there, and the 3 characters i had from before are still there, except i can't choose them, because i might have some items that don't work today, so whenever i tried to choose one of these three old characters, i would get disconnected from server, so now i have to start a new character (with those three old characters still visible in the list).


thanks for the reply, because i totally didn't know how to proceed.

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#162 EdwardEG


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Posted 11 July 2024 - 04:30 AM

Anyway, here's the levelling guide too




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