Lovely editing such talent

[OPEN] The Nobles - Level 50, international, friendly, WoE Active,PvP,PvE | Chapter 6 - Seperation~
Posted 20 September 2014 - 05:18 AM
Guild level 37!
New Events!
- Noble deeds, who is the most noble of us all? Find out more on Wednesday!
- Chaos Madness, Getting members to CoA, AoD, hunt greenseed all day all night.
- Design recipe hunt, 5 more recipe left to complete our Osiris collection. Will we make it??
Slots for Osiris always available, join us for active leveling!
Also, we have RC now! #9594101
Guild status
Current members: 95
Online members: 10-34, low at sleeptime, high on weekends
Currently accepting active ML20+
Edited by kangsera, 20 September 2014 - 05:19 AM.
Posted 25 September 2014 - 01:12 PM
Guild level = 41!
New Events!
- Noble deeds, who is the most noble of us all? Find out more on Wednesday!
- Design recipe hunt, 5 more recipe left to complete our Osiris collection. Will we make it??
Noble deeds - draw between 2 members so it has been extended until Sunday.
Design recipe hunt - Our Osiris design collection is complete! Free craft for all guild members
Edited by kangsera, 25 September 2014 - 01:13 PM.
Posted 01 October 2014 - 03:05 PM
Guild jump to Level 43!
I guess the Noble deed event will do as a celebration. and the result is out!
Congratulations to the winner Ryzkie with 16 unique deeds performed!
Under the witness of the high priest, saintess, guild members and friends, Ryzkie has received the blessings of our guild fairy Elyssa. XD
He received a gift of 2 x (30day vip, rune remover, master battle manual).
We send him off to his journey, now as a true nobleman.
Thanks to all participants of 'The Noble deeds' event for promoting our guild name throughout the Midgard
I'm sure all these deeds will be practiced even after the event ends. After all, the inspiration for the event was from witnessing your kind, heroic and selfless acts, day after day, each and every day. You guys know which ones i'm talking about <3 even if you did not have the time to participate in this event or did not take your time to screenshot each deed, do know that I appreciate the things that you do for all of us in Ro2 & especially the guild.

Edited by kangsera, 02 October 2014 - 05:22 AM.
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