Posted 13 October 2014 - 01:53 PM
Is this you?
Afk, lonely and nothing to do? XD Have you perhaps reached ML20 or max level already? Has the game started to become boring now that you've completed all that Ro2 has to offer?
Are you looking for fun once again and to spice things up a little?
Then, why not join 'The Nobles', we are always looking for members with a lot of time to waste! You will have plenty to do
Or.. perhaps
you have a warrior strength.. and,
a knight's heart
..and you might be looking for that special someone.. could devote yourself to
Sera needs more of the fun, caring, loving and loyal ones..
Ones that'd protect her from countless enemies. You'd start out as a knight vowing to protect her interest, her smile, as well as her guild..
and you'd work on winning her heart.. being her knight in shining armor, you'd come at her rescue in WoE map & during WoE times..
and when she finally notices you.. You'd be made her own.. "SeraKnight"
Current SeraKnights are MoonPride, Devilace, OhEhmGerald, ParkJiJi
You could do much more. Maybe, you're an accomplished character of your class and now you would like to mentor the young ones in the guild and train them to be valuable knights!
Become a ClanMember through your contributions and look after the newly Knighted members of The Nobles.. Or if battles are what you're longing for, go on to become a SeraKnight Through your continuous contribution to the guild and its members, you might just go on to become the your class representative as a "ClanLeader".
You'd take them all under your wings, help them with equipment, seeds, punchers with access to our guild assets.
You'd be the one responsible for our little ones.
Edited by kangsera, 13 October 2014 - 02:44 PM.
Posted 26 October 2014 - 06:24 PM
Hello guys!! my AKA is Yetssu, i recently make my first char (a ranger) master lv1, and im actually looking for a guild who can help me to this new experience that i call "the mandom" !!, i dont know if u full or not of people but i really want to be part of a positive guild... as my old guild.... i miss them so much...
... anyway! ill wait for an answer
, my ING its the same as my AKA: Yetssu
thank you for u attention
Posted 28 October 2014 - 02:18 PM
We'll catch you in game.
actually, if i remember, i think another char i have is gonna need more help than the ranger, i think, i will like to join u with an assasin, its 50/50, i can do the master lvl, but the think is, its brand new, the game gave it to me in 50 but its hard to handle a phys char, ill leave the ING here: SilShifter, (srry the twist )
Posted 30 October 2014 - 05:17 PM
Some updates
Guild level 45!
Additional Allowance 9/10!
Hi! I would like to ask whether i can join your guild, my IGN is Nanomites, from Indonesia, Class Rogue, ML 15 >.<
Welcome to the guild!
bump *^*
New addition to SeraKnight
MoonPride, Devilace, OhEhmGerald, ParkJiJi, GenZonkerz
Thank you for your service
Edited by kangsera, 30 October 2014 - 05:18 PM.
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