P.s. Baddiez I look forward to having fun at woe again, so bring your best!!! And I'll try to do the same @.@
Edited by deathdelete, 21 September 2014 - 03:33 PM.
Posted 21 September 2014 - 02:30 AM
Edited by deathdelete, 21 September 2014 - 03:33 PM.
Posted 23 September 2014 - 09:10 PM
What I have in mind for WoE is to add more Forts to give a chance to every small guilds to win something if they try.
With only 4 Forts there's always going to be a few guilds monopolizing the map, a few guilds butt mad about it, and the rest of the server not feeling concerned about all of this.
Maybe Morroc WoE will help but I think they should make Prontera WoE WAY BIGGER so that EVERYONE has a chance to get something.
Posted 23 September 2014 - 09:26 PM
What I have in mind for WoE is to add more Forts to give a chance to every small guilds to win something if they try.
With only 4 Forts there's always going to be a few guilds monopolizing the map, a few guilds butt mad about it, and the rest of the server not feeling concerned about all of this.
Maybe Morroc WoE will help but I think they should make Prontera WoE WAY BIGGER so that EVERYONE has a chance to get something.
Posted 30 September 2014 - 03:00 PM
I don't believe there will be any stagnation anymore with 2 maps available and more competitive guilds coming in unless of course all big guilds ally and share the loots of all castles and forts among them which is maybe the smartest thing to do as for greedness goes, but not so bright if you want to have fun twice a week pvping with your guild against other guilds. Don't blame the devs if the players decide to make WoE boring each and every time...
Posted 30 September 2014 - 03:19 PM
I would just like to farm BP again, pls and ty *flips table* sorry ro2 I can't make every colo =.= forever not #1 bp farmer
P.s. Baddiez I look forward to having fun at woe again, so bring your best!!! And I'll try to do the same @.@
Sadly a lot of players just stopped playing and are playing a game i'll get banned or this message with be removed if I mention, so UC is far from at it's strongest atm :'(, but I'm sure they'll try. Goodluck to everyone who goes to woe
Posted 01 October 2014 - 06:42 AM
next month will be different, so it doesn't matter about any Alliance from NA ganging up at WOE, we will all feel the same way once blueblood from SEA wreck havoc on woe map, people said they already quit but guess what it will be otherwise once they step in on our WOE map..
Posted 01 October 2014 - 07:43 AM
next month will be different, so it doesn't matter about any Alliance from NA ganging up at WOE, we will all feel the same way once blueblood from SEA wreck havoc on woe map, people said they already quit but guess what it will be otherwise once they step in on our WOE map..
I think people would quit if they come with all their seeds and stuff. if they come naked then people shouldn't quit but with MMO's of the month. Well i don't know lol
Posted 01 October 2014 - 07:48 AM
next month will be different, so it doesn't matter about any Alliance from NA ganging up at WOE, we will all feel the same way once blueblood from SEA wreck havoc on woe map, people said they already quit but guess what it will be otherwise once they step in on our WOE map..
Edited by deathdelete, 01 October 2014 - 07:53 AM.
Posted 01 October 2014 - 02:35 PM
Honestly. I welcome the Sea guilds there is so much hype about them even if they came naked I'm sure they would put up a fight and can potentially win depending on their organization. I hope they live up to the hype and tear down the current alliances my own included
Posted 02 October 2014 - 06:47 AM
Honestly. I welcome the Sea guilds there is so much hype about them even if they came naked I'm sure they would put up a fight and can potentially win depending on their organization. I hope they live up to the hype and tear down the current alliances my own included
Posted 03 October 2014 - 07:26 AM
4 fps woe, how the hell do you expect us to play this? And you merge sea with us LOL. warpportal is really crazy
Posted 03 October 2014 - 07:26 AM
Id like to point out
Nice boat sever first no bug abuse recall, No barricades, No farming each other to win XXL hoodies, Legit main castle take 6/29/14. Never missed a woe and Never stopped trying!
On a srs cereal note, Yes recall is weird and it does need a few fixes to match its counter part on IRO. Woe Is now: 360 n0 sc0p3s MLG recall every 10 secs.
What i think would be good changes for recall.
Fixed cool down.
Recalling takes you out of stealth to perform the skill.
Getting hit cancels the skill.
Fixed cast time.
Here is the official IRO recall
All guild members will be teleported next to the Guild Master. Once used, the caster must wait 5 minutes before using this skill again.
Also on iro woe, there are restrictions for some skills that cant be used and custom changes such as
Battle Mechanic ChangesMaybe we can implement something like this?
Posted 03 October 2014 - 07:41 AM
Posted 03 October 2014 - 07:50 AM
Posted 03 October 2014 - 08:01 AM
Im fine wuth changes within reason, at least they fixed SOME of the abuse posibilities, but I agree recall needs to be fine tuned.
But I agree the optimization is the biggest problem, its not even that there is no pvp in woe its that you cant really call that pvp when its two fps and cant even use skills. I refuse to drop 4g on a new pc for this game no matter what the reason is.
You dont need to. I have a top of the line PC, made for games like Battlefield 4, and other AA titles. I just bought the new Lord of the rings game and i set everything to ultra. No lag No fps issues nothing. BUT RO2 that is running on from what i heard the engine from skyrim, chugs at 4-10 fps on the woe map. Yes there should be optimization is good. lets go back to RO1 woe. here are other changes i forgot
Other Gameplay ChangesRO has a neat command when used reduces effects on screen. There is also a neat command called /effect that removes all effects on your screen. These comands are good and all but i feel they might not work here. In order to reduce some lag i would suggest,
Removing Glow from weapons.
removing some tree and random weird effects on the map (what the hell is that smoking destroyed cart looking thing gonna do)
Possibly removing the VIP icon on the map. or at least not having it animate.
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