[ 10/15 - 10/21 ] Weekly Ralis Conundrum! #9: Paradox - Conundrum event archive - WarpPortal Community Forums

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[ 10/15 - 10/21 ] Weekly Ralis Conundrum! #9: Paradox

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#1 Ralis


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 10:07 PM

SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngThe Ralis ConundrumSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png


School has started up again, and that means it's time to get your brain back in shape!


Every Wednesday, at some varying point of the day, I'll be posting some sort of weekly challenge for you to figure out. Each week brings a new puzzle: it may be a math problem, a riddle or something else entirely. Whatever it may be, you'll have to use a little (or a lot of) brain power to figure it out.

These puzzles may require knowledge outside of Ragnarok! Anyone is capable of finding the answer, but I cannot guarantee you will always know what to do if you have little to no understanding of Ragnarok, computers, math, science, etc.


The competition is open to both servers! Chaos Renewal and Classic Loki players may both enter their answers. It may help you to know, then, that the answer to each challenge will be something that can be found by players of both servers.


Correct answers may win a prize at the end of the week. However, only a certain number of prizes can be given out and all correct answers are entered into the prize pool. Please do not try and use multiple accounts to get better odds! We check account connections. If you're caught doing this, you will be automatically disqualified from present and future competitions... Including OTHER events on the forums as well.


Correct answers that are not chosen for the weekly prize will gain points depending on how many people get the correct answer! When you've saved up 20 points (points will be kept track in the 3rd post of each thread), you can PM me any time during the week to trade your points in for the current week's prize. You may only trade in points once a week for a single prize, so keep that in mind if you're trying to save up for a "better" prize.


Please keep in mind that the theme for each week is not always a factor in figuring out the puzzle. This does not mean that it will never have an impact, but rather that you should not assume that you must travel to a location or that the answer must fit the theme given in that week's conundrum.


Please do not post or PM your answers. Use the link below the challenge to submit answers!


You may freely adjust your entry until each week's deadline.


Helpful links:


iRO Wiki

iRO Wiki Renewal Database

iRO Wiki Classic Database



I don't consider search engines cheating. You will never find the answer directly, but always use your resources!


Please do not ask questions related to this week's challenge on the forums. Questions regarding the competition as a whole are fine, but we want to avoid any hints or answers being posted directly on the forums!




SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngThis Week's ChallengeSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png

Week 9: Paradox [ 10/15 - 10/21 ]




Unfortunately I've been a little busy with school this week and the new Conundrum slipped my mind until about fifteen minutes ago, which just isn't enough time for me to come up with and thoroughly test a new puzzle!


So, for this week, I'm going to let you all decide what the correct answer is... Sort of. You see, it will be a sort of paradox: there will be no correct answer until people have guessed the correct answer. Kind of strange, isn't it?


Anyway, sorry about this week... and may the odds be ever in your favor.


What percentage of the answers to this week's Conundrum will be correct? Round to the nearest whole number.


Example: If you believe everyone will answer the same number, enter 100 or 100%.


(If there is no correct answer, I'll take the next closest answer)


Click Here To Submit Your Answer


This week's prize:


10x Bloody Branch


The competition ends Tuesday, October 21st at 11:59 PM PST! Good luck!



Edited by Ralis, 14 October 2014 - 10:36 PM.

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#2 Ralis


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 10:22 PM

SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngLast Week's ChallengeSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png


Week 8: Scavenger Hunt [ 10/8 - 10/14 ]



Flagpost                                              Bench                                               Tree



                                                   Vendor Carts & Stands                             Guard Station                                        Lamppost


The Committee for the Rehabilitation and Advancement of Prontera (C.R.A.P. for short) has determined that the city of Prontera is not receiving enough tourism lately. In an effort to draw visitors to the city and quite literally force them to walk every square inch of the castle's town, they've created a scavenger hunt using various things you can find around the city.


Multiply the number of Flagposts by the number of Benches.
Subtract the number of Trees.
Multiply by the number of Vendor Carts & Stands.
Divide by the number of Guard Stations.
Add the number of Lampposts.


Once you know how many of each item are located on the entire Prontera map, solve the math problem above and submit the answer to (possibly) win a faaaaaaaaaaabulous prize*!


*This week's prize partially sponsored by C.R.A.P.


This week's prize:


Party Hard Pack




SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngThe SolutionSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png


The answer is 7167.


There's really not a whole lot I can do to help you out with the answer this week! It was all about counting the (correct) objects.
 In total, there are:


61 Flagposts
19 Benches (the benches by the south spawn are two benches put back to back)

136 Trees (this one was tricky, there are two on the map that are just outside the south entrance wall)
35 Vendor carts (don't forget the one by the West Kafra and the few around the southeast area)
6 Lampposts
5 Guard stations


Keep in mind that this is not a regular math problem and each part of the problem's 'list' was on a different line, so I did not expect (or want) you to use order of operations. The problem's solution would be:


61 * 19 = 1159

1159 - 136 = 1023
1023 * 35 = 35805
35805 / 5 = 7161

7161 + 6 = 7167


I used a few maps of Prontera from ye olde Google Images to help me out while I walked around Prontera, but it definitely took several counts to get the answer to pop up consistently: 7167.

Only 9 correct answers this week? I guess the task was rather monotonous for some. The winners, chosen randomly by survey number, were:

duomaxie, omniw, donJackson9999, renouille and MatsuTana!



Please check your mail or inventory on the character you listed on the answer page for your prize. Please give Oda until next week's maintenance to deliver prizes!



Edited by Ralis, 14 October 2014 - 10:33 PM.

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#3 Ralis


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 10:26 PM

SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngThis Week's BirthdaysSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png


Happy Birthday to the Following Players:


15 SakuraMazaki
16 Derixs
17 bloodyrascal
18 SoroTrestal
19 sakurawings1
19 ennaej
19 Melusino






Week 8: Scavenger Hunt [ 10/8 - 10/14 ]

Week 7: Pyramid Scheme [ 10/1 - 10/7 ]

Week 6: Where in the World [ 9/24 - 9/30 ]

Week 5: Trouble With Tiles [ 9/17 - 9/23 ]

Week 4: A Colorful Conundrum [ 9/10 - 9/16 ]

Week 3: Unlock the Safe [ 9/3 - 9/9 ]

Week 2: As The Kasa Flies [ 8/27 - 9/2 ]

Week 1: Mystery Picture [ 8/20 - 8/26 ]



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#4 renouille


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 10:35 PM

Nuts, I was hoping Ralis had miscounted so we could raise hell. Oh well.


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#5 Ralis


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 10:39 PM

I wasn't kidding when I said I spent HOURS counting. HOURS.


I think I counted trees about seven different times.


Also I love how trees took up pretty much half of that video. :l

Edited by Ralis, 14 October 2014 - 10:44 PM.

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#6 ZeroTigress


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 11:04 PM

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#7 renouille


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 11:10 PM

What if there are multiple correct answers?
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#8 Ralis


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 11:14 PM

What if there are multiple correct answers?


Very unlikely but certainly possible. I'll just combine the winners from each answer into one pool.

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#9 renouille


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 11:28 PM

Can you explain what it means for an answer to be correct?

Edited by renouille, 15 October 2014 - 05:46 AM.

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#10 Demeris


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 12:34 AM

Nuts, I was hoping Ralis had miscounted so we could raise hell. Oh well.



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#11 deathnightllll


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 12:46 AM

I couldn't count all of these things in the regular map. had to go to pvp in order to count...then there were a lot of screen shots :D

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#12 Necrohealiac


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 05:20 AM

question on the redemption of points: we cannot try to redeem for a previous week's prize correct?  i love pets :(

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#13 neko1231


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 06:58 AM

Hmmmmm.... Why not everyone guess 100% then everyone has the correct answer.

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#14 Necrohealiac


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 07:41 AM

no because Ralis determines what the answer would be.  if everyone guesses 100 and that's not the answer, then the correct answer would be 0.


Hence paradox

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#15 neko1231


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 07:54 AM

no because Ralis determines what the answer would be.  if everyone guesses 100 and that's not the answer, then the correct answer would be 0.


Hence paradox


Then I don't understand....so actually there is a pre-decided number underlined for us to guess.

So we are just guessing how many people get correctly what the number is?

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#16 Necrohealiac


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 07:57 AM

Isn't this FUN?

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#17 Ralis


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 08:57 AM

You are all making the correct answer(s)... Because the two numbers have to match.


In my example, if everyone guessed 100%, then that answer would be correct because 100% of the answers guessed 100%.


If ONE person answered 1% out of 100 people, though, they would then be correct because 1% of the answers would be 1%.


So just keep in mind that if you're answering things like 50%, that means you're saying that 50% of the answers I get this week will be 50%.


Does that make a little more sense?


Remember that you can change your answer if you want up until Tuesday night.

Edited by Ralis, 15 October 2014 - 09:02 AM.

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#18 Ralis


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 09:00 AM

question on the redemption of points: we cannot try to redeem for a previous week's prize correct?  i love pets :(


Nope, only for the prize for the current week. But you can keep the points until a pet comes up. Eventually I'm gonna have to repeat prizes because I'm running out of ideas that work for both servers. :P

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#19 neko1231


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 09:07 AM

You are all making the correct answer(s)... Because the two numbers have to match.


In my example, if everyone guessed 100%, then that answer would be correct because 100% of the answers guessed 100%.


If ONE person answered 1% out of 100 people, though, they would then be correct because 1% of the answers would be 1%.


So just keep in mind that if you're answering things like 50%, that means you're saying that 50% of the answers I get this week will be 50%.


Does that make a little more sense?


Remember that you can change your answer if you want up until Tuesday night.


So my previous understanding is correct while @Necrohealiac 's is wrong.


Example following my understanding:

Assume total 100 people answered, one person's answer is 1, one person's answer is 2, all others are 100.


If 1 is the correct answer, we have 1% of perople answered correctly, so 1 is right answer.

If 2 is the correct answer, we have 1% of perople answered correctly, so 2 is not the right answer.

If 100 is the correct answer, we have 98% of perople answered correctly, so 100 is not the right answer.


So, everyone, answer 100 then we all get the correct answer! :heh: 

Edited by neko1231, 15 October 2014 - 09:08 AM.

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#20 Ralis


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 09:16 AM


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#21 neko1231


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 09:25 AM

Haha, then it is a Liar Game style puzzle.

If all player trust each other and choose 100, then everyone can win. However there will be some people breaking this. So all are random now :heh:

Nice puzzle!

Edited by neko1231, 15 October 2014 - 09:26 AM.

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#22 Demeris


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 09:45 AM

So if the correct answer was 0% of the players, and some people chose 0%... then that means more than 0% got the answer correct but then the answer will change since the correct players who got the answer by guessing 0% is lets say... 2%. Then someone else guess 2% and that may be 1% of the answer and someone else guess 1% and that might be 8% of the answer...

So yeah, I hope you don't pick 0

Edited by Demeris, 15 October 2014 - 09:46 AM.

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#23 Ralis


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 09:47 AM

It could be possible for the answer to be 0% actually... If 1 person out of 300 answered that, I would round .33% down to 0%. xD Extremely unlikely that it will happen, though.

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#24 spikexp


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 11:04 AM

I'd be the one to answer with 0%.

Or would I...
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#25 Necrohealiac


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 11:05 AM

42 is the answer to everything.

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