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[Updated] Server Maintenance at 2015/2/18 15:00 Server Time

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#1 Popcorn



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 01:16 PM

Maintenance Time, Dragon Saga friends!


Same procedure as every week


At 2015/2/18 15:00 Server Time it's time for our

weekly server maintenance





Cookie Factory

The Cookie Factory is in and the NPC is there

Unfortunately we couldn't manage it to put the quest
chain in this week. But be ensured that we try it for
next week.

Tickets needed to enter F6 and F7 missions are
dropped by killing all kind of monsters

(at the moment the F7 tickets are not dropping,
that will be changed tomorrow (February, 19th) during the day.
I will let you know when it happens because a short server

restart is needed!)


Cookie Factory Box Event

You can obtain a Nostalgia Weapon Box
by exchanging it for 
10 Gada Coins
10 Gold Coins
30 Cookie Factory Defense Orders
(30 Cookie Factory F7 tickets will be needed too as
soon as the world drop of the F7 tickets starts)
at the Vending Machine

It contains one of these items which

is given to you randomly one of these:


Heirloom Hookah's Double Rifle
Heirloom Alvida's Specialist Rifle
Heirloom Lightning Sabre
Heirloom Ahtoo's Claw
Heirloom Karkharous Two Handed Sword
Heirloom Arka's Harmony Staff
Heirloom Vella's Trident

Heirloom Lightning Oak One-hand Sword
Heirloom Lightning Oak Two-hand Sword
(OLD)Lightning Oak Staff
Heirloom Lightning Oak Spear
Heirloom Lightning Oak Bow
Heirloom Lightning Oak Crossbow
Heirloom Lightning Oak Claw
Heirloom Lightning Oak Katar




Bigwheel / Mixboard

Sadly due to implementing the
Cookie Factory there was not enough
time to change Bigwheel and Mixboard
stuff. We will do this next week.



Item Mall

Some slight changes to the Item Mall
will come tomorrow during the day
I will update this post then



Thanks you for your patience

and enjoy the game!



Edited by VModPopcorn, 18 February 2015 - 05:40 PM.

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#2 banaxx


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 05:13 AM

The Cookie Factory will be open????  :questionmark: 

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#3 pluumy


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 05:17 AM

The Cookie Factory will be open????  :questionmark: 


^ and any news on whether or not there will be quest npcs?

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#4 Prockzone


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 05:39 AM

As it would make no sense opening cookie factory without any NPC for the quests (which are required to open F6/F7 where you finally can farm Flour), I am pretty sure that they will implement the NPC.  And as I know Popcorn, he and the others in the background will try their best to make this happen :p_love:

Edited by Prockzone, 18 February 2015 - 05:41 AM.

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#5 zirothos


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 10:24 AM

cookie factory and the Haruka's Sushi restaurant '' NPC'' i see the quest is all ready in the game with out the NPC and 

Popcorn say last Wednesday the cookie factory should be open next Wednesday so normaly 2 event in the same time for this week.. we will see when all the info will be on  air


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#6 Popcorn



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Posted 18 February 2015 - 11:10 AM


cookie factory and the Haruka's Sushi restaurant '' NPC'' i see the quest is all ready in the game with out the NPC and 

Popcorn say last Wednesday the cookie factory should be open next Wednesday so normaly 2 event in the same time for this week.. we will see when all the info will be on  air



If you can see the cookie factory at the moment I have a short question... Are you maybe using an altered xml.dat file? :)

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#7 zirothos


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 11:15 AM

i mean i can see the quest for the Haruka's Sushi restaurant all ready. and no i dint play with my file^^

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#8 Popcorn



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Posted 18 February 2015 - 11:25 AM

i mean i can see the quest for the Haruka's Sushi restaurant all ready. and no i dint play with my file^^


Yes, the Haruka quest is in for no reason at the moment. You're right.

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#9 zirothos


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 11:33 AM

do you know if the Haruka's Sushi restaurant will be add in the next event or it just a bug? ^-^''

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#10 Popcorn



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Posted 18 February 2015 - 11:55 AM

do you know if the Haruka's Sushi restaurant will be add in the next event or it just a bug? ^-^''


For the time being, Haruka is in since ages :) I hope that we can get it to work, but I can't promise it.

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#11 Darksidex13


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 02:56 PM

How long the maintenance will take?;o thanks

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#12 Popcorn



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Posted 18 February 2015 - 03:07 PM

How long the maintenance will take?;o thanks


If all goes well it should take the usual 2-3 hrs.

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#13 Darksidex13


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 03:22 PM

thanks:), the maintenance is already launch?;o you said 15h00 and now the server time is 4:20 pm something like that, i just want to know if is normal and if the maintenance is already launch since One hour;o, what things we can find in this maintenance, some new objects and more? like events whatever? and i have a suggestion, do you think "you" and your team can put Jack's Bean back, like individually, its very good for exp and a miss them like in previous Version Dragonica EU or just put some things to help exp faster or something like that, doing F7 with that is very helpful, thanks you for awnser me and if you have any informations or what else, make me an alert because i think you have some great ideas for the next events or whatever, things like that and you care about your players

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#14 Popcorn



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Posted 18 February 2015 - 03:56 PM

thanks:), the maintenance is already launch?;o you said 15h00 and now the server time is 4:20 pm something like that, i just want to know if is normal and if the maintenance is already launch since One hour;o, what things we can find in this maintenance, some new objects and more? like events whatever? and i have a suggestion, do you think "you" and your team can put Jack's Bean back, like individually, its very good for exp and a miss them like in previous Version Dragonica EU or just put some things to help exp faster or something like that, doing F7 with that is very helpful, thanks you for awnser me and if you have any informations or what else, make me an alert because i think you have some great ideas for the next events or whatever, things like that and you care about your players


Yes, the maintenance is already running. Sometimes it can take a bit longer, sometimes it's a bit shorter.


I announce when the servers are up again and what has changed mostly short after the maintenance is done, because then we know if everything is working. :)

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#15 100002263495213


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 05:10 PM

the npc is there but where is the quest exactly??


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#16 Popcorn



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Posted 18 February 2015 - 05:42 PM

Servers are up again!


The Cookie Factory NPC is in now, but

sadly we had some problems to implement 

the quest chain. We will do our best to try

implementing it for next week!


Thank you for your understanding!

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#17 MongoMoves


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 05:56 PM

another week is too long. Weve been waiting for this since last week.. WTF>

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#18 Darksidex13


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 06:33 PM

the F7 tickets will drop to Mission maps like the F6?, the coin of the factory is use for what special object, like set cupidon? or something? next week will we need to do quest for f6 and f7? do you think you can put some other exp consumable in the Vending machine for these event?:') for F7 it will be very nice, and the Recipes will be easier to drop in f7 with the ingredients? like in the next maintenance, thank you it will be very appreciate:)


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#19 zirothos


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 07:19 PM

it so funny you mark all the info about the maintenance and do a traduction for all FR player xD



Bonjours a tous, la traduction commence maintenant.

Usine macaron
L’usine macaron est la et le PNJ aussi mais malheureusement nous n’avons pas pu instaurer la chaine de quête cette semaine. Mais rassurez-vous nous allons essayer de la rajouter pour la semaine prochaine.

Les tickets nécessaire pour entrer dans les F6-F7 se drop en tuent des monstres. (Tous les monstres du jeu.) En ce moment les tickets pour le f7 ne se drop pas. Ce bug serra corriger demain (19 février) pendant la journée. Je vais annoncer quand il sera le temps de faire une courte mis a jours pour le réglé.

Usine macaron Box Event.
Vous pouvez trouver la boit Nostalgia dans la machine Gacha
Pour 10 Gada
10 Gold coin
30 ‘’cookie Factory Defense orders’’ 
Cette boite contient des armes old :
‘’Aucune traduction ne se fera pour les objets je ne pense pas que se soi nécessaires’’. 
Heirloom Hookah's Double Rifle
Heirloom Alvida's Specialist Rifle
Heirloom Lightning Sabre
Heirloom Ahtoo's Claw
Heirloom Karkharous Two Handed Sword
Heirloom Arka's Harmony Staff
Heirloom Vella's Trident

Heirloom Lightning Oak One-hand Sword
Heirloom Lightning Oak Two-hand Sword
(OLD)Lightning Oak Staff
Heirloom Lightning Oak Spear
Heirloom Lightning Oak Bow
Heirloom Lightning Oak Crossbow
Heirloom Lightning Oak Claw
Heirloom Lightning Oak Katar

Du coter de la ‘’ Bigwheel / Mixboard’’
Malheureusement aucun changement apporter à cause de L’évent usine macaron.
Des changements seront apportés seulement la semaine prochaine.
Item mall
Des petits changements seront apporter demain dans la journée ‘’plus info à venir’’

Merci de votre patience et bon jeu a tous.

PS : j’espère que ma traduction vous a été utile.


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#20 Prockzone


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 07:25 PM

another week is too long. Weve been waiting for this since last week.. WTF>


Well you might want to support the background Team of Dragon Saga? :p_hi:


It might not look like it, but actually it is very difficult to implement content which may has become defective and make it work with limited possibilities. Even for me it is quite sad, that the quest chain of the cookie factory could (for the second time?) not be implemented. But they have tried already two times with only partial success so there must be much more to it than we players know.


With that having said, it seems not more than fair if we at least appreciate the made efforts by being able to wait one more week. Thank you Popcorn :)

Edited by Prockzone, 18 February 2015 - 07:27 PM.

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#21 Qu1ck


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 12:32 AM

thanks:), the maintenance is already launch?;o you said 15h00 and now the server time is 4:20 pm something like that, i just want to know if is normal and if the maintenance is already launch since One hour;o, what things we can find in this maintenance, some new objects and more? like events whatever? and i have a suggestion, do you think "you" and your team can put Jack's Bean back, like individually, its very good for exp and a miss them like in previous Version Dragonica EU or just put some things to help exp faster or something like that, doing F7 with that is very helpful, thanks you for awnser me and if you have any informations or what else, make me an alert because i think you have some great ideas for the next events or whatever, things like that and you care about your players

Sorry, but this gave me eyecancer.



There is no reason to offend someone because of speaking english not so well. Please refrain from making offending posts in the future.


Edited by VModPopcorn


Edited by VModPopcorn, 19 February 2015 - 04:20 AM.

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#22 Rainnowx


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 01:08 AM

I'll try something else, using gPotato's terms:







>> PopC: if you say that F7 Tickets will be needed, then isn't the Box "unavailable"?

Or can we get it without those Tickets?

Edited by Rainnowx, 19 February 2015 - 06:11 AM.

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#23 Popcorn



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Posted 19 February 2015 - 04:17 AM

I'll try something else, using gPotato's terms:




>> PopC: if you say that F7 Tickets will be needed, then isn't the Box "unavailable"?

Or can we get it without those Tickets?


It is planned to let the monsters also drop F7 tickets. When the monsters begin to drop them, F7 tickets are needed for the box too.

So don't worry... You will still get the box, because even though it needs F6 and F7 tickets then, you will get F6 and F7 tickets from the monster drop. :)

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#24 zirothos


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 05:33 AM

Rainnowx <<<<< Thx for this modification of the traduction in FR ^^ i like yours better then mind. it was late when i did it. i will use it for my forum to change the some of what i write yesterday night.  

Edited by zirothos, 19 February 2015 - 05:33 AM.

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#25 zirothos


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 11:29 AM

i have a question for VMPopcorn.



where can we drop de F7 ticket i did 2 paris and 3 f6 and still no drop. we are wondering if the ticket can rely be drop ^^''

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