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[Updated] Server Maintenance at 2015/2/18 15:00 Server Time

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#101 DeathstarShogunT


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 01:44 PM

Only reason i mentioned veteran was because you directed "Newplayer" and "Server Dying" towards me in the same sentence, if you can't take what you dish out then I'm sorry I didn't know i was dealing with a drama queen.


And no this isn't a little issue if they end fixing the Dragon Saga client that will not only get rid of Multi Clienters it will also get rid of any possible botting etc.




People on here are now so against it since they have come accustomed to it, lets be honest you want Multi Client to stay it's very obvious you do. Jeez, again why the heck do you think will will push back any other problems That need the DEV'S Team help? Guess what this issue can be dealt with right here right now without the DEV Team so that's what is happening. Your saying "other issues have to be dealt" when you mean "please take the attention off multi client omg I want Easy Saga" And i have read the other forums it seems they do indeed need the DEV TEAM for those other serious problems and this doesn't so again whats the problem?

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#102 Coolsam


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 01:48 PM

I am so what, hows that mentality killing the game?

A large % of the population use the programs. For activities outside the issue that players are getting banned for as well.

you act as if this issue will push back all other issue to the point where they will forget about them.

Actually, there are indeed worse issues that have been ignored for far too long. Scammers, other 3rd party programs, exploits, the list can go on and on.

I don't see you posting about other problems until this came up why is that? Please do explain

In cases of other support team decisions. There has been fairness for this. Battlesquare rules, fair as it's often exploited. Emporia, extremely justifiable. Multi-clients used in an accepted way for a long time suddenly now becoming bad, not fair at all.

Being a veteran player doesn't give you status anywhere sorry to tell you that. Are you people so use to multiclienting that you'll do everything in your power to quickly turn the attention away from it? Since they took quick action towards it, it must be easy a issue to deal with. 

Quick action? It's been a good 2-3 years now of players using it. It was brought up, given only moderate approval by the GMs, and ignored until just now. That's not quick action. Players have asked about it and are told it is a grey area and as long as it's not used at a severe level then it's okay. And don't assume anyone is using veteran status for immunities. I've played for a very long time and can face any punishment for wrong-doing. Players who have spent hundreds, if not over a thousand, dollars on this game can face investigation from any offense. Veterans and Mass-IM buyers have no immunity.

Don't act as if this 1 sole reason is the reason why everything else gets ignored, simply to get the attention off multiclienting, because that is what it sure looks like to me.

It's not the reason, it's just that our game publushers, the WarpPortal staff, have neglected other issues for so long and are focusing on topics that aren't an absolute issue. Players being scammed for tons of gold, players wrongfully accused of wrongdoing due to player impersonation, questions not being answered by support, and other, more severe, 3rd party programs are being ignored.


Any other questions?

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#103 Rabbicarpo2011


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 01:48 PM

Only reason i mentioned veteran was because you directed "Newplayer" and "Server Dying" towards me in the same sentence, if you can't take what you dish out then I'm sorry I didn't know i was dealing with a drama queen.

And no this isn't a little issue if they end fixing the Dragon Saga client that will not only get rid of Multi Clienters it will also get rid of any possible botting etc.

People on here are now so against it since they have come accustomed to it, lets be honest you want Multi Client to stay it's very obvious you do. Jeez, again why the heck do you think will will push back any other problems That need the DEV'S Team help? Guess what this issue can be dealt with right here right now without the DEV Team so that's what is happening. Your saying "other issues have to be dealt" when you mean "please take the attention off multi client omg I want Easy Saga" And i have read the other forums it seems they do indeed need the DEV TEAM for those other serious problems and this doesn't so again whats the problem?

doesnt matter now, the multi client policy has been posted. We can use it. As long as it's not in pow farm and we don't use a third party program to move 2 or more characters at once ;)

Edited by Rabbicarpo2011, 25 February 2015 - 01:50 PM.

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#104 DeathstarShogunT


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 01:55 PM

That's cool i only have a problem with the 3rd party program thing, that's scary that anyone can use it and dragon saga can't prevent it for some reason.

Multi clienting with 2+ computers/laptops etc should be fine, its just that 3rd party program that still baffles me 

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#105 Rabbicarpo2011


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:00 PM

That's cool i only have a problem with the 3rd party program thing, that's scary that anyone can use it and dragon saga can't prevent it for some reason.
Multi clienting with 2+ computers/laptops etc should be fine, its just that 3rd party program that still baffles me

i guess we were on the same side.
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#106 sigeel


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:03 PM

ok.. this is what i don't understand. 


does this reffer to having 2 computers in the same household? 3 even? i have a husband who plays, and he has a sister that sometimes visits...or my friend comes over and when we are not all playing together we put each of our characters to farm. we all trust each other so if she needs cetrain materials me and my husband gather them on certain field and send it to her and vice versa. 


windy farm is an afk kind of place so if you are going to be testing responsiveness there you might as well ban all 3 of us, because those computers are also our work computers and the game is completly minimized when in windy. also what about overnight farming? 


edit: I really arrived late for this party XDD

Edited by sigeel, 25 February 2015 - 02:09 PM.

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#107 Fliederduft78


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:11 PM

Don't think this will cause any problems if everyone of you has his/her very own warpportal account. Cause in that case it is neither account sharing nor 3rd party program using. Well, at least that is how I understand the new multiclienting Terms of Service.  :p_smile:

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#108 sigeel


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:13 PM

aaah ok then :) thanks for clearing it up :)

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#109 Popcorn



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Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:39 PM

I hope my new announcement with the statement of our support team can now finally clarify all the things up so far.


Usually I move the server maintenance topic to the archive when I post the new one, but due to the discussion I will let it stay here until the next weekend, so that everyone has a chance to look over it. 




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#110 zirothos


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:49 PM

you should close this we have all ready a now topic to talk in. make this topic clean for the maintenance info only xD   http://forums.warppo...ule-fair-or-no/

Edited by zirothos, 25 February 2015 - 02:49 PM.

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#111 Rossbach


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 03:13 PM

"For the other maps such as dungeons, missions, etc... an immediate reply is required"



Is this for maps where the GM can see you? (Considering "moving around.")



Cause what if they afk in the middle of a f1 or w/e map?



Edited by Rossbach, 25 February 2015 - 03:15 PM.

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#112 StormHaven



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Posted 25 February 2015 - 03:35 PM

"For the other maps such as dungeons, missions, etc... an immediate reply is required"



Is this for maps where the GM can see you? (Considering "moving around.")



Cause what if they afk in the middle of a f1 or w/e map?


GMs can see you in all the maps.

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