well for dual raiders.. if you exclude the 1 v 1 full buffs with pots pvp(which you obviously don't want because you want hybrid build and you would totally lose in that kind of pvp and also you can't get any reward from it except for PVP fame) you will do just fine.
for now i can say that there are 2 effective, i'm not saying that there's only 2 kind of dual build, there are multiple custom build for dual raiders but for now i can say that these 2 are the most effective HYBRID build for dual raiders, what they have in common though is they can both solo run COU or carry any type of teammate you will have even without cleric support and both have very good defensive stats(dodge/def), of course that is if you have the right stat/skill build(you can ask me about this once you reach max and decided to go dual) and fairly good gears which really doesn't cost much.
Well anyways it's the Summoner dual raider(fast run COU), and the AOE dual raider(slower run but has the ability to clean up all mobs in COU after you killed the last boss and all your teammates leave)
total of 4 aoe's
-in Dungeons:
in COU btw. inside are many many many mini mobs, but you don't have to kill them to finish the run, just the bosses.. now, most or maybe every time the players don't kill that much mini-mobs and just kill the bosses because the loots are distributed between players, Now if you're an AOE dual raider.. once you finish the last boss.. you wait for all you teammates to leave the dungeon and once they do that you farm the heck out of all those hundreds of mini mobs and loot all those wealth using your aoe's
-in boss hunting
slower compared summoner type dual raider but can still kill any kind of boss without cleric/heal/buffs.
-in PVP
you will do just fine in 1 v 1 self buffs no pots type of pvp, and in Crystal Defenders you will be a huge nuisance to the enemy team because of your massive defense decrease, heal reducing AOE(just for PVP). so in CD you can just spam those AOE's and AOE DEbuff you enemies with def down, mspd down and accu down while also slowing attackspeed of katars by as many as -100%. So basically you're an AOE damager/debuffer in CD when you're an AOE dual raider more of a team-player kind of stuff.
no aoe's. higher attackspeed, higher accuracy, more into 1 v 1 type, good for fast run COU, solo boss, and also good in peeling/chasing/killing long range in CD's.
-in Dungeons:
(note: you summon's strength is based on your strength. So you will need to carefully think about you build in this one, but will highly pay-off once you get the right build.)
summoner dual raiders is good in 1v1-ning bosses, fast kill even without cleric / any kind of buffs, just self buffs.
you will have two tigers as you sidekicks in battle. (for me i have two tigers with 1.5k attack power, 1.4k accu, and 4.2k dodge, that's nearly as strong as my own character) so you can consider having "3 you's" in battle. Now you can see why i said this is for faster run in COU/killing bosses/ and some exciting pvp action. Ok so because you will have almost "3 you's" in battle you will deal more damage overtime.
in boss hunting:
faster comparing to the aoe build and can also solo any king of boss without heal/cleric/buffs.
in PVP:
in 1 v 1 self-buffs no pots pvp, most of your enemies will say, "remove your summons". but that's ok, you will do just fine still.
in CD you will have no damage aoe's here, even the massive defense down aoe(sacrifices have to be made), BUT you will have that single target def down that is just slightly weaker than the aoe def down but is still good. And what is good though is you can kill-chase long range classes or even burst-damage overtime any singe target you want with your two tigers on you side.
summary for dual raiders(maybe)
-highly mobile, and can almost do anything under the sun in the world of ROSE.
NOTE that what i've said is for HYBRID BUILD, you will do no good in 1 v 1 full buffs with pots kind of pvp. but you don't want that do you? since you said you want hybrid.
So i guess that'll be it for now.
feel free to ask questions!