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[Updated] Server Maintenance at 2015/3/4 15:00 Server Time

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#1 Popcorn



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Posted 03 March 2015 - 12:00 PM

Hello, Dragon Saga friends!


At 2015/3/4 15:00 Server Time it's time for our

weekly server maintenance



Maintenance Notes




Cookie Factory Event has ended!

The portals of the cookie factory have

been closed and can't be entered anymore



Cookie Ingredients Event


Monsters drop a box with cookie ingredients

when killed which contains


1x Flour
1x Powdered Sugar
1x Butter
1x Almond Piece
1x Chocolate Piece
1x Stick
1x Marshmellow
1x Milk
3x Valentine Recipe Box
(only 1x Valentine Recipe Box at the moment)
you can use the ingredients for either
"bake" a cookie or to exchange
some of the ingredients for the following boxes:


Nostalgia Weapon Box

Nostalgia Cape Box (Warrior)
Nostalgia Wing Box (Magician)
Nostalgia Quiver Box (Archer)
Nostalgia Muffler Box (Thief)


You can obtain one of them
by exchanging it for

10x Gada Coin

10x Fluor

10x Butter

10x Powdered Sugar

5x Valentine Recipe Box

at the Vending Machine



The boxes contain the following


Nostalgia Weapon Box


Heirloom Hookah's Double Rifle
Heirloom Alvida's Specialist Rifle
Heirloom Lightning Sabre
Heirloom Ahtoo's Claw
Heirloom Karkharous Two Handed Sword
Heirloom Arka's Harmony Staff
Heirloom Vella's Trident

Heirloom Lightning Oak One-hand Sword
Heirloom Lightning Oak Two-hand Sword
(OLD)Lightning Oak Staff
Heirloom Lightning Oak Spear
Heirloom Lightning Oak Bow
Heirloom Lightning Oak Crossbow
Heirloom Lightning Oak Claw
Heirloom Lightning Oak Katar



Nostalgia Cape Box (Warrior)


Heirloom Cape of Curage

Heirloom Cape of Trust
Heirloom Cape of Believe
Heirloom Cape of Judgement
Heirloom Cape of Protection
Heirloom Cape of Light
Heirloom Cape of Fight
Heirloom Cape of Warrior
Heirloom Cape of Twilight
Heirloom Cape of Underground King
Heirloom Cape of Jungle
Heirloom Cape of Emperor
Heirloom Kimart Wings
Heirloom Vegabond's Leather Boots

Nostalgia Wing Box (Magician)


Heirloom Pixie Wing

Heirloom Butterlfy Wings
Heirloom Angel Wings
Heirloom Lucky Wing
Heirloom Wisdom Wings
Heirloom Tinker Bell Wings
Heirloom Goldhorn Wings
Heirloom Illusion Wings
Heirloom Demon Wings
Heirloom Outer Space Wings
Heirloom Splinter Wings
Heirloom Desire Wings
Heirloom Kimart Wings
Heirloom Vegabond's Leather Boots


Nostalgia Quiver Box (Archer)


Heirloom Wooden Quiver

Heirloom Improved Wooden Quiver
Heirloom Messenger Quiver
Heirloom Chaser Quiver
Heirloom Emboss Quiver
Heirloom Infinity Quiver
Heirloom Green Cursor Quiver
Heirloom Emancipator Quiver
Heirloom Spirit Quiver
Heirloom Craftsman Quiver
Heirloom Symbolic Quiver
Heirloom Spcialist Quiver
Heirloom Kimart Wings
Heirloom Vegabond's Leather Boots

Nostalgia Muffler Box (Thief)


Heirloom Clown Muffler
Heirloom Turquoise Muffler
Heirloom Flame Muffler
Heirloom Plane Muffler
Heirloom Gate Muffler
Heirloom Blood Muffler
Heirloom Lilac Muffler
Heirloom Navy Muffler
Heirloom Storm Muffler
Heirloom Madness Muffler
Heirloom Mistic Muffler
Heirloom Death Muffler
Heirloom Kimart Wings
Heirloom Vegabond's Leather Boots





Cute Pink Popstar Set
Euro Dance Popstar Set
Chic Attendant Black Set
Classic Attendant Dress Berry
Knife Hat

Chich Attendant White Set

Fashion Popstar (Female) Set
Punk Rocker Popstar (Female) Set





Stone Age Warrior Male/Female

TriCera Dinosaur Set

Chick Attendant Set
Classic Attendant Set
Sovereign Fleur Set
Poseidon Set

Poseidon Set (Advanced)

Apollo Set (Advanced)

Count Kitty Cat (Special)

Watch Tower Guard Set (Special)

Hades Set (Deluxe)
Snake Set (Deluxe)





Thanks you for your patience

and enjoy the game!




Dragon Saga Players Level 20+!
Come and join our Crazy Dragon Saga Trivia Event #2
Answer questions and win IM consumables worth 500 IM Points!

Join in now!

Edited by VModPopcorn, 05 March 2015 - 10:37 PM.

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#2 Popcorn



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Posted 03 March 2015 - 09:34 PM



Other than announced before

the server maintenance will be

done on Wednesday at

the regular time


We apologize for the confusion this

may have been caused!


Edited by VModPopcorn, 03 March 2015 - 09:40 PM.

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#3 Rainnowx


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Posted 03 March 2015 - 10:25 PM

2 changes.


Broke the record? :q

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#4 Popcorn



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Posted 03 March 2015 - 10:35 PM

2 changes.


Broke the record? :q


Sorry to disappoint you, but no record :) It was only one change, because the original announcement hasn't been changed before.  :p_smile:

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#5 Darksidex13


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 04:08 PM

the CF will be there again?;oo

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#6 godzylla3


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 05:10 PM

Yeah pretty sure the "patch" messed something up.  I logged out and back in and now I can't connect to the server as well as several other players.  

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#7 Laburey21


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 05:19 PM

"Cannot be used due to level limit." when trying to open one of the newly added nostalgia backpack boxes.  :p_sad:

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#8 Popcorn



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Posted 04 March 2015 - 05:23 PM

"Cannot be used due to level limit." when trying to open one of the newly added nostalgia backpack boxes.  :p_sad:


There something went wrong with the boxes. I already forwarded it.

I can ensure you that this is not intended and will be fixed.


Edited by VModPopcorn, 04 March 2015 - 05:24 PM.

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Posted 04 March 2015 - 05:36 PM

The quest to open CF hasn't been fixed, the CF last only 1 week while last year it was 3 weeks, just don't know what to say  :p_sad:

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#10 Popcorn



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Posted 04 March 2015 - 05:43 PM

The quest to open CF hasn't been fixed, the CF last only 1 week while last year it was 3 weeks, just don't know what to say  :p_sad:


It never was meant to be so long. 

I'm sure there will be more occasions to make use of the Cookie Factory.

There is always an occasion do bake some cookies.  :p_smile:

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Posted 04 March 2015 - 05:49 PM

It never was meant to be so long. 

I'm sure there will be more occasions to make use of the Cookie Factory.

There is always an occasion do bake some cookies.  :p_smile:

Let's hope so because I don't want to be back to the "F7 fatigue consumes" system  :p_sad:

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#12 Popcorn



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Posted 04 March 2015 - 05:52 PM

We will have a short server restart again

in about 10 minutes to fix

the Nostalgia Boxes Level Limit and

missing objects in the BigWheel.



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#13 godzylla3


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 06:03 PM


Edited by godzylla3, 04 March 2015 - 06:04 PM.

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#14 falcoford


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 06:12 PM

As great as this event is; I have but one complaint. The items have nothing to do with summoner or twin. The fire guardian weapon is not even for those classes either. Maybe the next event or cash shop is catered to those classes. Any DRAKEN LOVE?

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#15 Popcorn



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Posted 04 March 2015 - 06:14 PM

Servers are back up!


I hope everything is fine now  :p_smile: 

Thank you for your understanding
and enjoy the game!


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#16 Popcorn



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Posted 04 March 2015 - 06:24 PM

As great as this event is; I have but one complaint. The items have nothing to do with summoner or twin. The fire guardian weapon is not even for those classes either. Maybe the next event or cash shop is catered to those classes. Any DRAKEN LOVE?


As for the Heirloom Items: These items are items from a time before the Drakan classes came into the game. They're as old as the human classes and as the Drakans came into the game, these items have been taken out for whatever reasons ("Balancing" the developers said). So there simply are no such items for the Drakan classes.


As for the Fire Guardian Weapon: This is strange. I will ask the staff if there are Fire and Water Guardian weapons available for Drakan classes.

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#17 Nephryl


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 06:36 PM

The boxes are still level limited, except the warrior one.

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#18 Fliederduft78


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 06:54 PM

No, they aren't limited anymore. I just bought all of them with a level 20 char. They opened just perfectly fine.
It is just a text bug. Poppie says this in first maint post directly under the box part.
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#19 Laburey21


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 07:13 PM

No, they aren't limited anymore. I just bought all of them with a level 20 char. They opened just perfectly fine.
It is just a text bug. Poppie says this in first maint post directly under the box part.


Nope, I still can't open mine.


Edit: Maybe since you mentioned being Lvl 20 you assume the level limit would be a minimum one, but it's probably a maximum.

Edited by Laburey21, 04 March 2015 - 07:21 PM.

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#20 bibeo


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 08:04 PM



you said that

and we love Cookie Factory Event 

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#21 Fliederduft78


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 11:17 PM

Nope, I still can't open mine.


Edit: Maybe since you mentioned being Lvl 20 you assume the level limit would be a minimum one, but it's probably a maximum.


Yeah, you are sadly right with that idea.  I just tried to open the boxes with my level 70 char. I was able to open the warrior box (level 1 - 99) and the Gacha Box 53 ( level 61 -80). Both of the boxes would match my char level range..

I was not able to open all of the other boxes with that char.  :p_sick:


Poppie, I think we need another box fix. Could you please inform the staff about the issue?

Thank you very much.  :p_smile:



you said that

and we love Cookie Factory Event 


"and there is not the intension that an event should only last 1 week"


Btw, cookie was in for 2 weeks. First week only F6 was working, so staff added in another week for the repaired F7.

I get the strong feeling it never was intended to let it run for more as one week. And you guys got that week, even with the broken event beforehand.

Don't miss the point that you could farm the cookie ingredients already one whole week in F6 (+ the silver accessory set). That nobody of the lazy ones did farm in F6 is not the problem of the staff, but only the one of your own lazyness.   :p_smile:


And to be honest, you guys would love anything with 24/7 free afk leveling + free exp ingredients and no fatigue system at all.......this is why you "love the CF" that much. Nothing else. At least tell the truth. :p_smile:


It's okay if you have chosen to go for the "lazy" path in this game. I got no problems with that at all, it is just not mine. 

But however I am sooo happy to see less "CF Zombies" with level 1 equip, level 1 weapon in the higher levels, that don't have a clue on how to kill anything in the game by themselves without getting one hitted and actually learned how to play their particular class.

I'm looking forward to meet some new people for building groups for dungeon runs and missions in the higher level areas now.  :p_smile:


And yes, it seems this years CF event has ended (so far).  :p_smile:

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#22 Popcorn



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Posted 04 March 2015 - 11:43 PM

Nope, I still can't open mine.


Edit: Maybe since you mentioned being Lvl 20 you assume the level limit would be a minimum one, but it's probably a maximum.


I already sent the staff a message and they will get it as soon as they come into the office. I assume that this will be fixed as soon as possible then.




you said that

and we love Cookie Factory Event 


The Cookie Factory event is officialy finished for the time being. It's not impossible that you might see it open again this year. As I said, there will be always occasions to bake some cookies  :chomok03:

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#23 RedDemons


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 11:44 PM

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#24 Popcorn



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Posted 05 March 2015 - 12:09 AM

Sadly I have another bad news: The world drop ingredient box is broken. It drops only 1 type of ingredients instead of dropping all types of ingredients at once, as it was intended.

Means you should get 1 piece of every type of ingredients and 3 valentines recipe boxes at once instead of getting only one ingredient randomly (this seems to be the issue). I also have already forwarded this and will hopefully fixed sometime today.

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#25 sigeel


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 02:45 AM

Yeah, you are sadly right with that idea.  I just tried to open the boxes with my level 70 char. I was able to open the warrior box (level 1 - 99) and the Gacha Box 53 ( level 61 -80). Both of the boxes would match my char level range..

I was not able to open all of the other boxes with that char.  :p_sick:


Poppie, I think we need another box fix. Could you please inform the staff about the issue?

Thank you very much.  :p_smile:


"and there is not the intension that an event should only last 1 week"


Btw, cookie was in for 2 weeks. First week only F6 was working, so staff added in another week for the repaired F7.

I get the strong feeling it never was intended to let it run for more as one week. And you guys got that week, even with the broken event beforehand.

Don't miss the point that you could farm the cookie ingredients already one whole week in F6 (+ the silver accessory set). That nobody of the lazy ones did farm in F6 is not the problem of the staff, but only the one of your own lazyness.   :p_smile:


And to be honest, you guys would love anything with 24/7 free afk leveling + free exp ingredients and no fatigue system at all.......this is why you "love the CF" that much. Nothing else. At least tell the truth. :p_smile:


It's okay if you have chosen to go for the "lazy" path in this game. I got no problems with that at all, it is just not mine. 

But however I am sooo happy to see less "CF Zombies" with level 1 equip, level 1 weapon in the higher levels, that don't have a clue on how to kill anything in the game by themselves without getting one hitted and actually learned how to play their particular class.

I'm looking forward to meet some new people for building groups for dungeon runs and missions in the higher level areas now.  :p_smile:


And yes, it seems this years CF event has ended (so far).  :p_smile:


to be completly honest, we all waited eagerly for cookie f7 because f6 is boring. 

If i was gonna do f6, i am better off farming caracha rings instead. cookie factory f7 was the only f7 where everything dropped, since in regular f7 all world drops are disabled. which brings me back to- i will rather do f1 farms instead and obtain both gold and world drops than to go and play f6 in cookie factory.


and yeah! easy leveling without fatique,and without lvl restriction IS why we LOVE cookie factory. (the way it was intended for all f7 back in the day, before they put restrictions on top of restriction because yo dawg, i heard you like restrictions) i am NOT a fan of building one character for 3 years. i did that in drago eu, thank you very much.

i was happy there was at least ONE "lazy" way in this game, for people who work all week and only have a few hours over the weekend. I am one of those that ussualy miss events, and i sadly missed this one, since my work deadline had to be extended. so yeah.. call me lazy.. sorry if i am not a kid with unlimited free time on my hands.


in my opnion, lvl restriction/removing f7 specific drops and fatigue never should have happened in the first place. because you had a variety of farming choices in the game ( kryos- now alexion f7 used to have higher chances to drop furry shoes and paws,so you didnt go to f7 just for the sake of lvling like now, f6 was naturally for the rings, f1 was always for gold)


so yeah suddenly from "hey guys what do you wanna farm" turned into " sorry you are lvl 40 so i cant take you to f7 alexion with my other friends who are lvl 60 etc. i miss that kind of restrictionless cooperation.

now its every person for themselves, unless all of your friends are allready your lvl, but by that time you are allready bored because there is nothing else to do in the game except elga....or element farming or galaxy, which on some days works on others kicks you, depending on its mood..


and fyi this game is so old and outdated that i am fairly certain all the players that come here are allready fammiliar with playing it before(thus you calling people unskilled zombies really falls flat), othervise they wouldve never played in cookie factory, but would do what everybody expiriencing a new game does- play  quest by quest..


Edited by sigeel, 05 March 2015 - 04:54 AM.

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