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[Updated] Server Maintenance at 2015/3/4 15:00 Server Time

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#26 Nephryl


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 04:43 AM

Yeah, you are sadly right with that idea.  I just tried to open the boxes with my level 70 char. I was able to open the warrior box (level 1 - 99) and the Gacha Box 53 ( level 61 -80). Both of the boxes would match my char level range..

I was not able to open all of the other boxes with that char.  :p_sick:


Poppie, I think we need another box fix. Could you please inform the staff about the issue?

Thank you very much.  :p_smile:


"and there is not the intension that an event should only last 1 week"


Btw, cookie was in for 2 weeks. First week only F6 was working, so staff added in another week for the repaired F7.

I get the strong feeling it never was intended to let it run for more as one week. And you guys got that week, even with the broken event beforehand.

Don't miss the point that you could farm the cookie ingredients already one whole week in F6 (+ the silver accessory set). That nobody of the lazy ones did farm in F6 is not the problem of the staff, but only the one of your own lazyness.   :p_smile:


And to be honest, you guys would love anything with 24/7 free afk leveling + free exp ingredients and no fatigue system at all.......this is why you "love the CF" that much. Nothing else. At least tell the truth. :p_smile:


It's okay if you have chosen to go for the "lazy" path in this game. I got no problems with that at all, it is just not mine. 

But however I am sooo happy to see less "CF Zombies" with level 1 equip, level 1 weapon in the higher levels, that don't have a clue on how to kill anything in the game by themselves without getting one hitted and actually learned how to play their particular class.

I'm looking forward to meet some new people for building groups for dungeon runs and missions in the higher level areas now.  :p_smile:


And yes, it seems this years CF event has ended (so far).  :p_smile:


I belive you are missing a point. It's not so much about the items in cookie factory as the f7 without level limit which yea it's for lazy people, but guess what, not everyone has all the time in the world like you do.

I am really disappointed, I have waited a whole year for this bloody event to come just so that it can be 1 week bugged and then only 1 week working. Although it was probably not intended to be a long event , I dont see how 1 week is anything satisfying. And as sigeel wrote above, if I wanted to do f6 I would clearly not do the cookie one since all the coins you get there are useless and the accessory even more so, unless you collect it for the sake of collecting.

I actually love doing f7. I miss the old one because I could actually farm something instead of sitting in there only for exp. I liked that I could choose which map to do that day and perhaps help a friend with leveling. But I guess beans weren't selling enough or something so they had to add the level restriction and remove that little fun that an f7 could give. So yea, I prefer those " lazy " f7 compared to this boring levling I am forced to do. Now all I gotta do is wait for my friend to come to a level where I can help her. I guess I can pause the game until then.

If people wanted to level by quest, I belive they would probably do so. But again, to reach anything after lvl 50 you need the f7. So we are again on that topic there. I have a lvl 85 character in this game and it took me months to reach that far. And guess what , I was a f7 zombie anyways to achieve that with all the exp pots and beans and exp events.


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#27 Fliederduft78


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 05:13 AM

Yeah, the point is, cookie was "open" for a year now, or almost a year. But I think it is exactly a year now.

We don't need to talk about the "can somebody please puff/invite me into cookie " requests, do we? 

That were ongoing the whole year.


About the people that had done the quest chain and had the needed tickets, and all the other peoples that had not and how those felt.

Do we really have to?

Talking and discussing about this "I have jacks bean, now you invite me to cookie, right?" or the "I am level 83 and can boost your party, now do you take me with you, yes?", or the "I pay some gold if you please invite me to cookie, now I may join your party, right?" - parts that were ongoing for about a year now.


Problem is, cookie has no fatigue, has no level limit and as a "little" bonus you get ingredients for free 1.9 exp stuff.  Why do you think this map is the only one like this in the game? 


Because it is supposed to be like that. It is an event map, for the time it is "legal" available it shall bring some extra joy and fun to the players for as long as the event lasts. No more no less.


Cookie is an event map, an event starts and an event ends. And that is what simply happened, an ongoing event has ended.  :p_smile:


Btw. the postings by Poppie - uhrm, nobody seems to read it or to get the hidden message within - but however, if you read it carefully he only said "the event has ended for the time being". And maybe even more important is this part : "There is always an occasion to bake some cookies".  Giggles, if I understand this right - and I am nearly sure I do - you guys should be happy and not sad.


Giggles, I guess there is no rule or whatsoever in place that does restrict the cookie from opening multiple times a year....just a thought....




And on a site note, a long time in the past a GM once said to me :

"What the level limit and fatigue in the F7 maps is for? It's simple. The developers did it because otherwise F7 causes balancing issues. So this had to be done." 

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#28 sigeel


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 05:32 AM

Yeah, the point is, cookie was "open" for a year now, or almost a year. But I think it is exactly a year now.

We don't need to talk about the "can somebody please puff/invite me into cookie " requests, do we? 

That were ongoing the whole year.


About the people that had done the quest chain and had the needed tickets, and all the other peoples that had not and how those felt.

Do we really have to?

Talking and discussing about this "I have jacks bean, now you invite me to cookie, right?" or the "I am level 83 and can boost your party, now do you take me with you, yes?", or the "I pay some gold if you please invite me to cookie, now I may join your party, right?" - parts that were ongoing for about a year now.



 i belive what you are reffering to here is HELPING each other, yknow.. the thing nice people do for each other sometimes.  the "i am a lvl 80 i will boost you, or i can open cookie factory so that you can reach that lvl 50 faster, so that you can finally fish or dig on the last area.. or.. oh coool i will then use jacks beans as a thanks to you boosing me to lvl faster. dunno you help someone, you make friends and so on....


i really dont see how lvling up causes imbalance here. and why are you so violently against it, are you afraid that someone will suddenly come to a lvl to farm something that you are currently farming? i dont get it. 

are you afraid someone will come to your lvl, make an OP class pay all the cash and then defeat you in pvp? because that is the only thing that causes imbalance here. imbalanced classes and +20 everything.


not cookie factory.


but that is just my opinion. i wish the cookie could've stayed a bit longer.

Edited by sigeel, 05 March 2015 - 05:37 AM.

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#29 Popcorn



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Posted 05 March 2015 - 05:47 AM

i wish the cookie could've stayed a bit longer.


I think there is nothing bad with this wish, but as everyone knows, the Cookie Factory had a shadow life for almost a whole year.

Players who had tickets and stood in the CF Street could enter it whenever they wanted. They invited (ported) friends while others couldn't get in.


The Cookie Factory was never intended as a long-term event map as it was for the last year. That's why it's called an event map.


Also, if you read between the lines of what I said, you should have understood, that I don't think the Cookie Factory is an event map that can be up only once a year. There are many occasions where opening the CF would make sense from time to time - open it for everyone as it was the last week. So everyone who plays during this event has the equal chances to use it.


So I would suggest to look forward to the next time we will open the CF. Now that we know how to manage it, it won't come to the same chaos as this time, I promise.


Other events will come - as usual - suitable for the needs of the one or another. But hopefully there will be something for everyone.

For the farmers, for the enchanters and also for the F7'ers.


And I think there may be just the right occasion coming up this spring. But we'll the what the future brings.  :p_smile:

Edited by VModPopcorn, 05 March 2015 - 05:50 AM.

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#30 sigeel


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 06:00 AM

it's ok poppie :3 


I am actually extremly grateful for all of your efforts, and to the team that managed to make it work without the quests and made it possible for everyone to enter even if for a little while. :)

i am enjoying events that you put whenever I can get to it.


I was just mad at the smug comment above, which made me reply in such an agressive way. I understand some people like to play and lvl slow and do everything meticulosly, some like to rush through things, which is perfectly fine in both cases. but it is no reason to attack one or the other group in such a manner.:/

that is all. i had no ill intent. 


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#31 Popcorn



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Posted 05 March 2015 - 06:14 AM

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!


I just wanted to inform you that I

expect another short server restart today

to fix the issues with the World Drop and

the Nostalgia Boxes level limits


I will update this post when I

know the exact time


Please keep an eye on announcements

about this here and in-game



Thanks for you cooperation!


Edited by VModPopcorn, 05 March 2015 - 10:01 AM.

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#32 Rainnowx


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 06:38 AM


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#33 sigeel


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 06:52 AM


sorry my bad. i reffered to it in a name they had  in eu dragonica. we had bear Alexion and the ice dragon Freonos.  here they are Alexandre and Kryos. i still called them their eu names and if i write, i forget they are not called the same here...

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#34 Popcorn



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Posted 05 March 2015 - 06:56 AM

sorry my bad. i reffered to it in a name they had  in eu dragonica. we had bear Alexion and the ice dragon Freonos.  here they are Alexandre and Kryos. i still called them their eu names and if i write, i forget they are not called the same here...


Hehe, some german players in EU had a nickname for Freonos... They called him "Flauschi" what means "Fluffy" because of his white fur.

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#35 sigeel


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 07:29 AM

Hehe, some german players in EU had a nickname for Freonos... They called him "Flauschi" what means "Fluffy" because of his white fur.

hahah that's cute  :3

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#36 Rainnowx


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 09:33 AM

FR had "Alexyon" and "Freonos".

As for the knight, it was "Avice".


And I would rather give the fluffy nickname to Alex', but both Alex' and Kry' got an icy spiky back... Not suited for riding :q

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#37 Popcorn



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Posted 05 March 2015 - 11:32 AM

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!


We will do a short server restart at

13:00 Server Time

to fix the issues with the

Nostalgia Boxes


Thank you for your understanding!

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#38 Popcorn



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Posted 05 March 2015 - 12:55 PM

Dragon Saga Friends,


unfortunately we still have issues that

need to be fixed.


We are working on it, so stay tuned.


Thank you for your understanding!

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#39 pluumy


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 12:57 PM

just opened a couple of cookie ingredient boxes and got nothing from it. ^^

so you still dont get all the ingredients, or is it just a matter with the boxes i still had and boxes that drop from now on shouldnt have that issue? 

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#40 StormHaven



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Posted 05 March 2015 - 02:03 PM

One of the reasons the old f7 is no longer around is due to people being able to do 1-80(and if it was still around 85) in 1-2days and skipping all content in the game, it's one of the same reasons why cookie factory doesn't last a long time.

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Posted 05 March 2015 - 04:29 PM

One of the reasons the old f7 is no longer around is due to people being able to do 1-80(and if it was still around 85) in 1-2days and skipping all content in the game, it's one of the same reasons why cookie factory doesn't last a long time.

It should be 24-48 hours for some beans-spamming by super duper rich people, 1 old F7 run lasts 1 hour, even if you play 8 hours a day, you can only finish 8 rounds and you can only join old F7 when 40+, anyway people can max their levels easier and yeah, if no new contents release people may quit the game. Since IAH Korean decided to shutdown Dragonica, new contents will mostly not release so F7 system will change in order to keep players from fast leveling and gaining benefit like fatigue potion or beans. You don't have to lie us like that. Just tell the truth because we all know that, that's also why you guys decide not to release the quest for CF, you just use "errors" as your excuse. the Quest worked well those last years before the EU, SEA servers shutdown but now not working just because the amount of players increase? Oh please. At least give us cash players some benefits cuz even now a non-cash player can have full legend star set +20 and stop make excuse like errors or something like that just because you guys don't want to lose your benefits. Remember when all cash players are gone, this game is done.

Edited by SOSSEL, 05 March 2015 - 04:30 PM.

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#42 sigeel


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 04:50 PM

One of the reasons the old f7 is no longer around is due to people being able to do 1-80(and if it was still around 85) in 1-2days and skipping all content in the game, it's one of the same reasons why cookie factory doesn't last a long time.


again, that should be up to the player, but it is a little late to tell producers that now.


if i decide i want to live in f7 for a whole week until i reached a desired lvl cap, it should be only up to me.

if i decide i dont want to have a life and farm all day.. as a player, again, it should be nobody's business but mine.


trying to mask it in a way, well we wanted to make it more diverse by forcing people into doing things they didnt want in the first place.. is not a good way to go. 


and there is no way to skipping content in this game. if you want to farm verdorus forest, you need a quest chain, if you want akia you need quest chain, if you want to enter van cliff you need quest chain, if you need elga (for recipes anyway), again.. quest chain.. just saying.



i didnt mean to stir the pot further, but all these restrictions on f7 were always something that confused and annoyed me, because there is no excuse for it. I watched the game die on eu server by adding more and more restrictions every few months to the point where it stopped being fun to play.

Edited by sigeel, 05 March 2015 - 04:58 PM.

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#43 IreKire


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 05:02 PM

its been a few months so captain obvious wants to say something "lv8 cards still are not dropping in legend mode Scorpio, Taurus, and Hydra, not sure which other ones do not work..."

btw I take it this is a developer issue? and that's why it seems to not be worked on? id make a suggestion

- allow 2 lv7 cards to trade up to 1 lv8 card, but I know there are a ton of cards and this would probably be more work than fixing it regularly...

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#44 StormHaven



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Posted 05 March 2015 - 05:20 PM

its been a few months so captain obvious wants to say something "lv8 cards still are not dropping in legend mode Scorpio, Taurus, and Hydra, not sure which other ones do not work..."

btw I take it this is a developer issue? and that's why it seems to not be worked on? id make a suggestion

- allow 2 lv7 cards to trade up to 1 lv8 card, but I know there are a ton of cards and this would probably be more work than fixing it regularly...


It's a developer issue, i wish they could fix it since it's been bugged galaxia came out. I'll bring it back up once the development transfer and such as finalized.

Edited by StormHaven, 05 March 2015 - 05:48 PM.

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#45 Coolsam


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 08:13 PM

again, that should be up to the player, but it is a little late to tell producers that now.


if i decide i want to live in f7 for a whole week until i reached a desired lvl cap, it should be only up to me.

if i decide i dont want to have a life and farm all day.. as a player, again, it should be nobody's business but mine.


trying to mask it in a way, well we wanted to make it more diverse by forcing people into doing things they didnt want in the first place.. is not a good way to go. 


and there is no way to skipping content in this game. if you want to farm verdorus forest, you need a quest chain, if you want akia you need quest chain, if you want to enter van cliff you need quest chain, if you need elga (for recipes anyway), again.. quest chain.. just saying.



i didnt mean to stir the pot further, but all these restrictions on f7 were always something that confused and annoyed me, because there is no excuse for it. I watched the game die on eu server by adding more and more restrictions every few months to the point where it stopped being fun to play.


The problem with CF was as stated by Stormhaven. Even with the level exp limit (15 levels above the player is max you can earn exp from.) Cookie Factory and all Old F7's were powerlevel paradise. Combined with a 0 fatigue and use of Double Exp pots+Cookies+Jack Beans+House Buffs during a 2x+ exp event. You could jump dozens of levels in a weekend.


Development seemed to have a phobia for power-leveling, a way to skip everything. It's existed early in the game and is staying today. And quest requirements for commonly spammed dungeons weren't gonna demote the idea of it. So F7 restrictions were probably added for this sort of reason.

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#46 Popcorn



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Posted 05 March 2015 - 10:01 PM

The problem with CF was as stated by Stormhaven. Even with the level exp limit (15 levels above the player is max you can earn exp from.) Cookie Factory and all Old F7's were powerlevel paradise. Combined with a 0 fatigue and use of Double Exp pots+Cookies+Jack Beans+House Buffs during a 2x+ exp event. You could jump dozens of levels in a weekend.

And this is the reason why the Cookie Factory's "shadow life" had to end finally, what now has been done. Also this is the reason why the Cookie Factory was never intended as a long-term event map. If we implement the Cookie Factory in the future it will always be implemented as a short-time event now.

Just tell the truth because we all know that, that's also why you guys decide not to release the quest for CF, you just use "errors" as your excuse. the Quest worked well those last years before the EU, SEA servers shutdown but now not working just because the amount of players increase?

It has stated many times before here on the forums, that the Dragon Saga development team in Korea discontinued the development. That was the reason for SEA and EU to close. The years before, the development team made the changes for adding in quest chains and event quests and we here at WarpPortal are glad that we finally managed opening the Cookie Factory F7 mode for everyone without the need of the quest chain, which we tried to get in over hours and what unfortunately didn't work. 
Also it has been stated many times, that WarpPortal (Gravity US) is in the process of taking over development from Gravity Games Korea. This process will take a while and after taking over, a new development team can view the infos they will get and surely implement the quest chains someday too.


This are the facts and there is no reason to presume that we are not saying the truth.

Edited by VModPopcorn, 05 March 2015 - 10:40 PM.

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#47 Homurasan


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Posted 08 March 2015 - 11:06 AM

At least give us cash players some benefits cuz even now a non-cash player can have full legend star set +20 [...]


Oh, haven't you heard of this player who built a lvl.80-ish Invoker, +20 legendary items (even the Ragged Ghost set he bought), all this within two weeks, only because he has spent a few thousands of dollars on this game ? Isn't that a benefit compared to non-cash players ? Except you know some method other than hacking / cheating to allow the non-cash players of this free-to-play game to gear and level up so fast.

Edited by Homurasan, 08 March 2015 - 11:07 AM.

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#48 Coolsam


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Posted 08 March 2015 - 02:16 PM

Oh, haven't you heard of this player who built a lvl.80-ish Invoker, +20 legendary items (even the Ragged Ghost set he bought), all this within two weeks, only because he has spent a few thousands of dollars on this game ? Isn't that a benefit compared to non-cash players ? Except you know some method other than hacking / cheating to allow the non-cash players of this free-to-play game to gear and level up so fast.


There are worse cases. Not naming anyone in particular as that's their business and cash. Cases even today where they continue to build themselves up despite being 100% unkillable or most stacked of their class. Some W-coin spam for the newest mixboards and get a full set within an hour after patch because of showing off purposes.

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