Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
Many of you already posted wrong or misspelled texts in the past. Many of you
several times. It never has been ignored, but due to circumstances these
texts never have been corrected.
The circumstances have changed now and I got the job
to gather all the misspelled and wrong texts within the game
and to decide if we are able to correct them finally.
So I can't promise that every request for a change can be done.
There are imitations we are already aware of
What we probably can correct:
- Wrong Quest Texts (wrong amounts, typos)
- Wrong Quest Descriptions (wrong locations mentioned, etc.)
- Wrong spelled names of Maps (e.g. Dragon Velly)
- Wrong text / typos in NPC speech bubbles
(ex. "KR (Only) Quest" in Odelia)
- Text problems in the UI (too long text etc.)
What we can't correct at the time being:
- Typos within Mission Maps
For incorrect Skill Descriptions please have a look here:
So I call for your help to gather all the wrong texts and typos
you find in the texts which are possible to correct
(see list above) including Hunter G and Guild Quests
To make sure that it can be handled as fast as
possible, please use one of the following forms
that does match the kind of text correction you want to request:
For Quests
For NPC Texts
For UI Text
Misspelled Map names
Any other
We will correct everything that is possible for us to do step by step and try to add the fixes done so far to the weekly server maintenances. It is a tough way to go so please don't expect too much corrections at once. We need to do them one by one manually and so it does take some time to get the texts corrected. I will edit your posts with a green text to confirm when a request is done or in brown text when a request is currently not possible to process. So everyone has an overview what already has been reported and fixed. Thanks in advance for your help!
Edited by VModPopcorn, 31 March 2015 - 06:24 AM.