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Gathering misspelled or wrong quest and in-game texts

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#1 Popcorn



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Posted 19 March 2015 - 04:43 AM

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!


Many of you already posted wrong or misspelled texts in the past. Many of you

several times. It never has been ignored, but due to circumstances these

texts never have been corrected.


The circumstances have changed now and I got the job

to gather all the misspelled and wrong texts within the game

and to decide if we are able to correct them finally.


So I can't promise that every request for a change can be done.

There are imitations we are already aware of


What we probably can correct:


- Wrong Quest Texts (wrong amounts, typos)

- Wrong Quest Descriptions (wrong locations mentioned, etc.)

- Wrong spelled names of Maps (e.g. Dragon Velly

- Wrong text / typos in NPC speech bubbles
(ex. "KR (Only) Quest" in Odelia)

- Text problems in the UI (too long text etc.)


What we can't correct at the time being:


- Typos within Mission Maps

For incorrect Skill Descriptions please have a look here:




So I call for your help to gather all the wrong texts and typos

you find in the texts which are possible to correct

(see list above) including Hunter G and Guild Quests



To make sure that it can be handled as fast as

possible, please use one of the following forms
that does match the kind of text correction you want to request:



For Quests




For NPC Texts




For UI Text




Misspelled Map names




Any other




We will correct everything that is possible for us to do

step by step and try to add the fixes done so far

to the weekly server maintenances.


It is a tough way to go so please don't expect

too much corrections at once.


We need to do them one by one manually

and so it does take some time to get the texts corrected.



I will edit your posts with a green text to confirm when

a request is done or in brown text when a request is currently

not possible to process. So everyone has an overview what

already has been reported and fixed.



Thanks in advance for your help!

Edited by VModPopcorn, 31 March 2015 - 06:24 AM.

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#2 Laburey21


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Posted 19 March 2015 - 05:28 AM

Please fix what you can of the inconsistency of naming the base stats. As it is now, there's AGI and DEX and HLT and HTL and STR and CON all over the place. I say go with STR/AGI/HLT/INT.



Edit VModPopcorn: Changes have been made. We hope that we found all inconsistences.


The Guild Quest window says upcoming quests are Hunter G Quests:



Edit VModPopcorn: Hunter G. daily quest and Guild daily quest share the same text, so we decided to change it to "Not unlocked yet".


Remaining time of vault expansion is very hard to read (both for regular vault and account vault):

Edit VModPopcorn: Has been changed. Now it says for example: "Remaining Duration  5d 16h 25m"


The play time info on the character selection screen can be better formatted too:


Edit VModPopcorn: Has been changed. Now "Play time: 1371h 25m"


Edited by VModPopcorn, 22 March 2015 - 01:48 AM.

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#3 Coolsam


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Posted 19 March 2015 - 07:10 AM

Name of the quest: I need a sleeping peel.
What's wrong: What's a sleeping peel? The quest asks for ingredients for sleeping pill.


Edit VModPopcorn: Now he will get a "sleeping pill" in the future 

Edited by VModPopcorn, 22 March 2015 - 01:38 AM.

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#4 Homurasan


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Posted 19 March 2015 - 09:29 AM

May I know if we can also report badly translated text, such as some things Paris can say when she's defeated (Drakos Tower) ? I mean, it's quite easy to screenshoot and report, but I guess people in charge don't necessarily have the time nor want to bother with unnecessary things such as background story... Not trying to sound cheeky or anything here. Perhaps.

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#5 Popcorn



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Posted 19 March 2015 - 10:29 AM

May I know if we can also report badly translated text, such as some things Paris can say when she's defeated (Drakos Tower) ? I mean, it's quite easy to screenshoot and report, but I guess people in charge don't necessarily have the time nor want to bother with unnecessary things such as background story... Not trying to sound cheeky or anything here. Perhaps.


You can report everything :) Also the background story is not an unnecessary thing and belongs to the game and the game experience. However, we will sort the corrections by their priority. A completely messed up quest description (which for example leads you to the completely wrong location) will surely have a higher priority than the background story. Also we have to check if a particular request can be processed for the time being. But if it can be fixed, we will.


Also it seems that it may be possible that several item names and item descriptions can be fixed, too. But this is still subject to change and I will let you know if this will also be possible.

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#6 Laburey21


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Posted 20 March 2015 - 04:31 PM

What about skill descriptions, can or can't you correct those?

Edit: There is now a topic for gathering especially wrong Skill descriptions. It can be found here:


Edited by VModPopcorn, 31 March 2015 - 06:23 AM.

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#7 reqt


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Posted 20 March 2015 - 09:35 PM

how about trying to change secma gear name for overlord and destroyer? i think both classes got mixed up

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#8 SuikaH


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Posted 21 March 2015 - 06:58 AM

Quest name: Reunion with a strange Duke

Problem: Description of the quest says to do frigid canyon F1, but you actually have to complete Land of temptation F2
Edit VModPopcorn: Should be corrected.


Item Buff names and descriptions for all the greek gods sets: Example of Poseidon set


Same problem for tuna weapons item buff:



Don't know if it's related, but another problem: Is it possible to make characters like à,é, and è usable in chat? With the growing foreign communities,

it might be nice to allow more characters, as long as they're not in another alphabet.

Edited by VModPopcorn, 22 March 2015 - 01:50 AM.

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#9 TheCristall


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Posted 21 March 2015 - 10:56 AM

when you are in a fellowship and not the leader, you get this button if you open the settings menu



maybe it should be something like "Close (F2)"


Edit VModPopcorn: Changed "Joining restriction" to "Join restr." and "Closed" to "Close" for better readablity. Replaced the button "DDDD-Tranlsation not needed this time." by "Cancel(F2)"


Edited by VModPopcorn, 22 March 2015 - 01:40 AM.

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#10 Neniwi


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Posted 21 March 2015 - 06:04 PM



This quest says a place, but really they are in another one:

http://ds.irowiki.or..._1020th_Request (Corrected)

http://ds.irowiki.or..._1021st_Request (Corrected)

http://ds.irowiki.or..._1022nd_Request (Corrected)

http://ds.irowiki.or..._1023rd_Request (Corrected)

http://ds.irowiki.or..._1024th_Request (Corrected)

http://ds.irowiki.or..._1025th_Request (Corrected)

http://ds.irowiki.or..._1027th_Request (Corrected)

http://ds.irowiki.or..._1019th_Mission (Corrected)

http://ds.irowiki.or..._1020th_Mission (Corrected)


This monsters/items are with different names in the quest, that in the game:

http://ds.irowiki.or..._1011st_Request (Corrected)

http://ds.irowiki.or..._1013rd_Request (Corrected)

http://ds.irowiki.or..._1015th_Mission (Corrected)

http://ds.irowiki.or..._1016th_Mission (Corrected)


This quest have a wrong number of monster:



The quests in pvp like this http://ds.irowiki.or..._1031st_Request says complete kill counts, but only is necessary join to pvp, no matter you lose or win it, or how many kill count you achieve.


Edited by VModPopcorn, 29 March 2015 - 10:49 AM.

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#11 Popcorn



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Posted 22 March 2015 - 01:44 AM

We have done some changes so far. Now they have to be revised and put into the game by the production team.

I can't promise they will always be put in by the upcoming maintenance. 


Not all your requests have been processed so far, because some of them are tough. They have to be looked into a bit deeper. 

I can ensure, also these requests are not forgotten and will be processed soon.


Thank you for all your help and continue reporting these kind of mistakes.





What about skill descriptions, can or can't you correct those?


I think you should report everything you want regarding those mistakes and typos and we will look into it and let you know if it can be changed or not. I think Skill descriptions and item descriptions should also be possible so far, except Item Mall stuff.

Edited by VModPopcorn, 22 March 2015 - 01:53 AM.

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#12 Popcorn



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Posted 25 March 2015 - 03:32 PM

I'm proud to tell you that the first changes which have been made are now implemented into the game. :)


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#13 Fliederduft78


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Posted 25 March 2015 - 11:13 PM

Hihi,  Poppie you forgot about "Dragon Velly" :p_smile:


and maybe the map "StormSnow Field" is actually the "Snowstorm Field" or something similar, at least that makes much more sense to me.


Quest fix please:


Possess Mist Elf's Weapon (2)

Edit VModPopcorn: It's done


it wants you to have :


- 1 eye of Aram

- 5 crysolite


That is wrong.


You must have:


- 1 eye of Aram

- 50! crysolite


to get this quest done.


Even the quest text only says 5 crysolite, I think that should be changed to 50 too. 


Thank you.  :p_smile:

Edited by VModPopcorn, 06 April 2015 - 09:58 AM.

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#14 Laburey21


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Posted 26 March 2015 - 05:04 AM

I'll add some more UI stuff.  :no1:



The Professions window is a sorry sight:


I think you can just delete some text, leaving only the skill name and the exp amount.

Edit VModPopcorn: This has been corrected the way you suggested. Thank you!



There are a lot of naming oddities and inconsistencies in the item names of produced items:


There are 38 pages of items so it'll be a lot of work to go through it all.  :p_sick:

Also, it says "skil" there at the bottom.



The Guild member list:


Maybe just change Vice Guild Master to Vice Master and Guild Member to Member.

Edit VModPopcorn: You're right. Sadly we can't change this for the time being.


The Guild Announcement space:


It would also be nice to allow more than 100 characters for the Guild Announcement, but I guess that can't be changed yet.

Edit VModPopcorn: You're right. Sadly we can't change this yet.


Some stats pop-ups still say DEX for AGI:




Edit VModPopcorn: It should have been corrected.

Edited by VModPopcorn, 31 March 2015 - 06:26 AM.

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#15 qazwsx42753


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Posted 26 March 2015 - 11:36 PM

i cant see name, soulforce and enchant level of Protector os Stars set  :hmm:



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#16 simbiosy


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Posted 27 March 2015 - 11:08 AM

i cant see name, soulforce and enchant level of Protector os Stars set  :hmm:




It happens to me too, and i've tried every resolution :(

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#17 Popcorn



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Posted 31 March 2015 - 06:27 AM

i cant see name, soulforce and enchant level of Protector os Stars set  :hmm:





It happens to me too, and i've tried every resolution :(


This happens because there is too much text for too less space. At the moment we don't know how to correct it, but we are working on it.

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#18 TheCristall


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Posted 31 March 2015 - 06:35 AM

This happens because there is too much text for too less space. At the moment we don't know how to correct it, but we are working on it.


my suggestion to start: remove the class name from the items, so the list of the set pieces you're wearing will be at least 6 lines less for the most classes ^^

Edited by TheCristall, 31 March 2015 - 06:35 AM.

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#19 Popcorn



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Posted 31 March 2015 - 09:55 PM

my suggestion to start: remove the class name from the items, so the list of the set pieces you're wearing will be at least 6 lines less for the most classes ^^


I also thought about this option. Can the community give me some feedback about this?


We have 3 options:


- we can remove the class name from the Protector of Stars items only

- we can remove the class name from all the special items (like Undead Bone Set parts, Secmathian Set parts, etc...) aswell

- Keep the class names in all the items and find another solution


What do you mean?

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#20 simbiosy


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 06:08 AM

i am the type of person who likes consistency hahahaha

If you are going to take off the classes names do it in the whole game. It will be fine since the Secmathian set for Destroyer the Set name says Overlord XD

But for new players the names can be helpful sometimes and it is great at selling, because you just search the name of the class and all the items of that class show up and you can decide what price your item should be....

I think finding another solution may be the best @_@

You can send the "Set Option" to the another box in right, it will give space to everything.

Well, just ideas hahahahha

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#21 Popcorn



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 09:04 AM


But for new players the names can be helpful sometimes and it is great at selling, because you just search the name of the class and all the items of that class show up and you can decide what price your item should be....



The search would not be affected by the removal from the names.

Edited by VModPopcorn, 01 April 2015 - 09:05 AM.

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#22 simbiosy


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 06:41 PM

Hmm.. Great! So there is no problem of taking the name out, take it from everything u_u hahahahaha

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#23 TheCristall


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Posted 03 April 2015 - 06:02 AM

I also thought about this option. Can the community give me some feedback about this?


We have 3 options:


- we can remove the class name from the Protector of Stars items only

- we can remove the class name from all the special items (like Undead Bone Set parts, Secmathian Set parts, etc...) aswell

- Keep the class names in all the items and find another solution


What do you mean?


the problem occurs only on PoS set, so remove it there only, and there should be no cons with it since, you cant this trade them

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#24 SuikaH


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Posted 04 April 2015 - 06:03 AM

Quest: HunterG's 906th Mission

Problem: Quest says to kill 40 Van cliff maids, in progress says to kill 2 Van cliff maids, actual objective is to kill Cassandra twice on the 1st floor.
Edit by VModPopcorn: This has been corrected.



Edit: Again, same problem for HunterG's 910th

Says 40 Monster books, and 2 monster books, but you actually have to kill floor 6 boss, La Coon, twice

Edit by VModPopcorn: This has been corrected.




Edit #2: Have more, HunterG's 913rd Mission, I think all the quests around these numbers must have the same problem,

This time it says 40 thorny ganymette, and 2 thorny ganymettes, but you have to kill the boss Bishop on floor 8 twice.

Edit by VModPopcorn: This has been corrected.



Edited by VModPopcorn, 06 April 2015 - 11:57 AM.

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#25 Brian26


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Posted 04 April 2015 - 12:17 PM

I dont have a screen shot but i beleive that the panda set in IM a few rotations ago is supposed to be called Panda Doll Set, not Panther lol

Edit by VModPopcorn: This has been corrected.


Edited by VModPopcorn, 06 April 2015 - 11:58 AM.

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