The idea behind these gears is that they would always be available. But would only work in WoE setting so that characters need another set to hunt for supplies in the wild.

Basic WoE Gears
Posted 24 March 2015 - 03:33 PM
Posted 24 March 2015 - 03:43 PM
Ah hah! Okay yeah, I'd just look at the bare minimum IMO.
Unfrozen, Poo, Cranial. Shoes with 7%/7%, garment with 15% neutral. You may want to make the demi resist slightly lower than Thara + Poo to encourage moving on up in the world but it'd probably get kind of scary regardless.
Maybe some ranged reduction or dex (2-3) accessories and suitable weapons.
Posted 03 April 2015 - 11:04 PM
Ah hah! Okay yeah, I'd just look at the bare minimum IMO.
Unfrozen, Poo, Cranial. Shoes with 7%/7%, garment with 15% neutral. You may want to make the demi resist slightly lower than Thara + Poo to encourage moving on up in the world but it'd probably get kind of scary regardless.
Maybe some ranged reduction or dex (2-3) accessories and suitable weapons.
Make the demi same as Thara & Poo so they won't die too easily, it will be discouraging.
But the gears will have time limit like rental gears, after 4 weeks or so they will disappear.
4 weeks should be enough to earn their own unfrozen etc, or for their guild to see if they are good, and to help gearing them up.
Posted 07 July 2015 - 01:20 AM
awesome idea. i think with something like this i could get my ppl off everquest, lol. at least on the weekends. and then maybe a few would stay around for the rest of the fun. this is what i was looking for a month or two ago. got some friends together and im almost min geared now. but i would have liked a few weeks ago to try it out.
Posted 07 July 2015 - 01:35 AM
awesome idea. i think with something like this i could get my ppl off everquest, lol. at least on the weekends. and then maybe a few would stay around for the rest of the fun. this is what i was looking for a month or two ago. got some friends together and im almost min geared now. but i would have liked a few weeks ago to try it out.
Everquest still exists!? D:
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