Asgard Training Village Beginner Equipment Quests - Classic Foundry - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Asgard Training Village Beginner Equipment Quests

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#1 Oda



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Posted 24 March 2015 - 12:11 PM

Currently working on a Eden group/Overlook Water Dungeon-like quest line that will complement the Janeway quests so players will have gears to get started in the game. We don't want to have the items as powerful as the Eden Gears on Renewal, as those invalidate a lot of the low to mid tier gears on that server. 


Rough proposal for the quest that will get added within the next couple of weeks


Premise: New players receive a "cursed" armor recovered from an archaeological dig in Morroc. This armor latches onto the player (explaining character bound items) and has a high weight value. Through the course of these quests, players obtain more parts of this armor in the form of shoes, garment, and hat and learn how enchanting and cards work. 


Quests to be created: 


Quest part 1: Starts in Izlude. Pick up armor from Morroc


Quest Part 2: Go to Payon to get the curse lifted from the armor


Quest part 3: Pick up Footgear


Quest part 4: Go to Geffen to get enchantment put on armor


Quest part 5: Go to Aldebaran and receive garment


Quest part 6: Go to Juno and receive Hat


At this point we are looking to develop a "one size fits all" type of armor that players will be able to use no matter what 1st class they choose. Through enchants we can tailor it a bit more for whatever players want to do with it.


Items to be created: 


Cursed Boots

Cursed Armor

Cursed Shawl

Cursed Helm


Looking for suggestions on what item's appearances these items should be based on. 



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#2 schia


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Posted 24 March 2015 - 12:39 PM

raggamuffin manteau, wooden mail, and crystal pumps


hat should be something ugly or make it so there is no hat model.  If you want it so it takes up all 3 slots, then maybe recolor the necromancer's hood.  If only the top, i'd say goibne's helm for maximum ugly.

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#3 6773131031232342973


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Posted 24 March 2015 - 12:42 PM

Balmung warrior pl0x

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#4 belld1711


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Posted 24 March 2015 - 12:55 PM

One question, what about the weapon? I know that Janeway gives a weapon, but how much longer will she be in?


By the way, something I've been meaning to say about Janeway, I kind of like the Indiana Jones reference. :P

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#5 Oda



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Posted 24 March 2015 - 12:59 PM

I'll post proposed stats and effects here and on the trello as we get the items built. 

One question, what about the weapon? I know that Janeway gives a weapon, but how much longer will she be in?


By the way, something I've been meaning to say about Janeway, I kind of like the Indiana Jones reference. :P

She'll be in for A While tm while we get more improvements to the early to mid game experience on Classic. 

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#6 Xellie



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Posted 24 March 2015 - 01:11 PM

Make janeway give a new weapon after job change please ._.

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#7 Themes


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Posted 24 March 2015 - 02:50 PM

raggamuffin manteau, wooden mail, and crystal pumps


hat should be something ugly or make it so there is no hat model.  If you want it so it takes up all 3 slots, then maybe recolor the necromancer's hood.  If only the top, i'd say goibne's helm for maximum ugly.


Yeah you can pick some of the more raggedy models for stuff to make them feel more cursed/old.


I dont agree that you should make them ugly, you can make them ordinary (I always have fond memories of Beta where almost every thief rocked some Goggles) but making them look like -_- probably wont encourage them to continue.


Here's some icons you could use for slots:


Shoes: High Heels, Shackles

Armor: Jacket, Wooden Mail, Coat

Garment: Ragamuffin, Mithril Magic Cape

Hat: Goggles, Hat, Cap, Safety Helmet, if you're going to give it an effect you probably want it to cover more slots or combo with an item in the other slots you could probably use a Mr Smile for that.


You want them to appear different to the stuff they get through the novice training ground while also not resembling any end game stuff.


You may also want to provide weapon sprites, it's really weird to see people punching stuff especially Archers.


Offering a weapon after the Archer Skel quest is probably a good idea (theoretically after everyones changed jobs and got some skill points to allocate for their new weapons/skills).


It sounds neat and I'm glad you're following through with it as this is the one biggest thing Janeway has been lacking.

Edited by Themes, 24 March 2015 - 02:55 PM.

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#8 Naida


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Posted 25 March 2015 - 01:41 AM

She'll be in for A While tm while we get more improvements to the early to mid game experience on Classic. 


Aww, I thought Janeway was going to be permanent :/

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#9 FatDrunknSTUPlD


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Posted 25 March 2015 - 07:39 AM

armor: odins blessing,mateo plate armor

garment: valis/morri manteau 

shoes: shadow walk

headgear: anything thats makes novice potion heal a bit more :3




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#10 VModCoffee


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Posted 25 March 2015 - 06:31 PM

raggamuffin manteau, wooden mail, and crystal pumps


hat should be something ugly or make it so there is no hat model.  If you want it so it takes up all 3 slots, then maybe recolor the necromancer's hood.  If only the top, i'd say goibne's helm for maximum ugly.


I always thought necromancer's hood looked pretty cool... D:

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#11 meichaofeng


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Posted 25 March 2015 - 07:52 PM

Premise: New players receive a "cursed" armor recovered from an archaeological dig in Morroc. This armor latches onto the player (explaining character bound items) and has a high weight value. Through the course of these quests, players obtain more parts of this armor in the form of shoes, garment, and hat and learn how enchanting and cards work. 


Why does it have to be heavy?


I heard despite Janeway giving novice pots, some players used up all of theirs on archer skels and pitman, especially those who are of weaker classes or support. Buying NPC pots would be expensive for them (not to say fresh fish!), but meat & monster feed are too heavy to carry.


If the reason is to encourage them to switch to "real gears" later, make these gears disappear by themselves after they reach a certain level (say 80).


I like that they got to learn enchanting and cards work, will they be given a card to try?


Also liking that quest brings them on a trip to several towns.

Edited by meichaofeng, 25 March 2015 - 08:00 PM.

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#12 meichaofeng


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Posted 25 March 2015 - 07:59 PM

While teaching them to enchant and card gears, how about endow / elements, and using concentration / awakening pots as well?


Janeway explains about elemental when taking Thara Frogs quest, how if there is also a little multiple choice question of which element is good for Thara Frogs. There is no penalty if wrong, but they can keep answering until they hit the correct one. At that time Janeway will praise and endow them.


Concentration pot effect (not the actualy pot to avoid exploitation) should be given early on, then when they reach 40, Janeway would prompt them to buy awakening at the nearby Tool Dealer.



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#13 belld1711


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Posted 25 March 2015 - 08:18 PM

Why does it have to be heavy?


I heard despite Janeway giving novice pots, some players used up all of theirs on archer skels and pitman, especially those who are of weaker classes or support. Buying NPC pots would be expensive for them (not to say fresh fish!), but meat & monster feed are too heavy to carry.


If the reason is to encourage them to switch to "real gears" later, make these gears disappear by themselves after they reach a certain level (say 80).


I like that they got to learn enchanting and cards work, will they be given a card to try?


Also liking that quest brings them on a trip to several towns.


As Oda stated, the gear starts out heavy because they're "cursed". During the quest chain, you'll have the curse lifted, probably making them a lot lighter.


We don't need any Q&A about awakening pots, nor elements. Janeway giving the option to listen to a short lecture about elements is fine, IMO. No need for new players to learn about speed pots. They'll find them when they visit a tool dealer, or when they get one to drop.


Also, according to the "cards" on Trello, it looks like there's a proposal to increase the heal rate of novice pots, meat and carrots. So no worries there. Just gotta wait to see if this is put in and when.

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#14 Rate


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Posted 25 March 2015 - 11:09 PM

janeway needs a confirm on weapon selection and needs to check if its even usable on that character. I have a few bows on knights,


and putting a weight limit on a char bound item is just going to make people sell it and unable to complete the quest. not worth the hassle.

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#15 HansLowell


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Posted 26 March 2015 - 01:53 AM

Weight limit is a bad idea on char bound items, some quests condition flag are based on weight, if you put weight you must make them storable. Otherwise your going to put more work on yourself dealing with possible bugs that might occur.

Weight will limit too much a new player also depending on how heavy you want them (I believe you want to make them very heavy),

plus adding weight doesn't bring anything interesting to the gameplay. The only thing that might happen is someone buying potions or going to storage more often cause they get overweight more often than they really want to. Thus not really adding any fun.


What I would wish for new players is that you give "Real" Gears. No account bound stuff.

There is many gears in the game considered as Junk, mostly people would just get rid of them or even npc them as they take space in the storage.


You don'T want to give players free gear, you want them to work for it. Make them have a sense of accomplishment.


Some stuff I consider as junk, and why I consider them as junk, most of time monster are quite too hard for the equipement they drop and usually people don't need those gears cause they must be already well geared to kill them. On another side people just farm a low lvl monster for too long to get something they will probably never use later cause there already some better item that will replace them. Some other items are according to the server age and economy I believe most of people are not interested into buying Morrigan Set cause its not the best set on everything.


Junk item that can help newer player according to me:


Goibne Helm

Goibne Armor

Goibne Spaulder

Goibne Greaves

Fricco Shoes

Falcon Muffler

Celebrant Mitten

Unslot Glove

Unslot Brooch

Unslot necklace

Unslot Ring

Unslot Earring

Shinobi Sash

Armor Charm

Ninja Suit

Padded Armor

Eagle Wing

Morrigan Belt

Morrigane Helm

Morrigane Manteau

Morrigane Pendant


Understand that you could also make new items for people in general and get a quality of life on players. I dont really know what kind of shield people should get but a unslotted shield doing a bit less stuff than a hodremlin card wouldn't hurt either I believe like a 10% resist small large and medium.

Edited by HansLowell, 26 March 2015 - 01:56 AM.

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#16 kruim21


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Posted 26 March 2015 - 09:31 AM

u can find many Morrigane set drop from kiel thanatos and hydrolancer in the wont be a good idea if these newbie gears are 100% same status with normal ones.

its still hard to make money for a newbie even u give these gears.the market here is not so active.things are really hard to sell for old players except starting gears for newbie or high end ones. how could a newbie obtain the goods can be sold in the market?only goat horns as i known.cultivating the skills of earning zeny so they will become new power in the market.
i think multiple turn in quest should not be limited in kill count or stuff --> exp and few should be something like npc ask random junk gear /stuff -->zeny/gsb/ygg.

Edited by kruim21, 26 March 2015 - 10:12 AM.

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#17 Oda



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Posted 30 March 2015 - 09:31 AM

Quest 1: Pick Up Cursed Armor in Morroc. Quest begins in Asgard village with a NPC that will warp you to Prontera. From there the NPC instructs you on how to travel to Morrocc.

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#18 ChaoticRK


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 11:12 AM

Valkyrie Armor Set would be nice. :heh:

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#19 Oda



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Posted 30 March 2015 - 03:20 PM

Why does it have to be heavy?


I heard despite Janeway giving novice pots, some players used up all of theirs on archer skels and pitman, especially those who are of weaker classes or support. Buying NPC pots would be expensive for them (not to say fresh fish!), but meat & monster feed are too heavy to carry.


If the reason is to encourage them to switch to "real gears" later, make these gears disappear by themselves after they reach a certain level (say 80).


I like that they got to learn enchanting and cards work, will they be given a card to try?


Also liking that quest brings them on a trip to several towns.

I'm open to suggestions for "plot friendly" alternative negative effects that the player lifts. The negative is there so that NPC bought starter gears aren't instantly blown out of the water, but with some questing players will be able to remove that negative effect later. 


Draft effect of Cursed Armor[0]


A mysterious armor once worn by an ancient warrior. Found in Morroc.

Increases the effectiveness of novice, red and orange potions

+200 HP
+100 SP

Def: 3
MDef: 2
Classes: 1st and 2nd class characters
Weight: 90
Character bound

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#20 Quanta


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 04:04 PM

If it's going to have any weight at all, make it account-bound. Character-bound items with weight prevent characters from rebirthing or using the hypnotist until they shed the excess weight.

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#21 Xellie



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Posted 30 March 2015 - 04:23 PM

something about rebirth and weight

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#22 zerowon


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 04:56 PM

I would do account bound limit 1 per account that way if they make a 2nd char on that one they don't have to redo the armor quest and can store it for rebirth /restats
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#23 Xellie



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Posted 30 March 2015 - 05:38 PM

Just take away the bonuses over a certain base level like the green apple ring thing

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#24 Ecclesio


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 05:55 PM

I'm open to suggestions for "plot friendly" alternative negative effects that the player lifts. The negative is there so that NPC bought starter gears aren't instantly blown out of the water, but with some questing players will be able to remove that negative effect later. 


Draft effect of Cursed Armor[0]


A mysterious armor once worn by an ancient warrior. Found in Morroc.

Increases the effectiveness of novice, red and orange potions

+200 HP
+100 SP

Def: 3
MDef: 2
Classes: 1st and 2nd class characters
Weight: 90
Character bound

It looks great. My only suggestion would be maybe adding Meat to the item list as well for increased effectiveness. If I remember correctly, when you all started tweaking the drops of low level monsters (which you guys should continue hint hint) you made a bunch of monsters drop Meat. If that trend were to continue, it'd make sense to include meat...just an idea?


If it has weight it needs to be account bound, not character bound.

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#25 Themes


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 08:56 PM

I'm open to suggestions for "plot friendly" alternative negative effects that the player lifts. The negative is there so that NPC bought starter gears aren't instantly blown out of the water, but with some questing players will be able to remove that negative effect later. 


Draft effect of Cursed Armor[0]


A mysterious armor once worn by an ancient warrior. Found in Morroc.

Increases the effectiveness of novice, red and orange potions

+200 HP
+100 SP

Def: 3
MDef: 2
Classes: 1st and 2nd class characters
Weight: 90
Character bound


All the points from people talking about weight are fairly important. There's situations where you need to be at certain weight values and if you cannot because of this armor it could cause some issues.


Although you've only really given us a starting point you could have them initially start out cursed (character bound, heavy, middling stats) and then uncurse them turning them into account bound items with a slightly lowered weight, stats and a card slot.


IMO it all comes down to the amount of time a player spends in obtaining them. If the first set of cursed gear (armor, garment, shoes and hat) are all simply run to four towns speak to a few NPCs you can really make them as much of a burden as they're easy to replace for each character someone makes. But it'd be really cool to see them able to transform that gear into a set of newbie friendly gear they can use on that account for new characters.


As for adding meat to the proposed list of consumables, I'm not so sure, there's already two accessory cards that interact with Meat already adding another unknown multiplier could be a bit much. I'm happy with it being the three listed for now, depending on how much that impacts the restore amounts for those items and that in theory a player would outgrow the need to use the chest.

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