can we just do a roll up? popcorn

[Issue] Game Progress not saving (15/4/11)
Posted 12 April 2015 - 12:50 PM
Posted 12 April 2015 - 01:00 PM
can we just do a roll up? popcorn
thanks for the laugh.
my suggestion to the staff:
pull out all the stops on this compensation event. exp bonuses, drop rates, free items, etc. do everything you can to show to your players and customers that they are appreciated.
in fact, naming the event an appreciation event isn't too far off.
also, please hold an IM bonus for 2 weeks. say, 50% increase.
Posted 12 April 2015 - 01:30 PM
i just started playing again 2 weeks ago ;-;
i cri evrytiem
Posted 12 April 2015 - 06:19 PM
That is not quite correct. There is a corruption in any daily database back to 3/28. This corruption was not noticeable, because it didn't affect any actual player.
If it's not very noticeable then it should be possible to at least do a partial recovery from older backups and page/index data. Did anyone actually try this?
Posted 12 April 2015 - 07:45 PM
< Disappointed
Lost Hero Pos Set w/ 6* Elecards and some gold
From lvl 81 back to lvl74
i didnt sleep for 3days last 2 weeks just to lvl up my char
Spent a lot of time/money/effort
cause i really love this game
but now i dont know what to say what to do
just hoping miracle will happen
Posted 12 April 2015 - 09:22 PM
i take all . i need explanation , I need compensation , i come from vietnam , i like dragon saga , i don't Fluent in English, if don't explanation , thank for everything , you gave me motivation to abandon after playing the game for a long time
Posted 12 April 2015 - 09:38 PM
If it's not very noticeable then it should be possible to at least do a partial recovery from older backups and page/index data. Did anyone actually try this?
I was told that this has been tried several times. Also I have been told by the producer that this rollback was hard to accept for him. To be honest, I also don't fully understand what happend.
All what I honestly can tell you is, that the staff tried the very best to prevent what lastly had to happen. They kinda had a breakdown when they finally had to accept that there is no other way.
Posted 12 April 2015 - 11:44 PM
WHATT whe doing with the lost IM ........
Posted 12 April 2015 - 11:53 PM
Poppie said, we are getting them back.
He said the producer told him this should happen already today (in the other thread, with the producer statement).
Posted 13 April 2015 - 04:28 AM
I was told that this has been tried several times. Also I have been told by the producer that this rollback was hard to accept for him. To be honest, I also don't fully understand what happend.
All what I honestly can tell you is, that the staff tried the very best to prevent what lastly had to happen. They kinda had a breakdown when they finally had to accept that there is no other way.
I just thought of something, It seems the hardware failure was not the cause of the database corruption since that happened already on March 28. It was when trying to restore the database that the corruption was discovered, so maybe the hardware failure was a stroke of luck. Like, if the hardware failure had happened say a month from now, the rollback would still have been to March 28 and we would have lost even more progress...?
Posted 13 April 2015 - 05:08 AM
I just thought of something, It seems the hardware failure was not the cause of the database corruption since that happened already on March 28. It was when trying to restore the database that the corruption was discovered, so maybe the hardware failure was a stroke of luck. Like, if the hardware failure had happened say a month from now, the rollback would still have been to March 28 and we would have lost even more progress...?
Yes, you're right. It was a stroke of luck that the hardware finally failed completely last Saturday and not 6 months in the future. And you're also right saying we would have had to rollback everything to the exact same date as now.
The database corruption itself is caused by the same failure that finally resulted into a complete malfunction of the hardware. And so it finally broke. This was a combination of different incidents which were unpredictable to happen all at the same time and therefore it has completely undergone our safety systems. As our Producer already stated, it was a freak incident.
It was the worst what ever could happen and as bad as it is, we can be kinda "happy" that it decided to break now and instead of 6 month in the future. It was a blessing disguise.
Edited by VModPopcorn, 13 April 2015 - 05:09 AM.
Posted 13 April 2015 - 09:27 AM
How can I post a picture here ?
Posted 14 April 2015 - 06:02 AM
... I'm freaking glad the little plastic thingy decided to let go last week instead of in a few months.
Madoka bless the 'luck' we've had here.
Posted 14 April 2015 - 07:01 PM
... I'm freaking glad the little plastic thingy decided to let go last week instead of in a few months.
Madoka bless the 'luck' we've had here.
If it had been a few months, I think there would have been another kind of trouble as well because the "guild obsolesence" would have kicked in.
If a guild master doesn't log in for a certain amount of time (don't remember exactly how long, maybe it's two months?) the title is automatically transferred to a vice master (or a common member if there is no vice master, I assume). But with a rollback, it would be like no one in the guild had logged in and there would be no one to become the new guild master.
So in this case it's possible that all guilds would have been deleted.
Edited by Laburey21, 14 April 2015 - 07:04 PM.
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