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[Important] Compensation for the Database Issue (4/11 - 4/12)

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#276 Popcorn



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Posted 21 April 2015 - 01:37 PM

How about Tuna box!!

when does the Tuna box in Cash end ....? :D

It will stay for a while...

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#277 besmooth27


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Posted 21 April 2015 - 03:25 PM

I thought of this too.. but as you already know, many sets already have different colors

Marquis, Villian, Devil, Angel, Luminant Bat, Tiger Patterned Hoodie, etc

I understand that we have various color coated IM Costumes the problem is theres not a way to CHANGE the color witch is the reason i felt the need to talk about this issue the question was aimed at VM Popcorn.

Hopefully Mr. Popcorn can shed some light on my question thx in advance.
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#278 Popcorn



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Posted 21 April 2015 - 09:22 PM

I understand that we have various color coated IM Costumes the problem is theres not a way to CHANGE the color witch is the reason i felt the need to talk about this issue the question was aimed at VM Popcorn.

Hopefully Mr. Popcorn can shed some light on my question thx in advance.


Hello and sorry for my late response.


It's sadly not possible to have an option for changing costume colors because our client does not have the ability to do this.

Unlike the pets, which have different colored textures for the same object, every set is a totally seperate set - often with different stats, effects and grades - and they were never meant to be color changed.


From the point of a developers view this would be possible, but not as long as the client itself can't be changed. Besides this implementing such feature would need much effort, because of the mentioned differences between the stats, effects and grades.

However, I will add your suggestion to our list of wishes for future improvements, but at the time being it can't be said if or when such suggestions can be implemented.


Thank you!

Edited by VModPopcorn, 21 April 2015 - 09:25 PM.

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