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[Updated] Server Maintenance at 2015/5/6 15:00 Server Time

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#26 Popcorn



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Posted 06 May 2015 - 03:43 PM

Hello Dragon Saga Community!


We just noticed that the Assassin Cross Muffler is missing in the MixBoard.


We will add it by tomorrow (Thursday, 5/7) at around 12:00 Server Time.

We need a short server restart for this.


Thank you for your understanding!



Edited by VModPopcorn, 06 May 2015 - 03:46 PM.

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#27 AthenaPi


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 03:45 PM

So where is the compensation..?
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#28 Fliederduft78


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 03:55 PM

The one for the Warpportal Downtime you mean?


If so, didn't you notice the IS still dropping for everyone logged in the last week, or the enchant/soulcraft event still running?

Or the event bloody event in the vending still going on, plus the shop sales (which are still ongoing btw)?


^ That was our compensation, for something Warpportal itself had nothing to do with. It was their ISP messing things up, not Warpportal itself at all. Not Warpportals fault at all and we still got some compensation for it.


Why do so many people have to be so greedy?

I just don't get it. Within that downtime nothing got lost (totally different situation to the rollback we had - in that situation compensation was right).


There is much more important stuff ongoing around the game right now:

Dude, we got skill fixes. Skill fixes. Finally.

Why just not be happy about this....... :p_smile:

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#29 noxis


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 04:01 PM

The one for the Warpportal Downtime you mean?


If so, didn't you notice the IS still dropping for everyone logged in the last week, or the enchant/soulcraft event still running?

Or the event bloody event in the vending still going on, plus the shop sales (which are still ongoing btw)?


^ That was our compensation, for something Warpportal itself had nothing to do with. It was their ISP messing things up, not Warpportal itself at all. Not Warpportals fault at all and we still got some compensation for it.


Why do so many people have to be so greedy?

I just don't get it. Within that downtime nothing got lost (totally different situation to the rollback we had - in that situation compensation was right).


There is much more important stuff ongoing around the game right now:

Dude, we got skill fixes. Skill fixes. Finally.

Why just not be happy about this....... :p_smile:


i can understand both perspectives. wp's other titles are giving away things specific to the outage. all anyone really has to do is say that something for ds is the comp for the outage without even adding anything and it will silence the masses.


tirf had also announced a comp event for the outage. 


i wouldn't assume that it's automatically about greed. 

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#30 febz94


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 05:01 PM

i can understand both perspectives. wp's other titles are giving away things specific to the outage. all anyone really has to do is say that something for ds is the comp for the outage without even adding anything and it will silence the masses.


tirf had also announced a comp event for the outage. 


i wouldn't assume that it's automatically about greed. 


if u check ur email, there is this :


Dragon Saga

If you’ve logged in sometime in the last 7 Days, you will receive:

  • An additional week extension of double rate Enchant/Soulcraft.
  • 3X EXP rates during May 1 – May 3

We will also be running the following game compensation event:

  • World Drop event for Mysterious Buds and Springtime Gasha Box extended for another week with higher drop rates.

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#31 noxis


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 05:21 PM


if u check ur email, there is this :


Dragon Saga

If you’ve logged in sometime in the last 7 Days, you will receive:

  • An additional week extension of double rate Enchant/Soulcraft.
  • 3X EXP rates during May 1 – May 3

We will also be running the following game compensation event:

  • World Drop event for Mysterious Buds and Springtime Gasha Box extended for another week with higher drop rates.



problem solved.

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#32 AthenaPi


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 08:12 PM

I just didn't notice that and I'm not greedy just didn't see there's a post or what
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#33 ivey558


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 08:35 PM

So where is the compensation..?


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#34 NinenineHolmes


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 08:56 PM

Please remove the costume 'flash ad', we dont need to know who got the zeus part or devils agility part.
The costume spam was so crazy and so annoying.

Please consider this suggestion!
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#35 UraharaStore


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 09:09 PM

What is our compensation gifts? Can we have the same thing like last time please?

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#36 jerrick2001


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 09:15 PM

Devil Set Of Agility :DDDDDD

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#37 Popcorn



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Posted 06 May 2015 - 10:19 PM

What is our compensation gifts? Can we have the same thing like last time please?




if u check ur email, there is this :


Dragon Saga

If you’ve logged in sometime in the last 7 Days, you will receive:

  • An additional week extension of double rate Enchant/Soulcraft.
  • 3X EXP rates during May 1 – May 3

We will also be running the following game compensation event:

  • World Drop event for Mysterious Buds and Springtime Gasha Box extended for another week with higher drop rates.



There won't be any further compensation than what has been written in that WarpPortal e-mail febz94 posted.


Because of the rollback desaster we already had a big compensation event with high valuable IM items. The WarpPortal downtime situation isn't even comparable to that rollback desaster. We didn't lose anything other than time and not even on the weekend. All game servers were back on Friday, ready for the 3x EXP event.


What has been posted on the Facebook page about compensation was a textblock which was the same for every warpportal title. Which compensation has been given for this situation was in the hands of the particular production team. Unlike the other games we sadly needed the big compensation event just a short time before. So the production team decided that the 3x EXP weekend, the Insurance Scroll Login Event and the Soulcraft and Enchant Event (which both should have been ended already by the maintenance before) is enough for this "small" issue compared to the one we unfortunately had to go through due to the rollback situation. And who does not need Insurance Scrolls? I personally think that this was something useful for every player, no matter which level, class or playing style.


Thank you for your understanding.

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#38 MiniSalt


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 12:55 AM

Hi Popcorn,


Are we able to convert the items we got into Mysterious Buds to have another go at items at all? My luck was terrible =c (as a compensation for the server dying?)


Thank youuuu

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#39 Prockzone


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 07:03 AM

Hi Popcorn,


Are we able to convert the items we got into Mysterious Buds to have another go at items at all? My luck was terrible =c (as a compensation for the server dying?)


Thank youuuu


You don't know when to repress your greed, do you? :p_swt:

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#40 Homurasan


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 12:22 PM

Server dying ? Which one are you talking about ? I only see one and it's more lively than any other I've heard about.

And as a french saying goes : give them an inch, they'll take an arm. Or something like that. Well it means that the more you give, the more people want.


One more thing : talking about terrible luck when you have 6 different wheels to choose... I never have had even bad luck with this kind mixboard. Luv ya, sweety mixie.

Edited by Homurasan, 07 May 2015 - 12:23 PM.

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#41 ZeroXtreme


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 09:36 PM

a little question... is it just me or some of the purple coin box equip don't have special option? for example skeleton bandage and beetle pendant? skeleton bandage should have some agi n aim rate but what I get from the box don't have the option...

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#42 Popcorn



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Posted 07 May 2015 - 09:51 PM

a little question... is it just me or some of the purple coin box equip don't have special option? for example skeleton bandage and beetle pendant? skeleton bandage should have some agi n aim rate but what I get from the box don't have the option...


We will investigate this. Thank you for the info. I can ensure you it's not intended to put useless items in the box.


Edited by VModPopcorn, 07 May 2015 - 09:52 PM.

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#43 ZeiksderXD


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 09:55 PM

Hi Popcorn I would suggest to Change soul bound remover properties 
I suggest to make it usable with Artifact Item just for a shorty period of time i think its a nice Compensation to make

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#44 Fliederduft78


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 10:07 PM

There won't be any further compensation than what has been written in that WarpPortal e-mail febz94 posted.
Because of the rollback desaster we already had a big compensation event with high valuable IM items. The WarpPortal downtime situation isn't even comparable to that rollback desaster. We didn't lose anything other than time and not even on the weekend. All game servers were back on Friday, ready for the 3x EXP event.
What has been posted on the Facebook page about compensation was a textblock which was the same for every warpportal title. Which compensation has been given for this situation was in the hands of the particular production team. Unlike the other games we sadly needed the big compensation event just a short time before. So the production team decided that the 3x EXP weekend, the Insurance Scroll Login Event and the Soulcraft and Enchant Event (which both should have been ended already by the maintenance before) is enough for this "small" issue compared to the one we unfortunately had to go through due to the rollback situation. And who does not need Insurance Scrolls? I personally think that this was something useful for every player, no matter which level, class or playing style.
Thank you for your understanding.

This ^ is the compensation we got. As Poppie already stated : there won't be any further compensation given. 
There is absolutely no point in anyone going on about any further compensation. You already got all the compensation the staff wanted to give you and it was fair enough for everyone.

You don't know when to repress your greed, do you?  :p_swt:


And as a french saying goes : give them an inch, they'll take an arm. Or something like that. Well it means that the more you give, the more people want.

We have a similar saying in German btw:

If you give someone the "little finger" they will take the whole hand. 

(Same meaning, just a different way of saying it)  :p_smile:

Edited by Fliederduft78, 07 May 2015 - 10:35 PM.

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#45 MiniSalt


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 01:13 AM

You don't know when to repress your greed, do you? :p_swt:



Wel I was talking about the Mysterious Buds because I had lots of junk items that I don't know what to do about and to save space, I could convert them into something else.  I've never asked for anything in the forums but I was just so close to completing the sovereign set (and I missed out on last year when they were able to convert items back into Mysterious Buds - like 5 items for 1 bud or somethign like that). it'd be a waste for me to throw them away..


But thats fine. I'll have another crack at the set next year. And throw away like 100 items that I got from the Mysterious Bud event.



And to Homurasan.. what wheels are you talking about? I was talking about Mysterious Buds. I just meant the missed 2 days of server. However, it isn't Dragon Saga's fault that I didn't have the time to grind Mysterious Buds so I wasn't blaming anyone for anything. Just wanted to ask if it was possible so if it isn't, that's fine. It's not like I wait on hand and foot for the free items. Apologies if I sounded rude about inquiring about something. I suppose it's lesson learned to never suggest anything.


Server dying ? Which one are you talking about ? I only see one and it's more lively than any other I've heard about.

And as a french saying goes : give them an inch, they'll take an arm. Or something like that. Well it means that the more you give, the more people want.


One more thing : talking about terrible luck when you have 6 different wheels to choose... I never have had even bad luck with this kind mixboard. Luv ya, sweety mixie.




Edited by MiniSalt, 08 May 2015 - 03:10 AM.

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#46 Fliederduft78


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 02:36 AM

a little question... is it just me or some of the purple coin box equip don't have special option? for example skeleton bandage and beetle pendant? skeleton bandage should have some agi n aim rate but what I get from the box don't have the option...


Sadly I can confirm the skeleton bandage. It comes without any "set options". 


I think there is something going wrong with that item. Poppie can you maybe check back with the staff?

Thank you.  :p_smile:

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#47 Homurasan


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 04:21 AM

I just misunderstood, because I used mixables from the Spring time boxes to obtain some costumes through the mixboard. I thought these were the items you were talking about. My apologies.

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#48 IreKire


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 06:02 AM

the American version of that saying is give someone an inch and they will take a mile, im still in shock from the ring and balloon they gave out, would have never expected to see items like those enter the game.

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#49 MiniSalt


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 06:12 AM

I just misunderstood, because I used mixables from the Spring time boxes to obtain some costumes through the mixboard. I thought these were the items you were talking about. My apologies.



Well, I wasn't one of them who abused the mixables to get items since I dind't even know that was possible. Was so intent on completing the Sovereign and ended up getting everything but the shoes. =c  Now I have 3 IM Vaults filled with these items and not sure whether to cry or throw them away......I should have known they would have removed the event so I should have stayed up late to play it but I was just so tired from completing a major assignment that I had to sleep.. so I'm living in moments of regret now. Next time I'll stay up all night for it! DW!


Any advice on what to do with the extra event items?

Edited by MiniSalt, 08 May 2015 - 06:13 AM.

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#50 Fliederduft78


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 07:53 AM

Well, some of the balloons and stuff are sellable. You could try to sell the ones you don't want.

Personally I only kept the stuff I liked and threw the rest away. I would suggest you doing the same, don't think those items are going to get any purpose at all. Just keep the ones you like, sell the ones you want to sell  and throw away the rest. 


Edited by Fliederduft78, 08 May 2015 - 07:54 AM.

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