Damage Boosters ruin PVP in TG - Page 2 - Proposals & Suggestions - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Damage Boosters ruin PVP in TG

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#26 borgahutt


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Posted 07 June 2015 - 03:32 AM

Because that doesn't fix the problem that I explained. 50% damage increase is far too high when damage is already too high. Ever tried playing a cleric in TG? clearly not.

All of this topic is pretty wrong, they are an additional extra for people who want them or not, and yeah you can also buy them with Zulie so who cares? This is the one place in rose where you can use whatever and have fun with it so it should be kept that way,

And yes cleric really isn't that hard to play in TG if you know what your doing and especially with stat buffs as it enhances a clerics gameplay A lot!
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#27 Feuer


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Posted 07 June 2015 - 03:39 AM

So additional extra warrants breaking the balance of end game play? Curious. 

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#28 LexLoyalty


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Posted 07 June 2015 - 11:26 AM


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#29 horseraider


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Posted 07 June 2015 - 11:52 AM

4 players on IM Damage Boosters / Aruas should NOT be able to run in and kill everyone in TG over and over because of their infinite supply of zulie/real life money to buy more.

Why are boosters able to make you reach stat levels that aren't reachable in game? I thought this game was free to play, not pay to win.

Why is this a problem? The damage output in this game right now is ridiculously high so Scouts / other classes can use damage boosters and nearly 3 shot every class in the game. Clerics are not even played as a main class anymore because everyone just runs around with Raiders or Scouts with boosters.

Logical Solution: Makes the damage booster +10% so it's the same as a cleric buff. The rest of the boosters are already not as good as stat buffers anyways.

yes its free to play but its one of the reason that's they get their paycheque at the end of the day...

Man I completely agree. The two most popular things to do are pvp in TG and pvp in AA and they're both ruined ATM. Crystals need more hp in AA and boosters need to be nerfed in AA.

u cant use boosters in AA.

Boosters is kinda the way to even the odds of winning during a war..

ex A Group that has like 10players on statbuffs vs 5 players on booster and statbuffs...

and bringing the dmg booster down to a 10% would be a bad idea its like wuts the use of it if a cleric could give buffs better than a booster capsule... and booster weren't intended to ruin a pvp its just a way to even the odds and have fun.

Nah, tg wars are and will always be unbalanced. People wanna spend money on boosters, that's fine. It just makes it even more laughable when boostered up clans get wiped out by non-boostered clans. If they really wanted bragging rights, they'd que aa w their clan and prove it where boosters aren't allowed. ;)

is that u on the dp?

Edited by VModCupcake, 08 June 2015 - 08:08 AM.

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#30 VisitorX


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Posted 07 June 2015 - 01:24 PM

u cant use boosters in AA.


Read before you reply. I said they need to increase crystal HP in AA.

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#31 VisitorX


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Posted 07 June 2015 - 05:02 PM

Buying boosters is like buying lv 300

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#32 carlosrose


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Posted 07 June 2015 - 11:31 PM

Read before you reply. I said they need to increase crystal HP in AA.


Make sure you said it properly before you reply to anyone:


"Man I completely agree. The two most popular things to do are pvp in TG and pvp in AA and they're both ruined ATM. Crystals need more hp in AA and boosters need to be nerfed in AA."

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#33 VisitorX


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 02:53 AM

You can always pay to help yourself achieve things faster (levels / max gear) but simply paying to temporarily receive bonus status should not be something this game offers in the pvp side of things.
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#34 VModCupcake


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 08:15 AM

This is clearly a sensitive subject and discussion is fine, but a this is a reminder to keep your comments on the pros and cons of boosters without resorting to accusations per Leo's post here 




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#35 Feuer


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 08:28 AM

So what cupcake is saying I presume is that you can't accuse the game of being unfair or imbalanced due to boosters. Hence we can't actually discuss it. Further more there is a forum rule where you cannot debate the decisions of the staff either somewhere, I'll have to find it. But at either rate, accusing/suggesting is not allowed nor is questioning the authority of the staff. This topic should jsut be locked before we're all put on moderator qeue or temp banned. 

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#36 horseraider


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 08:45 AM

Read before you reply. I said they need to increase crystal HP in AA.






lol i think ur the one who needs to read before clicking (Add Reply). :)

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#37 turnermanxi


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 10:46 AM

This is clearly a sensitive subject and discussion is fine, but a this is a reminder to keep your comments on the pros and cons of boosters without resorting to accusations per Leo's post here 


In public relations, dealing with public, is what you all do on a daily (well supposed to), you take all the questioning and negativity away.  Just taking a simple PUR 4000 class you would know that when you don't deal with these "accusations", you leave the public accusing more and you leave the public in confusion and question which is obviously what's going on.  When there is an issue, you must address it.  Trying to hide from issues and not addressing them just means you are guilty, guilty of every "accusation" made towards you.  So instead of deleting comments because of your insecurities, address the issues.  Don't hide.  Hiding is the WORST thing you could ever do to your public ESPECIALLY when it's a highly debated topic in game and that makes no sense at all.  Boosters are literally just an excuse for the mediocre to feel they have +1 on those who actually are smart enough with their build and armor yet none of you don't want to hear that and it's destroying the game along with many other issues such as balancing classes, pvp, etc.  


So again, i'll ask my same questions I had before they got deleted because we don't like when people talk bad about they way we make money, why do boosters even exist?  Why even balance classes when all you need to do is boost?  And before you start balancing classes again, why not actually play all the classes in every aspect of the game, the best you can so you can understand what needs to be fixed and what doesn't?  What is so hard about actually answering these types of questions without getting sensative?  Why can't we just address these issues?  

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#38 Feuer


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 10:51 AM

The problem with confronting them though is when you don't have a valid reason for it. For example, why have Artisans been left untouched for over a year? Why are event items forgotten almost yearly? etc. All I can ever get it "we forgot" or "we're understaffed". WP should have stepped in a long time ago if you ask me, they have enough money to build Rag2, but can't spare 1 artist and maybe 1~2 debuggers or programmers? 

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#39 VModCupcake


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 11:47 AM

I don't make the rules so please keep that in mind


@turnermanxi   If you are unsatisfied with something, you have every right to state that in a civilized way or contact Leo directly via pm. Just rephrase what you post so that it doesn't sound like more whining about the IM. It seems that not every player shares your opinion on boosters, so maybe you need a better reason rather than just saying boosters are ruining the game.


@Feuer Discuss without the constant comments about this game being "pay-to'win" and state concerns without accusations.


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#40 Feuer


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 11:55 AM

You can't state a valid* concern without providing evidence, evidence that induces accusation of the root problem. Because without uncovering the root problem and accusing it as such, you cannot ever hope to propose an intelligent hypothesis to fix the issue. And I'll say however much I want that the game is pay to win, because that doesn't break any of the rules, not yet anyway. 

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#41 angeltje


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 11:58 AM

I don't make the rules so please keep that in mind


@turnermanxi   If you are unsatisfied with something, you have every right to state that in a civilized way or contact Leo directly via pm. Just rephrase what you post so that it doesn't sound like more whining about the IM. It seems that not every player shares your opinion on boosters, so maybe you need a better reason rather than just saying boosters are ruining the game.


@Feuer Discuss without the constant comments about this game being "pay-to'win" and state concerns without accusations.


That wasn't really civilized to say, just saying.

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#42 TheRealCaNehDa


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 12:04 PM

"we're understaffed". WP should have stepped in a long time ago if you ask me, they have enough money to build Rag2, but can't spare 1 artist and maybe 1~2 debuggers or programmers? 

This, this times a million billion kajillion. 

They need to, desperately need to, dedicate more people towards this title.... But, I guess it's not receiving enough money to give it that much attention? 

Seriously though guys, there could be so much more being done with this game title, I don't mean to hate on Gen, or Leo, or MadProgrammer, but... -- I am pretty certain yall can agree that you guise need moar halp. 

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#43 Feuer


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 12:08 PM

There's a very well known concept throughout the entire world, "you have to spend money to make money" - The Investors Creed. 


Clearly, WP forgot that Business 101 Course. 

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#44 kikhy90


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 12:46 PM

I agree with the previous comments saying that boosters should be scaled down to either max stat buff or max cleric buff stats.

Max stat buffs are definitely way better than just max cleric buffs, but boosters are too OP compared to just stat buffs. At least stat buffers you can make in game yourself and get some decent stat buffs w/o complete max charm on each of them.  Max cleric buffs vs max stat buffs is not nearly as unequal as max stat buffs vs boosters IMO.

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#45 TheRealCaNehDa


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 12:48 PM

if popping one aura = full max stat buff, I wouldn't mind so much, but... the fact is, so many players would rage, more players would rage about this, than the people that complain about them in the first place. 

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#46 CharasX


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 12:49 PM

There's a very well known concept throughout the entire world, "you have to spend money to make money" - The Investors Creed. 


Clearly, WP forgot that Business 101 Course. 


I believe WP took this course, then took a look at the game and then thought about ways to make money without having to invest much themselves. Players are willing to burn money on temporary buffs or updates (clans) just so they can be or feel superior... how dumb is that? I know that taking advantage of such things is really tempting... highly money rewarding for the company... but in the end, it does really hurt the game.


I know my post got removed... I was expecting it. But can you really claim that I'm completly wrong? I'm part of those dinosaurs who know where ROSE comes from... what NARose was... and how it evolved. I feel perfectly entitled to blame directly the persons responsible for the bad directions and decisions made since 10 years. That being said... all is not so bad, some good stuffs have been done too, but talking about what s wrong with the game is just much more appropriate when it comes to try to move things in the right direction.


I do know that to some extend every f2p games are p2w... but not in every single aspect of their content. Here in ROSE as it is, absolutly everything is related to the use of IM. I did have hope when i saw the new clan system... thinking "yey finally something to work on... worth farming for" next update.... BOOM you can buy CPs in the IM. Ofcourse noone is forcing you to use the IM, not like someone is pointing a gun at u forcing you to spend your money. But the very fact that it is possible to buy everything make this game... well you know... p2w. And NO, the fact that IM items are tradable doesn't change the p2w aspect of this whole system.


Now here we were talking about Boosters, wich are indeed straight up p2w items, making the very purpose of farming... gearing up... working on a pvp build... teamplay.... and so on go to a waste. That s a fact. I do not doubt that many players are okey with this whole thing, as they are the ones willing to spend money and use them to win... but once again, it does not invalid this thread, and it does not make it be less game breaking than it is.


I m not being uncivilized, I m a costumer, a game user since a long time, and I m writting my opinion on a precise subject. If I m to talk about things more generally, all I have to say is that I would like very much to see some part of the endgame content being completly separated from the use of IMs... some things worth farming for... worth putting effort in it... and rewarding for those who actually go through the whole grinding it would represent... something that noone could just straight up buy and shove to your face.... something to be proud of.... but after the last Clan blows.... I m loosing more and more my hopes.

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#47 kikhy90


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 01:12 PM

I think that booster buffs should have another colour or something, so you know who is on boosters and who is not on boosters. 

That would be good because then there is no disputing over how someone seems OP, you would just know automatically and they would look like a Dbag hahaha

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#48 kikhy90


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 01:19 PM

I believe WP took this course, then took a look at the game and then thought about ways to make money without having to invest much themselves. Players are willing to burn money on temporary buffs or updates (clans) just so they can be or feel superior... how dumb is that? I know that taking advantage of such things is really tempting... highly money rewarding for the company... but in the end, it does really hurt the game.


I know my post got removed... I was expecting it. But can you really claim that I'm completly wrong? I'm part of those dinosaurs who know where ROSE comes from... what NARose was... and how it evolved. I feel perfectly entitled to blame directly the persons responsible for the bad directions and decisions made since 10 years. That being said... all is not so bad, some good stuffs have been done too, but talking about what s wrong with the game is just much more appropriate when it comes to try to move things in the right direction.


I do know that to some extend every f2p games are p2w... but not in every single aspect of their content. Here in ROSE as it is, absolutly everything is related to the use of IM. I did have hope when i saw the new clan system... thinking "yey finally something to work on... worth farming for" next update.... BOOM you can buy CPs in the IM. Ofcourse noone is forcing you to use the IM, not like someone is pointing a gun at u forcing you to spend your money. But the very fact that it is possible to buy everything make this game... well you know... p2w. And NO, the fact that IM items are tradable doesn't change the p2w aspect of this whole system.


Now here we were talking about Boosters, wich are indeed straight up p2w items, making the very purpose of farming... gearing up... working on a pvp build... teamplay.... and so on go to a waste. That s a fact. I do not doubt that many players are okey with this whole thing, as they are the ones willing to spend money and use them to win... but once again, it does not invalid this thread, and it does not make it be less game breaking than it is.


I m not being uncivilized, I m a costumer, a game user since a long time, and I m writting my opinion on a precise subject. If I m to talk about things more generally, all I have to say is that I would like very much to see some part of the endgame content being completly separated from the use of IMs... some things worth farming for... worth putting effort in it... and rewarding for those who actually go through the whole grinding it would represent... something that noone could just straight up buy and shove to your face.... something to be proud of.... but after the last Clan blows.... I m loosing more and more my hopes.

awesome post charas  :wave:

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#49 VisitorX


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 02:06 PM

At the end of the day it's really all plain and simple. Boosters are overpowered and ruining pvp in TG. Until something can be done to fix them, they should be removed from TG or PVP entirely.
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#50 turnermanxi


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 06:06 PM

I don't make the rules so please keep that in mind


@turnermanxi   If you are unsatisfied with something, you have every right to state that in a civilized way or contact Leo directly via pm. Just rephrase what you post so that it doesn't sound like more whining about the IM. It seems that not every player shares your opinion on boosters, so maybe you need a better reason rather than just saying boosters are ruining the game.


@Feuer Discuss without the constant comments about this game being "pay-to'win" and state concerns without accusations.

Civilized as in how?  I posted a well thought out post.  No cursing and not even simple name calling.  And whining about IM?  If I remember correctly did I not say that "i try my best to defend how you guys make your money...." or something in between those lines?  Also, maybe if my post never got completely deleted you could look back and see that I had a reason why boosters are ruining the game as to how unnecessary it is to even care about balancing classes when you can just boost in TG and not even have to try.  I do not care if no one shares my opinion on boosters, If I am in the end right, I am right.  Just because the room of 20 students and 19 say 2+2=5 and I say its 4, doesn't make them right and my answer should not be considered.  But if I am wrong, I am wrong, however, no one has yet to answer my questions.


If I am not satisfied with something, shouldn't the forums be where my questions and concerns as a player, as the public, as a regular costumer to this business, be answered?  Is that not what the forums are for?  I shouldn't need to contact Leonis in a private message when it's a topic that is a concern to a vast public.  


I'll say this again also, if it's an accusation address it.  Deleting and doing everything in your power to take away/hide a public opinion, accusation, or belief will only destroy the company as a whole even if its "civilized" or "uncivilized".  This is what we call "Controlled Media" which is when an organization controls what is said to and from the public, to whom it is said to, how it is said, when it is said, and sometimes where it is said.  These organizations more than likely never work ESPECIALLY when their main producers are the public and almost always have to hire a PR person to speak on their behalf because they obviously never trained for situations like these nor was expecting it.    


I'm just over how ignored our opinions and views are on the forums and why are the problems that are bad are never addressed PUBLICLY.  Just because someone pm'd Leonis and he supposedly pm's back saying (hypothetically speaking) "We are working on everything and it will be released tomorrow" doesn't make the person creditable and should be the Paul Revere of Rose and let everyone know about something that may not even be true.  

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