Hello, i want to share a speedy leveling guide. This is my own opinion and experience, and if you have better methods and alternatives, feel free to share them.
Btw the term Speed leveling means a fast method to level. In this guide, i avoid any types of grinding, most leveling done by doing quests.
- This might be not suitable for new player who still struggle to find their first zeny capital.
- investing yourself with VIP, couple of BMx3s and Level 10 Mercenary scrolls will really increase your leveling into lightning speed. Today, there are some scarabas mercenary scrolls which is very powerful (but quite expensive), pretty good to use for low level leveling.
- The One Time Quest recommendation is suggested on corresponding level range due to the difficulty. If you able to do it in lower range, why not?
Format: I will divide this guides into level groups and leveling methods.
General tips:
- do several quest at once and use bmx3 when turning them in for pretty fast level jump.
- if you dont have aoe skills, you can buy marine sphere carded accessory to grant you use of magnum break level 3.
- safe way to exploit your mercenary: buy smokie carded accessory. then go hiding when your mercenary kills, it will help you from not being targetted by enemy. most of mercenaries goes to waste since the owner died a lot, so make sure you stay alive especially when using expensive level 10 mercenary.
- try getting all welfare shadow gears set (kill those black thief bugs in cities or academy), wearing the set will grant you handy +4 all stats.
- easy rebirthing leveling: before you do rebirth, purchase some level 60 mercenary. use them when you are level 1 high novice, your rebirth leveling will be a breeze.
- good healing items: fresh fishes (boosted more if you use fish in mouth), aloe leaflets, carrots (only if you have rudolf hairband), pumpkins (only if you have witch pumpkin hat + alarm mask, or using yellow trans candy for 10 minutes), condensed white potions (kinda expensive if you are looking for the ranked ones, but if you use flamel carded garment, it will triple its healing value, making it is more effective in long run).
Level 1-12
Grind: Mandragoras
One Time Quest: Do academy quest(credit to idaehyun)
Repeatable Quest: Eden 1-12
General notes: Completing academy quest will make you level 8 and job10 and some free stuffs that will help you heal, move between places, handy tools, and those only weight 0. Dont forget to register at eden to get 2 battle manuals, and some agi bless scrolls. Once you graduated from novicehood, you can go to mandragoras until level 12. for VIP, using free bow mercenary from eden will really useful here. After that, every class should focus on getting their aoe skills coz we will be mobbing all day long.
Class notes:
Swordman: focus on getting magnum break.
Mage: focus on getting fireball.
Archer: focus on getting arrow shower.
Merchant: Focus getting mammonite.
Acolyte: heal, to heal yourself, mercenary or your friend.
Thief: Maxing double attack and dodge.
Taekwon: Focus on maxing one or 2 kicks and 4 levels of mild wind.
Gunner: focus on getting desperado.
Ninja: focus on getting blaze shield.
Good mercenary to use: Bowman, since it can shoot non aggro mobs from afar making them stay alive.
Level 12-30
Grind: Poison spores, ant eggs, scorpions, zombies, skeletons, familiars, poporings
One Time Quest: -
Repeatable Quest: Eden quest 11-25 (poison spore)
General notes: Nothing else to say, grind on poison spores, sograt desert or payon cave until level 30. Use your aoe since we are mobbing, stacks strawberries and other SP items. you can use rudolf also at level 20 for carrot boost for cheap healing. Using fencer or lancer mercenary will really useful here. Bowman mercenary is kinda weak here and die a lot.
Class notes:
Swordman: use magnum break.
Mage: use fireball.
Archer: use arrow shower.
Merchant: use mammonite.
Acolyte: use mercenary skills.
Thief: auto attack or use mercenary skill.
Taekwon: auto attack or use mercenary skill.
Gunner: use desperado.
Ninja: use blaze shield.
Good mercenary to use: Bowman. Reasoning same as above.
Level 30-56
Grind: Orc Village. Sunken Ship.
One Time Quest: -
Repeatable Quest: Geffen 41-70 Bounty Board
General notes: Aoe mobbing here. Use fire weapon/converter. You can take bounty board at level 41. When you turn the board, just channel all exp to base level. You are expected to be job 50 by the time your base level is 54-56. For swordsman, mage, archer, gunner and ninja. This one is pretty easy and fast since you are mobbing and have one shot killing skill. For aco, thief, merchant and taekwons, you need a mercenary with aoe skill to be effective (at level 45, you can rent swordsman mercenary level 4, he has magnum break, make sure to feed him mercenary blue potions to spam magnum break). alternative is doing pirate skeleton grinding in sunken ship.
Swordman: use magnum break.
Mage: use fireball.
Archer: use arrow shower.
Merchant: use mammonite. At this rate, you can get cart revolution. use that as your AOE killing.
Acolyte: use mercenary skills.
Thief: auto attack or use mercenary skill.
Taekwon: auto attack or use mercenary skill.
Gunner: use desperado.
Ninja: use blaze shield.
Good mercenary to use: Fencer & Spearman. To make use of their AoE skills such as magnum break and brandish spear.
Level 56-71
One word: Eden board 56-71. Buy maneater blossoms and sticky webfoots as many as you can! While turning in, use your free battle manual from eden, it will cut your blossom usage by 33%. By this point, you are already in 2nd job.
Alternatives: grind at sandman, sidewinders, groves and orc undeads
Level 71-85
Grind: Sidewinders, Juno Field. Glast Heim. Payon Cave.
One Time Quest: Ragnarok Tactics Event. Lost Puppies. Brasilis Water Lily Quest.Amatsu Entrance Quest. Cautious Village Quest. Brasilis Dungeon entrance quest. Finding Fairy.
Repeatable Quest: Eden board 71-85 (juno and aldebaran one), Geffen Bounty Board 61-100. Brasilis Bounty Board 71-175. Payon Bounty Board 61-100. Prontera Bounty Board 61-100, Juno Bounty Board 71-100.
General notes: Do not go to low TI before 85 since it is hard to find party and most monsters still giving exp penalty. Also your party killing power is still weak resulting in long road mindless grind there. Do the quest i mentioned above. Doing eden weapon quest will give you nice gears and quite an exp from the quest. Then you can either do other repeatable bounty boards and eden boards to 85. Doing some entrance quests in amatsu, port malaya and brasilis also a nice addition to give you some levels. Finding fairy quest is doable at this range, you need to do teleporting a lot and avoid any contact with monsters since their level is far above you. You can do this quest later when you are stronger
Level 85-90
Grind: Low TI. Glast Heim, Rachel Field, Lighthalzen Field.
One Time Quest: Lost Child. Rachel Sanctuary Entrance. Spy Quest.
Repeatable Quest: Low TI. Eden board 86-90. Juno bounty 71-100, Geffen bounty 81-120. Payon Bounty Board 61-100. Prontera Bounty Board 61-100. Brasilis Bounty Board 71-175. Lighthalzen Bounty Board 81-100. Hugel Bounty 81-100.
General notes: Not much to say in this level range. i Suggest you to finish low ti monster sets, it will give you jump from 86 to 91. You can try doing geffen bounties in earth petites and GH (evil druid, wraith, dark priest) or finishing one time quest in 71-85 section if you have not.
Level 91-99
Grind: Low TI. Glast Heim, Rachel Field. Lighthalzen field. Medusa. Rock Ridge Field.
One Time Quest: Ice Necklace. Eye of hellion quest. Geffen criminal activity quest. Easter quest. Ring of wise King. Brasilis Murder Quest.
Repeatable Quest: Low TI. Eden board 91-99. Juno bounty 71-100, Geffen bounty 81-120. Comodo Bounty 61-105 (medusa one). Brasilis bounty 71-175, Lighthalzen Bounty 81-100. Hugel Bounty 81-100.
General notes: Do those one time quests for big exp especially when turned in using bmx3. Doing eden board 91-99 is a must if you are trans class and planning to get job 70. If you are non trans, you can do all eden board quest, then turn them in when you are trans in level 80ish for big level jump.
Level 100-110
Grind: Mid TI, Nogg Road, Kobolds, Rock Ridge Field
One Time Quest: Eye of Beholder. Nurse of Port Malaya, Lost Spirits, Kiel Hyre Entrance, Theore's Request, Rock Ridge Main Quest. Terra gloria one time quests. Illusion of Moonlight main quest.
Repeatable Quest: Mid TI. Eden 100-110. Juno Bounty 101-150. Lighthalzen Bounty 101-150. Geffen Bounty 101-120. Port Malaya Daily quest. Terra gloria daily quests. Illusion of Moonlight daily quest.
General notes: Nogg road and kobolds are the biggest exp maker in this range. if you use bmx3, after you turn all your quests in, you can spend the rest of the bmx3 minutes to do nogg road bounty. if you are good, you can turn 2x more bounties on that given time. Doing all Port malaya daily quests will give you 2m exp and 2m jexp for non vip. Starting level 100, you can do Terra Gloria chain of quests, and its daily quest. Pretty easy tasks for decent exp. Also illusion of moonlight main quest (pretty simple) rewards you for 500k exp, and 900k exp for doing the dailies.
Level 111-120
Grind: Mid TI, Nogg Road, Kobolds, Hardrock Mammoth map, Juperos, Rock Ridge Field
One Time Quest: Lion's Roar, the Sign, Report From New World
Repeatable Quest: Mid TI. Eden 110-120. Juno Bounty 101-150. El Dicastes bounty 101-140. Geffen Bounty 101-120. Lighalzen Bounty 101-150. Mid Camp Bounty 101-150. Port malaya daily quest. Terra gloria daily quests. Illusion of Moonlight daily quest.
General notes: Nogg road is still good, you can find alternative in centipedes in hardrock mammoth map (man_fld03) since the place is pretty mobby.
Level 121-130
Grind: Mid TI, High TI, Nogg Road, Kobolds, Hardrock Mammoth map, Dicastes field, Juperos, Rachel Sanctuary, Abyss Lake, Nameless Island.
One Time Quest: Thor Volcano Base Quest. Secrets in the woods, Bakonawa Extermination, Legend Time and Rumors.
Repeatable Quest: Mid TI, High TI, Eden 121-130. Juno Bounty 101-150, El Dicastes Bounty 101-140. Hugel Bounty 121-160. Lighthalzen bounty 101-150; 121-175. Mid Camp Bounty 101-150. Port Malaya Daily Quest. Terra gloria daily quests. Illusion of Moonlight daily quest.
General notes: Nogg road already give less exp at this point, but still yield good exp since it has bounty board. When taking eden quest, you might want to do aigu quest since the quest is just clicking a bonfire npc located somewhere on designated map, then you will get good exp from it. You might want to do eclage quests now since it opens at base level 120, but i dont recommend to do them now since most monsters still above your effective exp level.
Level 131-140
Grind: High TI, Scaraba Hall, Somatology Laboratory, Rachel Sanctuary, Nameless Island, Abyss Lake
One Time Quest: Encounter in a strange land, Mysterious Robbery, Light and Darkness, Memory of Professor Worm, Troublesome Fairies, Helping Lope and Euridi, Find Research Tools, Knights of Neighborhood. Wanted to be big and beautiful.
Repeatable Quest: High TI, Eden 131-140. El Dicastes Bounty 101-140 & 121-175. Hugel Bounty 121-160. Lighthalzen bounty 121-175. Port Malaya Daily. Eclage daily quest. Terra gloria daily quests. Illusion of Moonlight daily quest.
General notes: Scaraba hall is pretty good place to spend your bmx3 time after turning in some quests. combining bounty board and eden quest in scaraba and biolabs2 is pretty good choice also. Doing eclage quest now already possible. Doing all eclage daily quest will give you 2,1m exp and 2,1m jexp for non vip.
Level 141-150
Grind: High TI, Scaraba Hall, Somatology Laboratory, Bifrost Tower, Destroyed Prontera, Prontera Underground Prison, Rock Ridge Mine
One Time Quest: Dimensional Travel, Flame Basin and Doom Prayers, Phantasmagorika Entrance Quest, Looking for Traces (Phantasmagorika guide credit to Mrricebox)
Repeatable Quest: High TI. El Dicastes Bounty 121-175. Hugel Bounty 121-160. Lighthalzen bounty 121-175. Lighthalzen bounty 141-175. Mora bounty 141-175. Port Malaya Daily. Eclage daily quest. Flame Basin daily quest., Phantasmagorika Daily Quest, Royal Banquet Daily Quest Terra gloria daily quests. Illusion of Moonlight daily quest.
General notes: This is the moment when the road is going steep since the easy exp from eden quest already stopped. at this point we can only depend on bounty boards. doing daily quest at flame basin, phantasmagorika and royal banquet are good to try also for extra exp since doing all flame basin daily quest will give you 2,15m exp and 1,95m jexp for non vip, while doing all phantasmagorika daily quest will give you 16,725m exp and 10,725m jexp for non vip, doing all royal banquet daily quest will give you 6,9m exp and 5m job exp For Some classes like RK, AB, Sorc and Performers, jumping in biolabs4 is pretty good idea.
For leveling past 150, use this thread:
Edited by fuyukikun, 08 July 2018 - 12:54 AM.
Added server tag to title.