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Asgard Training Village Mk. II

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#1 Oda



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Posted 23 October 2015 - 11:52 AM

Introduction to Asgard: This is an expansion of the training grounds that we are using as an alternative to the Eden Group or Criatura Academy we have on Renewal. 


What we have now

First class quest warpers

Basic equipment vendors

Asgard 'Cursed' Armor Quest NPC

Basic dungeon warpers




Proposed additions

local shouter for asgard for party recruiting

VIP warper to teleport to Ice Dungeon and Abyss Lake


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#2 tshin23


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Posted 23 October 2015 - 11:59 AM

Looks nice. Ice Dungeon and Abyss Lake teleporters. o/

Edited by tshin23, 23 October 2015 - 12:00 PM.

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#3 Xellie



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Posted 23 October 2015 - 12:06 PM

move the eden npcs into asgard (upgraders, boxter)


make sure the titan warp and AL3 warp are distance from eachother and buff players, so they can gather on them to seek parties.

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#4 Ramses


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Posted 23 October 2015 - 12:09 PM

i still think mail annex should be the only place with these brewing npcs, its annoying considering asgard is a meeting spot

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#5 Xellie



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Posted 23 October 2015 - 01:43 PM

note: the weapon dealers do not sell instruments


ygg leaves would be a nice addition to the tool dealer

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#6 Xellie



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Posted 23 October 2015 - 02:38 PM

Janeway quest should grant access to the culverts, just teleporting a newbie there doesn't help much


on topic of janeway : archer skels are too low spawn but kind of hard for new chars

Edited by Xellie, 24 October 2015 - 09:48 AM.

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#7 Themes


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Posted 23 October 2015 - 03:58 PM

Yep ^. I'd probably just make the NPC let people through who are on the Janeway Thief Bug quest and tell them if they need to come back later to go visit the Knight Guild in Prontera.


It'd be neat to see a small rearranging of Asgard to make it a little different, right now when you get warped in you see Janeway, Doctor Jonze, 5 warpers and a crapload of people just standing around. Moving the spawn and rearranging it slightly seems like it may make things a bit easier for people to get started.


Here's a crude drawing about what I was thinking about:


You can also add guard-like functionality to the Asgard NPCs, giving them either minimap dots for locations of things or have them pop up a map showing people where things are.


What do people think of changing the layout a bit? What would you move/change and what would you like to see from outside (bg/pvp npcs? enriched upgrader? kafra shop/boxter?).

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#8 Xellie



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Posted 23 October 2015 - 04:21 PM

+ mail annex warper

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#9 Myzery


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Posted 23 October 2015 - 05:38 PM

Shrine to Xellie that gives free pie

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#10 AlmrOfAtlas


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Posted 23 October 2015 - 05:53 PM

I've heard that if you pray to the statue of the golden businessman in the secret alley in southwest Izlude, and pay it tribute by offering up your soul and tithes of money, you will be rewarded with hibram cards.


You occasionally see crazy people standing around Prontera shouting about it, though it is not often anymore that you hear words spoken from their mouths, twisted with greed and hate, though they continue to move nonetheless. With time we've instinctively learned to block them out, our pure souls knowing that theirs is a dark and tainted path, so they instead use their mystical powers to whisper sweet promises of riches and glory directly into our minds, though the method has left their words jumbled - nigh indecipherable. They dye their hair red to signify the blood price that must been paid.


There are many worshipers of the golden businessman today, though their cabal is secretive and veiled in mystery. Legend has it that a divine order of men and women, keepers of Justice clad in white, wage an endless battle against the golden businessman and his followers - a battle hidden from the eyes of us common folk - seeking them out wherever they may be found and delivering retribution upon them, as to wrest their souls free from the darkness that grips them and correct their path to the honest light.

Edited by AlmrOfAtlas, 23 October 2015 - 06:19 PM.

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#11 Jenna


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Posted 23 October 2015 - 06:39 PM

Is there a Niflheim Warper anywhere, or a spotlight warper?

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#12 lxst


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Posted 23 October 2015 - 09:39 PM

+1 spotlight warper

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#13 teresias


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Posted 24 October 2015 - 09:57 AM

Hi, is it possible to modify the Archer Skeleton quest in Janeway?  I've done it 4 times with my chars and, imo, it's the most boring Janeway quest.  60 is way too many for a very low spawn rate map.  Not to mention, their arrow damage stings for a not well-equipped, just turned 2nd job, level 50 character.  And there are Soldier Skeletons that you have to mind too.


Maybe you could lower it to 30?  Or just change it to another mob to hunt?

Edited by teresias, 24 October 2015 - 10:03 AM.

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#14 RioCyrus97


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Posted 24 October 2015 - 11:07 AM

+1 this new alternative

Edited by RioCyrus97, 24 October 2015 - 11:08 AM.

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#15 rockymom


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Posted 25 October 2015 - 03:57 AM

When adding more NPCs, please consider putting them either inside of Eden or on the empty spaces either side of the stairs up to the Eden entrance so as to keep the main level of Asgard less cluttered with NPCs and keeping in player friendly - meeting space friendly.

Also a big +1 to spotlight warpers, at least for VIP if not for everyone.

Maybe add a bulletin board or sign that gives directions to where the different NPCs are. You know, because the guild warpers and tool / armor sellers are kind of out of the way.

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#16 Themes


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Posted 25 October 2015 - 11:07 PM

Is there a Niflheim Warper anywhere, or a spotlight warper?


This is an excellent idea. What about taking it a bit further and have it include a "What is a spotlight" introduction and include a list of all the monsters included in this months spotlight. They can just build the NPCs all beforehand and rotate them in with the spotlight.

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#17 darkabe


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Posted 06 January 2016 - 12:44 AM

I would like to introduce my idea for a second part of the Asgard Training program.


It would consist on exploiting the maps that aren't affordable/accessible enough for new players. It would also create activity for those players after reaching level 70.


7097.png Magma Dungeon :


A quest involving the Deleter/Lava Golem turn in. The players would need to gather up :


500 7122.png Burning Hair

500 7096.png Lava

500 7098.png Live Coal

20   994.png Flame Heart


to make the following hat :


In stead of giving those effects it would increase the recovery rate of Apples (same increase as Witch Pumpkin Hat) and an exp buff on the dungeon's turn in quests (similar to the Baby Dragon hat) but only in the two maps of the Nogg Road.



7093.png  Juperos :


A quest in relation with the Venatus turn in. Items needed :


500 7317.png Rusty Screw

500 999.png Steel   

50   7327.png Flashlight

10   7359.png Crest Piece

10   7357.png Crest Piece

10   7358.png Crest Piece

10   7356.png Crest Piece

20   7094.png Fragment


The reward for the quest would be :


It would give an increase in recovery of Bananas and exp buff on the Juperos turn in quest only for the three Juperos maps.

If possible, this hat would need to take all three headgear slots so it wouldn't be stronger than the others similar to it..


7562.png Ice Dungeon :


This one being the most effective way of leveling for new players it would need more work than the others.


The quest would require the players to complete the Rachel Sanctuary Quest and to gather the following items :


800 7561.png Glacial Heart

800 7066.png Ice Cubic

20   749.png Frozen Rose

200 7563.png Bloody Rune

200 7568.png White Mask

50   7340.png Will of the Darkness


Completion reward :


The hat would increase recovery rate of Carrots and give an exp increase when completing an Ice Titan/Siroma turn in quest. The effect would, of course, only work in Ice dungeon (and maybe Rachel Sanctuary?). This hat would also need to take all the headgear slots for the same reason as the one above.




Thas is all for now, the idea could be extended for a couple more maps. Keep in mind that it wouldn't affect the Witch Pumpkin Hat by much since that one works on every map.

I only gave numbers that seemed to give enough work for a new player so those could be reworked if needed.

Some of the items listed don't have any relevant market value currently so it could also become a new way for players to make some zeny. I tried to pick items that wouldn't be too easy to bot-farm but those could be adjusted too if needed.

The rewards should be account bound.

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#18 rojoky113


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Posted 06 January 2016 - 09:45 AM

Sounds similar to the idea proposed by themes and myself among others to introduce a quest at the end of janeway that rewards a lesser version of the wph as the next step for new players. Something like making apples heal like orange potions or something. I think giving new players access to cheap healing consumables is a really good way to keep them able to move forward and explore the game without being weighted down with the cost of basic leveling supplies when janeway dumps them at 70 with literally no zeny. So it's definitely the right sort of idea imo.

The issue I have with your proposal, though, is that it has the same problem that janeway and the leveling turn-ins at goats, ID3 and AL do. It's more dead ends for new players afterward and railroading into only a few specific maps for leveling and leaving the rest of the game highly unappealing and left out in the cold.

I would rather the expansion be more open ended. I'd also like to see post janeway pvm TIs expanded in such a way that it encourages amd rewards playing much more of the entirety of the game, rather than giving people a glorified fasttrack to play INSTEAD of the rest of the game. Because that is waay less fun and waay worse game design.

Edited by rojoky113, 06 January 2016 - 09:57 AM.

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#19 Oda



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Posted 06 January 2016 - 09:56 AM

I think giving players choice would be ideal, since not everyone can easily level in the same places. However, having tangible rewards for leveling (x amount of drops from this map = headgear or useful equip) would be a way of giving people the incentive to visit places they ordinarily might not consider

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#20 rojoky113


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Posted 06 January 2016 - 10:06 AM

You can easily design a system that does both. Did you read the ideas I proposed before for pvm TIs after janeway? It was aimed to incentivize things along those lines, getting players to explore and level in different areas throughout the game instead of just a couple maps. Or even get them MVPing.

You need to reward exploration and discovery, not just add one or two OP turn ins on one or two maps that everybody uses while the rest of the maps and mobs in the game get left out. RO has TONS of cool low and mid level content that is currently totally useless and almost never played.

Frankly in my ideal world janeway would be replaced with those randomized pvm exploration turn ins from the start, because there are SO MANY interesting low level maps that have been rendered totally and utterly obsolete by janeway, fencer scrolls, and goat horns. Just like ID3, AL, and thors do for upper levels.

You have created a boring repetitive linear fasttrack railroad to replace the actual game of RO when it comes to leveling, and it's a really sad in a way. The way forward is to redesign and expand the TI system to reward and encourage discovery and playing the game in a fun and social way. Exploration and party play are keys to this, with Asgard as the central hub.

Edited by rojoky113, 06 January 2016 - 10:26 AM.

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#21 darkabe


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Posted 07 January 2016 - 01:25 AM

I understand the issues you have with the proposal bringing some more linearity to the game. And I myself like the exploration side of the game, but that is something -I assume- that doesn't sound very appealing for new players unless the server is new or very populated.


We don't get feedback from new players very often in here but when we do, it's usually something around the lines of "What to do now that I'm level 70?". Keep in mind that Fencer/Goat Horns/WPH+Alarm Mask are things that definitely not affordable for a fresh player that has an average or low knowledge about the game. These players will try to find parties at this point but where to? Where are the popular and accessible leveling spots?

If they have a goal that would take some efforts and would assure them good leveling conditions in the future I'm sure they would be willing to invest the time needed for that.

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#22 rojoky113


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Posted 07 January 2016 - 07:20 AM

There's no really good reason for the "what to do after 70?" mini-wph to be limited to one map and only obtainable on three though, or for the goals and quests designed for post-janeway to be limited that way either really. There are already leveling events and direct warps on maps like ice dungeon right in asgard, no need to further cement things into a one-stop-shop for leveling there forever. There's already need and good reason to start pushing things away from that, pvm desperately needs some spicing up on this server.

And you would think that new players are the ones MOST inclined to want to explore and see the world - that's how I was, even after 3 previous times playing RO. I wanted to get out and see and experience everything I never had before, and with all its increased rates, TIs and added bells and whistles classic is already WAY more accessible than old 1x prerenewal was. It's the ones who are old veterans of the game (the people that actually get the most benefit from janeway imo) that have already seen it and done it all that just want the grind for their next (or first) 99 trans to be over with that care the least (and also need the least help), but even then the nostalgia is strong with many (look at how many people clamored for proper biolabs and such, and decried the "dragonlabs" fasttrack). Expanding TIs in that direction is a good idea, and if that happens the mini-wph needs to not be tied to a map even more.

Edited by rojoky113, 07 January 2016 - 07:39 AM.

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#23 teresias


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Posted 11 January 2016 - 06:33 AM

note: the weapon dealers do not sell instruments


ygg leaves would be a nice addition to the tool dealer


Bumping on these suggestions please.  Even if they are just the most basic instruments like violin & rope. 

And ygg leaves in either Asgard / Mail room tool dealer if possible? 



Edited by teresias, 11 January 2016 - 06:49 AM.

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#24 kisai


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Posted 11 January 2016 - 12:17 PM

Sprites for Janeway weapons is another QoL improvement we could use. 

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#25 Delitus


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Posted 14 January 2016 - 02:36 PM

Hello. Firstly, I want to say thank you for the efforts which are being expended to improve the new player experience. With 'vanilla' RO lacking a lot of amenities offered by modern MMOs, this is a very positive step in bridging that gap and making the game more inviting to newer players.
Based on my observations to date, below are the summary of improvements which I would like to suggest to polish this implementation:
1. The existing quests and NPC feel unnatural and disconnected.
As a new player, you are told to speak to this Janeway person. Who is this person, and why are you blindly following orders from her? Having say, a proper introduction on your first encounter with this NPC, would remove this feeling of disconnect. The same applies for quests - when we are being asked to hunt X number of Y, providing a backstory behind the operation subconsciously makes the task feel less like a grind, but more of a motivation. I wouldn't care how ridiculous the story is (well, maybe within limits); in the end, having a semi-sensible and coherent story/reason is infinitely better than the current "Kill X number of mob Y, because I told you so!" approach.

Note: It would be preferable to provide these extended backstories only on the player's first encounter with that NPC/quest type, so as not to tediously bombard those who are repeating the same quest. Either that, or dialogue options along the lines of "Who are you?", "Why do you hate Thara Frogs so much?", etc. - your call!
2. Quest progression is much too coarse.
The aforementioned "I am level 70 - what do I do now?" quote comes to mind. New players are in for a rude shock after level 70 once they realise that quests on RO reward you NOTHING like how Janeway does. Veterans will not even flinch, but I would not at all be surprised if this shocking change in pace drove many new players to quit; the current system is portraying a completely different game in terms of pacing!

Let me expand on that last point. This coarse progression has brought about another more subtle, yet very real problem - it has ended up short-circuiting many of the existing, interesting features of RO. Take job levels, for example. Reaching first class job 50 used to be an optional but a rewarding achievement (which was also reflected by the various small perks offered by many 2nd job change NPCs). Now, this has merely become yet another stepping stone on the linear stairway to level 70. Also, what about all the existing hunting/turn-in quests for below level 70s? These have all become orphaned and meaningless, with only ghost NPCs standing and waiting to give out quests which no-one will take.
For the sake of reference, let's look at the existing Asgard Quests progression:
- 20 Thief Bugs; fixed reward of Lv20
- 30 Zombies; fixed reward of Lv30
- 30 Boas; fixed reward of Lv40
- 40 Thara Frogs; fixed reward of Lv50 (and job 50)
- 50 Archer Skeletons; fixed reward of Lv60
- 70 Pitmen; fixed reward Lv70
NO other quests in RO (ignoring the Novice Training Grounds) give a fixed level reward, let alone ten(!); the current system simply portrays a wrong impression of the game. These should instead be replaced with smaller, repeatable quests which give experience-based rewards (just like the rest of RO). This encompasses the idea that hunting quests are more than mere single-use utensils, but instead repeatable options which also open partying opportunities.

There is nothing wrong with giving new players a bit of a leg up through easier leveling, but that and giving a completely misleading impression are two very separate things. With Asgard Villiage capable of serving as a prime hub for streamlined partying, I don't think it makes sense at all to distort the new players' perception of progress by showering them with ludicrous amounts of levels from early on.
3. Linearity of the existing quests.
This issue is closely tied together with point 2; aside from the pacing issues, there is simply no quest variation throughout. That is not to say that linear progression should be abolished completely, however - it can in fact be beneficial during lower levels, where (new) players are most likely to be in their learning stages and coming to grips with the game itself. Having too many choices during the learning stage can be overwhelming and off-putting. On the flip-side, as people familiarise, it is natural for them to want to venture out further and explore - and the Asgard Quests should cater towards this.
Below is a simple example of a change with facilitates this idea. Compare and contrast this to the aforementioned existing quest progression, above:
- Quest options for up to Lv20 characters:
* Thief Bugs
* Willows
- Quest options for up to Lv30 characters:
* Boas
* Yoyos
* Peco Pecos (could directly warp to the existing quest giver, for example)
- Quest options for up to Lv40 characters:
* Wolves
* Andres
* Metalings
* Hydras
- Quest options for up to LvXX characters:
* ...
Not the best example of mob choices, but I hope you are seeing the point which I am trying to make - as players progress in levels, they are offered wider choices of quests to promote further exploration of the in-game world. Ideally, the mob choices should be as diverse as possible - not only in terms of type (race/element), but also in geographical locations.
4. Reborn characters are excluded from low-level quests.
I don't see any reason to arbitrarily exclude people from low-level quests. If anything, having quests adds a reason for partying - which is a good thing. To be clear, the existing system of Asgard quests is absolutely NOT compatible with this suggestion. However, should point 2 and 3 be addressed, changing this will create a great window for ALL lower level characters - be they new or reborn - to party, mingle and overall just have fun. To keep things fresh for reborn characters, more difficult hunting quests can be suggested in addition to the changes in point 3.
5. Janeway gears.*
They are helpful early on, but later on become yet more clutter in your inventory. Give us an option to remove these items, or at the very least, allow them to be tucked away neatly in storage - just like the Cursed Armour set.
* Not really an issue exclusive to Asgard Village - same can be said for many other existing items.
TL;DR version:
- MORE partying options and incentives
- MORE quest variety (and hence exploring opportunities) as levels are gained
- SMOOTHER pacing of quest levelling
- REFINED NPC and quest dialogue/backstory

Edited by Delitus, 14 January 2016 - 02:42 PM.

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