I'm not sure you've played scout too much Fuerer, with glorious sets being out and many classes being able to use them (movement speed bonus) (raiders, mages, champs, gun bourgs) the gap between you and the enemy are closed within seconds, by the time you've casted skills they could be on you, ready to decloak you the instant you are cloaked, while having to wait another 45 seconds (that's with max level cloak, good luck surviving) to cloak again. Also, the cast time of those skills is equal to stun arrow, phoenix, entangling, shackle arrow, double arrow, and aimed shot. The cast time of Triple arrow is about equal to your impact arrow, but deals WAY less damage, and doesn't have a stun. Using a typhoon set with 75 accuracy and 50 movement speed (I use this all the time when I'm in a boosting war) your damage is heavily negated, and using luminous you are caught instantly because you don't have the movement speed that glorious gives, dodge rate to be passive aggressive, and accuracy to have your skills actually hit classes other than mages, gun bourgs, champions, knights (low dodge rate classes).
As weak as those 3 skill power skills are, you get more DPS with an auto attack then you would casting with a skill power build when using chiv, do you get what I am saying feurer?
the chance to also apply a stack on all of those 3 skills is also under 50%.
Edited by Snuwfer, 06 November 2015 - 10:44 PM.