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Event Ideas #2

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#1 Popcorn



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Posted 01 December 2015 - 11:15 PM



here is the new topic for your event ideas. You can either use the form StormHaven used in the other topic or write down your event idea formless as far as it is understandable.


Please keep this topic clean, it's for posting events and not for discussing. If you want to discuss things, please open an own topic for it. Posts which are not event suggestions will be removed without further comment.


Here is the form StormHaven used in the other topic:


Event Name:


Event Type:( Log in,PvE, PvP, Professions, etc)


Event Description:



You can have a look into the old topic here to prevent duplicates (but you can for sure post your idea here again if you want):




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#2 VinylDorayaki


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 07:33 AM

Event Name : Santa's Pet Rescue!


Event Type : PvE


Event Description : Help NPC Ami at Port of Winds to feed the poor little Santa Claus's pets ! Collect Cookie Ingredient (Flour,sugar,etc) and Gada Coins in exchange for a Winter themed Pet eggs at Animal lover NPC, Ami. (Include world-drop Cookie ingredients from monsters)


Ik this is not so-called "Event" just a suggestion

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#3 Coolsam


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 08:53 AM

Event Name: Build a snowman.
Event Type: PvE
Event Description: A magical snowman has been demolished by prankster monsters. Collect magical snow from monsters to help build him back up for various winter rewards.

Although Christmas event missions and quests exist (Buff manly Santa gets kidnapped) we can add some more activities.
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#4 GogAcc


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 09:16 AM

Event Name : The abominable GM !

Type of Event : PvP (Man hunting)

Description : At some times, GM will appear in a town, or a field and will attack every player ! All his attacks will deal only 1 damage, but freeze the opponent for 3 seconds !

Every player who dealt at least 1 damage to the GM will be awarded with 300 souls and a X2 xp potion (and a special winter snowflake, that can be traded for special rewards...)
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#5 kevcool100


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 09:13 PM

Event Name: Let's be friend !

Event type: PvE


Event Description: x3 or x4 Friend points increase with a new ring like couple ring which you can share with your friends  :p_smile: . Something like that or other "Friend Event". Just for the importance of friends   :p_love: 

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#6 Makuron


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Posted 03 December 2015 - 12:54 PM

Event Name: For the guild!


Event Type: PvE


Event Description: Guild quests give double the amount of guild-exp for a set duration. Maybe a weekend?

Edited by Makuron, 03 December 2015 - 02:54 PM.

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#7 Spaarky


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Posted 12 January 2016 - 07:29 AM

Event Name: Let The Search Begin!

Event Type: PvE/Adventure

Event Description: Every day there should be an event every x minutes/hours when there will spawn easter eggs(will be announced as for example MixBoard when you get a good costume) and everyone gets to search for eggs or kill monsters to get easter eggs that you later on will be able to turn in for various rewards/exp buffs like we got in the Winter event. You will e able to get Easter Eggs(those that revive you) from maybe monster drops or from "egg treasures" that spawn around all maps(depending on how hard this is to make).

Wanted to keep it short, if you find it interesting i could add in some stuff, but there has not been a Easter Event that hasnt been out of the ordinary, would love to see somthing special ;)

As for Valentines i would like:

Event Name: What is Love? (baby dont hurt me! jk) <--- dont add that part xD

Event Type: Questing/PvE

Event Description: Have various quests for couples, where you get rewards if you complete them and when you play x amount of hours together making ppl couple others and actually get to know them more! And ofc keeping the CF Factory and Valentine boxes drop so you can make recipes.

Edited by kaka1312, 12 January 2016 - 07:38 AM.

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#8 zirothos


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Posted 12 January 2016 - 08:08 AM

Event Name: Guild pride/city in danger/World boss


Event Type :(PvE,


NPC : dony (PoW center) part 1.1 (guild pride)

Event Description: Dony need help with some weird monster appearance.

Reward Guild exp / normal exp

(Event mission zone) mission zone player average lv system kill 50 monster

Part 1.2 Dony tell you to go talk to Colin about the amoral monster appearance

Quest Reward Guild exp / normal exp


NPC : colin Part 2 (city in danger)

Event Description:  a Gard from PoW come and tell Colin monster reach the city door.

PoW  monster zone ( a perfect copy of port of the wind but full of monster (if possible have a 8 player party for the 2 last quest)(difficulty 20+ ‘’normal’’ (40+ rare) (60+hero) (80+ legend)

Quest goal : kill all monster and the mini boss that appear in the city

Quest Reward guild exp


NPC : Colin  part 3 World boss

Event Description: a big noise can be heard from afar and a huge creature is within sight.

Zone : PoW monster mode zone :(if possible have a 8 player party quest)(difficulty 20-39 ‘’normal’’ (40-59 rare) (60-79hero) (80-99 legend)

So all player can have is own difficulty even quest.

Reward base on the lv for equipment drop. Event reward have some IM item and in the WOLR boss fight have a chance of getting a Guild inventory extention vault. ‘’ 1% chance’’


Quest reward guild and world boss reward guild exp base on the difficulty chosen.

Let say normal = 10 guild exp

Rare =20 guild exp

Hero = 30 guild exp

Legend = 40 guild exp

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#9 RainbowRush


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Posted 12 January 2016 - 08:43 AM

Event Name: Monsters on the loose


Event Type: PvE


Description: Every monster has a chance to drop a Consumable BoxTM which contains stuff like souls and dust, as well as having a small chance to drop a Monster Box that contains different monster cards or monster related IM pieces and monster insurance card. (Alternatively, you could have quests to hunt specific monsters)



I believe this would be a great way to be able to get monster cards you currently can't obtain.

An additional "event" request would be to get some way to acquire Heirloom items. I remember once I could buy items I was unable to get myself from a GM, though you still had to pay fairly. Not sure if that was gpotato or here. Either way, any way to get heirloom pieces would be nice.

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#10 piggy123


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Posted 13 January 2016 - 04:23 PM

I've noticed most events suggested always come with some sort of prize, which obviosuly encourages players to do them, but what about events for mere fun?
Personally I love dragon saga combat style and I feel that theres no much for pvp instances (and im no pvp player at all) but I would love to see more opportunities were ALL players could have a chance to play a fair pvp unlike bsq, where "average" players have to deal with stacked players that kill you within seconds. So here is my idea:

Event name: It's time for tournament! (this name sucks just to put something)

Event type: PvP

During this event, players are able to register and participate into a tournament, which could happen, lets say every 3 hours. Players can either register solo or by party. The tournament can also be either solo or in groups. (Up to 4v4) If you want to go in group, all players have to be registered (kinda like fellowship). However if one solo player wants to register in a group, the player can be randomly put in any other group with an empty slot.
Oh, the tournament will also have a lvl requirement; players must be at least 27+ in order to participate. (it may be low but just want to give all players chance to parcipate). To avoid dmg and stats inequality, there will also be a lvl range system.
First player or team that kills all its opponents wins, there will also be a time limit to do so. In case of tie, then a death match will proceed each player with min hp (well in this case it would be just luck in who hits first).
Well rest would follow as any regular tournament ...

But even tho its mere fun, there still "has" to be some reward for the winner-

1st place: An event trophy balloon (not tradeable, put in market or mail)

2nd place: soul gift packs

3rd place: armour and weapon enchanment powders.

Dunno if this is really possible, but its just a headstart I guess, more suggestions or similar ideas like this would be awesome :D

Edited by piggy123, 14 January 2016 - 05:39 AM.

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#11 Apocryphos


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Posted 14 January 2016 - 12:45 PM


Event Name: Rings, Rings, Rings


Event Type:( Log in,PvE, PvP, Professions, etc)


Event Description:

5 IM New Ring's- added to item exchange, ring's should have same stats as Dragon Fellowship Ring or Community Appreciation Ring.

Holy Ring - Animation Crosses (a set from underground graveyard)

Snow Flake Ring -  Blue Snow Flakes (From the original ice weapon's before upgrading to magical ice weapons)

Magical Snow Flake Ring - Purple Snow Flakes (From the Magical Ice Weapons)
Cherry Blossom Ring - Yellow Petal's (From The New Cherry Blossom IM SET)

Pumpkin Ring - Pumpkin's (From The Halloween Event Weapons)



Edited by Apocryphos, 14 January 2016 - 12:45 PM.

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#12 reqt


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Posted 13 February 2016 - 06:29 PM

hmmm since IS and RIS are being given out... how about an enchant/sc event  :p_love:

edit: including the skill point event

Edited by reqt, 13 February 2016 - 06:30 PM.

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#13 BinsZ322


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Posted 13 February 2016 - 08:09 PM

I hope that there will be a mixable event soon or is it completely not allowed anymore?
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#14 SammyFM


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 02:52 PM

Event Name:  Fortress of evil, Elga has removed
Event Type: PVE
Event Description:
The Dark Lord Elga has returned and with the strengh of Akanai, Mutisha and Cetirus he try to take over the world!
Simular to Black Claw Nest, player have to unite in fellowships to defeat the Black Dragon Lord once again.
Max. size of fellowship: 4 / 8 (like in elga dungeon, solo possible)
The bosses are: Akanai, Mutisha, Cetirus, and of course Elga.
They all have their skills, take 50% less damage, have HP proportional to the fellowship lvl, size of the fellowship also affect the HP. No limit of HP increase: Black Claw Nest has monster at lvl 70, i belive, but here they can be lvl 85.
Challange mode: you can also enter the "original" Elga. Means that you enter the dungeon and all the mosters have the same lvl like the original dungeon, so you can fight a lvl 80 Elga at lvl 60 (aim rate has to be matched)
Rewards: Why would you get any? Do you play for rewards? The challenge IS the reward


Edited by SammyFM, 23 February 2016 - 04:57 PM.

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#15 Elijazz


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 04:07 AM

Event Name:  EXP is life EXP is love.
Event Type: N/A
Event Description: 


Providing x2.++ xp on the last week of every month.


Like for example from March 27,2016 to April 2, 2016.  :p_love:  :p_love:  :p_love:  :p_love:  :p_love:  :p_love: 

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#16 IzumiShinichi


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 02:02 PM

Event name : " Your soul is mine "


Event type : PVE


Description : Colin(POW) ask you to collect souls from any monster

[ in (Field/Mission/Dungeon) atleast 500/500 souls needed 

Rate of Souls in everymonster youll kill is very rare so it  wont be easy 

like 10-20% - or 1soul out of 50monsters ]


Reward : 50 Purification Stone /Trade it on GATO to make it souls


must be an [EVENT ITEM] Not tradeable / Cannot be put in Market 


NOTE : 1 quest per 1char , its not a daily or something like you can get 2x of 50soulstack .




Edited by IzumiShinichi, 06 April 2016 - 02:06 PM.

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#17 zirothos


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Posted 26 April 2016 - 03:07 PM

Event Name: The slime King


Event Type, PvE


Event Description:  lurking in the POW sewer a huge monster has made is domain. After the defeat of DR. Farrel the sewer was left alone for a long time. And from the entire experimentation product a weird goo creature was created. This monster feeding of all the left over grow bigger and bigger. No one knew is existence until that day!

Quest part 1

NPC POW Guard: Some weird noise came from the sewer I was going to check but I’m on guard duty. Can you look what it is for me, I’m sure it only rat but just to make sure.

Enter ‘’new POW sewer ‘’ same zone but with slime’’

Quest description: go check what make the noise in the sewer ‘’ go to a ‘’?’’ point in the map’’


Quest part 2:

NPC POW Guard: what! You saw some slime in there how is that even possible. Go talk to JR-Master for the report.


Quest description : talk to JR master


Quest Part 3:

JR-master: So you found new monster in the Sewer go kill them all we can’t risque the live of the citizens

Quest description: go kill 50 slime in the sewer and go report back.

Quest part 4 :

Jr master : The slime keep coming you say, search for clues

Quest description :  go deeper in the sewer and find where the slime coming from.


Quest part 4: oh! They came from Farrel lab, there the key, we close is lab after what happen last time. Go inside and kill what ever coming from there.


Quest description : kill the boss

Slime King Boss skill and battle info

  • Summoned mini slime and slime (see part 2 of the fight info)
  • Acid field :  do 4% of max hp to all AOE zone affected The slime shoot acid Goo on the floor that do damager over time when touching it or stay in it.
  • EYE BEAM, shoot a laser from is eye ‘’target a random target’’ ‘’slime animation before doing the skil: put is hand in front of his eye and move then back’ The skill do XX damage and burn effect lv 20 on each character touch by it in the line of fire
  • Jumping crusher : jump in the air and ‘’signals a AOE zone and jump down on a target upon touching the floor the slime release some acid’’ see acid field’’ Do debuff ‘’ can’t jump and cant dash
  • Grab: throw is hand to the closes target and if grab it do Jumping crusher with it
  • Absorbe : run to a enemy and try to absorbe it. If he manage to do it,do massive damage and heal itself from 25% of the damage deal
  • ‘’mini slime and slime skill are only mini eye beam’ ’burn effect lv 5 and jumping crusher
  • Passive upon moving on the floor may release acid Field zone
  • Acid trow : shoot in the air some acid that fall down at random on the floor ‘’ try to aim at the player’’ mini AOE marker

Bosses have 50% physical and magical reduction No element effect

Phase 1 : After taking the first 30% of is HP the boss do animation of Grab on all the experimentation tube and drain the liquid to summon slime and mini slime

Phase 2 when lost 50% of is HP the boss start to use Jumping crusher and grab

Phase 3 : after losing 70% of is hp the boss become more aggressive and do some acid filed on each movement he does and really try to kill player with is eye beam and absorbed and summon slim more often. Is movement speed increase.

When dying the boss become some green fluid and is crown fall down on the floor roiling


Report to the NPC for the ending reward

Edited by zirothos, 26 April 2016 - 03:09 PM.

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#18 Precrush


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Posted 02 December 2016 - 06:58 AM

Not many event ideas lately, thought I'd fire one off.


Event Name: Meteor Shower


Event Type: World drop event/pve event.


Event Description: We find ourselves in the midst of a glorious meteor shower. Monsters are very keen on the shiny stones found among the meteorites, but it's not like they'd know what to do with them is it? 


World drop for  "Meteorite" that'd be a random box for galaxy materials. There could be an empty roll ("meteorite dust" for example) so we could have the usual world drop event drop rate. 


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#19 Grandaelus


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Posted 21 December 2016 - 10:16 AM

An event about monster attacks sounds nice...


Event name: tbh i can't think of anything new, so "City under attack" "Monster Invasion" would be proper.


Event type: PvE


Event description: Either at random times or set times, there will be an invasion on cities. 

All the towns will be over run, from certain points, by monsters.

For example: in Odellia there will be monsters intruding from the field entree points.

Lv1-2 coming from Windia Plains, lv3-6 Advanced Windia Plains, lv7-13 from Traitor's Ridge...

This for all towns according to their level of entree point.

Monsters will drop regular items, but also more rare items like IM boxes and other event boxes.

All items available as drops, may fall into your hands:

Being at higher levels, there is a chance to getting Serpent's Force or even a Bloody Crystal from a specific box.

Ofcourse, to be naming all the level related items is too much while you understand the idea.

IM boxes will ofcourse drop you certain items that can be bought in the IM Shop.

At the end of the invasion, there are bosses involved giving alot more chance of more rare items/boxes to drop.

To all fairness, each channel can be raided.

So team up and protect the cities, because those monsters are more determined and strong than normal ones you fought already.

Beware! For if you fail to protect, there will be no grand reward!


(Yea sure, there will be tons of lagging at times, but aren't we all used to lags of any games by now...)

Edited by Grandaelus, 21 December 2016 - 10:19 AM.

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#20 Popcorn



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Posted 21 December 2016 - 10:24 AM

An event about monster attacks sounds nice...


Event name: tbh i can't think of anything new, so "City under attack" "Monster Invasion" would be proper.




Sorry to disappoint you but if we will do THAT it's not just "lag", it will be standing pictures, FPS @10 and below. I witnessed that on EU and checked myself. The engine can't handle this in the already laggy cities.

Also this kind of event is not really fair because the fully stacked players (especially the OP ones) will kill everything while low level or unstacked players have no chance. It's the same problem as for the melon event in the past.

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#21 Coolsam


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Posted 21 December 2016 - 01:34 PM

Sorry to disappoint you but if we will do THAT it's not just "lag", it will be standing pictures, FPS @10 and below. I witnessed that on EU and checked myself. The engine can't handle this in the already laggy cities.
Also this kind of event is not really fair because the fully stacked players (especially the OP ones) will kill everything while low level or unstacked players have no chance. It's the same problem as for the melon event in the past.

Yea WarpPortal did this in the past with an Elga spawning into a city. The only town that wouldnt cause huge crashing and fps issues would be Ellora camp for him specifically in phase 1.
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#22 Grandaelus


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Posted 26 December 2016 - 03:50 PM

Dang, i thought someone wouldve made a way to avoid unfairness by now...

As for the event being done in the past: bummer i missed that then :P

Since the close down of Dragonica (EU) i havent played untill recently...



Then this is also the reason at some point hunting fake santas on the field was changed/removed?! (I remember this from dragonica)

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#23 pwh589


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Posted 07 January 2017 - 07:31 AM

Back to the past event!


Its for players that had avhievements in servers that were shut down and they dont have them here and they cant get them


lets say for a week its 2012 again and you can get all of 2012 achievments(halloween chrismes etc).


you can make a map entrace that will be like a time machine.


you can make this only for players that joined you after the servers shutdown.

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#24 GogAcc


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Posted 07 January 2017 - 03:07 PM

We already got some old achievements last year, and I wouldn't mind collecting more !
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#25 Onyzer


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Posted 08 January 2017 - 06:37 AM

Back to the past event!


Its for players that had avhievements in servers that were shut down and they dont have them here and they cant get them


lets say for a week its 2012 again and you can get all of 2012 achievments(halloween chrismes etc).


you can make a map entrace that will be like a time machine.


you can make this only for players that joined you after the servers shutdown.


I like this idea. There are so much achievements we can't unlock anymore...

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