Updated Policy Regarding Botting
Posted 04 December 2015 - 03:56 PM
Posted 04 December 2015 - 03:59 PM
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:02 PM
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:05 PM
Finally!! hope this also means that just cuz u are present by ur monitor doesnt mean u are allowed to bot! :S
Banning tho bunch of people will reduce the ammount of people playing this game, hmm i m suggesting to do something about lvln, old times u could hunt bosses and gain tons exp by them becose they were easyer to kill, or add more quests so lvln wouldnt be so boring? maybe change the drops so people get motivated to go to diffirent areas for drops sake?
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:06 PM
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:07 PM
Finally...would be awesome if you guys can track the ID and bann all the accounts logging from there.....
PD. Is shout botting ilegal?? (ppl shouting every 3 sec what they are buying/selling..)spamming trade chat...
Edited by Necromancer27, 04 December 2015 - 04:10 PM.
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:08 PM
hope this also means that just cuz u are present by ur monitor doesnt mean u are allowed to bot! :S
if you are caught using any kind of 3rd party program to level or gain from its use, attended or not, the account will be subject to the penalty of a permanent suspension.
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:09 PM
sorry i have missed that, well gotta say Good job!!! =) yeey
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:29 PM
Okay, really.
ROSE, this is a stupid idea. you've all never thought about the future of this game.
You cant just ban people from botting. In fact, the people here that allow those changes are the ones which have botted the most out of everyone.
Also, you disencourage new players to level to the end and actually enjoy the game. Normally when someone bots, they take a new player with him/her.
This helps to let the new players learn their stuff and at the same time explain how they should level their character.
Also, you will only lose more new players and existing players, cause leveling is too hard.
Except when you spend 300$ to buy medals and stuff of course.
So, what's the point of banning botters?
Edited by m3nn13m3n, 04 December 2015 - 04:30 PM.
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:32 PM
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:35 PM
Leveling is really hard without a proper Cleric and the proper heals
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:36 PM
Okay, really.
ROSE, this is a stupid idea. you've all never thought about the future of this game.
You cant just ban people from botting. In fact, the people here that allow those changes are the ones which have botted the most out of everyone.
Also, you disencourage new players to level to the end and actually enjoy the game. Normally when someone bots, they take a new player with him/her.
This helps to let the new players learn their stuff and at the same time explain how they should level their character.
Also, you will only lose more new players and existing players, cause leveling is too hard.
Except when you spend 300$ to buy medals and stuff of course.
So, what's the point of banning botters?
thats most redicilous thing i have ever heard, first of all i played this game from very first start, yes i took 9 years of break and came back to a botting hell, it was hard to get IN party becose people were AFK, it was hard to communicate with people becose they were AFK, and it was hard to ask questions and learn about all changes in game becose people were once again AFK lvln!
So please do tell me how new players would learn from botters about game? when everyone is constantly A F K when botting?
Botting does NOT help new players in any way other then sit down and leech exp in silence and once they hit 230 then what?
Rose was never intendent to be a rush to 230 then sit in TG be bored sort of game, it was intendend for exploring the world of ROSE and farming ur self way up to high lvl, thats how it used to be before.
Point of banning botters is basicly having an active game, not having people KS u while they sleep and get exp. Point is to play game as its intendend not with short cuts! i have lvld my self up to 230 without any bots and it was fine, but it was surely sad to be in party when people were afk i left partys becose of that, and its unfair that when u lvl at 1 spot, a guy with his 6 chars comes and puts all on Auto attacking then goes sleep!
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:40 PM
You can't be AFK when you bot cause you have to look every 10 minutes atleast. When you don't you will die, so what's the problem. Most people are just ignoring new people cause they're too lazy to explain things to new players. Has NOTHING to do with botting.
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:45 PM
You can't be AFK when you bot cause you have to look every 10 minutes atleast. When you don't you will die, so what's the problem. Most people are just ignoring new people cause they're too lazy to explain things to new players. Has NOTHING to do with botting.
i m sorry are we playing SAME game???
Ofc u can be afk, i have logged out and gone to sleep and woken up 8 hours later only to see same clan at same spot all with almost same name (obviously 1 guy controlling them all) its called having good healer on auto aswell or two! sadly i seen some people have up to 3 clerics in their groups spamming heals while they gone for god knows how long.
I m sure u dont even remember people u party with or if u even party with anyone becose u were afk entire time or they were afk entire time. Nowdays u dont even need to communicate or learn to know anyone in game becose u can just afk lvl all way trough it.. and its pathetic. They are ignoring new peoples questions becose they had the option to just go afk and never having to speak to anyone while getting the exp THATS everything to do with botting!
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:50 PM
I just said people are mostly just ignoring new people because they don't care. you are entitling botters as bad people, while they mostly are the kindest. And don't tell me that I bot 24/7 while you don't even know me.
Edited by m3nn13m3n, 04 December 2015 - 04:53 PM.
Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:55 PM
hope this also means that just cuz u are present by ur monitor doesnt mean u are allowed to bot! :S
if you are caught using any kind of 3rd party program to level or gain from its use, attended or not, the account will be subject to the penalty of a permanent suspension.
^ better also to shout this in-game just like when you do server maintenance
Posted 04 December 2015 - 05:02 PM
You cant just ban people from botting.
They just did.
Posted 04 December 2015 - 05:15 PM
one of the best updates we had for a while
bots are not needed to lvl and you can also lvl without a cleric - its how i lvled my first char
Posted 04 December 2015 - 05:18 PM
Okay, really.
ROSE, this is a stupid idea. you've all never thought about the future of this game.
You cant just ban people from botting. In fact, the people here that allow those changes are the ones which have botted the most out of everyone.
So, what's the point of banning botters?
Actually, the team can ban botters, since botting goes against their Terms and Conditions which everyone agrees on, upon installing the game.
The point of banning botters, is to make it so that new players have the freedom to level. With botters everywhere, seeing how 99% of the leveling botters are AFK, it's difficult for the newbie players to get in to a party and continue to level up.
Posted 04 December 2015 - 09:50 PM
People will start to lvl themselves now

Posted 04 December 2015 - 10:19 PM
So a few days ago when I made the post Botting time for a serious discussion I am happy to announce that I have been ignored completely. By the community, and the gm. That is fine everyone should have their own opinion.
With this new botting policy all that will be achieved is loads of gm wasted time and no actual results and on top of it killing off of the player base that for the most part would be happy to not bot, but since it is such an advantage it can't be ignored.
This is a free to play game, if we were in a pay to play game execution of banning accounts might have an effect. Since we are not, it also will not.
An earlier poster above talked about how many of the top here have used botting and are also the same group that are pushing for stricter botting policies and that poster is correct. The top have gotten a lot of their benefits from botting already and they are much happier to be kings among peasants then peasants among kings.
This has not helped the leveling situation as I forecasted and now am experiencing for myself. I have not had a problem leveling until now, I may have been with botting groups but they actually helped me and contrary to popular belief here not a single one of them ever went afk as we talked the whole time. I now see no groups anywhere I want to level and no friends will join because no groups are anywhere now.
Thank you botting hatters for literally destroying any reasonable leveling chances, you have completed your task at keep new players away from the game. IM is the only choice in reasonable leveling now and IM doesn't keep new players since people actually want a good game before they are willing to spend money on IM items.
Yesterday, the day before the botting change, and with the event already in full swing I was able to get a leveling group immediately at my leveling spot and there were all sorts of people around leveling. I have spent every hour since the change looking for a group and not only is there not a group there is literally no one leveling at all now. I have multiple maps that I check for groups this is not a matter of the time and place. Every serious leveling location in multiple lvl zones are empty.
Look I am all for no botting, hell I don't even like multiclient. But this game has set itself up as those being the only serious options. Yes you can do it the hard way, but just like the amount of players in this game, no new player is likely to stick around and enjoy being even more and more masochistic as their levels rise and they leave.
Five of my friends have actually just left the game because they can no longer find any groups. They don't bot, but at least botting groups help new players actually level. Those of you that are already max are in a completely different world and perhaps you were willing to be masochistic at first and got through, but if we seriously want this game to grow the whole experience to do anything worth while can't be increasingly masochistic we just won't keep players.
The goal should not be to get rid of the player base as many want here but get them to stop botting because botting no longer is in their best interest. Instead we are just getting rid of the players that might be perfectly fine but made the wrong decision and botted.
Enforcement has never saved a game and it won't save ROSE either. Only incentive towards making botting no longer the most viable option is the only way and it makes the player base happier at the same time. Now we have specifically created a divide in the player base that it is ok to hate others if they do x. Botters have been the only ones that have actually leveled me seriously in any way and also the only ones that have actually been willing to take the time to share information and help with the game for me.
I saw someone claim that a group was a botting group and the group and the player fought each other in chat for the next hour today. Great that is real productive...
I hope you are all happy, either this will be a great success and the game will die from lack of players or the enforcement will be a joke and have no effect at all but good thing it has wasted all of our time from actually doing something real.
Edited by Hellowarz, 04 December 2015 - 10:29 PM.
Posted 04 December 2015 - 10:24 PM
The point of banning botters, is to make it so that new players have the freedom to level. With botters everywhere, seeing how 99% of the leveling botters are AFK, it's difficult for the newbie players to get in to a party and continue to level up.
Edited by Hellowarz, 04 December 2015 - 10:25 PM.
Posted 04 December 2015 - 10:33 PM
No, the new players will be leveling with the new characters all the people banned from botting are leveling.
Posted 04 December 2015 - 10:36 PM
^ Lol maybe, doesn't help me level since I am no longer in the low lvl range at all
Posted 04 December 2015 - 10:49 PM
you can easily distinguish bot users by simply reading comments on this thread
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