Make crafting less repetitive and click intensive.
Right now, crafting a single item involves clicking twice on two different buttons. This in itself is fine, unless you want to create stacks of something. I cannot be bothered to create 999 items with 1998 manual clicks, I might even rather cut my hands off if I start crafting many stacks.
We receive exp for crafting items, that doesn't happen very often in games. So please make it less of an extreme pain to make use of this mechanic, I'd simply suggest a craft all button which crafts slower (1.25?) but automatically. That would decrease 3rd party program botting by quite a lot.
I like your idea.
Might I elaborate this?
1. Add a text box to input the quantity of the item you wish to create.
- If the quantity you entered exceeds your inventory space limit, a message will prompt saying 'Your inventory space is not enough to do this'.
- If the materials needed for the quantity of the item you wish to create isn't enough, a message will prompt saying 'You do not have enough materials in your inventory to do this'.
- If all validations have been checked and passed, crafting shall proceed.
2. Dealing with success rate.
Since not every crafter has 100% success rate in everything, I think this part shouldn't be by-passed. Say you are trying to make 999 red pots. In each of them, the 'Success Rate Logic' should still be visible (the part where you see whether it was successfully created or failed and if it failed, where it failed). So it should take still as long as how it currently does minus the repetitive clicking. So the more you create, the longer it's gonna get.
Repetitiveness bores the players. Though it doesn't answer to all botting problems, it sure could prevent one.