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[Guide] GreenSeed Rune Changes

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#26 9632130515120055620


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Posted 27 January 2016 - 06:02 PM

Power 40 is still the highest power seed you can get though. It's still the best, just more balanced.


Ah right, yes, they "spent zeny" to get them. Yes yes.

Edited by 9632130515120055620, 27 January 2016 - 06:05 PM.

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#27 deathdelete


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Posted 27 January 2016 - 06:05 PM

Power 40 is still the highest power seed you can get though. It's still the best, just balanced.


Ah right, yes, they "spent zeny" to get them. Yes yes.

dat zeny trade *cough*

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#28 flukeSG2


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Posted 27 January 2016 - 08:11 PM

First of all it doesnt make sense to nerf both of the defense and power. u know why? because u nerfed the power and u nerf the armor as well. bro try to use ur head if you have any. its like nothing happened and u just cancelled the nerf. its like in math. 2nd of all its only unfair for pvp. how about pve players? u dont get it do you. cls were not in the update the first time. i opened the update. compensation. because those who had power 40 spent so much zeny in buying them and their quality is decreased. Are you even considering how awful that is. Do you even have a heart. you reduce their value and give them nothing back? hello sir fluke. when u take something away u replace them with something of equal value. that's what i call etiquette. I doubt ur worthy of anyone's respect if u have that mindset


If someone had a Power 40 before the nerf, then guess what, it's still the highest Power Rune in game.  Why do we need to reward someone for that?  Use your head as you are trying to tell me.  Not everyone is running around in the game with max seed runes and certainly not me.  Nothing was taken from anyone in this game, minus of course the bugs where player lost gear and that bug is being taken care of, however if you had a Power 40 before, you still have a Power 40.  The formulas for damage to defense in this game aren't as simple as Power Rune:Shield Rune.  There are various kinds of defense and damage reduction in this game as well as damage and damage increase, so when you use Power 40 and Armor 25 as your references and say that the damage to defense ratios haven't changed, you are just using superficial calculations.  It can and does go much deeper than that.


Just for reference, we just completed Wonderland Hard mode after the nerf, with PvP build characters.  So if we can do it, anyone can do it.  I can only imagine what it's like with a pure PvE build set.


By the way, you are certainly not worth any respect with all your ranting, raving and name calling in game to someone who doesn't even know you and has never spoken to you.

Edited by flukeSG2, 27 January 2016 - 08:12 PM.

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#29 whenreinwasfall


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Posted 31 January 2016 - 01:43 AM

OMG. Please make an exception for armor also. I can tell you reasons why.


1.) other class are having trouble already being alive in boss. If you want to take out half then pls reduce the damages of the bosses.

2.) you just made the changes without the actual consultation of the people who are playing it. Its really unfair for those who had those seeds. You could've just changed the Rune's like chung attack/ defense

3.) your limiting the sustainability of other's to survive in raid parties and in farming. Its like you're telling only tanks can farm now. Please use your head.

4.) your not making any compensation for the people who have it and 100 percent you're gonna lose more players with this change.

5.) you did not take part into consideration of pvp/ pve. both sides have to be taken into consideration.

6.) where are the initial announcements?

7.) Did you change the rate to get power 40 or its still impossible.

8.) why all reduce rate even on hhb. power and now this. why??? 

9.) pls take this seriously!!

only number 1-3 are reasons... 4-9 all QQ

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#30 whenreinwasfall


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Posted 31 January 2016 - 01:52 AM

First of all it doesnt make sense to nerf both of the defense and power. u know why? because u nerfed the power and u nerf the armor as well. bro try to use ur head if you have any. its like nothing happened and u just cancelled the nerf. its like in math. 2nd of all its only unfair for pvp. how about pve players? u dont get it do you. cls were not in the update the first time. i opened the update. compensation. because those who had power 40 spent so much zeny in buying them and their quality is decreased. Are you even considering how awful that is. Do you even have a heart. you reduce their value and give them nothing back? hello sir fluke. when u take something away u replace them with something of equal value. that's what i call etiquette. I doubt ur worthy of anyone's respect if u have that mindset

hhmm if ever theres compensation you asking for... how they can give it? if i say i got mine ay 5m you got your seed 3m and everyone have it will make their own price.. you still using the best seed why they would give you compensation?

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#31 whenreinwasfall


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Posted 31 January 2016 - 01:55 AM

I am perfectly fine with all the changes, I'm sure it'll help with the said imbalance in combat and is a right direction in preventing one shots. However, there is one thing I want to know an answer for Idun. I want to ask why the green seed armor and shield were nerfed. I am glad to hear that power seeds, off hands power seeds were all nerfed since that its at least a direction towards fixing overpowered damage. But why was the armor and shield (both which kind of helped against one shots) nerfed as well? Unless they were only nerfed for PvE Bosses in mind, I feel that nerfing armor and shield is only hurting the cause of pvp imbalance.    

this one is good maybe they should make some review about this nerfed... if armor will not be affected like wind it will give much survival chance for 1shot kill

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