Edited by SergeyZ06, 06 December 2016 - 08:55 AM.
Posted 05 December 2016 - 12:07 AM
Edited by SergeyZ06, 06 December 2016 - 08:55 AM.
Posted 05 December 2016 - 07:24 AM
Stats was prepared and suggested by reqbugkiller with helps from inception, dark crusaders and choco pie.
Hopefully this will help Helium create unique sets.
INT (random stat 20-50) per one reinforce +4 int
CON (random stat 20-50) per one reinforce +4 con
MND (random stat 20-50) per one reinforce +4 mnd
STR 70 (permanent stat) not reinforced
DEX 70 (permanent stat) not reinforced
HP 200-500 (random stat) not reinforced
MP 500-800 (random stat) not reinforced
Skill critical chance (1% permanent) per one reinforce +0.2% chance
SCAD (30 permanent) per one reinforce +4 scad
Critical chance (2% permanent) not reinforced
CAD (30 permanent) not reinforced
Property magic resistance (Elec) +5% not reinforced
Property magic resistance (Wind) +5% not reinforced
Property magic resistance (Curse) +5% not reinforced
5 stats being reinforced, none of them are defense. Is defense static? What is the value? Why Elec/Wind/Curse? 170 Int and 150 Scad? RIDICULOUS Damage. Whats the cad for? Whats the crit chance for? Whats the dex for? Whats the str for? 800mp? 500hp? 170 con? Why are casters getting so much dmg and hp?
Melee (AA)
STR (random stat 20-50) per one reinforce +4 str
CON (random stat 20-50) per one reinforce +4 con
DEX (random stat 20-50) per one reinforce +4 dex
INT 70 (permanent stat) not reinforced
MND 70 (permanent stat) not reinforced
HP 500-800 (random stat) not reinforced
MP 200-500 (random stat) not reinforced
Critical chance (1% permanent) per one reinforce +0.2% chance
CAD (30 permanent) per one reinforce +4 cad
Skill critical chance (2% permanent) not reinforced
SCAD (30 permanent) not reinforced
Property magic resistance (Water) +5% not reinforced
Property magic resistance (Fire) +5% not reinforced
Property magic resistance (Light) +5% not reinforced
5 stats being reinforced, none of them are defense. Is defense static? What is the value? Why Water/Fire/Light? 170 str and 150 cad? RIDICULOUS Damage. Whats the scad for? Whats the s.crit chance for? Whats the mnd for?
Melee (SS)
STR (random stat 20-50) per one reinforce +4 str
CON (random stat 20-50) per one reinforce +4 con
INT (random stat 20-50) per one reinforce +4 int
DEX 70 (permanent stat) not reinforced
MND 70 (permanent stat) not reinforced
HP 500-800 (random stat) not reinforced
MP 200-500 (random stat) not reinforced
Skill critical chance (1% permanent) per one reinforce +0.2% chance
SCAD (30 permanent) per one reinforce +4 scad
Critical chance (2% permanent) not reinforced
CAD (30 permanent) not reinforced
Property magic resistance (Water) +5% not reinforced
Property magic resistance (Fire) +5% not reinforced
Property magic resistance (Light) +5% not reinforced
5 stats being reinforced, none of them are defense. Is defense static? What is the value? Why Elec/Wind/Curse? 170 Int and 170 str and 150 Scad? RIDICULOUS Damage. Whats the cad for? Whats the crit chance for? Whats the mnd for? Why do melee skill users get so much damage? 5k dmg warlords?
2/6 MND +500
3/6 Magic damage +200
4/6 INT +10%
5/6 HP +5%
6/6 Casting speed -10%
500 mnd? 200 magic damage??? holy crap thats insane clearly we want mystics being the next healer
whats the casting speed for?
2/6 Short Range Defense +200
3/6 CON +200
4/6 INT +15%
5/6 Property Magic Attack Power (Fire) +300
6/6 Movement speed +15%
200 con? sakers are supposed to be glass cannons. 200 srd? 15% int??? on a 4.5k int toon? holy crap
movement speed? so melee cant catch them?
2/6 Evasion +5000
3/6 CON +200
4/6 Property Magic Attack Power (Curse) +200
5/6 Short Range Defense +300
6/6 SCAD +5%
more con on a caster? yay castertanks
300 srd?
2/6 Block Defense +50
3/6 CON +10%
4/6 All Resistance +10%
5/6 HP +5%
6/6 Block Success +10%
lol? resistance? block chance? block dmg? con? hp? so we dont want domis doing any dmg and just tanking? for what?
2/6 CON +200
3/6 MND +15%
4/6 MP Recovery +500
5/6 Property Magic Attack Power (Light) +300
6/6 Casting speed -20%
holy god OP radiants to the max. this is INSANE! 200 con? 15% mnd?? 500 MP RECOVERY???? 300 LIGHT DAMAGE???? do you even know what you are posting 300 light damage is 600 more heals! 500 mp recovery means an MS rad can tank 3k dmg melee toon with 0 mp loss. Not to mention 15% mnd that adds even MORE heal and MORE mp recovery
2/6 MND +200
3/6 Block Defense +100
4/6 INT +10%
5/6 Property Magic Attack Power (Elec) +200
6/6 All Defense +10%
what? why defense? stop it. ITS A CASTER! stop giving them more defense
2/6 MND +200
3/6 INT +10%
4/6 CON +200
5/6 Short Range Defense +200
6/6 All Magic Attack +10%
mnd? for what? oh look MORE DEFENSE!
2/6 STR +10%
3/6 CAD +200
4/6 Block Success +10%
5/6 CON +10%
6/6 Short Range Physical Attack Power +400
cad? for what? block chance? srp? what kind of useless stuff is this
2/6 Short Range Defense +200
3/6 INT +200
4/6 All Resistance +10%
5/6 CON +15%
6/6 HP +10%
lol making warlords unkillable. always nice
2/6 CON +300
3/6 STR +15%
4/6 INT +300
5/6 CAD+SCAD +200
6/6 Short Range Physical Attack Power +15%
holy crap making zerks 1 hit kill always nice
Shadow Runner
2/6 Accuracy +5000
3/6 DEX +15%
4/6 STR +200
5/6 Long Range Physical Attack Power +300
6/6 Attack Speed -30%
making SR's shoot stupid fast with insane damage. always nice
2/6 Accuracy +5000
3/6 STR +15%
4/6 INT +200
5/6 Short Range Physical Attack Power +300
6/6 CAD+SCAD +10%
making sins do absurd damage. ah always nice
2/6 STR +200
3/6 CON +10%
4/6 HP +15%
5/6 Short Range Physical Attack Power +400
6/6 All Resistance +20%
block chance? no? just usual hp con patk. brilliant! 0 imagination
2/6 MND +300
3/6 Property Magic Attack Power (Light) +300
4/6 CON +300
5/6 Movement Speed +10%
6/6 Block Defense +500
block defense? move speed? over 800 more heal?
so, no block chance either? no? ok
2/6 CON +300
3/6 DEX +20%
4/6 Long Range Physical Attack Power +400
5/6 CAD +200
6/6 Attack range (AA) +5m
300 con? no. the rest im actually ok with.
2/6 CON +300
3/6 INT +15%
4/6 Property Magic Attack Power (Light) +300
5/6 Short Range Defense +200
6/6 Movement Speed +15%
move speed? again? with srd? whats with adding srd and no LRD.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 12:44 AM
Hello guys Im Duuu )
For my first point i totally disagree on the cast / attack reduction speed .
i will talk mostly what it will do in game about pvp/pk -
about the pve it wont help even for the radiant, the pve character need to build his hp and resistance to survive in raids.
radiant no need any fast casting to help them to survive.
you may not understand how powerfull these cast / attack reduction speed are especially in pvp.
here is what i agree and not.
Bioelesis is right on most point ~
2/6 Short Range Defense +200
3/6 CON +200
4/6 INT +15%
5/6 Property Magic Attack Power (Fire) +300 - ok
6/6 Movement speed +15% - no ~ 15% is to much ( 5-10% max) , forsaker already do well in game, they do mostly 3.7k + dmg in cap , and try to approach them with chaos totem on. movement speed not even needed in that case. they just need learn how to play their class.
2/6 Evasion +5000 - i dont know honestly.
3/6 CON +200
4/6 Property Magic Attack Power (Curse) +200
5/6 Short Range Defense +300 - ok
6/6 SCAD +5%
Dominator - ? RIP give them a real bonus set like others class.
2/6 Block Defense +50 useless
3/6 CON +10%
4/6 All Resistance +10% useless
5/6 HP +5%
6/6 Block Success +10% interesting~
2/6 CON +200
3/6 MND +15%
4/6 MP Recovery +500 - "Dividing by 4 in combat" if true it's ok.
5/6 Property Magic Attack Power (Light) +300 - ok
6/6 Casting speed -20% - DELETE FROM THE GAME if you think radiant are pve class your are wrong, u will get instant Sleep if it grp with tempest buff, instant sleep a whole army lmao. PVP god class Hush / heal / slow / sleep / aoe with stun immunity give them ability to fly now pls ~~
Tempest - Agree
2/6 MND +200
3/6 Block Defense +100
4/6 INT +10%
5/6 Property Magic Attack Power (Elec) +200
6/6 All Defense +10% - disagree, simply because they have the hightest dps/ dmg in game, they no need a boost in defense. +100/200 short def should be ok. ( def fluid + doll already helping them to cap imagine with that %? most melee class dont have elec rez , they will get toasted in few sec )
2/6 MND +200
3/6 INT +10%
4/6 CON +200
5/6 Short Range Defense +200 - 50/50 they already have a hug boost due to their def skill.
6/6 All Magic Attack +10% - 50/50 elem hit 6k + with their debuff~ but well
Druid - All druid are SS so none will use this bonus Agree with Bioelesis~ Rip Druid
2/6 STR +10%
3/6 CAD +200
4/6 Block Success +10%
5/6 CON +10%
6/6 Short Range Physical Attack Power +400 the hell ?
2/6 Short Range Defense +200 - ok
3/6 INT +200 - Disagree give them more phys dmg % ~ +5 %
4/6 All Resistance +10% Agree
5/6 CON +15% - Disagree +200 con should be fine .
6/6 HP +10% - 50/50 but i guess i will agree on this.
this class no need any improvment in hp. a End game gear full enchanted can easely get 60-70k hp without any 40% hp or +20% stat. you guys dont know but to build a WL it need HUG boost in hp so full con jewels / and phys dmg wich it's given by the weap. while other class build arround cad and scad this one is build arround hp and phys dmg .( oups i should not give advice )
2/6 CON +300 - +200 ~ ( 100 /200 )
3/6 STR +15%
4/6 INT +300 - no need put like his wl Friend +10% All res ~
5/6 CAD+SCAD +200
6/6 Short Range Physical Attack Power +15% - Too High +10% should be enough Agree with Bioelesis
Kruxena - Agree
Shadow Runner
2/6 Accuracy +5000
3/6 DEX +15%
4/6 STR +200
5/6 Long Range Physical Attack Power +300
6/6 Attack Speed -30% i totally disagree here and if you guys dont see the problem then RIP for this game.
i dont know the math for this, but hell ...
2/6 Accuracy +5000 50/50 useless i think ~
3/6 STR +15%
4/6 INT +200 - Unnecessary Agree with Bio
5/6 Short Range Physical Attack Power +300 - Too high +150 should be ok Agree with Bio
6/6 CAD+SCAD +10% - agree
Turan - "Agree Turans should have the Hiest HP in this game < bioelesis~ hightest?" i disagree with what u say but i agree on this set bonus
2/6 STR +200
3/6 CON +10%
4/6 HP +15%
5/6 Short Range Physical Attack Power +400 a bit to much +300 is fine or even 200
6/6 All Resistance +20% To much +10 ~ 15 % max
Protector - Agree, just need some extra HP %, +15/20% should do the trick > ~ AGREE WITH BIO my mane
2/6 MND +300
3/6 Property Magic Attack Power (Light) +300
4/6 CON +300
5/6 Movement Speed +10% - Unnecessary that class need resistance/ hp buff it's a tank damn, most tank die vs any class in game , it's sad .
6/6 Block Defense +500
2/6 CON +300 - ok
3/6 DEX +20% - Too High, +15% should be ok < Bio ~ i agree
4/6 Long Range Physical Attack Power +400 - Too High +200/300 should be okay < Bio ~ i agree
5/6 CAD +200
6/6 Attack range (AA) +5m - 50/50 ~
Avenger - agree
2/6 CON +300
3/6 INT +15%
4/6 Property Magic Attack Power (Light) +300
5/6 Short Range Defense +200
6/6 Movement Speed +15% 10% is enought~ no need more
Sorry if i copy past sometime ~
these set have to get restriction by class, if a WL can use Zerk set it's totally pointless ~ RIP game.
the Stats from the gear is way to overpowered giving cad/scad + hight amount of all stats? if u dont want a 60-100k hp character based with 4-5k in cap + , get a better idea than just putting all togethers .
Something like >
random stat ( 20 - 50 ) all stats
+ 4 only one stat per reinforcement
+ 4 cad or scad ect
well it's a short version but u got the idea
the hp bonus i think is fine
the resistance to)
i may change mind after i see what u guys will write about it ). ( or not )
AND MY FINAL POINT ~ Most people do not see the power of cast attack reduction speed~ i think i already said all about it
I apologize for the mistake i may did, hopefully u guys gonna understand my point)
Oh hey again one more thing, i saw some interesting suggestion from Kazara, and i saw some really disapointing reply from the one who made this " proposals for new sets " please , evryone should have a normal answer , what he's saying on his threat pointing some reality, and the way u reply arent neutral when you asking us to be.
mage no need more def~
+4 scad on all armor is to much i agree with kazara ~ balance it with the rest of the armor helm/boot should give +2, glove +3 , lower/upper +4 something like this.
there more to say but my threat already long enought)
but yea kazara did not propose any suggestion so~~ im out of this LOL.
Edited by HardToSay, 06 December 2016 - 02:22 AM.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 01:07 PM
Agree with reqbugkiller: Elem is like zerks. 10% magic dmg is ok i think. But i think mnd is useless, need more int And con is ok, but i think +100 magic atk is more better. Ofc is never happens
Only in my dreams.
And for
1. 21% not 23
2. 15 is real dmg atm, i do 14 in crap gear and with special build, if will i make perfect gear i can do more than 17. But 90% players have good res, they use clovers or balls + FOC shields, or Top enchants. Dont worry about elem dmg, just use brains and make good resistance.
2/6 INT +200
3/6 INT +10%
4/6 Magic attack +100
5/6 Short Range Defense +200
6/6 All Magic Attack +10%
3/6 +9000 Magic attack
6/6 +50% magic attack
Posted 06 December 2016 - 01:36 PM
Cleaned up this thread a bit.
Please refrain from name calling and insulting other players.
When a suggestion is made. everyone has the right to their own opinion on whether they agree or disagree on what is being suggested.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 04:31 PM
Posted 07 December 2016 - 06:31 AM
Block Defense and Block % should affect magic attack as well.
Block Defense and Block % should reduce magic dmg taken by shield.
Posted 07 December 2016 - 08:10 AM
Block Defense and Block % should affect magic attack as well.
Block Defense and Block % should reduce magic dmg taken by shield.
I think Protector must have the ability, the absorption of any damage, at least 10 seconds.
But it should not be in set))
Posted 07 December 2016 - 06:21 PM
As a humble player, i think that Damage and stat % for all classes will completely destroy the balance.
Best options:
Static DEF
Static dmg per item (as S1 sets) with static dmg on each part
Compoundable dmg property selection, so Radis can compound for Light instead of Elect Etc.
Property Damage bonus 3/6 100 and 6/6 another 100 not
Posted 07 December 2016 - 06:28 PM
The job done with 90 set was just great, that's how it should be, low DEF good stat and some good bonus.
If i was you, I'd make those new sets just like 90 set but with Higher bonus, something like 150 to 300 maximum random stat per part.
Compoundable with Random Stat Revamp, this will promote Item Mall sales.
Posted 09 December 2016 - 06:27 PM
I think Protector must have the ability, the absorption of any damage, at least 10 seconds.
But it should not be in set))
Great idea, all class should have a special ability different from one to another.
Also, new weapons should have a stat prerequisite to be equipped, for example:
2h Axe
Prerequisite: 5000 STR
Prerequisite: 3000 INT or MND
Not just limited to lvl.
How can this help?
In order to use the strongest weapon you must be build in stat, this will help with dmg balance cuz you may need to enchant more stats instead of CAD or SCAD.
Posted 11 December 2016 - 08:28 PM
In 90 sets 5 stats 140+ lol
And bonus.... copy my suggestions, just moved the places...
Edited by Mavericky, 11 December 2016 - 08:29 PM.
Posted 12 December 2016 - 05:44 AM
Posted 15 December 2016 - 07:58 AM
MODS stop deleting everything i say against russians ? are they paying u to delete stuff we say against them or what ? new or old mod u are all the same
Posted 15 December 2016 - 08:38 AM
MODS stop deleting everything i say against russians ? are they paying u to delete stuff we say against them or what ? new or old mod u are all the same
Insults against any race, country, religion etc will be removed. The forum is for everyone regardless of where they come from.
It's fine to post your opinion about suggestions, but please find a way to do that without flaming someone else.
Posted 09 January 2017 - 10:52 AM
Edited by Vulpes93, 13 January 2017 - 09:05 AM.
Posted 10 January 2017 - 11:38 PM
I've never seen such unbalanced stats.
Giving them in percentage in that bad-thought-out way will most definitely ruin the game.
Movement speed for forsaker? wut? Why only them?
Defiler +5% scad? Should they KO whole crowds alone? Or 3000+ scad isn't enough?
Getting on the rest bonuses I must say, they all seem to be made thoughtlessly and randomly.
"If you like the proposal put +
If you do not like put -
But putting a minus, write what you do not like it, with arguments and as detailed as possible."
Edited by VModCupcake, 12 January 2017 - 01:44 PM.
Posted 11 January 2017 - 06:43 AM
Edited by ElfLord, 11 January 2017 - 06:43 AM.
Posted 01 February 2017 - 04:10 PM
I was right xDWon't happen 100% sure.
Posted 02 February 2017 - 05:19 AM
Suggestions ?
Ya sure ask me in 10 Years when they want to come back to the Hardcore Aspect and traditional Role Play Concepts.
Until then have fun with more Inflation more Stats more unbalance and lesser Game Quality.
Posted 06 February 2017 - 10:37 AM
Suggestions, so Helium will know what players want... and will do the opposite
Posted 06 February 2017 - 11:31 AM
Suggestions, so Helium will know what players want... and will do the opposite
Actually, he made them more OP than they were suggested.
And he listened to people like Katy who said that a radiant should have int, mnd, light, scad, massive defense. So that DPS rads dont get mad that there is no scad. Yup. Helium listened to DPS rads comment.
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