by F0X0 for Tirfing, WarpPortal, Gravity Inc., GNiSoft
1-6 = 1 being the first priority, 6 being the last priority
Red = Important
● nProtect’s GameGuard
As I mentioned Metal Assault had a hack shield before, here is a screenshot as proof. This was from an email about the hack shield being implemented in June 14, 2011. At that time the game had only launched back in March of 2011. So only about 3 months later. We are on the verge of going 1 full year without any kind of hack shield. This should be the absolute priority.
http://www.inca.co.k...roduct_title_02 (In Korean, GNiSoft should know about this.)
● Return Multiple Difficulties (Rookie, Veteran, Elite, Master, Legend)
● Improve Item Drops (Blue Cards, Gold Cards, Blue Weapons, Pink Weapons, Gear, Etc.)
● Create New Mission Mode Maps Beyond Maps 1 – 5 = Finish the storyline of Metal Assault/Giga Slave
● Return the following maps and the missions that reside within them. There is approximately a total of 2 maps and 25 missions missing from Mission Mode. They are listed below:
Western Forest of Return (Map 1 of 5)
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 1: Mock Battle
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 2: Battlefield Training
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 3: Jump Tutorial
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 4: Stomping the Signal
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 5: Extraction
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 6: Vertical Descent
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 7: Beauty of the Angle
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 8: Secure the Vehicle
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 9: HMK-29 Launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTJiP1s_Wmo
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 10: Enemy Attack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrAebcEGRV4
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 11: Rush https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-6kcf8gsxw
Hezaan Mysterious Island (Map 3 of 5)
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 29: Search the Port https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00BQq4DafXA
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 30: Escape the Docks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmh9I3TCFrk
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 31: Escape the Docks 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99XKUJTcB-E
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 32: Chase on the Sea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ1cCu69rgE
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 33: The Truth Disclosed (Mode A) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vA-ONjxit8s
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 34: A Suspicious Island https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jkhff-4r9_8
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 35: Island Annihilation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdeQkLO_tOY
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 36: 2-Minute Countdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vKBf2K2RQQ
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 37: Escape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUjJ4cUB6Bc
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 38: Enemies with Benefits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqx1iBbvK2w
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 39: The Counterattack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYPps54l1Ow
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 40: From Sea to Land https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya49fe0IvHE
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 41: Protection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B-yKCPpKP8
● Metal Assault (Mission Mode) - Mission 42: Retreat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNPcL92IGyU
● Item PVP Mode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2iOu7H0lUQ
This was an option you could select when creating a Battle Mode PVP room. This option was also available in Company Battle mode. So when making a PVP room you could select Company Battle and Item PVP together to have an Item PVP Company Battle or you could just have a regular PVP match with it on. It was most likely removed because some players complained how it was cheap that one side could swarm the items and always get the Stun item (as this video shows) and have the whole team slaughter the opposing team that was frozen. I think removing something that only adds to the game doesn’t help any. Players are free to simply not join a game with it on. I felt it added another dynamic layer of play especially since there were some cool items you could pick up during battle like the Freeze item that turns your rifle into an Ice Gun that slows your enemies down when hit.
● Spectator (Observer) Mode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuFKSbvGu2w
This was another option you could select when setting up a Battle Mode PVP room. Players who join a room with a game-in-progress and this option selected could either join the battle or switch to “Observer” and then join the battle only to watch it not par take in it. The best example of how it works in PVP is this video from a Tournament.
● Team Free Battle available for all Battle Mode Maps
I don’t see why we can’t have this option available for all PVP Battle Mode maps instead of just a few, especially for Mag M. I think it would be that much more fun. Although you might want to cap the Rounds to no more than 20, since anything going beyond that can start to make the game laggy.
● Fully show Kill/Death stats on players
I guess this was removed to remain kid friendly and less competitive/trolly. But I feel that notion is unnecessary and players should have a right to be able to know their K/D ratio just from looking at their profile or others, rather than have to play a game and see it from a Win/Lose screen. Hiding player’s K/D just isn’t necessary.
● Return the following missing Battle Mode PVP maps. There is approximately a total of 5 PVP maps missing and 1 variant map the community wishes to be added from Battle Mode. They are listed below:
● Metal Assault (Battle Mode) - Memory Forest O https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCJFJshAFQ8
● Metal Assault (Battle Mode) - Memory Forest S https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdOZLVit3IY
● Metal Assault (Battle Mode) - Memory Forest T https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2g2FVtNRnM
● Metal Assault (Battle Mode) - Port Hezzan O https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krli8M7EhN0
● Metal Assault (Battle Mode) - Royal Tomb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuX6BlR9O-Y
● Metal Assault (Battle Mode) – Maginot Line M (Original Version)
Maginot Line M in Metal Assault is the most played PVP map in Battle Mode. But did you know, the video below (from Giga Slave aka Asian Metal Assault) is the original Maginot Line M with an open top, please consider adding this map, but don’t take away the current Maginot Line M that is already apart of MA, just add this variant map and rename it ‘Maginot Line N’. This addition alone would reinvigorate PVP since this is a very dynamic map.
Here is another video of Maginot Line M with a new background image:
Here is my idea: Request from GNiSoft to implement the Original Version of Mag M with the open top and the new background image and rename it Maginot Line N to distinguish itself apart from the Maginot Line M map we currently have. That way we can essentially have 2 different Mag M maps for more PVP fun.
= Maginot Line N
● The following Co-Op maps are either missing or were never added. I request they be added to Metal Assault:
● Metal Assault (Co-Op Mode) – Snakepit
● Giga Slave (Co-Op Mode) – Endless Combat
This Co-Op map was never available in Metal Assault, but was available within its Asian counterpart “Giga Slave”. I request GNiSoft add this Co-Op map to Metal Assault. I think we all just want it to be added sooner rather than later and that English translations can wait lol, just add it please x)
● 4v4 Company Daily Tournament
Currently Company Tournament Mode is capped at 3v3, but this video below as well as the rules state up to 4v4 is possible, but it’s not in Metal Assault. So I request GNiSoft enable up to 4v4 for Company Tournaments.
● Coin Reward Fix
The coins that accumilate when paying to join a Company Daily Tournament or even a Personal Daily Tournament does not work. When someone wins a Daily Tournament they do not get any coin. I think this needs to be fixed.
● Fix the Log In issue. It takes several attempts to log into the game. I believe this is due to hackers congesting the server.
● Make more or all Battle Mode PVP maps available in A.I. Mode.
● Some players want the Honor Points system, the Honor Shop and Medals back.
● Request you reset all the Rankings in Mission Mode and Co-Op Mode as well as all the Quest 1st Recipients. Probably best to do only after a hack shield is implemented.
● If possible reset Military Rank for all players at 1 Year Anniversary, call it the great ‘Demoted Event’. The reason: It will bring interest back for old players to return as well as new players being able to contend with seasoned players that will no longer have an HP advantage for the time being. The only problem with this though is paying players that bought Commander Notes from the Item Mall will complain about those purchases being wasted. But too many hackers cheat boosted their Military Rank to maximum levels for highest HP. The amount of players with hack boosted rank outnumber those who paid for Commander Notes. For the greater good it’s best to start over so the game can be rejuvenated. Plus those who did spend money on Commander Notes atleast had 1 year to make it work. Resetting Military Rank would be the great equalizer IMHO. Players who paid for all other things from the Item Mall would still retain all that stuff regardless.
Edited by FoxOh, 29 March 2017 - 06:38 PM.