PSA: 10 reasons not to play destroyer anymore 3/08/17 - Page 3 - Archer Class - WarpPortal Community Forums

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PSA: 10 reasons not to play destroyer anymore 3/08/17

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#51 TurtleTuber


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Posted 11 March 2017 - 10:18 AM

thx, i was the first one who posted that idea at the now hidden thread tho. sadly they didnt make it this way..

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#52 Popcorn



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Posted 11 March 2017 - 10:21 AM

Only the first X-Attack Step has the flinch removed. If you're doing a full combo the flinch is still there. This has been done because otherwise just holding X would be able to lock a player with every class. It was your wish to remove it from the first X-Combo step because this is the step which is always repeated when holding down X.


And if the summoner does not do a special combo with x - same for the invoker - there can't be any flinch. 

And if you have casted Helix Shot/Diffusion Cannon there is no combo at all. So no flinch, because by pressing X with flinch would result in the same: Locking the char just by holding down X. It was you who wished for that in the past. And now it stays.



In conclusion:

MS Speed cap at 400 stays

ATK Speed caps at 300%/270% stay

First X-Step Flinch removal stays


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