You ever played a seriously funded BA in end-game content? And by ever, I mean in the last 6 months. I'm just going to say no, because I know most of your alts by now that you regularly use.
Point is, if you're going to sit there and say that Artisan is fine because in 1v1's you get spanked [like most classes do] by a fully funded BA, then I'd simply like to point out, you don't know from experience.
ANY, Artisan main will tell you they get dropped in an instant if they don't have control of the fight. Soon as an Arti's CC breaks or Fails, they're in hot water and start taking metric tonnes of damage. But you wouldn't know.
Allow me to elaborate.
Knights: Survival Stats + Passives
Maximum HP, Defense, HP Recovery Passives, Damage Reduction, Block Rate + Block Amount, Scaling Block Amount, Temporary Dmg Reductions, Temporary HP Recovery Buffs, Self Healing. (Decloak)
Champions: Survival Stats + Passives
Maximum HP, Defense Passives, HP Recovery Passives, Dodge Passives -Spear-, Self Heal -Axe-, Killing Blow Huge HP Recovery Proc, Temporary Status Resistances. (Decloak)
Clerics: Survival Stats + Passives
M.Defense Passives, Defense Passives, Block Rate + Block Amount Passives, Scaling Block Rate Passives, Temporary Damage Reductions, Mana Shields, Proc'd Block Rates + Status Resistances, Self Healing, HoT's, Bonfires/Salamanders. (Lowest CD Decloak)
Mages: Survival Stats + Passives
M.Defense Passives, Proc'd Dodge Passives (Ultra High Scaling), Mana Barriers (EHP Self Heal). (Lowest CD Decloak)
Raiders: Survival Stats + Passives
Dodge Passives, More Dodge Passives, Defense Passives -Dual-, Self Heal -Dual-, Stealth, Cloak -Katar-, Temporary Defense + Dodge Buff -Dual-, Proc'd Movespeed -Katar- (Decloak)
Scouts: Survival Stats + Passives
Dodge Passives, Camouflage -Bow-, Proc'd Dodge Passive, Proc'd Movespeed Passive, Block Rate + Block Amount Passives -xBow-, Temporary Damage Reduction -xBow-. (Decloak)
Bourgeois: Survival Stats + Passives
Temporary Defense + M.Def Buff -Cannon-, Proc'd M.Speed. (Worst Decloak)
Artisan: Survival Stats + Passives
Proc'd Movespeed.
So Snuwfer.... Did you happen to notice something? Maybe a lack of certain ability to not DIE so fast? Perhaps, something the Artisan is ... 'lacking'?
No, course you didn't. You were too busy thinking Damage is the only thing that matters.
And like I said.
A dead DPS, does not deal Damage.