Just like Tera players abuse iFrames.
Posted 20 June 2017 - 03:47 PM
This is the second time this topic needed a clean-up. Please find a way to make your comments without flaming or even mentioning other players
I'd like to keep this topic open, the discussion is good and Feuer just wants to address the fact that Artisans don't have viability for defense mechanics in big group content, and the topic has gone far off course
I'm not out to intentionally to ruin the topic\thread and have it locked, so please everybody who is posting, keep it level headed :-)
Posted 20 June 2017 - 04:24 PM
Personally? The topic isn't going to get or gain any traction with the Developer, so go ahead and lock it. There's more MOD activity in terms of response than Developer Responses, I doubt Genesis has even logged into the Forums for the last few weeks. Most of what he is told is via CM Proxylark.
Posted 21 June 2017 - 07:41 AM
It's apparently just a visual animation flaw
Sort of like when back in the day with certain classes that had fast attack speed, and you'd cast a skill, then while casting the skill you still did melee attacks\damage..
However I see it being much worse now than then, simply because of how the game is. I'm going to play heavy skill casters for now on and skill stack everything since it's not considered a bug, and only visual animation flaw.
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