Hi Feueu,
regarding the video reply, we had the same (back in the days best possible) buffs and both obviously used max refined perfect slotted PvP gear with the Soldier vs Hawker specialized fine tuning. It was not faked at all but mirrored the (at that time) not proper working Berserk burst!
Do you actually think JUSTIN HAZE would fake a video to make his most loved class getting nerfed, intentionally? No, it was under normal PvP circumstances back in that time!
Regarding your other accusations: You can accuse me of many things, lots of it is probably right, but I never ever duped a single item in this game! Never. You can be mad about the 100 dura gear or the honor substats but never in my life did I dupe items in this game! I don't know who told you that but you might rethink trusting that person.
Btw, I did not post here to argue with you about old issues we both had but to support you in your opinion and because I agree with you that this PvP tournament is probably badly timed.
Edit: Mods, please don't remove Feuers previous post, I don't see it as insult but as discussion, thanks!
Edited by iMatt, 19 June 2017 - 05:41 AM.