I'm finally near the end game, but I need some advise AGAIN!
So, I'm saving some gold now and I'm kind of hmm confused which item to buy! Please advise me from a poor man's point of view and reasoning, I will be assembling my final-end game item soon after I get rich
I'm an assassin, Do you recommend Elluman Crown or Just the POS helm for Set effect?
A. Yes
B. No
Which is a better wing/back item ?
A. Paris Wings, the one from expert mode with HLT +10, CD +25%
B. The Lv 75 Dragon Lord wing with Special options of CD+40%
In addition, I was looking at the POS wings which have an option to provide you 3 special options but randomly , and the fixed item effect is only Crit rate and Eva Rate, Would you recommend this better than the 2 wings/back items mentioned above? Or No? Cause smuggling(Smuggler NPC) the item all over again seems a little bit too much (for my budget) just to get a new but random set effect if ever I get the rubbish ones.
Also, please see this awesome guide as a reference for my next question:
[Newbie Guide to Succeed!]
Please see the link below, as stated on the guide.
So my question is, what if I collect multiple numbers of those +30~+40% Crit damage from Soul Force Extracting, Can I put it on every part of the Set? or to weapon only or specific parts?
Because I was thinking, "Hey, I'm gonna collect these sh**s and put +40% CD on all parts of my Set and Wah La! I've got a good CD that could possible reach the CD cap!"
Or... I'm just thinking like a stupid.
Thanks for reading! And I hope I get a good advice! Always remember too advise on a poor man's point of view, cause that's what I am XD