"You still haven't provided solid proof against what I have provided, video evidence of an Axe Champion doing just fine in PvP Gameplay, yet you're still going out of your way to say I'm selfish in between the lines, lol."
Right, because I don't have to. Providing a video on a clan war in JC with the utilizations of full stat buffs, a fairy for half the video, as well as a game play mode which doesn't accurately reflect any GA gameplay, is void of purpose. Responding to it would only serve to muddy up the expressed concerns and reports of bugs with the class. Bugs the dEV's have already acknowledged as being exactly that, bugs.
"The only thing I could see possibly being righteous to change on Axe Champions would be the crit down debuff, everything else seems pretty much mutually balanced."
Righteous? Aside from your inability to use proper synonyms, there is more than that skill fix needed to restore them to their designed function. But we'll get to that at the end.
"Scouts got flame hawk removed, and they were gaven to Raiders for god knows why, I've never complained, or cried for changes on the forums for it."
1: Scouts didn't lose flame hawk, it was renamed to Phoenix Arrow. It's the same skill, only stronger.
2: Raiders always had 2 fire-hawk styled skills, it wasn't given to them for no reason. It was always there, but because so very few players properly mastered an impact skill based Burn Raider, it seems to have gone unnoticed.
3: Isn't that what you literally just did, brought it up as a complaint? If you really are so, mmm, forgiving of changes and able to flex, why bring it up at all, why now? To advance your agenda which in this remark was based on something wholly false? ...
"Scouts got their mspd nerfed like crazy, and dodge, and accuracy, and attack speed, I never cried on the forums to have it changed or buffed."
1: No they didn't, and I'd like for you to cite that difference if you want to continue using that as an argument.
2: If you're referring to Buff sets removal, then my preemptive retort is, everyone lost buff-sets, not just Scouts.
3: If your rebuttal to my retort is 'It affected Scouts more than anyone else' just know, no one will buy that. Pound for Pound, they were a global modifier that affected all classes equally when effectively utilized.
4: Aren't you crying about it now? And I have seen you complain about it before, several times. In fact, every time class balance threads are made, you attempt to hi-jack them in order to muddy up the topic with spam, lies, misinformation, feckless examples and intellectually dishonest viewpoints in an attempt to obstruct the OP from being heard. It's a truly reprehensible method of trying to get your way, be it effective in the current iteration of the forums and game development as it is; it's still disgustingly contemptuous behavior. This tactic is probably why you don't win any debates, and why no one supports your opinions or propositions. You're a thread thief and saboteur who doesn't respond to questions levied against your ideas, and instead demands to be answered to as if, you're the one on a high horse? Now, I've done my best to not completely give up on answering your questions, despite them being completely irrelevant half the time, and am currently in the process of doing it still. I'd expect a level of professional courtesy at the end of this post, where I'll pose some questions to you, and hopefully you'll see to it that they're answered.
"I'd rather have the old Point Blank arrow than the Impact now, but it's moot and impact has it's bonuses, no I never made threads demanding changes."
1: Impact Arrow is Point Blank arrow, only you no longer need to be within 15m to cast it.
2: If naming the old skill names was your gambit on being perceived as knowing what you're talking about, you're failing miserably as so far every skill from the past skill system that you've mentioned is currently in use under a different name and was actually made better than it's old iteration; as the updates to the skill systems back-end made it possible for a higher level of creative usage of said skill system.
3: I'm sure you've never 'demanded' changes, but I'd bet if I were to look around, there'd be plenty of posts from specifically you, that would be synonymous with a 'request' to have things changed. But if you're going to hinge it on SPECIFICALLY a demand, so what. I've never made a proposition written on a peanut butter sandwhich, that doesn't mean that the information in my posts is somehow 'more clean' than anyone else's or deserves to be heard more or less. It's completely inconsequential if you've made a demand or not, you've expressed desire~ to have something changed, and dozens of posts.
"The only thing I have ever complained about on scouts, to try and get what I wanted, along with others that played scout, is to have traps and their passive skills reworked, because they were put in the game as a "bandaid" for scouts and never were intended to stay, but here we are."
1: When the skill system was first implemented, those elemental arrows didn't have procs at all. In fact, you can thank iMatt / Mathias / AchIIHu for the stats that are proc'd from those now. I simply helped to get the proposal rolling. They were intended to stay, but they weren't intended to be a stacking utility. So you're welcome that you even HAVE ice arrow stacks to begin with.
2: Traps actually were fully intended to be a final product for Scouts. I don't know where you got the idea they were a temporary skill placement. They wouldn't have spent the time modeling the mesh, texturing it, and applying the complex AI needed to run them, if it was just a 'quick fix'.
"and again, you can get rid of the mute once the trap is decloaked, or destroyed, so no you will not be "perma-muting"
1: Destroying the trap after you've been muted, snapped or blinded [respective attributes of the traps] does not do that. Their duration is 5 seconds across all of those statuses, and they kill themselves in the process of being triggered, even if there is a slight delay. Which means there's no difference between you killing the trap, and the trap killing itself.
2: Of course kill a trap before it applies a status to you removes it's ability to apply it, it's dead.
3: If your complaint or point was that traps aren't good because they can be countered, the you under-estimate their value in large scale content where positioning is key to winning. Traps are best when used for area denial, not as a combat mechanic. You place them in a position where you don't want an enemy to go, forcing them to either not go there, or take the risk of triggering the traps. Any other use of them is an ineffective tactic.
"New consumable items or throw-able items for fun, are you kidding me? They should be focusing on so many other things than spending their time working on "useless" "pointless" "gimic" ideas, this is something of the sort which you told me, me saying that I'm always crying about pseudo bugs, duping, skills bugging, dots breaking, etc. The majority of in game content created lately was not good for the games economy\population, and the majority of these changes came from "user feedback\suggestions." Junon Cartel, the Paradigm shift update, skill update, DOT meta, etc."
1: Not everyone approaches ROSE as a pseudo-MOBA and are strictly focused on PvP. Some people play games for, get this, fun. And those people have every right to at MINIMUM post about things that they'd enjoy seeing in the future, or now.
2: I did tell you that, but you're miss-representing what I said, you like to do this so let me clarify, not for you, because you know what I said and meant, but for the people following and reading this thread. I said, their immediate concern should be fixing large issues first* before going onto investigating your delusions. I firmly believe in a hierarchy of priority when it comes to DEV's focus. BUT, that doesn't mean that until all of those issues are fixed, that NOTHING else is allowed to be talked about. And your mental perception that every suggestion or idea for the game is being posted as a 'RIGHT NOW' thread, is why you keep yourself in this state of mind that everyone is being dumb. Because you don't understand where they're coming from. They may be fully aware that the idea could never happen, AND that if it does, could be off into the future of a year or more later, but still post it just to share their ideas. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Junon Cartel - Yes, Community driven request.
Paradigm Shift - No, that was not a community driven request. It was heavily influenced on feedback AFTER it was announced to be tested, but it was not an initiative of the community.
Skill Update - Nope, wrong again. Entirely the DEV's idea. Which as hinted above in another one of my comments, was driven by the database update. The DEV's wanted to utilize their new capability by refreshing and updating the skill system. Not the community.
DoT Meta - Eh, no, definitely wrong. In fact, this is something I'm extremely *^&*^d off about, as when I was testing this update, I very clearly gave instructions on how to balance the DoT's with the mechanics that existed at the time, but was ignored, a huge change to how DoT's scaled was implemented, and the only itemized method for tanking them was stripped entirely. This also came with the change with disallowed Shield users to block DoT's. So no, DoT as the current META was neither the community's idea, NOR was it what the Beta testers wanted as a final result. That was Leonis entirely, and I will not accept anything less than it being a result of his single perspective decision.
"When they did not take the communitys ideas as a whole, and did things their way, the game was much more stable, enjoyable, and not skewered to certain classes as much as it is now. I'm not saying they completely ignored peoples concerns about things, but I'm talking about general game changing updates that are brought in through community ideas."
If you're talking about how the Hawker and Scout/Raider classes are massively over-represented and take up 80% of the classes actively played, I couldn't agree more, It is a problem, and should be fixed. But you don't want that. You want everything aside from Scouts to be nerfed, or held down in a state of obsolescence so you can be the top-dog and unchallenged on your favorite class. But I don't have to oppose you on this notion at all, I'll just let you hang yourself when the community realizes you want them to be silenced and for their opinions to be stifled because YOU don't want them to be heard.
"If the community could stop throwing bias'd ideas into the proposal & suggestions sub forum, I'd probably not be this way, but the majority of input in this sub forum is .. literally un-needed, bias'd, and selfish wanting(s)."
Bias is your subjective opinion here. Not only are you simply using this label to dismiss it, but you're exemplifying precisely why no one wants to hear from you on anything about the game at all. You're emotional, bias, cretinous and to be blunt, annoyingly daft. And don't blame the community for being the way you are, it's not their fault you're in the position that you're in. You made a choice to be the way you are, accept that or don't. But don't spout off nonesense that you're not in control of your posts.
Now, I've taken an extremely lengthy amount of time to FULLY respond to ALL of your points, I'd like to offer you a chance to extend that same courtesy in return; and to answer why the following things shouldn't be addressed. And try to do it without using cherry picked circumstances that vary wildly between the points? Can you try doing that for once?
1: Fix the Axe Fury passive to function as intended during it testing phase on Pegasus, but was never finalized.
2: Fix the bug where you can't Absorb off of Mana Barriers / Mana Shields [Again, this affects all Absorption skills, not just the Axe Champs]
3: Fix the cooldown on the Absorption to match the cooldown range of Bloody Assault / Absorptive Strike [roughly 12 seconds particularly since you don't have a static healing amount, while the other 2 do]
4: Fix the bug where you don't get HP if you kill the target with the skill [Already confirmed as a bug by the DEV team, and affects all Absorption based skills]
5: Change the Critical Down to a Critical Defense down to restore what the skills function was supposed to do.
6: Finally, Give them either [A] Scaling on the Critical Defense Down and Static Healing on the skills, or [B] -Preferably- Critical Defense added to a Passive they already have, to restore the Critical Defense mechanic that was stripped and never replaced. Either solution would result in the Axe being able to tank critical hits slightly better.
That's it. I'll keep it a short list, and I'll expect a pertinent response, not some idle mouthed muddied up cherry picked examples. As the vast majority of these are bugs and over-sights from changes to system functions.
Edited by Feuer, 23 September 2017 - 09:49 PM.