Champ/Knight gears has very low magic-defense - Proposals & Suggestions - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Champ/Knight gears has very low magic-defense

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#1 klonoa999


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Posted 10 October 2017 - 07:43 PM

Hi Sir....


Would you add more m-def to champ/knight gears (honor gears; body, glove, helm, shoes) please sir... because champ/knight cannot stand againts mage.. even fully runed and +20'ed gears champ will lose easily in 1 vs 1 pvp againts mage with only 1-2 runes and +20'ed gears





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#2 Feuer


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Posted 10 October 2017 - 08:51 PM

You're barking up the wrong tree. Really, aside from asking for them to not be pummeled into dust by their anti class, trying to get Champions anything is futile. If it were Raiders, Scouts or Clerics, that'd be another story. But I'd forget about ever having a fair shot against a Mage on equal grounds. ROSE Balance is a series of intentional imbalances. Raiders Beat everyone. Scouts beat anything ranged. Mages and BC's Beat Soldiers. Soldiers Beat Dealers, and Dealers out-die everything else.  

Edited by Feuer, 10 October 2017 - 08:52 PM.

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#3 pandasoup23


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Posted 11 October 2017 - 08:42 AM

Raiders Beat everyone. pretty much

Scouts beat anything ranged. not really, a mage or a BA could easily beat a scout...even a cannon bourg if it hits (honestly not that hard since scout dodge is potato)

Mages and BC's Beat Soldiers. always...

Soldiers Beat Dealers mmm idk about that, maybe

and Dealers out-die everything else.  i guess? simply cause they are usually the ones targeted first? but generally their dmg can -_- up any team 


with this current meta atleast, assuming these are all runed vs runed, etc

Edited by pandasoup23, 11 October 2017 - 11:35 AM.

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#4 Feuer


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Posted 11 October 2017 - 12:40 PM

You know how many times I've heard that excuse? 
Clerics targeted first cause heals

Mages targeted first cause of damage/aoes

Spears targeted first cause of aoes

Bourges targeted first cause of burn aoe

Artisan targeted first cause they're literally a free kill...



I mean really, they can't ALL be targeted first as a primary kill target, which means it's opinion diluting the reality of the situation.

Based on this information from 2015, Artisans official get killed the most during that time frame.
Second goes to 'Mages' specifically, but if you average in Artisans and Bourges, you'd get a tie of 2.8, which is equal to Mages. Given the progression of the game, It's pretty safe to speculate Dealers still die the most. As a combination of minimum to zero survival passives or mechanics / traits, as well as their offensive threat to raiders and scouts. They become the meta-classes primary concern first, and they drop the fastest as well. 


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