Payment Error, what is it and how to fix it
A quick Q/A to assist with Warpportal Power Up persisting Payment Error!!
Q1. When I open Power UP I get PAYMENT ERROR!! Can you tell me WHY?
A. PAYMENT ERROR can be caused by:
- Adblock
- Antivirus
- Internet Security applications
- Proxy/VPN (This includes logging in from another country/travel)
- Possibly account inactivity.
Q2. How about fixing the error?
A. Try the following in order when attempting a purchase:
- Disable browser Adblock addon.
- Adjust or briefly disable the security applications that hook themselves to web browsers.
- Briefly disable your antivirus.
- Clear your browser cache folder & cookies.
- Try a different web browser: Edge, IE, Firefox, Chrome, Chrome Canary or Chromium.
- Ensure JavaScript is enabled on the web browser.
- Use another device on the same network
Q3. I tried all of that non of them worked, any other suggestions?
A. The account may be blocked as a security measure. That requires a support ticket submitted to the Payment and Billing department.
Usually if the support staff suggested as above then that's an indication the account is not blocked on their end.
To send a proper support ticket, follow the guide in this link.
Q4. Additional thoughts?
A. Payment tickets are handled separately than normal game related tickets, so sending the payment error ticket to the wrong department will slow down the response timer. Also sending the same ticket multiple of times will not speed things up. One ticket should be good enough. It is important to note currently payment tickets are handled during office hours/weekdays, so if the ticket is submitted during the weekend then it is expected on average to get a response the next working day.
When addressing the staff please be polite and understanding, respond promptly when questioned.
If the ticket is not getting a response after a while (a week or more) contact a Community Manager or a Vmod for assistance.
Edited by VModCinnamon, 08 March 2020 - 10:45 PM.