2018 General Loading Screen Thread
Hi there! Thank you for coming here to discuss the loading screens.
I created this thread separately so we can keep the other thread limited to submissions only.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please post them here.
What happened to the Creative Convention Hats?
They will no longer be used as participation prizes for the Loading Screens. However, they may still appear later as prizes for other contests, raffles, and other such events. They're not going away forever
Why aren't you giving all participants prizes anymore?
We wanted to streamline the loading screen thread and strip it down to its core, intended function: to be a place for fanartists to show off their work and have them put in the game. Adding the element of load-screen-exclusive prizes was unfair to others who did not participate in the load screens, or worse, gave some the incentive to spam the thread with low-effort entries made only with the intention of gaining a prize.
Why are you still doing a raffle, then?
For fun Submitting doesn't guarantee you a prize, but it still gives you a chance to win one just by submitting work to us!
Doesn't it defeat your purpose if the raffle prize is still exclusive to the loading screens?
It would... if it were exclusive to the loading screens, which it isn't! Although the item is new, we will be using it in the future for other contests, raffles, and events. The raffle prize will be named for load screen raffle winners all the time though, which is pretty special and and of itself.