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2018 Loading Screen Feedback Thread

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#26 VModCinnamon



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Posted 04 July 2018 - 09:55 AM

Will wait for Astra to verify the input but I will respond within what I know so far,


Is the costume sorted in the raffle going to change every month? Oh miss those Creative Conventions days. x(


It will be the same, for now.


Congrats too all raffle winner :D, may I ask, after the raffles winner is selected, to join next raffle, the artist(win and no choosen artist) need to resubmitted a new art to join 2nd raffle?


You will need to resubmit a new entry for the month.


Another raffle question: Do people who have previously won the raffle get another chance of winning for the next raffle?


I would assume yes, that if they submitted a new entry within requirements of the thread. They will still regardless have one chance at end of month in the raffle, that if they chose to submit many entries.

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#27 Haroichi


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Posted 05 July 2018 - 01:41 AM

I hate rng
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#28 CMAstra


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Posted 05 July 2018 - 10:47 AM

Hi all! To clarify -


Another raffle question: Do people who have previously won the raffle get another chance of winning for the next raffle?


Yes! It is random. Every person who submits (and is not disqualified for any reason) for the month gets their name put into the raffle once, no matter how many load screens they submitted.

Every person has the same chance of winning each month :)



Congrats too all raffle winner :D, may I ask, after the raffles winner is selected, to join next raffle, the artist(win and no choosen artist) need to resubmitted a new art to join 2nd raffle?

Yes! To qualify for the raffle of the month, you must submit at least one load screen for that month.



Is the costume sorted in the raffle going to change every month? Oh miss those Creative Conventions days. x(

It will remain the same for now :)

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#29 Snakeko


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Posted 05 July 2018 - 11:58 AM



Edited by Snakeko, 05 July 2018 - 12:27 PM.

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#30 KunKnee


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Posted 05 July 2018 - 03:49 PM

Got it, thanks! I'll just keep praying to rngesus, I guess. I need that raccoon hat :rice:

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#31 DarkOrinus


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 04:18 AM

hi! i for one think that hearing all the fuss about this contest being rigged is very crucial to how this would end up as in the future for us as a community. in no particular offense, but what are the chances one wins at random, at the same time handpicked as a winner by a gm? not saying [they] didn't deserve it, like many others [they] probably did. but it's getting tiring to hear all the stories about it, and tbh locks further innovative steps we can take for this program in our creative contraptions
like seriously? i thought having this comeback and looking like it's more rewarding than before? what good will the gm's drawing lots for a random shot at winning do for our hopeful artists here. i say the former was better if we wanted them to feel good about themselves
to artists, if you think it's more interesting that your names be drawn lots, whatever the given output was (and yes there's still respect to having art in the eyes of an individual) i'd say it does not give any difference at all from whatever we deviated from (if you guys wanted to compliment each other all day, participation prizes would have been better). the gm's will still not judge your art for how you drew it and you all know that. although i'll give the gm's a +1 for not hurting your feelings and all, but tbh be real. do you want to make art knowing you'll only get something by chance or do you want it for the very reason that your entry deserved to actually have won, or maybe just do your best and get a prize for it. simple answer really if it was me
i don't exactly make art of my own, nor do i care, but being as all this is a fuss? lol
i think having random prizes for participants is worse than the old participation prizes. it gets out to wild conclusions and possible divisions within the community, also does not tackle our main goal of constantly upgrading the quality of passed art. i say go back to participation prizes, and that's the easier way to not hurt our artists' feelings because who here can actually walk up to people and say their art is ugly?

Edited by VModCoconut, 07 July 2018 - 03:16 PM.
made comments referring to an artist more vague

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#32 Amberllyn


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 04:25 AM


hi! i for one think that hearing all the fuss about this contest being rigged is very crucial to how this would end up as in the future for us as a community. in no particular offense, but what are the chances one wins at random, at the same time handpicked as a winner by a gm? not saying [they] didn't deserve it, like many others [they] probably did. but it's getting tiring to hear all the stories about it, and tbh locks further innovative steps we can take for this program in our creative contraptions
like seriously? i thought having this comeback and looking like it's more rewarding than before? what good will the gm's drawing lots for a random shot at winning do for our hopeful artists here. i say the former was better if we wanted them to feel good about themselves
to artists, if you think it's more interesting that your names be drawn lots, whatever the given output was (and yes there's still respect to having art in the eyes of an individual) i'd say it does not give any difference at all from whatever we deviated from (if you guys wanted to compliment each other all day, participation prizes would have been better). the gm's will still not judge your art for how you drew it and you all know that. although i'll give the gm's a +1 for not hurting your feelings and all, but tbh be real. do you want to make art knowing you'll only get something by chance or do you want it for the very reason that your entry deserved to actually have won, or maybe just do your best and get a prize for it. simple answer really if it was me
i don't exactly make art of my own, nor do i care, but being as all this is a fuss? lol
i think having random prizes for participants is worse than the old participation prizes. it gets out to wild conclusions and possible divisions within the community, also does not tackle our main goal of constantly upgrading the quality of passed art. i say go back to participation prizes, and that's the easier way to not hurt our artists' feelings because who here can actually walk up to people and say their art is ugly?



Edited by VModCoconut, 07 July 2018 - 03:18 PM.
fixed quote to match edits

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#33 Scuba


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 04:33 AM

I like the contests but it is pretty discouraging to people who put in a ton of time working on art. I am happy to have a loading screen in game at least. But handing out prizes to so few people (and people who tend to randomly win a lot) is really not rewarding.


Commissioned art should not count.


People who commission contribute nothing creatively that justifies their eligibility for a prize in a community based creative contest. It may generate some good art, but its disingenuous. Its like paying someone to do your homework. Its cheating.

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#34 Sataground


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 05:58 AM

I like the contests but it is pretty discouraging to people who put in a ton of time working on art. I am happy to have a loading screen in game at least. But handing out prizes to so few people (and people who tend to randomly win a lot) is really not rewarding.


Commissioned art should not count.


People who commission contribute nothing creatively that justifies their eligibility for a prize in a community based creative contest. It may generate some good art, but its disingenuous. Its like paying someone to do your homework. Its cheating.


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#35 Toxn


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 09:36 AM

Here at ElectronicCommissioned Arts our intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for having someone else do the work for them.
Allowing commissioned artworks for anything that has rewards is a stupid idea.

Edited by Toxn, 07 July 2018 - 09:37 AM.

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#36 Diskence


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 10:23 AM

Don't have prizes for art contests then.


Why is it people can draw can win hats and people who can't draw can't win hats? [removed]



Edited by VModCoconut, 07 July 2018 - 03:19 PM.

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#37 Toxn


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 10:41 AM

Oh I don't know... maybe host other types of contests should be hosted catered to those who can't draw. If you are hosting a something for creativity, and reward those that aren't being creative at all, then that defeats the purpose of hosting anything at all.

Would you host a cooking event and reward someone for just posting a picture of a finished cake they found at a bakery? or a picture of the food they had at a restaurant? No, so why would you do the same concept for art?


Edited by VModCoconut, 07 July 2018 - 03:21 PM.

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#38 Ashuckel


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 10:47 AM

If anything, original art should get participation prizes 100%, and comissioned art be put into the raffle. Not like i care too much either way, there are only a handfull of types of contests that i'd even bother to attend to.

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#39 Diskence


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 10:48 AM

Last I checked this is a loading screen and not a contest. 


When did you see a creative contest with a commissioned work won? I've submitted 3 works to creative contests with commissioned work none of them won.  [removed]

Edited by VModCoconut, 07 July 2018 - 03:23 PM.

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#40 Scuba


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 01:47 PM

Last I checked this is a loading screen and not a contest. 
When did you see a creative contest with a commissioned work won? I've submitted 3 works to creative contests with commissioned work none of them won. [removed]

This is the only discussion about art submission for rewards so I am referring to all contests and events.
Perhaps you should explain what you did to earn a reward by submitting art you didn't create.


If anything, original art should get participation prizes 100%, and comissioned art be put into the raffle. Not like i care too much either way, there are only a handfull of types of contests that i'd even bother to attend to.

I can agree with this.I don't trust that raffles are actually random based on the rotation of people that always seem to "get lucky". I don't trust the CMs to not favor people. And I don't trust popularity contest because its not about art, its about advertising. This is the only fair way to do it.

People will still exploit it by submitting crappy 2 minute MS paint work. Since art is subjective and all that its hard to draw a line on what qualifies. Also you will probably see more people not crediting the original artist if they do commission.

But if commissioned art still exists to take the opportunity to win away from original content creators then these might as well be community headgear auctions, not contests.

Edited by VModCoconut, 07 July 2018 - 05:55 PM.

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#41 VModCoconut


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 03:27 PM

I have removed all personal drama and name mentioned that can be taken in negative ways.

Further personal attack derails are not going to be tolerated. 

Please remain respectful of each other and do not point fingers at other players/guilds/prize winners. You may discuss the current feelings regarding the prizes without naming names.

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#42 Newbi001


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 04:48 PM

May I ask, we just submit July loading screen in same thread with June?

And since GM will quality control the art to participate the content, I would hope to know the transparancy of handpick process, is it all the June loading art submitted has been join the raffles? Is it any disqualified art in June content?

Can GM CM info early if the art is disqualified,so the artist can resubmit it.
Thank you very much
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#43 VModCoconut


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 05:43 PM

May I ask, we just submit July loading screen in same thread with June?

And since GM will quality control the art to participate the content, I would hope to know the transparancy of handpick process, is it all the June loading art submitted has been join the raffles? Is it any disqualified art in June content?

Can GM CM info early if the art is disqualified,so the artist can resubmit it.
Thank you very much

I am not sure if Astra wants to make a new thread each month or just keep the current one for all entries. If you submit one over there and she decides to make a new thread a vMod will be able to move the entry to the proper location for you.

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#44 VModSoup


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 05:51 PM

Hey guys, quick refresher on this thread:


We like:


On Topic posts

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We don't like:


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Further violations will result in suspensions. Thank you!

Edited by VModSoup, 07 July 2018 - 05:56 PM.

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#45 Haroichi


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 12:57 AM

Coconut and soup

Oh god i only need squash and stringbeans then this thread will become dinner


Also, sucks for us who's hated by rng
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#46 fuyukikun


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 01:22 AM

welcome to the game with endless layers of RNG. even outside the game, RNG will still haunt you...sucks right?

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#47 Haroichi


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 01:30 AM

Since this one is monthly, rng hits much harder due to time xD
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#48 Newbi001


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Posted 24 July 2018 - 06:14 AM

'3' still not answer from my question?
:D just curious, after changing loading screen for almost 1 months, is it player enjoying the Jun loading screen art?
Since we has in game raffles (zeny sink) feedback thread, and a lot of people make opinion in that thread, why not artist to give feedback about the loading screen raffles(the new prizing system)?
For me, it's OK using raffle way to choose the winner, I just hope it can be transparent.. maybe make a handpick video? XD
Beside that, I hope to increase the prize winner from 5 to 10, to encourage more artists to join this wonderful content, to show that enthusiast of iro community artists together promote the iro .
Beside that hopefully GM can early pm or notice the disqualified art to artists, so we can enhance to join the raffle. That's all my feedback and opinions. Thank You.
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#49 VModCinnamon



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Posted 24 July 2018 - 06:34 AM

May I ask, we just submit July loading screen in same thread with June?

I had assumed this was answered already.
For now I'd say use the same thread. Unless specified, entries will be relocated to the new thread if necessary.

And since GM will quality control the art to participate the content, I would hope to know the transparancy of handpick process, is it all the June loading art submitted has been join the raffles? Is it any disqualified art in June content?

Can GM CM info early if the art is disqualified,so the artist can resubmit it.
Thank you very much

I don't believe the GM team is responsible for a loading screens thread on forums ;)


As for the disqualification, calling out an entry as "disqualified" in public may not be possible and personally speaking is not kind. In the event of a disqualified entry, the user should be contacted in private with details and of course if applicable to the subject. I hope this answers to your inquiry.

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#50 WolfTri


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Posted 24 July 2018 - 06:57 AM

Is there a profanity/decency filter for loading screens? I've seen way too many of these with highly suggestive innuendo that I don't think belongs in a 12+ game. And they've been increasing of late.

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