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Round table discussion regarding WoE & general PvP combat

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#1 Cordite


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Posted 05 October 2018 - 01:06 PM

Greetings All!
Cordite here, and we want to talk PvP with everyone. Currently, we're looking into improving WoE participation and general PvP play, so we are asking for our players general feedback regarding WoE, and what would encourage more players to actively participate? We are also looking to discus general PvP play, and how players feel about partaking in PvP. Everyone is welcome to give their input, whether it would be suggestions or grievances. We are looking to collect information that we can potentially use to improve PvP as a whole.
Some points we are looking for

  • What difficulties have our players experienced getting guildmates to participate in WoE?
  • What would make active combat more rewarding during WoE on an individual level?
  • How convenient / inconvenient is it to partake in PvP in general?
  • How difficult is it to keep your guild supplied under the current server environment?

Please note we will venture into addressing additional platforms for PvP in a later post, for now we are looking to address WoE here and general PvP combat flow. We look forward to your feedback. Thank you.

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#2 Wyndor


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Posted 05 October 2018 - 01:35 PM

1- They show up, try to find a fight 95% of the castles are completely empty until the last 10 min then you see little groups of people trying to break emps in empty castles.  They don't see a reason to login for more WOEs when the options are get mobbed by 1 guild defending the easiest castle in the game or just never see anyone until the last 10min.  This doesn't apply only to our guild members either.  People have come back see us at our guild spot and decide to do a woe with us.  They then make a comment about how woe is empty and we don't see them again.


2- I'm not sure providing rewards via active combat is the route to take.  Best case scenario you come up with something like get X kills in woe and you get Y reward.  Then you have kids going into empty castles to trade kills and completely avoiding combat anyways.  The reward should be the treasure loot as it's always been. The problem is you can get this reward now with 0 effort and 0 pvp because of how many castles are enabled.  This is why i have campaigned to decrease it to 1 agit per city.  Combine all the agits loot into that one single agit per city.  So if you capture the prontera one you get the loot for all 4 agits in your treasure room.  One econ to build/break obviously as well. This funnels the remaining players into the same area and tells the people that sneak in at the end if you want those rewards you have to battle to earn them like it's supposed to be.



3- I personally am well geared so it's fun and not a problem for me.  I can't imagine being a new or returning player though.  So many people are running around with gr/dr/mp n such and i think its safe to say alot of them are dupes.  There are even LKs running around with violet fear swords with duped samurai spectre cards in them.  Same group has a duped baphomet card as well.  Imagine being one of these new of returning players, you see people with this crazy gear.  You want to play the game and earn gear and your only option is you go into eden group to see people with chats up saying S<View, you contact them and they are demanding IRL cash or WPE for an item.  There needs to be a much firmer stance against RMT, WPE deals and dupes in general.  This chases new players off when they see these idiotic prices on everything.


4- Raffler covers most supply needs nicely.



TLDR if you wan't to fix this server, punish these RMT/WPE traders with 3 day bans to teach them a lesson and perm ban if they do it again so returning/new players don't think its hopeless and quit.  Delete the duped mvp/mini boss cards and combine castles as i suggested so people can actually fight during woe.



Something you guys don't seem to grasp or want to accept/admit is the problem isn't participation.  Even if every person online that's not a bot decided to participate in woe there isn't enough of a player base to support this amount of castles.  The only solution if you want to bring the WAR back to War of Emperium is to reduce the castles so players are in the same area more often.


I don't understand the resistance on this topic either. Enable only 1 agit per city by disabling portals into 3 castles/disabling the flags to prevent people from flagging in. Make a script that forces the 3 disabled agits econ to match the single enabled ones econ.  Then change the spawn points of the other 3 agits treasure into the treasure room of the only enabled agit.  This isn't exactly difficult to deploy either.

Edited by Wyndor, 05 October 2018 - 01:58 PM.

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#3 Cordite


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Posted 05 October 2018 - 02:23 PM

Thank you for the input, it is greatly appreciated, as issues such as these are what we wish to discuss as we would like to promote a more active environment.


We will be looking into as much input as our players can provide so that we may see this from as many angles as we can so we can formulate an appropriate plan. Everyone should feel free to add their thoughts and suggestions into the mix as well, we want to paint as big of a picture as possible so we can address these issues.


Also, regarding RMT participants, we definitely do punish parties involved in such actions as it damages the player community as much as it does the integrity of the platform. 

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#4 Panteperu


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Posted 05 October 2018 - 02:33 PM

1.  For me the main issue is the WoE time, i am pretty sure some of my friends would be more willing to participate in woe if we get a more convenient woe time.

Lets say , any time around 5pm-9pm  server time, friday, saturday or even sunday.


2. I think that more combats would happen more if we get to balance the guild's strenght, and the best way to encourage that is to promote more people doing WoE.


3. Make it a global announcement in the server every 2-3 hours with special prizes or "happy hour" with x2 rewards. If you are talking about Battlegrounds.


4. I dont have a guild, but i am pretty sure its not an issue as long as raffle stays in game. 

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#5 Wyndor


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Posted 05 October 2018 - 02:56 PM

1.  For me the main issue is the WoE time, i am pretty sure some of my friends would be more willing to participate in woe if we get a more convenient woe time.

Lets say , any time around 5pm-9pm  server time, friday, saturday or even sunday.


2. I think that more combats would happen more if we get to balance the guild's strenght, and the best way to encourage that is to promote more people doing WoE.


3. Make it a global announcement in the server every 2-3 hours with special prizes or "happy hour" with x2 rewards. If you are talking about Battlegrounds.


4. I dont have a guild, but i am pretty sure its not an issue as long as raffle stays in game. 

1. What time is that for you that you suggest such times?  I know im certainly not around on the weekends at 9pm to sit n woe and half the people that woe with us are sleeping at that point.  So changing the time at this point for alienate people that actually currently woe and MAYBE trade them for people that clearly don't care enough to get on as it is.


2. Promoting more people doing woe is good BUT as i said and this is something you don't seem to grasp either is IF you got every single person on this server to woe it would not be enough to support this many agits.  If you cut it in half and then got everyone to woe sure it may be fine.  This small of a population literally cannot support so many castles.  Look in even woe2 and that's a much lower agit count.  Entire barricades are broken by a few assassins attacking it because no one is ever there to defend lol.  You need to absorb this and accept the actual facts before any solution will occur.


3. Battlegrounds need to be addressed in the same fashion.  Currently in WOE you are lucky to have 30 people participating and i'm sure battlegrounds will be implemented 10v10 as if there will ever be enough queing to support this.  Battlegrounds NEED to be much smaller teams.  I am talking 3v3, 4v4, 5v5(id be shocked if 5v5 worked either) or w/e BUT if you put it in 10v10 there will never be any BGs occuring.  As for the rewards, you already said no KVM weapons/armor so what exactly is the incentive going to be?  More costumes or headgear that really don't serve a purpose?  Slotted mid seems to be not on the table until the server is completely dead so what would you guys even offer as a reward for this?  Recycled costumes n subpar stat mid slot isn't going to cut it.

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Posted 05 October 2018 - 03:19 PM

1- They show up, try to find a fight 95% of the castles are completely empty until the last 10 min then you see little groups of people trying to break emps in empty castles.  They don't see a reason to login for more WOEs when the options are get mobbed by 1 guild defending the easiest castle in the game or just never see anyone until the last 10min.  This doesn't apply only to our guild members either.  People have come back see us at our guild spot and decide to do a woe with us.  They then make a comment about how woe is empty and we don't see them again.


2- I'm not sure providing rewards via active combat is the route to take.  Best case scenario you come up with something like get X kills in woe and you get Y reward.  Then you have kids going into empty castles to trade kills and completely avoiding combat anyways.  The reward should be the treasure loot as it's always been. The problem is you can get this reward now with 0 effort and 0 pvp because of how many castles are enabled.  This is why i have campaigned to decrease it to 1 agit per city.  Combine all the agits loot into that one single agit per city.  So if you capture the prontera one you get the loot for all 4 agits in your treasure room.  One econ to build/break obviously as well. This funnels the remaining players into the same area and tells the people that sneak in at the end if you want those rewards you have to battle to earn them like it's supposed to be.



3- I personally am well geared so it's fun and not a problem for me.  I can't imagine being a new or returning player though.  So many people are running around with gr/dr/mp n such and i think its safe to say alot of them are dupes.  There are even LKs running around with violet fear swords with duped samurai spectre cards in them.  Same group has a duped baphomet card as well.  Imagine being one of these new of returning players, you see people with this crazy gear.  You want to play the game and earn gear and your only option is you go into eden group to see people with chats up saying S<View, you contact them and they are demanding IRL cash or WPE for an item.  There needs to be a much firmer stance against RMT, WPE deals and dupes in general.  This chases new players off when they see these idiotic prices on everything.


4- Raffler covers most supply needs nicely.



TLDR if you wan't to fix this server, punish these RMT/WPE traders with 3 day bans to teach them a lesson and perm ban if they do it again so returning/new players don't think its hopeless and quit.  Delete the duped mvp/mini boss cards and combine castles as i suggested so people can actually fight during woe.



Something you guys don't seem to grasp or want to accept/admit is the problem isn't participation.  Even if every person online that's not a bot decided to participate in woe there isn't enough of a player base to support this amount of castles.  The only solution if you want to bring the WAR back to War of Emperium is to reduce the castles so players are in the same area more often.


I don't understand the resistance on this topic either. Enable only 1 agit per city by disabling portals into 3 castles/disabling the flags to prevent people from flagging in. Make a script that forces the 3 disabled agits econ to match the single enabled ones econ.  Then change the spawn points of the other 3 agits treasure into the treasure room of the only enabled agit.  This isn't exactly difficult to deploy either.


i agree with this one

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#7 Wyndor


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Posted 05 October 2018 - 06:49 PM

If you want people in battlegrounds you need to add the proper battlegrounds gear, its that simple.  Refusing to add slotted middle or kvm gear is a bad mistake.

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#8 ph34r


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Posted 05 October 2018 - 09:20 PM

Well, here's my view. Not that anybody cares, but still  :heh:


Problems being faced

- Very less attendance for woe. Damn this server is dead. The only people playing are the one's who just have a lot of stuff and moving to another server will not be an option.

- Woe1 and Woe2 too close and Woe1 on a Saturday :questionmark:  :hmm:  Come On! We have a life too! Saturday Nights are supposed to be spent at clubs! :ok:  I'm from India and so Woe1 takes place on Sat at 10pm here. So i miss it the most of the time.

- No idea or plan for WOE amongst any guild! Because there are so many agits, the only plan there is, is to get as many as possible when the WOE Ends! Lol is that what WoE stands for?!?


What i think can solve this issue. I would have done this if i had owned this server. I wish i did!  :blahblah:  

- Reduce Number of Agits to 1 in each city. So if you are not understanding this, it means that prontera will have only 1 agit. Geffen will have only 1, Alde will have only 1 and so on. Which one will it be can be decided by you guys, please don't take a vote for it. Godly Item Drops can be clubbed into this 1 castle.

- Woe1 takes place on Sunday, and Woe2 on Thursday or Wednesday just before maintenance would be great.

- Some kind of reward other than treasure boxes for each guild member whose guild conquered an agit, or defended it consequently in woe.


Hope to enjoy this server as much when it started last year!



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#9 Wyndor


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Posted 06 October 2018 - 12:55 AM

Thank you for the input, it is greatly appreciated, as issues such as these are what we wish to discuss as we would like to promote a more active environment.

We will be looking into as much input as our players can provide so that we may see this from as many angles as we can so we can formulate an appropriate plan. Everyone should feel free to add their thoughts and suggestions into the mix as well, we want to paint as big of a picture as possible so we can address these issues.

Also, regarding RMT participants, we definitely do punish parties involved in such actions as it damages the player community as much as it does the integrity of the platform.

If rmt is punished why is eden group constantly polluted with people having chats up literally saying "s<view wpe only"? If this was enforced at all I don't think people would be so bold n open about it. I get it you guys make money off these idiots paying in wpe but you need to decide. Milk a few idiots n kill the server or deal with these clowns n promote an environment new people can enjoy and make the server grow.

Make a side account and message any of these people in eden with chats up selling their stuff. Will take all of 30 seconds and you will clearly see that rmt is all these kids do.
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#10 ph34r


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Posted 07 October 2018 - 08:31 PM

If rmt is punished why is eden group constantly polluted with people having chats up literally saying "s<view wpe only"? If this was enforced at all I don't think people would be so bold n open about it. I get it you guys make money off these idiots paying in wpe but you need to decide. Milk a few idiots n kill the server or deal with these clowns n promote an environment new people can enjoy and make the server grow.

Make a side account and message any of these people in eden with chats up selling their stuff. Will take all of 30 seconds and you will clearly see that rmt is all these kids do.


I thought this topic was regarding WoE and PvP... i don't know what RMT means, but seems like it means something like giving WPE to obtain some item or get your char leeched ingame. As long as its WPE, i don't think there should be any issue, but that's not what this topic is about. Focus Wyndor.. don't let them divert the topic :D

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#11 Wyndor


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Posted 08 October 2018 - 12:46 AM

I thought this topic was regarding WoE and PvP... i don't know what RMT means, but seems like it means something like giving WPE to obtain some item or get your char leeched ingame. As long as its WPE, i don't think there should be any issue, but that's not what this topic is about. Focus Wyndor.. don't let them divert the topic :D

They asked how convenient it is to pvp. The way you obtain the gear required to compete is 100% part of it. If you want a gr/Dr or whatever to be on a level playing field you end up making deals with cheating weasels that are trying to sell you dupes for your hard earned irl cash. It's a easily solved problem too so why are you trying to avoid it being solved?

The fact you think it's fine that people could potentially be paying hundreds of dollars for items that might removed weeks from now in a dupe sweep makes me honestly wonder if any of you think your comments through. Do you think any returning or new player or hell any player in general is going to keep playing on this server if their shiny new mini boss or mvp card they just spent 100$ on is deleted?

This is precisely why the few idiots causing this should be banned.

Edited by Wyndor, 08 October 2018 - 01:10 AM.

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#12 VModCinnamon



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Posted 08 October 2018 - 01:00 AM

To clarify in case a confusion is present, trades involving WPE are tolerated but not encouraged. Users who wish to engage in such trades are on their own, the staff will not assist them if their codes/items are scammed in the process.

Saying that, if they demand IRL cash then that's on another level and should be reported. An interesting matter to note as well, WPE Gift Code option is literally meant to gift the points and is not intended for 1:1 trade purposes. To be honest this is another serious concern, though it is not fit for the purpose of this topic.

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#13 Wyndor


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Posted 08 October 2018 - 01:16 AM

To clarify in case a confusion is present, trades involving WPE are tolerated but not encouraged. Users who wish to engage in such trades are on their own, the staff will not assist them if their codes/items are scammed in the process.
Saying that, if they demand IRL cash then that's on another level and should be reported. An interesting matter to note as well, WPE Gift Code option is literally meant to gift the points and is not intended for 1:1 trade purposes. To be honest this is another serious concern, though it is not fit for the purpose of this topic.

So if someone buys a gr for woe so they don't instantly die to a gfist,acid bomb, killing strike for 100$ of wpe then it gets deleted a few weeks later because it's a dupe that's fine?

This stuff directly impacts woe/pvp and here you are policing people that point out actual problems that prevent players from enjoying the server. How about you listen n absorb things and stop looking for excuses to delete posts?
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#14 ph34r


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Posted 08 October 2018 - 02:08 AM

They asked how convenient it is to pvp. The way you obtain the gear required to compete is 100% part of it. If you want a gr/Dr or whatever to be on a level playing field you end up making deals with cheating weasels that are trying to sell you dupes for your hard earned irl cash. It's a easily solved problem too so why are you trying to avoid it being solved?

The fact you think it's fine that people could potentially be paying hundreds of dollars for items that might removed weeks from now in a dupe sweep makes me honestly wonder if any of you think your comments through. Do you think any returning or new player or hell any player in general is going to keep playing on this server if their shiny new mini boss or mvp card they just spent 100$ on is deleted?

This is precisely why the few idiots causing this should be banned.


I am fine with WPE and nor IRL deals as WPE will benefit Warpportal and they can continue hosting the servers. Also, dupes is a different topic altogether, you are confusing both. My view is supported by the Mods as well [See below]. I only support deals which help me get WPE to buy other stuff ingame. I would prefer WPE if i decide to leech another player's character or sell him an item which i have got LEGITIMATELY. Over here, WPE acts as Zeny which helps Warpportal as well, so lets just leave this topic for some other day.



To clarify in case a confusion is present, trades involving WPE are tolerated but not encouraged. Users who wish to engage in such trades are on their own, the staff will not assist them if their codes/items are scammed in the process.

Saying that, if they demand IRL cash then that's on another level and should be reported. An interesting matter to note as well, WPE Gift Code option is literally meant to gift the points and is not intended for 1:1 trade purposes. To be honest this is another serious concern, though it is not fit for the purpose of this topic.


Yes! Exactly my point. Thank you for this post.


Please tell us what you are gauging from this discussion thread and the posts made so far!!

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#15 nhocalo


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Posted 08 October 2018 - 02:33 AM

Can I weight in my opinion here?

First of all, I have to say I am a new comer to this server as this also is my first time playing ro after 10 ysars. My first impression was, this server is quite, very quite. Well, I worked through all the bots and stuff and finally get myself to a position where I can join woe! Now there's a problem, a real problem.

So I joined the woe for a full 2 hours. I was so excited. Like I said, the server is very quite so I was levelling, waiting for this time to actually see people in action and engage in some fun fight. But you know what... I found all castle are empty. It's easy as walk in and take the castle. It's really is no one is there. And no point to sit and defend a castle really. I sat and wait for almost an hour and no one has ever walk in in to take the castle from me, just me... I mean I wouldn't even be able to defend it if anyone have ever work in because I'm a new player, lv 87 wizard with no gears! But you know what, no one, not even a single player ever comes in! What's the point?

The problem of why the server is dead is as clear as why there's 24 hours per day. It's the EU ban it's the bot it's the irl cash trade, it's the dupe equips are everywhere in the server. Icant be bothered to begin. But if you ever want to save woe in this dead server, my best suggest is to reduce the number of castle down to 1 per city. That way at least it promotes me to compete, to stay competitive. Otherwise, a lv 87 wiz can just freely walk in a castle, chill and take time to punch that emp with the rod and still have the castle to himself. What's the point of woe right?

Therefore, please re-define the word woe. I see no war here. The letter w should stand for walk to be honest.

Number one priority = REDUCE THE NUMBER OF CASTLE
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#16 VModCinnamon



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Posted 08 October 2018 - 03:51 AM

So if someone buys a gr for woe so they don't instantly die to a gfist,acid bomb, killing strike for 100$ of wpe then it gets deleted a few weeks later because it's a dupe that's fine?

This stuff directly impacts woe/pvp and here you are policing people that point out actual problems that prevent players from enjoying the server. How about you listen n absorb things and stop looking for excuses to delete posts?


You do have a point, and there have been no deleted posts thus far so let's all keep it at that.


There is a difference between obtaining an item through illegal means and WPE trades. In both cases, an item obtained through said method (dupe) will be removed. Should WP decides to ban WPE trades (e.g removal of gift coupon) then that will not solve the dupe issue. The concern with item duping is legit, it is affecting all players alike in all fields (WoE/PVP/PVM). Indeed it should have the staff attention before anything I'd honestly say, yet again it's a bigger concern and is preferably suited for another topic.


Being said, Wyndor, in no means I am here to stop you from expressing your concerns, but we would like to keep that within what Cordite has shared in their first post, this is to make it easier on them to go through the postings when the time comes. If you must discuss RMT and dupe here then please make sure it goes within OP guidelines :)

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#17 Wyndor


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Posted 08 October 2018 - 06:21 AM

I get the upsides to wpe trades for the server itself. The problem is the only people abusing this are also the ones buying dupes and ripping other players off. Not to mention just how terrible it makes the server look when you join and you are supposed to pay hundreds just to have duped items to be able to remotely compete in woe.

I've had someone offer me 300$ worth of silvervine for a ring of resonance. This same kid is very widely known for buying +9 weapon box weapons, mini boss cards, duped silvervine n such from a site. This is the problem. He provides others nothing but dupes and only accepts wpe or PayPal. If I didn't know any better I could of made that deal n ended up with a bunch of duped sv while this idiot would end up with a rare mvp item. Other people don't know any better and are going to be quite angry when dupes are dealt with.

Ban these dumb kids immediately. They don't woe, they don't do anything group oriented they simply use this server to make money. Message any of the s<view people in eden, ask price n ban them on the spot for their irl money prices.

No one is gonna start here to woe when your only option is to deal with these thiefs.

Edited by Wyndor, 08 October 2018 - 06:22 AM.

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#18 ph34r


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Posted 08 October 2018 - 10:01 PM

I get the upsides to wpe trades for the server itself. The problem is the only people abusing this are also the ones buying dupes and ripping other players off. Not to mention just how terrible it makes the server look when you join and you are supposed to pay hundreds just to have duped items to be able to remotely compete in woe.

I've had someone offer me 300$ worth of silvervine for a ring of resonance. This same kid is very widely known for buying +9 weapon box weapons, mini boss cards, duped silvervine n such from a site. This is the problem. He provides others nothing but dupes and only accepts wpe or PayPal. If I didn't know any better I could of made that deal n ended up with a bunch of duped sv while this idiot would end up with a rare mvp item. Other people don't know any better and are going to be quite angry when dupes are dealt with.

Ban these dumb kids immediately. They don't woe, they don't do anything group oriented they simply use this server to make money. Message any of the s<view people in eden, ask price n ban them on the spot for their irl money prices.

No one is gonna start here to woe when your only option is to deal with these thiefs.


Duped items are being sold for WPE, but what if they were sold for Zeny? Would you blame Zeny for it? So lets not get angry on WPE coz as i said it is just another form of Currency which is official.


Back to the main topic. So, nhocalo has also supported my suggestion to have only 1 castle per city. So can we have a conclusion to this topic now please!

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#19 Wyndor


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Posted 08 October 2018 - 11:09 PM

Duped items are being sold for WPE, but what if they were sold for Zeny? Would you blame Zeny for it? So lets not get angry on WPE coz as i said it is just another form of Currency which is official.

Back to the main topic. So, nhocalo has also supported my suggestion to have only 1 castle per city. So can we have a conclusion to this topic now please!

Your suggestion lol? I don't think you can read. As for the dupers I want them banned for obvious reasons. If you can't see the difference between an in game trade and wpe/irl trades I guess I will spell it out.

In game = it's logged and gms could help you if your item you bought was a dupe and you didn't know.

Wpe/cash = not supported by gms for obvious reasons and you are just screwed.

Its sad I have to point out why it's such a big deal.
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#20 Cordite


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Posted 09 October 2018 - 08:27 AM

Going back to the PvP discussion, we have heard your voices regarding the scheduled, and there have been some suggestions for battlegrounds. All of this will be noted down, as this is an open round table discussion. While some issues may be a nuisance (regarding the flooding of eden with vendors), the discussion topic at this time is regarding actual PvP and so forth we will not be addressing that here.


We will continue this discussion further, as mentioned earlier, we wish to look at this from as many angles as we can. Since battlegrounds came up a few times regarding rewards and even a happy hour suggestions, what else would our players like to see from battlegrounds? The more data we can look at, the better we can address the issues. Though please understand, we may not be able to implement everything, we would at least like to discuss all that we can together.

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#21 Patsu88


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Posted 09 October 2018 - 04:59 PM

i can't comprehen how you don't understand why RMT, WPE trade (which in short is a legal RMT when it's not duped) screw PVP/WoE. if you want to discuss about getting WoE/PVP better, you have to address the dupe and RMT. How fair is for someone that wants to play the game fairly takes months to get equipment suited for PVP/WoE but a kid pays 500 bucks and gets fully equipped and 99/70 in a week? That's what drives most people from PVP/WoE as only the minority can pay that

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#22 Wyndor


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Posted 09 October 2018 - 09:01 PM

Going back to the PvP discussion, we have heard your voices regarding the scheduled, and there have been some suggestions for battlegrounds. All of this will be noted down, as this is an open round table discussion. While some issues may be a nuisance (regarding the flooding of eden with vendors), the discussion topic at this time is regarding actual PvP and so forth we will not be addressing that here.

We will continue this discussion further, as mentioned earlier, we wish to look at this from as many angles as we can. Since battlegrounds came up a few times regarding rewards and even a happy hour suggestions, what else would our players like to see from battlegrounds? The more data we can look at, the better we can address the issues. Though please understand, we may not be able to implement everything, we would at least like to discuss all that we can together.

The main problem across the board with this servers events n such is the rewards n not considering the population.

What size teams do you plan to add for bgs? Cuz I can save you the time n complaints you will waste/receive by telling you that anything over 5v5 will not happen on this server.

If you are 100% serious about bgs n making them actually happen you do this:

1. Proper rewards - slotted sunglasses, kvm gear, bubble gum/manuals(actual items not a currency to trade for buff like this current event). People will want/need many sets of sunglasses for many cards. People will break the weapons attempting upgrades. This is better than here's a lower or middle headgear that's not slotted. People will do it enough to farm 1 of those and quit doing bgs. You need meaningful powerful reward that people will keep needing more n more of if you want bgs to be a long term thing.

2 Team sizes - the server can support 3v3 and maybe 5v5 at this time. I would suggest adding a 3s, 5s and 10v10 bracket. You absolutely cannot under any circumstances add only 10v10 or it will take hours for the ques to pop.

3. Change of attitude - this whole ohh no slotted sunnies and no kvm while people are selling +10 high weapon box dupes is absurd. Drop this nonsense of the server isn't rdy for blah blah. We need reasons to login and do things and guess what if people can get slotted mid from bgs they will login and the ques will be popping. Same with kvm weapons. People playing together in pvp potentially getting interested in woe > people mindlessly farming nightmares for an infiltrator. There's already a flood of high weapon box weapons that shouldn't exist so saying kvm would cause problems is honestly silly at this point.

Edited by Wyndor, 09 October 2018 - 09:18 PM.

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#23 ph34r


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Posted 10 October 2018 - 12:24 AM

Your suggestion lol? I don't think you can read. As for the dupers I want them banned for obvious reasons. If you can't see the difference between an in game trade and wpe/irl trades I guess I will spell it out.

In game = it's logged and gms could help you if your item you bought was a dupe and you didn't know.

Wpe/cash = not supported by gms for obvious reasons and you are just screwed.

Its sad I have to point out why it's such a big deal.


Agreed! But you are not understanding what i am trying to say coz you are just too adamant on your own understanding. I support WPE trades for LEGITIMATE items in the Server. Period. Please do not generalize that i support Duped item trades as well. As i said, Dupes is a totally different issue and i DO NOT Support any type of trade for Duped items, not IRL, WPE or ZENY for that matter.


Also, if i say its my suggestion why do you care so much? are you so childish? Lol.

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#24 Wyndor


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Posted 10 October 2018 - 06:19 AM

Agreed! But you are not understanding what i am trying to say coz you are just too adamant on your own understanding. I support WPE trades for LEGITIMATE items in the Server. Period. Please do not generalize that i support Duped item trades as well. As i said, Dupes is a totally different issue and i DO NOT Support any type of trade for Duped items, not IRL, WPE or ZENY for that matter.

Also, if i say its my suggestion why do you care so much? are you so childish? Lol.

I'm not the one posting an idea is mine after someone else mentioned it many times. I simply couldn't help but laugh that you felt the need to say that.

Until dupes are dealt with no out of game deals should be allowed period.
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#25 ph34r


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Posted 11 October 2018 - 12:37 AM

Chill man... i actually wanted to say "The idea" and not "My idea". Who cares whose idea it is, as long as it happens. Lol.


I'm actually amused at the fact that you pointed it out so ridiculously. Get a life bro  :heh:

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