1) What is some good wizard equipment and where may I find it?
2) What are the 3 most important stats for wizards?
3) What skills do I focus on first?
4) What items may come in handy?
Thank you for the help.
Posted 29 May 2019 - 12:06 AM
1) What is some good wizard equipment and where may I find it?
2) What are the 3 most important stats for wizards?
3) What skills do I focus on first?
4) What items may come in handy?
Thank you for the help.
Posted 29 May 2019 - 10:43 AM
1) What is some good wizard equipment and where may I find it?
2) What are the 3 most important stats for wizards?
3) What skills do I focus on first?
4) What items may come in handy?
Thank you for the help.
Hello MrAqua1,
Welcome to Ragnarok Online 2. For a lot of the questions you have posed there is no better place than our forums for tips and tricks on Ragnarok Online 2. Since so many of your questions appear to be in relation to creating a Wizard character I highly recommend checking out the Wizard section in our forums. A for a build there is this build by Sowlemia which may be helpful.
Posted 29 May 2019 - 01:50 PM
Sowlemia's build and explanations aren't quite tailored for new players so I'll just add a few tips of my own as well:
First 50 levels, just use whatever you pick up. They have minimal impact, so little in fact that you'll be fine using the Level 25 stuff you get from job changing to Wizard until you are level 50. Once you reach Master Level 1, you should get a Desert Scorpion Rod from a quest. You can also farm/buy a few more from Dayr Desert/Auction House so you can slot in appropriate elements for whatever you're grinding. Always prioritize your weapon over other armor when leveling up If you're a slow and steady player and want to enjoy the game without grinding to the end, you can farm ingredients to upgrade it to a Menace Rod and for ML11, the Joser Rods. If you just want to rush to endgame, I suppose you can skip this and just continue on with a Desert Storm Rod at ML11, which is still fine for soloing though a bit weak and might annoy your parties. From that point on, equipment sets are fairly standardized (only 1-2 options for every 5 level range) so just get level appropriate gear. Feel free to just ask in chat politely what the name of the upcoming set for your level range is.
Luckily RO2 is very forgiving with their stat builds, you can make mistakes and they won't have any impact whatsoever. Ideally as a beginner you want any of the following:
Important to note that when you are starting out, it is not recommended that you max out your skills right away. You will run out of SP really quickly but if you already did, don't worry about it and just grab a few points of WIS as I said above. Wizards are a one-trick pony that focuses on the Fire tree. Fireball is your only claim to fame. Now, you can copy Sowlemnia's build if you want but be aware his build is more of a PVP hybrid. Ideally you would move the points away from the lightning tree into Meteor Storm instead while you're leveling up. In the end, as long as you get Fireball, you can't go wrong with any other choices, it is all personal preference. Personally I enjoy Pyromaniac when leveling up during Master Level stages.
Off the top of my head
Best of luck!
Edited by Arbalist, 29 May 2019 - 05:42 PM.
Posted 01 June 2019 - 12:48 PM
like many people here u will probably ending having multiple characters. i started as a wizard and have lots of problems like the lack of SP or that they are kinda weak, so dont be afraid of using others chars to help to build your wizard later. also ask help in the chat to do dungeons and stuff
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