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EAC (EasyAntiCheat) Errors & Troubleshooting Station

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#201 Richi


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Posted 19 July 2021 - 12:23 PM

I have problem #5 but none of the dropbox links work.

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#202 e63v4


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 10:00 AM

Its been a year since i've gotten a reply from EAC after they took my BSOD .dmp files.

Wondering if anyone here can suggest a solution for the BSOD error of SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED?

Playing another game & RO server with EAC works perfectly fine.

I've tried fixing permissions, using another local account, reinstall both client & EAC itself, changing install directory, disabled Hyper-V, no RGB/VM software, added AV exception, ran the DSM commands, pretty much anything related to EAC BSOD solutions accross the web was tried.

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#203 ClapikaKuruta1


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Posted 03 November 2021 - 05:30 AM

Its been a year since i've gotten a reply from EAC after they took my BSOD .dmp files.

Wondering if anyone here can suggest a solution for the BSOD error of SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED?

Playing another game & RO server with EAC works perfectly fine.

I've tried fixing permissions, using another local account, reinstall both client & EAC itself, changing install directory, disabled Hyper-V, no RGB/VM software, added AV exception, ran the DSM commands, pretty much anything related to EAC BSOD solutions accross the web was tried.



Try check if yours Hyper-V really disable .



If still enable use try using bcdedit at very bottom :-




And restart.


Its work for me

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#204 bearl


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Posted 19 November 2021 - 07:59 AM

btw does anyone has anyway to deal with: CTjHxue.png

it gets really annoying when you have your vending setup and this happens

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#205 6335171228161453987


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Posted 18 February 2022 - 09:40 PM

I can't run any virtualization software on my computer? I have to disable it fully?

I work in IT, so the use of VMs is ridiculously common in my job and studies.


Do you expect people to drop something they need for a chance to play your game? Ridiculous.


I had to do three things to get this game to run.


1) Unblock it everywhere in my Antivirus.

- I would get a BSOD if I didn't do this.


2) Change the compatibility settings "for all users"

- The game client would entirely lock up after being open for about 10 seconds if I didn't do this.



3) Disable the Windows 10 feature Hyper-V, which every other game I own is able to run alongside.

- BSODs occurred with Hyper-V enabled.



How I solved SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED EasyAntiCheat.sys Green/Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) without having to create an additional local account:


The error:



The fix: Disabling Hyper-V won't be enough if you machine also have the Virtual Machine Platform option available and it's on.

Disable both, restart and DONE!



Both these posts helped me solve my BSODs. Thanks!


I think a main point I may have been missing was to add both the Ragnarok *and* EAC clients to antivirus whitelists. This may not be related since I did not confirm all permutations of the fixes I tried. I think it's likely just caused by the Windows features ViniTheDev mentioned:

- Virtual Machine Platform

- Hyper-V


For what it's worth I don't think EAC is the issue since it seems to work fine with other games that use it (I only got BSOD with RO). Maybe it's the way RO interfaces with EAC that causes the issue on modern versions of Windows.


Also just for the record, the BSOD I got had similar error codes to the one posted by ViniTheDev.

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