It's been almost 5 years now but still you haven't gave Ranger any good update. All the suggestion was put on this trend but nothing happen. All players have higher HP and defense now. Other class can just dash in and dash out with lower cool down on their skills. Having longer range wont matters but If we have Ranger Extension without lowering attack speed would help Rangers.
I'm just thinking of these 2 Skills to improve Rangers.
Uppercut Skill
Current Uppercut Skill = 3 secs stun duration with 40 secs cool down.
I'm thinking making it 5 sec stun with 40 secs cool down or 3 secs stun duration with 15-20 secs cool down.
Range Extension Skill
Remove penalty on attack speed or replace the current DNA with + on attack speed. The current DNA for Range Extension is useless.
Edited by kenkayo, 05 April 2020 - 04:03 AM.