Helium is your last day left, if you deceived me, I will send you to hell where everyone will laugh at you, and the place where you live and your people will be burned.
Sounds like a Circus on fire.
Edited by xkaymanx, 29 June 2022 - 07:31 PM.
Posted 29 June 2022 - 07:29 PM
Helium is your last day left, if you deceived me, I will send you to hell where everyone will laugh at you, and the place where you live and your people will be burned.
Sounds like a Circus on fire.
Edited by xkaymanx, 29 June 2022 - 07:31 PM.
Posted 01 July 2022 - 12:34 AM
Posted 01 July 2022 - 06:55 AM
So what, devs? It is July already
We will return in June.
Posted 01 July 2022 - 03:36 PM
So what, devs? It is July already
We will return in June.
Posted 02 July 2022 - 03:36 AM
Edited by shakavi, 02 July 2022 - 03:37 AM.
Posted 02 July 2022 - 05:29 PM
They ghosted the players. After a decade or two of milking you for cash shop items, they made a plan, they set a date, the date rolled around, they're A.W.O.L. and they ghosted you. Those are the facts.
Some things that spring to mind:
Of the stickied threads in Community Chat, which should be the most active section, the 2nd most recently bumped thread was bumped in December 2018.
The conclusion should be obvious from this: This game essentially died years ago.
All economic transactions are arm's length transactions. The other party may go out of their way to make you feel like you matter or your feeling matter or your experience or satisfaction matter to them, but it doesn't. Them making you feel like your satisfaction matters is actually part of the illusory experience they're selling you. Companies should be loyal to their customers. Customers should be loyal to companies based on how much they appear to actually care about their customers, which typically is none whatsoever.
The only thing patience ever got anyone is older.
Posted 07 July 2022 - 02:10 PM
It's July is there any plans to bring the game back. Do we have to down load the game again has it changed name please give some information if the game is dead or are you still working on bringing it back
Posted 11 July 2022 - 01:21 PM
a guy was posted this in the game facebook : <snip>
Edited by VModIceCreamCake - Removed broken link
Edited by VModIceCreamCake, 17 July 2022 - 12:55 AM.
Posted 12 July 2022 - 07:10 AM
a guy was posted this in the game facebook : <snip>
:Very good
Edited by VModIceCreamCake - Updated quote
Edited by VModIceCreamCake, 17 July 2022 - 12:56 AM.
Posted 17 July 2022 - 06:11 PM
I want to say, dear developers, that it would be nice to launch the game in July. Because six months without your favorite game is hard. I have been playing it for over 10 years, I often think about it
Posted 18 July 2022 - 05:33 AM
Dear Ragnarok VM Cake, u del. the "broken link" (gravity patent) ok, share any working link then. Naah dont need we know , as he says Dante Alighieri “...all hope abandon ye who enter here” .
Posted 18 July 2022 - 01:59 PM
Dear Ragnarok VM Cake, u del. the "broken link" (gravity patent) ok, share any working link then. Naah dont need we know , as he says Dante Alighieri “...all hope abandon ye who enter here” .
The link was removed since we were forum receiving reports about a strange and potentially malicious url which was the link to that image.
To clarify the address was so strange since you posted a direct linked to where the image was stored on facebook's cdn. Generally it is not helpful to use those sorts of links as they are incredibly long and facebook will move the file and it breaks the link and removes the image anyway!
If you would like to post it again please feel free but I would recommend using an image hosting site (imgur.com is good for this sort of thing) instead of a facebook link which will only work temporarily.
Posted 18 July 2022 - 05:49 PM
Posted 20 July 2022 - 03:33 PM
So, I take it Gravity removed the Facebook Requiem page, which does not bode well for game's future, seeing as they added the ability to play it from Facebook a few years ago and now just silently removed it.
Also today there was a post at the Steam forum's Requiem page that included pm's between a player and a GM. Zero new information though, other than the sad, sad amount of hopefulness and misdirected disdain from the poster. Clearly, he doesn't know Gravity.
Still nothing, I think it's safe to assume the devs wont say anything until it is ready, if it is even still in the works since the time of this support ticket. Apparently we are the pests for having hope. Sadly all my hope is gone.
"Hello again,
I will forward your suggestions to our development team and hopefully they can release a update soon.
GM Mimic
WarpPortal Support Team
From: Michael
Sent: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 15:42:56 -0700
To: WarpPortal Support
Subject: RE: Hello??
It’s just sad that everyone is being kept in the dark, even the support teams that work for them. I do understand not giving away details to not spoil what’s upcoming but just a little public post saying hey guys we are still alive and development is still in progress would be huge to the community and the health of the game. Everywhere you read it’s either “hey guys are you still alive?” or people trying to push the agenda on the game is no longer coming out. Squash these little pests with a simple 5 min post assuring everyone that we will have Requiem back in our fingertips one day.
Much love for the response.
From: WarpPortal Support
Sent: June 24, 2022 4:29 PM
Subject: Hello??
As far as our support staff knows, Requiem is still planned for launch and has not been dropped. Unfortunately, our support team also do not have much updates regarding the launch as our development team generally posts updates and informs our teams around the same time. I only know that the game is still be worked on and updates will be posted as soon as they become available.
GM Mimic
WarpPortal Support Team
From: Michael
Sent: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 15:11:51 -0700
To: Requiem: Rise of the Reaver
Subject: Hello??
I been around games for a long time. I do understand that development takes a lot of time, I'm helping a friend develop his game. With COVID things can be difficult.
You guys really need to make an official post about if you are continuing the game or giving up on it. Promises were made to keep your community informed about what is going on and we haven't heard anything, you are losing community members by the minute. How can you expect the relaunch to go well when the community keeps getting taken for granted. There is no advertising going on so your purely relying on returning players and they obviously are giving up. I'm not trying to be hateful in any sense, I love this game to death. I understand people can get toxic but it's to be expected when in their eyes they are constantly getting lied to and miss lead. At this point no matter what is posted there will be people being toxic but if there is a way to turn off notifications for comments I would do so. Make your post and don't bother with the comments, if people being toxic is the reason there are no posts.
How it's going right now I'm afraid even if the game releases everyone will have moved on and forgotten about this little gem. Which will lead to the game closing for good, no one wants that.
Thank you for working to make the game as best as it can be but please don't forget about your community. "
This guy's upset at folks on forum being negative for simply asking where the game or an update on progress is, a game meant to re-release last month. Heh.
Posted 21 July 2022 - 09:07 AM
Facebook page is still there. https://www.facebook.com/playrequiem I'm thinking they don't have enough staff to do much now though.
So, I take it Gravity removed the Facebook Requiem page, which does not bode well for game's future, seeing as they added the ability to play it from Facebook a few years ago and now just silently removed it.
Also today there was a post at the Steam forum's Requiem page that included pm's between a player and a GM. Zero new information though, other than the sad, sad amount of hopefulness and misdirected disdain from the poster. Clearly, he doesn't know Gravity.
Still nothing, I think it's safe to assume the devs wont say anything until it is ready, if it is even still in the works since the time of this support ticket. Apparently we are the pests for having hope. Sadly all my hope is gone.
"Hello again,
I will forward your suggestions to our development team and hopefully they can release a update soon.
GM Mimic
WarpPortal Support Team
From: Michael
Sent: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 15:42:56 -0700
To: WarpPortal Support
Subject: RE: Hello??
It’s just sad that everyone is being kept in the dark, even the support teams that work for them. I do understand not giving away details to not spoil what’s upcoming but just a little public post saying hey guys we are still alive and development is still in progress would be huge to the community and the health of the game. Everywhere you read it’s either “hey guys are you still alive?” or people trying to push the agenda on the game is no longer coming out. Squash these little pests with a simple 5 min post assuring everyone that we will have Requiem back in our fingertips one day.
Much love for the response.
From: WarpPortal Support
Sent: June 24, 2022 4:29 PM
Subject: Hello??
As far as our support staff knows, Requiem is still planned for launch and has not been dropped. Unfortunately, our support team also do not have much updates regarding the launch as our development team generally posts updates and informs our teams around the same time. I only know that the game is still be worked on and updates will be posted as soon as they become available.
GM Mimic
WarpPortal Support Team
From: Michael
Sent: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 15:11:51 -0700
To: Requiem: Rise of the Reaver
Subject: Hello??
I been around games for a long time. I do understand that development takes a lot of time, I'm helping a friend develop his game. With COVID things can be difficult.
You guys really need to make an official post about if you are continuing the game or giving up on it. Promises were made to keep your community informed about what is going on and we haven't heard anything, you are losing community members by the minute. How can you expect the relaunch to go well when the community keeps getting taken for granted. There is no advertising going on so your purely relying on returning players and they obviously are giving up. I'm not trying to be hateful in any sense, I love this game to death. I understand people can get toxic but it's to be expected when in their eyes they are constantly getting lied to and miss lead. At this point no matter what is posted there will be people being toxic but if there is a way to turn off notifications for comments I would do so. Make your post and don't bother with the comments, if people being toxic is the reason there are no posts.
How it's going right now I'm afraid even if the game releases everyone will have moved on and forgotten about this little gem. Which will lead to the game closing for good, no one wants that.
Thank you for working to make the game as best as it can be but please don't forget about your community. "---
This guy's upset at folks on forum being negative for simply asking where the game or an update on progress is, a game meant to re-release last month. Heh.
Posted 21 July 2022 - 10:53 AM
Facebook page is still there.
https://www.facebook.com/playrequiem I'm thinking they don't have enough staff to do much now though.
So what were posts 58 through 63 about then ?
Posted 21 July 2022 - 03:54 PM
Idk but the facebook page is there (maybe glitch/hack). I still have hope, laggy hope but hope non the less.
So what were posts 58 through 63 about then ?
Posted 21 July 2022 - 04:08 PM
So what were posts 58 through 63 about then ?
I didnt save the link but it was a screenshot of a gravity moderator disclosing to someone on facebook that the game had not been cancelled but that the developers had "made no significant progress on the game but are still working on it and will post updates as soon as they have done something noteworthy"
thats paraphrased but you get the point
Posted 27 July 2022 - 06:20 AM
requiem, where are you?
Posted 27 July 2022 - 01:31 PM
Thank you very much, devs. It's very good, best, excellent!!!!
Posted 29 July 2022 - 01:57 PM
Posted 30 July 2022 - 10:54 AM
Posted 05 August 2022 - 04:04 AM
hey to all. can we have launch date or mounth to know how long need to wait becouse i wonna play again thx
Posted 05 August 2022 - 06:09 PM
Calm down everyone. This is a game, not sex.
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