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February 17th Renewal Maintenance

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#126 DarkDan


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Posted 23 February 2022 - 12:18 PM

I followed up on this. It was tested and confirmed that the cap is working as intended. For clarification, I was told this:

"It's the boss damage bonus. The bonus is ONLY versus boss and not MVP."

So I think, for me to report further on this to the team, can you please let me know which bosses you tested this on so I can provide them more information and see if they can replicate it? Thank you!

Can you verify what boss monster they tested this on so I can test it?

Not working on MVP makes the hat trash. I don’t really need to test it but I’d like to anyway. I’d bet it’s not working even on boss(not mvp) monsters.

Edited by DarkDan, 23 February 2022 - 12:20 PM.

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#127 DarkDan


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Posted 23 February 2022 - 12:31 PM

Abysmal Knight Card: Increase damage on Boss monster by 25%.

That means the card should only work on Boss monster not MVP right?

Edited by DarkDan, 23 February 2022 - 12:31 PM.

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#128 mic9010


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Posted 23 February 2022 - 12:45 PM

I followed up on this. It was tested and confirmed that the cap is working as intended. For clarification, I was told this:


"It's the boss damage bonus. The bonus is ONLY versus boss and not MVP." 


So I think, for me to report further on this to the team, can you please let me know which bosses you tested this on so I can provide them more information and see if they can replicate it? Thank you!

How can MVP not be boss? In this sense, does all equips that do more damage/bypass def and mdef etc on boss type also NOT working on MVP? Please confirm

Edited by mic9010, 23 February 2022 - 12:45 PM.

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#129 Ride My Toy

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Posted 23 February 2022 - 01:00 PM

In this logic, Founder/ Chairman/ President/ Partner are not the boss. Firm from now on should set a new position- BOSS. :o 

Edited by Ride My Toy, 23 February 2022 - 01:05 PM.

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#130 Willtcg


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Posted 23 February 2022 - 02:02 PM

I followed up on this. It was tested and confirmed that the cap is working as intended. For clarification, I was told this:


"It's the boss damage bonus. The bonus is ONLY versus boss and not MVP." 


So I think, for me to report further on this to the team, can you please let me know which bosses you tested this on so I can provide them more information and see if they can replicate it? Thank you!


MvP monsters have been referred to as Boss monsters in-game for a long time now by the official text WarpPortal has individually chosen to use to describe how some items work. The explanation they gave you makes no sense, all due respect. Cards such as Abysmal Knight Card and Alice Card work against MvP monsters and their description - which was chosen by the company and has been here for years this way - only says it affects "Boss" Monsters. So, of course, when WP chooses to describe that Jejecap JP affects Boss monsters, by the logic imposed by the own way WP describes items that affect MvPs, players will consider that it affects MvPs. If it doesn't, the description is misleading and should be fixed because people are spending money to acquire it.

As described for years and after proper testing by Irowiki, a recognized fansite (http://renewal.playr...y/fansites.aspx), all MvPs follow the "Boss Protocol" and, as such, are "Affected by all items geared towards "bosses", i.e.: Abysmal Knight Card increases damage to them by 25%    Alice Card reduces damage dealt by them by 40%" (https://irowiki.org/wiki/Boss_Protocol)

Whoever used that argument clearly doesn't know how this game has worked for years now.

Although it is not an official term, players have reported to non-MvP boss monsters as Mini-bosses to differentiate them from the MvP monsters. If the company doesn't want to use this term that has been around for years, they should have differentiated non-MvP boss monsters from MvP Boss monsters in the item description in a clear way to avoid consumers to mistakenly purchase the item.

If the item is working as intended, to avoid more players to be misguided by the description, I suggest they change it, as soon as possible, to state clearly that the item only affects non-MvP boss monsters.

If there are players with knowledge about how this item was implemented in other servers, please add details because I don't know if it affects MvPs elsewhere, so they can double-check if it was implemented properly.

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#131 Kuurus


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Posted 23 February 2022 - 02:19 PM

Also pretty sure the only difference between "MVP" and "regular boss monsters" was that MVP were free for all and that the regular ones were not.

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#132 Kuurus


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Posted 23 February 2022 - 02:28 PM

We are told Gms do not play the game. Ok cool. Whoever is on the localization team and the QA team needs to have access to some type of database where they can cross reference words/effects/skills/etc to reduce the amount of awfulness that is getting put into the game. There are too many fansites out there with this information.

You really need to put pressure on the people who make decision to come up with some type of answer. Try to find some type of "ro ambassador" you can talk with to get some information you may not know about the game itself. Require the GMs who do technical stuff to make one update suggestion to the SOPs every 2 weeks/month/something. You have too many people here willing to volunteer their time to make your life and their life easier.

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#133 Sigma1


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Posted 23 February 2022 - 03:22 PM

I followed up on this. It was tested and confirmed that the cap is working as intended. For clarification, I was told this:

"It's the boss damage bonus. The bonus is ONLY versus boss and not MVP."

So I think, for me to report further on this to the team, can you please let me know which bosses you tested this on so I can provide them more information and see if they can replicate it? Thank you!

Your answer is ridiculous. lol
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#134 Ucatolica


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Posted 23 February 2022 - 03:41 PM

Boss Protocol and MVP are the same by script. For example, Biolab5 mobs are MVPS too or Boss, the only difference when you kill that kind of monster, the mussic don't sound and the sign MVP either show up.
Abysmal Knight card works fine (+25%) Against Glast Heim second floor monster and Biolab5 monsters and MVPs like Amdarais, because the script is boss protocol and affect end damage, physical and magical, Jejecap K it suppossed to work like that, but the script don't work properly or the description is wrong (should check Jro original item).
But GM's are not forced to change it or work on game, because the point nº13 of policy user agreement allow them to keep that item as that, bugged or not working as users want it.
As we said in previous comment, bring some of those item always with problems, at so low rate, killing the economy of the server and playability will  provoke an early end for the server.

Edit: Gm's i don't know what happen with your work if IRO finally die, it's within the possibilities you get fired, and for next work the boss will ask recomendations and old boss will say "yea my boy ruined the server".

I really hope you change your mind about not listening, give no sense response, or not response at all or doing dissapoitment desitions about server, because as i see it, players will give last, last, last, last, last oportunity now

Edited by Ucatolica, 23 February 2022 - 03:49 PM.

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#135 Boyeteers


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Posted 23 February 2022 - 04:20 PM

This explains why ppls need Campitor back lmao.

Edited by Boyeteers, 23 February 2022 - 04:21 PM.

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#136 Meddler01


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Posted 23 February 2022 - 04:33 PM

I followed up on this. It was tested and confirmed that the cap is working as intended. For clarification, I was told this:


"It's the boss damage bonus. The bonus is ONLY versus boss and not MVP." 


So I think, for me to report further on this to the team, can you please let me know which bosses you tested this on so I can provide them more information and see if they can replicate it? Thank you!


Hi Good day!


we would like to clarify again the game tester's quote


""It's the boss damage bonus. The bonus is ONLY versus boss and not MVP." 


Does this mean that abysmal knight cards(+25%Damage to Boss monsters) and Alice( Boss damage reduction) does not work on MVP at all? but only boss monsters? been using this forever as intended MVP = BOSS.


Also, please check if tester is high on drugs though  :heh:  :heh:  :heh:

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